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Conversations With Jfk - A Channeled Work


President John Fitzgerald Kennedy - Channeling Session-

Sept. 2013

G - Hello Mr. Kennedy. We wish to interview you today. How should we address you?

K - Please call me John.

G- Many people are getting ready to celebrate the 50th anniversary of your passing, and there is a lot of emotion involved and there will be many ceremonies taking place in the weeks ahead. You had a special place in the history of this country and especially for the generation that came of age while you were President. In fact, every individual remembers where they were at the moment when you were shot. You have a special place in their hearts, and probably also in the soul of this country. There will be much discussion on your legacy in the months ahead, and I am wondering if there is anything you might wish to say to the citizens of the United States on the occasion of this milestone?

K- There are many things I could say, but I will let you frame the questions, and I will let you ask me some focused questions.

Politics and Programs

G- First of all, do you have any thoughts or stories that come to mind as we approach the 50th anniversary?

K- I tried to achieve certain goals while I was in office, and I could go on about those things. Well, some of my efforts were idealistic and overly ambitious, but one of the first things that I tried to do was to end the printing of currency by the Federal Reserve which is then loaned to the US government at an interest rate. Instead, I desired to have the Treasury Dept. Print our currency, and tried to effectively end the functioning of the Federal Reserve cartel in the US. (this theme to be picked up later)

G- Well, obviously that did not happen, and there are still people who have the same goal. And also there was the great civil rights era, and we just had the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. Do you have any thoughts on that chapter in your Presidency?

K- I was working on the New Frontier and some other things, and unfortunately I did not have the chance to finish them, and would assume that my vice President at the time, Mr. Lyndon Johnson took what I had, changed the names of the programs, and made them his own, and expanded on those and hopefully put them into effect. But I did not live to see them become a reality.

G- I think he renamed them the Great Society, and many programs were put into effect, including civil rights legislation, and other laws and enactments. A great change did in occur in that area.

K- I (also) tried to institute a program called Medicare and Medicaid to fight the war on poverty, although I really didn't know anything about poverty myself. But I felt that I had to earn the respect of people and did that to show that I was still in touch with the public and not just following the legacy of my family who had money. I wanted people to see that I cared, and was fair.

G- I think that the great majority did have that impression that you cared. On another note, we now have a Black President. Do you have any thoughts on President Obama, his election, and what it means for this country?

K- I don't know all the things he is involved with now, but I hope he has good advisors around him. A President needs good advisors' to help him set his priorities and to tell him what needs to be addressed. Being President can be an overwhelming job unless you have good advisors to tell you what to do first. You have to actually hire people who are smarter than you, and an intelligent person knows to hire people who are smarter than themselves.


G- I wish to mention one other thing historically, and that is the Vietnam war, which President Johnson did take over, and amp up in intensity quite a bit. And we suffered great losses and humiliation before we extricated ourselves some years later after your death. Any thoughts on that piece of history and its effect on our country?

K- The Vietnam war was a war that was all about the oil in Vietnam. I wished to end it and have our troops come home, but that wasn't the idea of Mr. Johnson or my advisors. If it was up to me, I would have let the communists take over. I wasn't a person who wanted to fight communism over there, and that view was NOT very popular in the White House, and many people found it unimaginable that I would think like that. Since Mr. Johnson decided to keep it going, it represented the more popular view at the time, and the public thought it was better than taking the view of letting the communists take over.

G- At the time, there was something called the Domino Theory, and Secretary of Defense McNamara, many years later apologized. He felt the efforts to expand the war and to keep it going were wrong and poorly advised. In any event, many people were killed, our soldiers were not honored when they came home, and there was a lot of bitterness, and this went on for quite some time. In the place where you are living, do you follow such things, and are you aware that you left a legacy on this subject after your death?

K-Yes, I am. The CIA didn't want the communists to take over, and they fought me tooth and nail. Any thought of the communists winning was unacceptable to them, and the oil companies wanted it to go on as well, so they could secure their interests in Vietnam. It looked like there was no way that would succeed in preventing the war and to win that internal fight. I couldn't stop it, and it was a time when everyone feared communism, and anyone who wasn't going to fight it would be either suspect, or be accused of betraying our country, so I really had no supports at the time. I was alone in my views, and wasn't able to build any support for my views.

