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After All These Years My Twin Flame Is Close


It all began on March 22, 2013 where I had a dream about this guy. He was white, skinny, as tall as me, he also had brown hair, freckles and hazel eyes. The dream started out when me and my friend were at the mall shopping and having fun with each other. Soon later this guy appears and when I first laid eyes on him I was so attracted to him and he also looked so familiar like I have met him before. Him, my friend and I continued to hang out at the mall before the dream ended. A month later I had a dream about him and I by the campfire. He had brought me three rings. On ring had a lion on it. I forgot what the other two rings was about. I also began to see repeating numbers at that time as well. I was wondering who Is this guy because I have fell in love with someone I haven't even met. I decided to search up about what this is and it brought up twin flames and that's shen I new that I was on the journey of meeting mines. Throughout the 6 years of my twin flame journey as been a rough one. I would see numbers and get excited because I thought he would show up soon afterwards but it never happened. Eventually I was getting tired of waiting for my twin flame and I decided to ask my guardian angel and God a sign that my twin flame was close. I had ask them if I see my twin flame first, middle and last initials on a license plate number that mean I am close to meeting him. After that I have decided to move on and date other people. Even though I was in relationships with other guys there where times where I thought about this guy and wondered what was he doing. I eventually stopped having dreams about this guy but his name would still show up a lot of places at times. On May 26 2018, I sat in the back on the left side of the car which I normally don't do but I decided to do it that day for some reason. About thirty minutes later I was in deep thought in a gloomy state. I happen to look up at the trucks license plate number and I saw his whole initials. My eyes widen in shock and surprise. After a couple of years of looking at license plates and not seeing his initials show up it finally showed up on that day. Just recently I have also been seeing repeating numbers. I have a great feeling that he is almost here!

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Dreamercan (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
My first day of school is today so wish me luck. It would be quite a shock if I meet him a few weeks to a month later:) since I receiving these signs
Dreamercan (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
And the last few days ago before I saw his initials for the second time, my inner voice was telling me to look out. I didn't know why at first but now I know. The universe was giving the conformation that he was close and it wasn't just a coincidence
Dreamercan (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Yes his initials are very rare ❤ 😊. I would normally see one that has his first two Example: **L or **F **C or even his last two example: *GH but I would never see his full 3 initials together until this past May and the other day when I saw it again.
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Dear Dreamercan:

So, your love is taking you on a journey 😊

Btw, are his initials rare letters to see on license plates? You don't have to tell me which ones are those, but is this letters combination like rare...

Love and light 😊
Dreamercan (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-17)
OMG I just saw his first middle and last initials on a license plate number again! I had asked God a few weeks ago to show me another sign that it's not a coincidence and I just received another sign. This time I was sitting on the right hand side like OMG
Dreamercan (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-17)
I even had a dream the other night that my twin flame was at the train station subway. He was holding my hand and he was leading me somewhere. I didn't know where because it ended right there.
Dreamercan (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-17)
Yes I have read people's stories as well and it amazes me. Everyone twin flame journey is different. School is starting in a few days for me so I might even meet him at the school. 😊
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-16)
Hi Dreamercan:

To me it sounds like something's happening. Especially because it was not an everyday situation. People see numbers for various reasons, it depends on what kind of life path you are. I read a lot about it (cause I see number patterns, too). On of the reasons mentioned for that happening is Twin Soul on his/her way. Read about it, maybe you find similar experiences. It's not the same for everyone, just listen to your inner voice and trust yourself.
Doubt is a normal thing, yeah, but don't let that prevail. Think positive thoughts and no matter what happens, something positive will come out 😊
Dreamercan (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-13)
Before I saw the license plate number I was sitting on the right hand side of the back seat and then a bug flew in the window lol. My mom killed it and I decided to sit on the left hand side, a side I barely even sit on. I was going to move back to the right hand side but something told me to sit on that side. Around 30 minutes later I was upset with a lot of stuff on my mind, I was deep in my thoughts and when the truck drove past me I happen to look up and saw those initials. My eyes widen in shock and suprised and it picked me out of the gloomy state I was in. If the bug didn't fly in the car and if I didn't sit on the left hand side then I would of missed those initials so I feel like that couldn't be a coincidence but still I'm still scared that it was a coincidence. I did feel like the universe is trying to tell me something since I saw those initials that day and now I am starting to see a lot of 1's and other repeating numbers. I'm just praying to God that I get to meet him soon.
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-13)

The way you described it, it doesn't sound like a coincidence.
But what is more important is how you felt in that certain situation and what did you feel when you saw those initials on a license plate? It's your inner knowledge or intuition I'm referring to. Did you feel unusual, like the universe is trying to tell you something or more like an everyday situation happened...?
Dreamercan (1 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2018-08-11)
I will:) I just hope that the sign that I had asked for was not a coincidence. I just can't believe that a few years ago I had asked God if he was close then show me his first, middle and last initials on a license plate number. After years of not seeing it I finally see it on May 26, 2018. Do you think it's a coincidence or no?
LadyBelle (guest)
7 years ago (2018-08-10)
Hi Dreamercan

I liked your story cause it's so pure and simple while talking about love you were waiting for.
I had a similar dream several years ago and found it to be significant. In the dream I saw only his head, but his face faded a little bit with time... I can't say I met that person so far (it could be anyone), but I guess I would know by feeling.
Anyway, by the way you described your situation, I really hope it's "The One" and that he appears soon, I believe that now more than ever you're very impatient:-) According to the circumstances, this person plays an important role in your life and will bring you something valuable.
Just remember, everything happens when it's supposed to and for your highest good, don't lose hope.
And, yes, please let me know when you finally meet him:-)

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