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Unsure If It's Mental Health Issues Or Spiritual Awakening


Don't know if I am going mad or becoming more enlightened.I'm a mum to a beautiful 8 year old boy who is on the autistic spectrum, I'm a wife and a support worker for adults with learning disabilities and recently I've moved projects and now support adults with learning disabilities and mental health issues.

I've always had a very strong intuition when something bad is going to happen, as the years have went by I've been able to pin point very clearly what I think it will be and it's turned out to be correct. My gran passed with dementia last year and the family is divided (long story short two aunts are at war with another and it's caused a huge rift). Well I was in bed with my husband the night after my grans funeral and my bedroom door sounded as if it were being hammered down by the police! Three huge bangs that shook the house. Opened the door to nothing there. I'm nearly 26 and I called my dad in fear whilst hiding under a duvet lol.

The family figure because I am the one who is into ghosts etc that my gran has came to me to show her anger at the state of affairs. A year on and I've began hearing a ringing noise in my ears, got it checked and doc says they're fine but out the blue I'll hear it. My sisters friend asked that I do an angel card reading for her and I did and whatever I said (I can't really remember what I said at the time) must have rung true because she was crying and shocked at how accurate I'd been. I've since done this a few times and it's always resulted in tears because of how personal and accurate I've been. I've recently been suffering from severe mood swings to the point that after a night out where I unexpectedly done a reading I came home and smashed the house up. This is not like me. Police were even called out. Am I going mad? Feel so overwhelmed at times,I'm better now but I'm terrified of it happening again. I spoke to my mum and she told me she thinks I have a gift but I've to learn how to block it in a way that it won't interfere or drain me. I'm unsure what to do. I can pick up peoples emotions without them saying so (my husband brought his friend home for a drink one night and to meet the friend u'd be reminded of a very bubbly gay man, within an hour I had the urge to ask him if he was ok and had he tried to kill himself recently and he burst into tears and said yes two weeks ago due to losing his best friend from his home country. I'd never met him before and my husband had never mentioned anything other than his name to me.) I don't know if its just stress overload, madness, or a gift as my mum says. I'm terrified because my uncle and gran had schizophrenia albeit my uncle developed it through heroin use, but there's still a higher risk I could develop it due to genetics. And if it is a gift then how do I control it as I fear if another outburst of rage etc happens again I could lose so much in my life.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Olive, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

CapricornLight (1 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-05)
Hi. I am also the mother of an autistic child. I know exactly what you are going through. I think that having a special needs child makes you really hone in to your intuitive abilities. This can be draining. I have to ground myself often in order to stay sane. I also have a hard time going places or being around a lot of people because it's overwhelming.
Olive (1 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-08)
Thankyou I'll look into that and let you know how I get on, advice is much appreciated ❤
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-08)
And yes thoughts that arn't your own are spirits, angels and other beings in the nonphysical. It can be quite overwhelming at first until your able to control it better.
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-08)
Heart chakra meditation is a great way to safely open your abilities up. Breathing into you heart chakra can open up clairvoyance to. But if your family is not comfortable with talking about this and doesn't understand probably best to not tell them and practise and share with people you trust to understand and support you or share on a psychic forum like this. Mabye go to a metaphysical shop because people there would understand what its like to be psychic. Also heart chakra meditation will open many possible psychic abilities if you have more than one. It can also can heal hurt you've been caused by others and make you feel relaxed and happy. But it is a very amazing way to safely control how your abilities as they grow. It takes a lot of patience though and concentration, because when meditating on this chakra it can sort of feel uncomfortable until all the blocks are cleared out. Hope this helps:)
Olive (1 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-08)
Thankyou very much for replying to me, I was frightened to post incase I got ridiculed or abuse lol. How do I develop this clairaudience safely? My husband never ever believed in anything paranormal or spiritual until he heard our bedroom door being rattled. Could this be anything to do with the feeling not ''normal''. I feel okay just now but I sometimes feel thoughts that aren't my own or just so drained then I'm left feeling like I'm having my loved ones walk on egg shells around me, I really don't want anyone to have to feel that way around me
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-08)
Sorry I forgot to add this. Also now I don't hear ringing sounds as often. Usually I hear my guardian angels speaking to me along with many other presences. It's really cool because sometimes they will tell me things that were about to happen on my life. Only to find these things happen shortly after. Like they told me my mom was going to call to ask if I wanted to go to the movies with her and dad. I found it doubtful. But a moment later she did and she asked exactly that. It was so amazing! Clairaudience was quite scary when the ability with a me started forming. But now it's just normal.
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-08)
Ringing sounds in ears are usually angels trying to communicate something to you. It's a sign of clairaudience awakening. I remember on my birthday on the exact time I was born. This happened last autumn. I awoke at twelve in the morning to a huge blasting ringing sound. My guardian angels were screaming happy birthday to me.
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-08)
Yes! Your psychic:) the beings in the nonphysical can make lots of noise. I'm clairaudient and clairvoyant. So I can hear my guardian angels and family members that have passed on and many other presences. I have seen my guardian angels several times and they visit my dreams. I've seen an arm wrapped around me while this male presence was cuddling me many times. Which is usually my soulmate thomas in spirit. It sounds like one of you gifts is clairaudience and maybe more. Before I became fully clairaudient at all I felt like I was going crazy. I would hear doors banging and I admit I did the same as you a couple times. A spirit had knocked on my door and I opened it to find no one there. You sound like you have several psychic gifts. It does sound like your awakening and I do not think you are going crazy at all. If you've sensed stuff about others and people have found this to be accurate. That's a psychic ability. Your coming into something very special. I think that's why your curious because your higher self knew this to be true. Just because several members of your family have schizophrenia doesn't mean you have it too. Everyone walks a different path than one another. That beautiful experience you shared on this forum does not sound like anythings going on with your mind. What do you believe is going on. Try looking within. You know yourself more than anyone here on earth does. But if you want my opinion then yes you do totally sound psychic.

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