G- Many people would say, speaking broadly about American life and America's position in the world, that America has never been the same since your assassination. Some would say that we lost our innocence. Any thoughts about how you have been idolized since then, and a feeling that we have never returned to a place where people felt proud of their nation, and could identify with it in such a strong way?

The Great Society, Expanding Jobs, & Fairness

K- Well, I think the focus should have been on expanding the job market here, instead of making the public more dependent upon government. I am not saying that the Great Society was a bad idea, but it ended up just making people more rather than less dependent, and creating a better job base would have been a better idea. I know that the poor have their needs, but the whole program has gone awry, and the desired effect did not occur. I could see from the long view that the programs would create severe dependency, and that is exactly what has happened to parts of the public.

G- At the time, the expression was "guns and butter." Lyndon Johnson was trying to both build up the war, and domestic programs to help the poor, and some good was achieved for a while. I am wondering, when you think about your own efforts, you were a Senator and I believe a Congressman before that, do you have any thoughts about your time in Congress?

K- Well, I believe that unfortunately, I was too idealistic, as I said before, and what works in theory doesn't always work in practice, and well-meaning plans sometimes have bad effects that no one could ever have predicted, and they are not logical outcomes given the direction that they were made in. It is just very had to know what the outcome will be because it is impossible to gather all the possible variables, or to know how they will play out in reality.

Being Too idealistic

G- What are you most proud of when you look back on your life?

K - Well, I would say that I'm proud of trying to bring about fairness in the world and trying to be diplomatic in my conversations with foreign officials to avoid war. I think, perhaps I may not have understood where the line would be drawn, where diplomacy no longer works and war has to be declared. That is something that I always had a problem with. I had a problem with that in the Bay of Pigs situation. The CIA insisted that they make air strikes on Cuba and I didn't want to because there are peace treaties and international peace treaty laws with other countries that I did not want to violate, and also as far as Vietnam goes, I was advised to make air strikes there and I did not want to do that. I tried to avoid aggressive action, and in this case, I just ended up souring my relations with the CIA and firing Allen Dulles over it, and from then on we just became bitter enemies. I don't understand how in trying to do the right thing it turned into something ugly. There's other things that I tried to do and besides ending the Federal Reserve and having the Treasury Department print our currency, I planned to abolish the Federal Income Tax which only goes to pay interest on the national debt, and not for government services. And most people are not aware of that, and they are not aware of the fact the Internal Revenue Service is a Bureau under the Department of Treasury. It is under the direction of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. So most people think that the IRS is a separate branch but, anyway...


G - What was you plan, your hope for the IRS and the tax situation?

K - Well, the tax code is so complicated that the IRS' own agents don't understand the code, the code is so complex; and my hope was to eliminate that by creating a consumption tax that would be more practical.

G- So your hope was that there would be less taxes on individuals through personal income tax and more receipt of tax through consumption taxes.

K - That is right because there are other taxes that are going toward government services, and as I have said before, the Federal Income Tax does not go toward government services, which might really shock a lot of people. It just goes to pay off the national debt.

G - The national debt has increased greatly since your time. The whole issue of a deficit and paying off the national debt, it has increased tremendously since your era. In any event, was that one of your hopes that never came to pass?

K - That's true, and it might surprise you to learn that the IRS was not created by Congress either. And neither was the Federal Reserve.

G - Do you have a sense of where we are today in 2013, in terms of that whole business of taxes, in terms of services, and in terms of the growth of government? And more particularly how divided the country is in terms of Democrats and Republicans. We seem to be mired in great conflicts and we are at a standstill.

The Rich and Tax Laws

K - Well, the very rich have plundered this country to the point now that they want to divorce themselves from this country and they have no interest in this county anymore. They have gotten what they want to get out of it. The taxpayers are here and trying to pay for the increasing costs of things and unfortunately most people don't make enough money to pay for all the infrastructure that has to be replaced or repaired in the country. And every year it costs more and more. Some of the changes are that bridges and highways are going to be privately owned and the toll booths are going to be privately owned, because the government cannot afford to pay for it anymore. More and more things are being privatized because there is not enough money to take care of everything anymore, and it is unfortunate. The educational system in this country has really suffered greatly and other countries are actually on a higher rung than the United States, with very few exceptions in this country. The educational system is deplorable here.

