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Real Psychic Experiences

Thrown Into The World


My name's Mariah and I'm 14. For as long as I can remember, I've been incredibly lucky. I'm partially blind, only able to see light, color, and blurry shapes out of the corners of my eyes, and in all honesty, I'm clumsy. Not as bad as I could be, but still, if I don't bang my arm or leg on something once a day, I'm amazed.

I've taken quite a few tumbles in my lifetime. Like in third grade, the teacher wasn't watching me and I ran head-first into a pole. My glasses cut me just above my right eye. If they'd cut just a little bit lower, I probably wouldn't have a right eye. Another time, my dad and I were roasting marshmallows over a fire and somehow, the fire exploded. It was like someone had stuck a firework in the flame. I was standing right next to the fire and had little flames all over me. But I didn't feel a thing. Infact, when my dad shook the sparks off me, my clothes weren't even singed.

It's only been recently that I've realized why I've never been seriously hurt before. My spirit guides, along with my guardian angel protected me.

I'll start from the beginning. Last September, three of my friends and I decided that for my birthday we wanted to try out a Ouija board. I know, I know, really stupid idea! But we didn't know that anything would actually happen.

We managed to find this old board in the back of a closet at my grandma's house. We waited until it was dark and then started to set it up. While my mom and my friend Candace went to pick up another of my friends, my friend, Sam, and I stayed at home. I started to get a really bad feeling, like something bad was about to happen. Suddenly, I didn't want to use the Ouija board anymore.

When the other 2 girls got back, my mom left for work, leaving us by ourselves with the board. I told the others about my worries and they all though I was crazy; after all, it had been my idea to try out the stupid thing in the first place. After a lot of begging, I managed to talk everyone except for Candace out of using the Ouija board.

I should have known then that something was wrong. Candace really didn't want to mess with it to begin with; there was no reason for her sudden longing to try it out now. We spent half the night arguing with her, by this point, the other two girls were starting to get the same feeling I had.

Finally, we managed to convene Candace to wait until the next day to try the board out. But for the rest of the night, Candace wasn't herself. There are even parts of the night that she can't remember.

The next day, she was back to herself and I still didn't want to use the Ouija board. But now I was out voted. We set the damned thing up in the pool house and started to ask it questions. What happened next I've sworn never to talk about again. All I can say is that I've never been so afraid in my entire life as I was that day and the night before.

Since then, Candace and I haven't been the same. It was like someone had opened a door. Things started to move around and sometimes disappear in both my house and my grandma's. I would feel weird cold spots and hear things moving around behind me.

My dreams started to get weird too. I started to dream about strange people and places, and I had lots of nightmares. And things just kept getting weirder.

One day while my grandma was out of town, my mom and I were staying at her house. We were in the den; I was watching TV and mom was sleeping on the couch. Just that morning, we had to put my little dog Saber to sleep. I spent most of that day in the den with my mom, but did have to leave the room a few times. At about 3:00, I heard a scratching sound at the door leading out to the area where my dog used to stay. I went over to see if some wild animal had gotten through the fence or something. There was nothing there. I even went out side and checked. There are no plants near the door, and it didn't take me more than a few seconds to get to the door. Nothing could have gotten away that fast.

Later on that night, I was telling my mom about what had happened earlier. She suddenly asked me where the cup of coffee and glass of milk sitting beside her had come from.

I was pretty confused considering the fact that no one beside me and Mom had been in the house all day and I hadn't put either drink there.

I've had tons of experiences like this over the past few months, so many that I really don't think about it anymore. Sometime in the middle of October, I heard someone mention spirit guides. I decided to find out what they were.

I learned how to contact them and did so that very night. Sinse then, my life has changed incredibly! So much so that I can hardly believe it. I learned from my guides what my destiny is. I learned how to talk to spirits and the beings that inhabit the other realms. I've become a medium, not a day goes by that I don't have some poor spirit wanting my help or even just to talk.

It uses to sort of freak me out, but now I like being able to truly help people.

I'd like to keep going. To tell all of you nice people about my becoming a witch. Or finding out that 2 of my best friends aren't human, but I've been up litterly all night, and the days nearly half over. I've got to get some sleep sometime.

