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I Woke Up Hearing Someone Invoking A Being


Over the years I have experienced a lot of things that pushed me to research what was happening to me and I came to the conclusion that I am one of these people considered sensitive. I am not a psychic, or a medium. I have never tried to "develop my sensitivity" either. I actually try to ignore it most of the time but over the years I have had many experiences and questions.

Why am I looking for help or answers now you may ask? Because I believe that since I moved into a my new house "something" there is trying to break up my 7 years relationship and I need someone to talk to so I know I am not loosing it or just trying to find excuses. You would think after all these personal experiences I would give myself some credit and not think I am might be just a little delusional but not everyone is opened to hear or believe those experiences.

As long as I can remember, I have always seen beings of all different types. A shadow person in an apartment I used to live-in, lost souls wandering around my bed, a gold light filled being at the bottom of my bed, an ectoplasm on top of my desk at work, dark auras, orbs of all colors coming out of people or appearing in the room. I have heard voices calling my name or voices in my head. Smelled foul odors in one of my bedrooms with no visible causes, feeling of being touched, being affected by energies around me or having vivid dreams, out-of-body experiences, or being followed by animals. I can say some of these events were down right terrifying, but I always moved on and just brushed it off until recently.

A few months ago we moved into a new house, and I knew right away "something" was there. Nothing I was too concerned about as it seems there are "beings" everywhere we go. Got the chills a few times in the house, and seen black and blue orbs on a regular basis but since I can see them everywhere I go I did not really think much of it. All I can say is I am much more used to see blue orbs than black ones, and the black ones are always cause for a little concern.

What has been worrying me is the voice I heard the last two days when I woke up. I have heard a few in the past month and was not worried until yesterday... When I heard "rage to hate" and this morning I heard in my head "I invoke "name I did not know and now do not remember exactly". I was barely awake but my first reaction was to say in my head "I DO NOT invoke anyone" I did not repeat the name. It woke me up pretty abruptly. I only worry when I hear or see things I don't/didn't know exist... And I am not quite sure what I am dealing with here.

I have wondered a few things over the years... Am I really just sensitive as other things happened that I did not mention. I have been practicing Reiki meditation for a few years off and on.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, White-Bubble, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Hecate0 (152 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-21)
It sounds like you have protective energies around you, too. Call on them. You have to ask, though. With free will, we can send them away or ask for their help. So, be clear about what you want. Call in the name of love and positiveness, whatever your belief system is, and they will continue to help. The negatives can influence moods and the tone of relationships, as you mention in your story. So, as I mentioned, I suggest regular house cleansings/blessings and asking for protection. Always happy to share that you are not alone. I love this site.
darkassassin92 (1 stories) (216 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-20)
Im an atheist probably going agnostic my dad believes in some sort of a god. But it is possible for spirits and stuff to exist though.
White-Bubble (1 stories) (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-20)
Darkassassin92: Yep... Pretty sure that was not the name being invoked. I think you'll be fine. Lol
darkassassin92 (1 stories) (216 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-20)
Back in 2013 or early 2014 my dad said I looked very demonic in the face.
White-Bubble (1 stories) (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-20)
Thank you Hecate. I appreciate your feedback. It helps to talk to someone. I have done a cleansing and a Reiki Tummo grounding meditation. It seems that someone on another realm got involved too yesterday... As I heard a voice talking about "protection spell" when I woke up. Another surprising fact, as I have never even remotely dabbed in magic. Today was the first quiet morning! It was so appeasing. Thank you again.
Hecate0 (152 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-20)
Hi White-Bubble. I sounds like you are very open. I would cleanse my living space with a sage/white grass positive thinking ceremony first. You can easily search on-line for cleansing techniques. Then, think about how this kind of sensitivity might help you in your life. I find it helps me with my work. I teach and often have students who are troubled. Rather than react emotionally if they are rude or tense with me, I sit back and "listen". I ask for "help" in understanding what they might need from me, and I usually find I do exactly the right thing. Your Reiki meditation should also help with directing energy in positive ways, as it is a healing technique similar to the energy healing that I use. Best of luck to you.

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