G - It sounds like these things sadden you, when you look at them and observe them from afar. We have actually gone backward, we have not made progress, we have regressed in many ways. The differences between the social classes, the great inequality... The rich many say, are not paying their fair share, and are becoming divorced from their obligation. A lot of these trends, do they sadden you?

K - They do because this is not what makes a great country. Plundering a country is not really an admirable thing to do, but it seems that is what has happened here. Many of the great cities of the United States have large blighted areas', that could become habitable again. But there has to be an employment base again; and because of certain tax laws favoring corporations to go overseas, those companies are not situated where they could help large populations anymore. Tax laws need to be changed and tax incentives need to be made to encourage businesses to inhabit these cities. Because historically cities were the center of everything, and now it is not just that businesses have left, but residents have moved to the suburbs and have also abandoned those areas, and it shouldn't be that way.

G - Many feel the way you do about those trends. Do you have any hope that we might find our way again and remedy those situations?

K - Only if there is political will with people that have money, because having political will without power, influence and money doesn't do any good. You need to be connected to people who can make things happen. It is not enough to just be idealistic. You have to have all of those other ingredients to go along with it.

G - It seems that in our country that there are rich who are supporting both parties, but we are in gridlock, and some would say we are in a downward spiral and we may not come out of it, continual disagreements, continual inability to compromise, the employment situation, etc., and a lot of wringing of hands. A lot of people upset about it. Not much getting done. I guess do you think that leadership plays a role in this as well as the rich plays a role, coming together and supporting, other forms of leadership are needed?

K - On a local level it would work. On a Washington DC governmental level, I am not sure it would work because in order to get into the Washington DC political arena, most people don't have the money, and there are too many people who get elected in Washington who owe other people favors, and there's conflicts of interest. It just doesn't seem to work, because there's just too many favors owed to people who have made political contributions, and most of the time, the people who are elected in Washington aren't there to help the regular working person, they are there to pay back the people who put them into office. So, it just doesn't work. I have more faith in local government. Where people don't have to have millions of dollars to get elected. That is what really works is government on a local level. Not government from afar, trying to manage other areas. It just doesn't work.

The Bay of Pigs, Cuban Crisis, etc.

G - One other piece of history deserves mention. You talked about the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban missile crisis. You know we had surveillance there, and there was a stand-off, and the Russians did eventually pull out and there was no war. Do you feel good when you look back on that piece of history.

K - Yes, I do, because I was aware, as was the CIA that there were peace treaties and to violate them could create not only mistrust from Cuba, on their end, but everyone else would be thinking "Am I next?" So, it was a very tense time. I thought it out for a long time, all the ramifications, and I knew it would be an enormous mistake to make air strikes on Cuba because then it would create mistrust against the United States in the rest of the world, thinking that if we did that to Cuba, we could do it to anybody. That is why I fiercely disagreed with Allen Dulles, the head of the CIA, and that is why I fired him.

G - So you looked back with a good feeling about that chapter, which was very difficult and could have had disastrous consequences.

K - I do not regret the decision, even though people in Washington were saying under their breath that I was a coward and that I had betrayed the United States, and that I was a security risk and other things that they said. I had to take a lot of hate for that, but I did it anyway.

The Kennedy Family

G - Most would say that you made the right decision and history proved you correct on that particular front. Let me mention, we have talked a lot about so called national affairs, and state of the nation. You were also part of a great family, one that has also been in the news, mythologized, admired, and criticized. Do you have any thoughts about the Kennedy family and its role in American history.