Thanks for reading, and sorry for how badly this is written,

Light and love,


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BlindWind, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Timfaraos (426 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-28)
I'm sorry that you are partially blind, but I envy you, because you'll get to paradise easier because of it! That is if you practice faith in Jesus, and read the bible and psalms, and PRACTICE the bible. You don't need to talk to UNKNOWN AND UNPROVEN SPIRITS (or secret 'guardians', as you say), because they may very well be demons in disguise. Sad but true. You can depend on Jesus, and his magnificent and powerful Holy Angels to guide, comfort and protect you ALWAYS! And there's nothing secret about them (unlike your 'guardians')...because they belong to the light! Read my prophile for more info! Good luck!
Cocodreams (2 stories) (66 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-29)
You are very welcome Mariah! I get my "gift" directly from my dad and his side of the family. My great aunt did this for a living, I heard. Thank you for welcoming me to the site. I love it here because I learn a lot. The only thing I don't like is that I worry that some people will use the weakness of a person to fuel their demonic twisted thoughts.
BlindWind (2 stories) (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-29)
Cocodreams: Thanks, I needed to hear that. Welcome to the site! I get most of my powers from my mom, but I'm lucky, she loves the fact that she can finally talk about all of this.
Cocodreams (2 stories) (66 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-29)
Mariah - Who cares what people think about you. Hold your head up high and do what you feel is right. Everyone has their own beliefs. Doesn't make it true or false.

If you believe it, then it is. It could be a false sense of the truth but, in your mind, it's your truth. Hold onto it. I'm standing by your side because you are a positive person. Remain that way.
Ruth (4 stories) (156 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-29)
The beautiful thing is that every day is different and that we all learn something in the process.

Luv & Light
Ruth ❤
BlindWind (2 stories) (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-28)
revsilverson: Thanks, I think I'll take your advice. I know that I went over board yesterday, but I've been taught to defend my friends, and that's what I was doing.
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-28)
To the good reverend: I trust you more than I can say. I'm trying my best to shield, but clearly I'm doing it incorrectly. I regret all the things I said yesterday, and I'll not "wish" away my gifts ever again. I hope you can tell I'm in a better place today. Thank you once again, you help me fly right. To everyone, I'm very sorry about my psychic hissy fit yesterday. There is no excuse for such behavior. Please forgive me.
revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2009-04-28)
"There's something in blood that some people need." I have extensively researched this claim and found it baseless except for the fact that people who crave blood do require the help of a health care professional- they need psychiatric help. Frankly I couldn't care less if she doesn't like that. She needs to get a grip.

Blindwind- what you have encountered here is a valuable lesson for your being human and being a spiritual being. You can't assume everyone is going to accept what you say and you shouldn't accept things on face value. This is a reality of life. Researching topics from RELIABLE sources is the key to your development: less emotion and fantasy and more study. I wish you all the best.

TJ- my friend, sounds to me like your psychic shield isn't up. You can repel the daily onslaught of negativity if you choose to do so. Meditation to gather positive energy and incorporate it into your being will also help. Or go to someone who knows how to cleanse the human body and auric appendage. I consider my gifts to be blessings to be used for the benefit of the physical world and the sprit world. I will never offend the Divine Spirit by saying I wish I had never been created or that collectively we all would be better off if we had never been given the gift of life. Relax, go with the flow. YOU can control whether it hurts you or not- the Divine Spirit has nothing but love for you.

Love and Light
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-28)
Ruth: It seems I mistakenly connected you to what ever comment I saw as a reply to a story about the catholic book store and protection. Funny thing is, I can't seem to find that reply now in my searches... Kinda strange but never the less. When I get upset or feel threatened- I can speak with a very sharp tongue. I am offering my sincerest appology.
BlindWind (2 stories) (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-28)
girlygirl89: I totally understand, no worries.

Ruth: I've told my friend about you, let's just say she isn't happy. It's a medicol thing. There's something in blood that some people need.
Ruth (4 stories) (156 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-28)
XtjrX - I did in NO WAY tell anyone to go to a Catholic store. You have me confused with someone else. Also I am real, unfortunately some of you are not.

Blindwind - knowing "several" web sites about vampires, doesn't mean anything.

