I would like to know how I can prevent, reduce, or just shut down my thought broadcasting abilities. I have had this issue for over a year now. My "silent voice", visualizations, and thoughts that I'm not aware of always reach many people who are potentially psychic? Also I've overheard from other people that they can be received by spirits. I used to have other abilities like creating psychic links, sending voice messages to other psychics at any range, and a few others.
Apparently I was cursed by a sorcerer which led me to possess those things. Anyway, over time I've lost most psychic abilities except thought broadcasting and mind reading (which doesn't work for me for some reason, but still affects people if I think about a person). I think I was cursed by a sorcerer possibly because of my unruly thoughts. These unruly thoughts stemmed from my newly found knowledge that psychics can actually read your mind. With this knowledge, I for some reason had thoughts of not trying to offend people, which somehow led to having unruly thoughts.
Before becoming a psychic I didn't possess any knowledge, that most experienced psychics had, and abilities. I couldn't sense a psychic's locations, use my abilities to track other psychics. My family tree is not psychic, otherwise I would have inherited it. I learnt that people could read my mind by having a neighbour living above my flat talking trash about me. She said that she could read my mind. For a very long time, she just repeated my thoughts with her other flat mates to judge me or entertain themselves. I was so pissed off I started insulting her in my head. I don't know if she was the one who cursed me because one of her flatmates apparently used smth to protect me while I was still "cursed".
It's a long story, but I don't live with her anymore. It doesn't make a difference though because the thought broadcasting still remains with me and I know that right now people around me are listening in.
It has greatly affected my life to the point I had to live in a mental hospital for 3 months trying different medications, but to no avail. I tried to go on social media for psychics to get help but I have not been successful at finding solutions or smth to help me with the issue. I gave up looking for help for a long time. This time I hope to get help. Thank you.