K - Well, there are some things that I can say. I know all about what the newspapers have said about me and the earlier days of the Kennedy family, and the common knowledge about (my father's) the bootlegging, and the whiskey and the Mafia connections, I mean it is well known, so I am not trying to hide that. The thing is, once innocence is lost, you can never get it back. Once there is any involvement with the Mafia, it is a one way door, you go in and there is no exit. Once you are involved with them then you are stuck with them even if you don't want to be anymore. You have to decide whether the price is worth it or not. I just wanted to also say, it is hard to get respectability once it's lost. That's one of the reasons I married Jackie Bouvier, is to get respect. Her family was the epitome of respect, and then trying to create government programs for the poor was another way to get respect. The thing is, that once you have been branded, even though you try to get respect again, it's never quite the same, once your image has been tarnished. So, despite all the money in the world, and God knows we had enough of it, we still couldn't get the respect that we wanted. So getting respect is a priceless thing, and I don't think anyone realizes how much it would mean to someone like me and my family to have that respect. The regular person wouldn't have any idea what it would mean to me.

G - I guess you feel that some of your father's history and connections, and some of his rise did have a shadow side that stayed with your family?

K- Yes, absolutely, and we couldn't shake it. And anything we did on our own, no one really paid any attention to it. If we tried to do something honorable, it just would never be enough to override that image. So that is one thing you can't get, you can't get a clean image. Once it's permanently branded on you, it's written in stone.

G - May I ask a personal question of you? You mentioned Jackie and your marriage. Was part of it, the gaining of respect in the public eye, by marrying someone of good breeding? Do you care to share anything about your personal relationship with Jackie?

JFK's Relationship with Jackie

K - Regarding Jackie, there are limits to what can be shared between husband and wife. I am not going to go into some details because that is private, but I can to some degree. Jackie was a very intelligent person. She, of course, knew that was part of it. She wasn't someone who was stupid, she was aware of that; but, I think she had ideas that she wanted to share (publicly) and to have some input. She was a very civic minded person. We did share common interests. We both came from monied families, so it wasn't exactly like there was a difference in social classes.

G - May I ask if you were in love?

K-I think I was in love with the idea of being in love, and I really wanted to be in love. I just felt that somehow I got caught up in everything, and I really wanted to believe that I was in love, and I tried to convince myself of that. And I think that my desire to free myself from the past, and try to make a new image for myself was so important, that I couldn't distinguish whether I was in love, or whether I was trying to escape my family's somewhat tarnished image. But I really did try to make an effort to try to feel that I was in love. But I can't really say any more than that. I wanted to be in love. It wasn't that there was a situation of me marrying only to get some sort of benefit of respectability. I truly wanted to love my wife and it seemed that the responsibilities of the presidency plus my business interests, and all the problems I had during the presidency, because of conflicts with other people; it just seemed to make it almost impossible to share any kind of private moments or a private life with Jackie. Everything was rushed, there was very little privacy, and I don't think I realized, and I don't think Jackie realized, that our lives were going to be under a microscope to such a degree that it was. We knew we would be in the public's eye, but we had no idea how everything we did, even any comment we would make, an off handed comment, would be in the newspaper; or how we looked at someone in a particular way, and our body language... We did not know that everything was going to be interpreted. That was unexpected, and it just put so much stress on our relationship; and there were other things, I think that unfortunately, I know this isn't something that I should get into, because it self-deprecating, but I am sure that everyone remembers the Marilyn Monroe situation.

The Marilyn Monroe Episode

G - Much has been written about that.

K - But I don't really want to get into that. But I regret that. I don't know how I became that person, and I don't know who I became, but I just got caught up in everything and it just got out of control...

G - It sounds like the experience on a personal level, as a man, as a husband, in addition to being president was a bit overwhelming for everyone involved.

K - It was, and I think, because Jackie and I did not have the time we needed together. It was more than I was just going to say, as far as Marilyn goes... Just being together (with her) because of convenience, and also because I did not realize there was going to be all this taping, and everything that went along with it. But yes I agree with you.

The Deaths of Robert Kennedy and John, Jr., and the Role of the Mossad

G - May I ask, you were assassinated at such a young age, you were at the prime of life, you had two young children, you had a beautiful wife, and I am sure you're aware that she continued to try to make the best of her life, she did journalism, she worked on public projects. Your son also, John junior, took his time growing up, had his own magazine. Your daughter became a lawyer and to this day is in public life. She will become the diplomat to Japan, representing our country. On a personal level, do you have anything to say about your family that had to carry on after you were killed?

