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Real Psychic Experiences

Am I Having A Mental Blip


I went to my great grandmas' house a few years back. My brother and grandma was there as well. We were there for awhile and then my grandma drove my brother and I home. In the car she asked if we knew what was wrong with great grandma. I answered. (sorry I don't know how to spell what she has.) I have never even heard of it before in my life (I know that nobody in my family told me because in the next month or so they all started telling me. My grandma said only her and my brother and I knew so far.) and suddenly I knew all about it. She looked at me hard for a second and when she returned her attention back to the road she asked how I knew. I told her I had no idea.

A few years ago I was at my great grandma's house and my grandma and mom disappeared to have a talk. I made my great grandma some tea and toast. When they returned they said that they had something for me. I asked if it was my childhood stuffed animal whom I named floppy bunny. They looked at me strangely and asked how I knew. I replied how I had no idea. They asked if I had eavesdropped. No I told them. And it was true.

A few months ago I was at my best friend tesy's house. (that's her nickname, her name is actually Teresa and yes that's how she spells it) and it started to rain. I had a strange yearning to go out in the rain just to feel it on my skin. It was as if it were beckoning me. Later that day I couldn't help it I ran outside and felt the rain pouring in a thick stream out of a drain pipe nearby. And a few weeks ago I was walking home and I just had to feel the grass. Not too long ago I came back from camping. There was a river there so my bestie, tesy, and I went down to the river and walked in it. It felt like ice but I couldn't help returning to it time after time again all through the trip. I kept on asking my mom and her boyfriend to come swimming in it with us. When they agreed I couldn't help diving into the river current or not. And last summer I dived off the boat into the lake because I had to.

I can also sense things like how people feel, in the dark I can see faded colors. Often my dreams come true (the non-crazy ones). After each experience I wondered if I was having a mental blip. If anyone has some information that explains to me that it's not mental that'd be great. If not it'd be great if you had a doctors number I could use. Thanks.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, gacto, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

gacto (3 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
ive been looking and looking and no one I have seen can help me. I have seen quite a few. They look at me weird as well. Thx guys I appreciate the help
gacto (3 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-24)
thx guys you've been a big help! I think i'll go look for one of those spiritual/psychic groups/churches! I think it'll be fun! If I find one i'll let you guys know! Thx again for helping me! 😁
IslVoter (257 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)

I know it's not popular, but you read. You investigate on the web, you see what resonates with you and try it out, you become more and more aware of what is going on in your own mind and awareness--not dismissing any of it, and you ask questions of others.

There are spiritual churches, groups of psychics, classes. There are more sources of information each day.

So start reading! You will know what you want to do.

gacto (3 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-22)
thx guys your great help. Amazing answers by the way. I just have another question. (sorry) how do I learn? 😕
IslVoter (257 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-22)

To answer your question, it just depends on your abilities at the time as to whether you sense others with abilities.

In general, though, I think people are focusing way too much on the "inherited" abilities. Yes, there may be a tendency for families who already have abilities to have them again, but it doesn't mean that people who don't have them can't exhibit them too.

It's like regular genetic inheritance: I personally think science is wrong about it in that it doesn't doom us (or bless us). Each thing you are is a choice by you. You can choose to accept the "inheritance" or not.

And I'll bet if you polled all the people who post here about psychic experiences, it would be 50/50 as to who had some already in their family.

I do think our own Ancestors can and do come back to help us with this, but it may have been so far back that you don't realize it is your relative.

If you, Gacto, want to know about your family having these abilities, you might just ask. But your abilities will be uniquely your own anyway, and will reflect what each of us has to learn/wants to learn --in this life. It's up to each of us as to how we gt the learning.

Sorry--just a personal bugaboo for me.

Isle - Lora
delta903 (2 stories) (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-22)
well I thought is was family related which I'm still not sure of but I do know that some people have strong connections to certain elements in nature that they can flow and sense the energy in these elements (which isn't physical its more spiritual) and from what I know from personal experience is when you allow your brain to remove its consciousness and let your mind intake information freely without any constant thoughts, you see events. Think of it this way, imagine life as a big ocean, the water is the energy and we have the ability to see the ripples in the water that cause events like a cyclone, a hurricane, a splash on a beach, a monsune, a river flow, a dam break, a severe thunder storm with poring rain, stuff like that. Only instead of those, we see energy and channel into it to foresee the future
gacto (3 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-22)
thx um where 2 start well delta I would like 2 know who in my family I got this from if anyone. And how 2 understand and use this gift and what it is. If you could help me answer these things that'd be great. Lora (islvoter) it makes me feel stronger in the water and more relaxed in the grass. More at peace. When I'm upset and I get into natural water like a river I feel more comforted and in a meditative state almost. Do you know if um... People with... Abilities can sence one another? Do you know how I can find out if someone else in my family has it? If you could answer these questions that'd be great! Thanks guys for the help! 😁
IslVoter (257 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-21)

Well for sure it sounds like you either have precognitive abilities or are psychic or telepathic in getting information from others about a situation. Many people share this kind of ability. You should be able to find some described on this site.

The other part--the calling to you by nature, especially water--is a little more of a mystery to me. Except that you have some connection or communication with nature, with the elements.

When you feel called into the water or grass, do you feel better, stronger afterward? Does it feel like they give you added energy? It may be a kind of communication with nature that allows you to refresh and recharge yourself. This will be an interesting avenue for you to watch as time goes on.

Don't try to fight the urges you get, but do pay attention to what you "get" out of the experience. I'd be interested to know if it is a two-way conversation you are having at some level --with nature.

Very cool! 😁

Isle - Lora
delta903 (2 stories) (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-21)
your not crazy, its hard to explain but I myself have been searching for answers through meditation, books, online sources, and dreams, look for the signs because there all around us, you just have to know what to look for and you should be ok =) its all apart of the bigger picture but what questions would you specifically want answered? I might be able to help depending
gacto (3 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-21)
guys please I really need your help I'm starting 2 think I'm crazy

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