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Real Psychic Experiences

The Future And Shadows


When I was 11 years old, at school, I started drawing a graveyard, death and a grave in which I wrote my father's name, with death standing beside it, around a year later he died, at the time I didn't think about much about it, to me it was just a drawing that meant nothing but my own stupidity for imagining my father's death, and after that nothing happened until 2 years ago while I was with some friends I started getting a feeling that I had already gone through that moment, I remembered seeing it all in a dream, I started recalling every moment for that afternoon, and what freaked me out is that in the dream I remember seeing myself in those situations as if I was watching from above, ever since that day i've been able to predict a lot of things but something doesn't feel right, it's like I'm missing something, that I should be doing something that I just can't figure out, or that I shouldn't be here, not now. I've told my mother about this since she and my aunt are into some spiritual things like Tarot and energies, but they couldn't give me answers, I want to be able to control this gift in a way that I can use it more efficiently so that I can try to make sense of what's been happening for the last two years, I just have no idea where to start and would be really glad if anyone could help me, also when I was younger I remember waking up in the middle of night and seeing four shadows beside my bed all talking to eachother, as if they were discussing something, but one of the shadows, which I think was a woman was just staring at me, I didn't feel scared or anything at the time, I actually felt peace coming from her, I have no idea what to think about any of this, I often doubt my gift, but shortly after something happens that makes me believe in it again, if there's anyone that could guide me and help me understand what has been going on I would be forever grateful.

I apologize for the english since it is not my native language.

Thank you.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Khoryn, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Khoryn (1 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-18)
Thanks for the answers, I will definitely try meditation and the oppening of the chakra's. Thank you all I really appreciate it:)
Winter_Solace (109 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-17)
Congratulations, you can see into the future:) These dreams are part of your underlying or hidden ability to predict the future and possible futures as well. But this isn't your only power. You have more that I would encourage you to unlock.

Shadows are basically dark/evil spirits. They're only shadows because you are not spiritually powerful enough to see their true form. Practically any kind of spirit can make you feel at peace, which can be bad, since, just like what Matrix_Wolf_Spirit says it's always best to be on your guard even if they seem good which is what they try to do in order to lure you into their trap or schemes. One of the things that has stuck with me all these years is that "Nothing is always as it seems at first." Also, the type of spirit can be classified by their energy color. WHite is angelic, while black is demonic/dark. For example, if you can see orbs like I do, you can see them in all kinds of colors. Whenever I see a black orb, I see a dark shadow in its place when I switch from seeing physically to seeing spiritually. You have to watch out for those, since they will try to do things to you in your sleep. Do you remember what they were talking about?

You feel like for the past 2 years there is something missing? Like there is something you have to do, but don't know what? We call this a calling. It's something that your soul is trying to tell you, your higher self. But you are somewhat disconnected from it, so you cannot tell on your own what it is that you must do. I believe there is a lot more to you than you think you know. And that you serve a greater purpose for this world. I can guide you, and help you discover what that is, so you can learn more about yourself to increase and unlock your abilities further. All I require is you to be strong willed and open minded. Email me if you want to know more the truth about all this. You can continue to ask questions on here still, but I limit myself to what I can say in public, for good reason. And like yinyang said, meditate on your third eye a bit, it will help you see through things more easily, to perceive things better and may even open up your spirit sight more. Hope to hear from you soon.
yinyang (12 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-17)
That spot on the lower forehead, in between your eyes, is the location of the pineal glad, which is considered as the 'origin' of psychic abilities. So you doing the blue rod meditation technique will make you focus on it, so the gland becomes more active and secretes more hormones. You can practise this meditation technique before sleep when you go to bed, with eyes closed.
yinyang (12 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-17)
You can try meditation of the third eye chakra. If you do a google search, you'll find how it's done. But basically you close your eyes and imagine a blue rod/light passing through your forehead (the spot in between and above your two eyes) up to infinity on both ends, i.e., front and back. If you feel a tingling or aching sensation in between your two eyes on the forehead, then it means you're doing it right. Best of luck.:)
Khoryn (1 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-16)
Thank you all for your advices and help, and if I could ask for one more thing, does any of you know a way that I could develop my hability to predict the future? So that I could control it?
Nerd (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)
[at] Khoryn crystals can also help protect you from negative energies (spirits or "curses")
yinyang (12 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)
Sprinkling salt would help, as it wards off spirits because it is a symbol of purity. Spirits, which are of impure nature, would thus be repelled by it.
Khoryn (1 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)
What could I use as protection in case it would try to hurt me?
Matrix_Wolf_Spirit (2 stories) (60 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)
there is always a chance it could hurt you. That's why you have something that protects you as a back up plan. Basically if its playing its being good you have a way for it to not hurt you. If its good. Most likely it would hurt you but just talk with you or at least guide you on a path.
Khoryn (1 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)
Are there any risks from communicating with the spirit? I don't think it would try to hurt me, but is there a chance for it to do so?
yinyang (12 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)
Communicate with it when you sense or see it, by just trying to 'connect' with it. If you think you have its attention, you can ask it questions. If it has something to tell, it will do so in its own manner. But I would least recommend communicating with it because you're not sure who it could be, and you don't want to piss off any spirit.
Khoryn (1 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)
The spirit didn't resemble any family member but maybe it could be and how can I communicate with them?
yinyang (12 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)
The shadows are probably spirits. You should do some research of the house, check if anyone has died in an accident, etc. The one you felt had a positive energy about it could just be a deceased family member, there to make sure you're safe. You could try communicating, though only if you feel its safe. Otherwise you 'cleanse' the house with the help of a priest, etc.
Khoryn (1 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)
But if they are guardians, then are they the same as guardian angels? Or is it something different? And thank you for taking your time to help me with this.
Matrix_Wolf_Spirit (2 stories) (60 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)
I can help with the shadows. If you feel threatened by them like their energies its bad but if you feel comfort then you maybe just fine. They could be watching you like guardians. I had that type of shadows. They could be discussing something about you or many other possible ideas. They could be holding something from you that isn't the time to share with you maybe but also maybe about your powers too.

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