K - I applaud their efforts in being able to do something with their lives and move on, I am very happy for them. It pleases me. I made some errors in my life that cost me a few decades of my life and otherwise I could have been with them to see all of these changes happen in their lives. That's the unfortunate thing.

G - Sure. I should say, of course, your brother was killed not long after you. Your son died in a plane crash as a very young man. The whole thing about tragedy following your family, much has been written about that. But on a personal level, do you have anything you want to say about Robert or your son or anyone else?

K - I believe that certain actions that I took caused other events. I committed an action that threatened Israel. The fact that I denied Israel America's nuclear weapon program, which meant the loss of their power base, I did not know at the time that any threat against the Jewish power was also considered a threat to their physical existence, and now having more facts than I did at the time, I believe that my family and I were marked as a "Moloch" and killed by the Mossad. They probably believed that b both Robert and my son John would continue my anti-Israel policies, and as a result, I am of the belief now that not only myself but the rest of my family were marked and systematically killed by the Mossad.

G - That is quite a statement. You know, without going into great length, there has been tremendous controversies. But there is now a whole conspiracy industry. You realize, it was always a part of American life, but it was always small. But the idea that the Warren Commission conclusions were never truly accepted by a great majority of people. The whole issue remained unanswered: was it the Mafia? Was it Lyndon Johnson's people, was it a power grab by him? Or, was it a Russian shooter? There have been so many conjectures, conspiracy theories, and books-- are you aware that hundreds of books and articles have been written? But you are saying in point of fact, you were killed by a Mossad conspiracy on that day in Texas.

K - That is right. However, the other factor is that because I tried to end the oil depletion allowance, the permits, the oil companies' attempt to recover their capital investment of discovering, purchasing and developing wells over a period of time. That angered a lot of people, and I know I made a lot of enemies over that, and I know I made an enemy of the CIA and also I made an enemy of the IRS, and the Fed. I had many enemies, but the thing is I also made an enemy of the FBI, the list goes on, but long after that had passed, one family member after another continued to be eliminated, years and years later, and the only thing that would fit like a glove was the fact that the Fed, the Federal Reserve Bank, which is owned numerous foreign banking families, and the fact that I denied Israel America's weapons program, that would strip the Israel of the ability to survive all angered powers that would ensure that my policies would never be in force again. And that is why the Mossad did it.

G - So you are saying that Lee Harvey Oswald is connected, that he was set up by the Mossad, I am not quite understanding. The supposed shooter, the supposed lone shooter of the Warren Commission, from the Texas Schoolbook Depository on that terrible day. Was he the person who killed you, was he directed by the Mossad?

Lee Harvey Oswald and Lucien Sarti

K - No, no, Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't, and the CIA tried to fabricate a whole background, and they said that he was defecting to Russia, and they also said that he was a Castro sympathizer; it was all fabrication. None of it was true. They wanted him to be the patsy.

G - So he was actually set up by the CIA as the patsy for the assassination?

K - Yes. He was mentally unstable but they tried to get a lot of mileage out of that. Do I know in fact who did it? Actually yes. The person who actually did it, his name is Lucien Sarti.

G - Lucien Sarti?

K - Yes.

G - And who was he?

K - He did not have a sterling character but it is my belief that Mossad intelligence hired him as a contract killer. The reason being, nine years after my death, and I try to keep in touch with things as I can, I received information from others coming over from the other side, that Lucien had done it. I think he was under the impression that it was then okay to open his mouth. No one else can prove why he opened his mouth, I think he was of the belief that it had been long enough after he did it that he could say something without getting in trouble. I don't think he realized that there is no statute of limitations on murder, and maybe he had been drinking and said to someone that he had done it, and the government did not know where he was, and nine years later after he opened his mouth and told someone, someone else went and mentioned that he had said this, and he did not say it out of guilt. He just said that he did it, and that is how I know, because he told someone, and then it became public, after he admitted to someone, and people died and crossed over, and that is how I know that he is the one who did it.

