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Hearing Thoughts/voices In My Head


I am pretty young to be smoking weed, and after my most recent smoking session with my friend, I felt like I could hear the whole house's thoughts. I believe they were also aware of what was happening and were messing with me. I could distinctly hear their voices in my head, and they kept saying,, pretty inappropriate things to me. It made me extremely uncomfortable, and kept spurring an anxiety attack. Every time I'd tell them to "get out of my head, stop please, I don't want to do this anymore, ect." they would laugh and tell me that I basically asked for it. At the time, and even now, I don't know if that was what was really going on, but I realized I don't want to smoke again because of it.

Also, since I was so vulnerable at the time, I think an entity attached to me when I had my mind open and my guard down. It only really talks to me at night when I try to go to sleep. It tries it's hardest to keep me awake and says things like "No, don't go to sleep! What are you doing? Stay awake!" And occasionally will scream my name and taunt me with laughter and use the voices of my friends and his parents from that night. I don't know if it could still be them talking to me or not, but I assume it isn't because I'm miles away from them, back in my home town.

I've told my mother vaguely about the voices, but not about what happened at my friends house. Mostly because I want to forget it, and never go back there again. I spoke to a woman who is very spiritually attuned, and she said she does feel something attached to me, but that she doesn't think it had malicious intent. She said it's more of a "trickster" type of entity, trying to pick on me and that I should try to play along with it and stop fearing it, to laugh when it laughs at me, and ignore it's comments. I'm going to take this advice to heart, but I was wondering if anyone else has advice to give me about the situation.

I do not intend to smoke weed again, and I also do not intend to go to my friends house again after the incident, at least not with their parents there.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I would be forever grateful if you help me get to the bottom of this and help me understand what exactly is happening.

Best wishes,


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Necey2378 (2 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-16)
Next time let them know they cannot effect you, stand strong instead of doubting yourself, show no fear or vulnerability but instead strength. Believe in your own strength too. Keep doing this and see if it subsides. Get yourself some black tourmaline to protect from any negative energy and speak out loud that you only let light, love and those with your best intent in.

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