G - And he was hired by the Mossad, and he was simply a contract killer.

K - Yes

G - May I ask, was that directed by the Israeli government, or did the Mossad do that of their own accord?

K - That is very hard to determine, because I had made David Ben Gurion very angry with me, and a lot of the Jewish organizations as well. I had brought about a lot of anger, because I wasn't really helping Israel all that much, I only gave them $40 million dollars which is a drop in the bucket, considering how much it costs to run a country. Forty million dollars is nothing, and David Ben Gurion basically said, "Aren't you going to do anything to save Israel?" and he had had it with me, and at some point he decided that he was going to step down and so, many people were angry with me. And my father had, in growing up, he expressed to me that, and I know it is not a very flattering thing to say, and I know that it is offensive but for whatever reason he expressed to me that he didn't like having to do business with the Jewish community in Hollywood, or in finance. He didn't say why he didn't, he just complained and never gave any specific reason, but this is what I grew up with; so I was taught to not to want to have any dealings, so Israel was out of sight and out of mind. I didn't have any Jewish friends, I had my own world and business interests, and my advisors were telling me I should do more to help Israel, and so I said okay, give them $40 million dollars, and that was it. Whatever my advisors told me, they said that wasn't nearly enough, and I didn't know how to relate to Israel, I did not understand the culture or any of the mindset or the ethos, it was just very foreign to me, I did not have a clue how to relate to Israel.

G - It sounds like you have some regrets in this area, both culturally and politically, but the fact is you are also seeing that you were killed by a hired killer from the Mossad. You know, when your celebration comes, in a short period of time, the conspiracy theorists will have, in fact, some of their own separate celebrations. They will have whole days of speakers, and the whole ball of wax will be unraveled again as to what really happened. Would you like the world to know that you believe you were killed by Lucien Sarti?

K - I believe that they know that already, and I do not know whether the US government is going to come out with that, because there are probably reasons why the government wanted to officially say that Lee Harvey Oswald did it, because they did not like the direction things would take if Lucien Sarti were labeled as the person who did it, because then it would create more investigation of who hired him, and it would lead to the Mossad, and then that would lead to bad relations with Israel. I think the government realizes that it should let Lee Harvey Oswald be the patsy, because, otherwise it will damage relations with Israel, and it's not worth it.

The deaths of RFK and JFK, Jr.

G - I hear you. May I ask, honestly, about your brother, and the official version of RFK's murder during his running for the President? He was killed in LA during the convention, supposedly by Siran Siran, another mentally unstable person. Who do you believe really killed your brother?

K - I still believe that, because there is some continuity here, because of me, anyone who would aspire to be the President... I believe that the Mossad is behind it. The government can create another patsy any time they want, but they realized that they are walking on eggs and they better not implicate the Mossad anytime ever, so they are going to have to keep coming up with patsies. John F. Kennedy,Jr. Thought about becoming President... That ended up that he was killed. Any time someone in my family wants to aspire to be President, it always ends in death. I believe because the Mossad thinks that my philosophy would be carried on, and it would be like an extension of myself in them, and they want to eliminate any appendage of me that would be in my descendants. So that is where the continuity comes in. So I don't care about Siran Siran, it is just a smoke screen.

G - Do you think the Mossad had a hand in the plane crash of your son? Supposedly he and his wife and her sister were in a plane, going from NY to a nearby destination on vacation. Do you feel they had a hand in his plane crash and death?

K - Yes, I actually, I do not know whether the public actually knows, or not, but I think knowing the way the newspapers cover things, they don't cover anything that would have to do with uncovering things which the military uncovered, And I don't know if you are aware of it or not, but as people die and they cross over here, I get other information, but actually I found out, from someone crossing over here, that the military discovered on their screen that there was a flash, and it turned out to be a bomb, a small bomb on the plane, so it wasn't a flight, pilot error, or bad winds. It (a bomb) was planted on the plane. At this point in history, considering that all of these other things that happened when I was in office so long ago, it would not be the FBI or the CIA. It wouldn't be anyone who had a grudge against me from the sixties, so who else would it be? Who keeps trying to eliminate my family members? No one else would be interested in systematically killing each family member off. No one other than the Mossad would hold a grudge for 50 years that would even still be alive today.

Caroline Kennedy

G - Your daughter Caroline is about to be approved as the diplomat representing our country to Japan, a great nation, a nation now going through resurgence after many many years. Are you concerned about her safety and fate? She is not running for President, but she will be representing the Obama administration and our country abroad.

K - I feel that because she is not trying to elevate herself to a Presidential role, that she is probably out of harm's way. I don't think, unless I am very much mistaken, that there would be any attempts on her life, because of the position she is seeking, she is not going to be involved with Israel. I believe that hopefully, she is not going to be harmed, because the other reasons other family members were eliminated was because they aspired to be a President. She is not, so hopefully she is not going to be effected.

The Kennedy Family Reunion on the Other Side

G - Let me ask you, on the other side, do you have meetings of any kind with Jackie, your brother, John, Jr.?

K - I do and because I am still in this incarnation as John Kennedy, (I feel though, I am going to move on to another incarnation soon). I have had contact with them and finally we are together as a family again, after being apart for so long.

G - Does that feel good?

K - It feels good to have the togetherness, the cohesiveness that we were unable to have as a family, when we were all incarnate beings, because of the public and politics. It is strange that it took death to bring us together, whereas in life we couldn't have what we really wanted, which was to be together as a family, and it's very sad that even with all of our financial resources, we were not truly fulfilled and able to pursue happiness. It was just impossible before.

Thoughts on Reincarnation, Spiritual Aspirations, etc.

G - Well that sounds great, it sounds like there is certain fulfillment you are able to experience on that side. Are you planning to return in another incarnation here on earth?

K- I don't have a lot of control, but I am hoping that I can return in another incarnation. It depends on what God wants to do. I don't have any way of making any demands on that level.

G - Do you have any spiritual aspirations on the other side?

K - Yes. I want to be able to ask for forgiveness for things I did and did not do. I am hoping that somehow I can be forgiven for the things I ended up doing to Israel so that I can move on to another incarnation. And I am of the belief that now that I understand what I did, that I can move on, whereas I have been in this incarnation so long that I couldn't move on until I understood what I did wrong and asked for forgiveness, that I would be stuck here in this reality until I learned what I did wrong. And I have evolved beyond what I was taught while I was incarnate, and I've gone beyond what I knew and have expanded my knowledge and understanding and gained much wisdom. Yes I am a different person then I was then. I have changed somewhat. Yes.

G - I guess you are saying that people can grow on the other side? That people continue to learn and reflect and evolve.

K - Yes that is exactly what I am saying, and in order to reincarnate you have to do that each time, and I believe that the reason for continuing to reincarnate is to evolve, and that's what I am doing now, and I hope to be a better person whoever I am going to be the next time.

On Forgiveness

G - Do you hold ill will toward the Mossad, or Lucien Sarti, or any of these other enemies, and you had many, that you itemized. Do you hold any ill will?

K - No. I don't, I understand what I did wrong, and why actions were taken, I don't hold grudges. I have mellowed a lot since I have been here, and that includes forgiving and coming to a new understanding and evolving, I have gone beyond that now, I don't think about that much anymore, because it is not helpful to stay in a bubble like that, and ruminate over it.

G - I am wondering, were you troubled for a long time after the assassination when you crossed over, in coming to terms with being dead, with looking at your life, and with looking back? Was that difficult, your passage on the other side?

K - Yes, I had regrets and I didn't realize that I had the opportunity to change greatly, and because of being so worldly, I just didn't understand how fortunate I was when I was alive; and I wouldn't have done certain things or wasted time. But it is like anything else, no one appreciates a certain thing until it is gone. And when my life was gone, I regretted that I hadn't spent the time in a more useful and practical way of getting things done. But by that time it was too late, once the realization occurred.

The Families Still Ruling this World

G - One little thing, and not to belabor it, but you mentioned your denial of the nuclear power to Israel, but they got it nevertheless, and became a nuclear power not too much further along after your death. You also mentioned that there was animosity to you because you wanted to get rid of the Fed, because it was owned by European families. The issue of who pulls the strings behind the Fed.? Should it exist? Is it run by an international cabal? Is it run by a powerful group of families? Are you implying that it was run by the Rothschild's among other families and that it still is?

K - Yes, actually all of the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank and Board are all living in Europe, they are not living in America. It is the central bank cartel. And there are thirteen members, or there were thirteen members.

G - There has been print about that over the years. Not so much today as in the past. But you are saying there is an international powerful group that still runs the world and more particularly is behind the Fed?

K - Yes and what are you asking?

G - The implication is that it is another item of business that has never been reconciled. The question of who is the power behind the money, the power behind the Fed, and you are saying whether it is the Rothschild's or this group of thirteen families, they are still very powerful and they still pull the stings on the Fed.

K - Not only that, but they control whole world governments. Their wealth is measured in the trillions of dollars, not billions.

G - Do you think that this will ever come to light and ever be exposed, certainly in my lifetime here on earth?

K - I don't think that any President would want to expose it. No. Perhaps researchers who just wanted to know for their own benefit. It is probably not safe to try to go beyond that.

Final Thoughts

G - Well, listen, you have given us a lot of time, and a tremendous amount of food for thought. You have answered many questions, and created more questions than you would imagine. But I have to say, they are going to celebrate your life and your death and your family and your legacy. There is JFK, the man, and JFK, the myth. Is there anything you want to share with Americans and people from around the world? Is there anything you wish to say at the time of celebration which is soon upon us?

K - Well. Try to do the best you can to make positive changes while you are young, because the United States is a youth oriented country; and young people are listened to. As you get older, you are not listened to as much. You have to make your impact, whatever it is, hopefully a positive one, when you are young, and when you have many years ahead of you. You can't wait too long to make your dreams come true.

G - Our time here on earth is pretty short, isn't it?

K - Definitely yes, and it is more important to help people as much as you can while you are alive, because all the money in the world, and I would certainly know about that, it doesn't get you anywhere here. It doesn't get you any brownie points here, no one cares how much money you had while you were alive. They care about how much you helped people while you were alive. That's what matters. I am learning that now. That if I had tried to be more altruistic and humanitarian, it would have helped me evolve much more here. Money means nothing here. Absolutely nothing.

G - May I also make a short comment. Some people in memorializing your life, will remember the fact that you grew up Catholic and were Catholic. Do you have any thoughts from your perspective now on religion? Is that an important part of your life or not?

K - What I believed when I was alive about heaven, it isn't necessarily true, now that I am on the other side. I have come to understand that people have religious constructs and their own belief system. Here, there aren't religious constructs. At least for me, God is God, there aren't all these divisions with religion. It is not the way I expected it to be or perceived it to be. People believe what they want to about religion, but here there isn't religion, it is a completely different dimension. And it is hard to articulate what it is.

G - Well listen, I thank you for sharing today, unless there is something else you may wish to add. You have given very generously on many topics, many themes, much food for thought. We may come back. But in any event, I wanted to thank you for your time today and wish you well.

K - Thank you for your time sir. Most speakers don't realize that others people's time is valuable, not just their own, so I wanted to make a point of that. Thank you for your time.

G - Thank you. Be well Mister President.

K - Thank you, good bye.

This session with former President John F. Kennedy was channeled by Robert, a full trance medium. He has been communicating with the deceased since childhood, and is now making his services available to the public. Unlike the two most famous people who communicate with the deceased, who receive information and then pass it on, Robert has the deceased speaking directly through him in a personal, one-to-one communication. The channeling above has been coordinated by the Team of Three: Robert - the channeler; George - the questioner and copy editor; and Barry - a full time professional channeler.

Should you wish to contact Robert to connect with your own deceased loved ones who are living on the "Other Side", you may reach him at:

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hrk (guest)
11 years ago (2013-11-14)
Whoops... Please forgive my silly mistake!
hrk (guest)
11 years ago (2013-11-14)
This is a great story. How extensive, detailed and informant! Really enjoyed it.

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