Maybe freaks is a bit harsh, but if your drinking blood, because your a "vampire" your not doing it for religious beliefs, your doing it because you "think" you are something you are not. That is what I was trying to get across.

Ruth - medium 3 years ❤
Ruth (4 stories) (156 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-28)
It's staggering to see someone write, "my friends are not human?

What are they then?

Ruth - medium 3 years
girlygirl89 (guest)
15 years ago (2009-04-27)
oh no I'm not looking down on you in any way. I am just speaking out of my own personal curiosity becuase I, like most of the people on this site am trying to figure things out! 😕 I didn't mean for you to get mad.
BlindWind (2 stories) (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-27)
Everyone: Ok, so apparently there's a bunch of people who think I'm stupid or something. Yes I know that no one is immortal, only stupid people believe that humans can live forever. My vamp friend is a psi-vamp who also happens to crave blood. As for my werewolf friend, he, well, just look up real werewolves up. No, he doesn't change shape or anything like that.

I have told people their future and then it happen, so there's your proof! On top of that, my mom's a medium as well, and we've described the same sort of things, not knowing about the other's gifts.

When I first found this site, I was overjoyed. I felt like I could relate to everyone on here. But I guess I was wrong. How is it that we all live in a world of spirits, angels, demons, and other realms, and yet a lot of you don't believe in vampires that drink blood?

The only reason that I'm even dealing with all of this supernatural stuff is because I'm not dumb enough to have something happening right in front of me, and pretending it isn't going on. I'm going to do what ever I can to help all those that I can, and that's that! Besides that, if I did choose to pretend none of this is happening, I'd be dead with in a week. But sense I don't particularly like most of you, I won't get into that.

For everyone that has been nice, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's good to know that not all of the world is bad.

As for everyone else, thanks for proving that there really isn't anyone I can trust in this world.

I'm sorry if I seem harsh, or like I'm over reacting, but I've been looked down on to many times, I'm just plain sick of it!

😠 😢
girlygirl89 (guest)
15 years ago (2009-04-27)
oh! I just remembered when I read the story on psi-vamps and now I have another question to ask... Do you mean that your friend who says he/she is a vampire is possibly a psi-vamp and not a vampire in the bloodsucking sense?!? Just wondering.
girlygirl89 (guest)
15 years ago (2009-04-27)
I agree with Revsilverson on the whole vampires and werewolves issue. I'm not being mean, I just think that we are not immortal in the physical sense. When we die our bodies will be of no use to us. While I do believe in the existence of non human beings/creatures/entities, I'm just wondering how they (your friends) can be a vampire and a werewolf. Do they transform physically? Also, in some very different cultures, drinking blood is common. Some people like it (not me) and I guess if that's one of the reasons why your friend thinks he/she is a vampire than it isn't sufficient proof. Maybe if you can elaborate more on why your friends believe this, then I could know where you are coming from when you say this. Maybe, then you would have cleared the air for us all on this issue. (I don't mean to offend in any way. I'm just curious.)
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-27)
Reverend: I respect your insight and consider you most wise. But this isn't my logical "or well thought out" brain speaking. I would love nothing more than to be a warm fuzzy psychic who shoots rainbows and puppy dog kisses from his being. But I am not. These days I struggle to get all the junk I pick up from others and the world out of me. I cannot meditate enough these days to get rid of it all. I wish this wasn't my situation... Desperately at that! But I am what I am, I did not ask to be this way, and "god" knows I have suffered for it, pleaded my entire life to make it stop, and wish myself never born. We'd collectively all be better off.
revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2009-04-27)
when I read your article I was very happy that you truly wanted to help people. So far though it appears you are only talking with spirits and beings in the astral world and without any validation that just means you have an active imagination. When you perform readings for people and they verify that what you tell them is accurate and something you couldn't have known, then you will know that your abilities are real. Also this site is called psychicexperiences not witch experiences and while some psychics are witches, others are not. You need to find a more appropriate forum to relate your witch experiences.

However when I read the comments under your article, it caused me to disbelieve your story. It is pure imagination to believe people are non-human especially vampires and werewolves. There are people who are strongly affected by the power of the full moon and others that can absorb physical energy from others but they are not immortal; the soul and spirit are but the physical body is not. It's a fact, deal with it.

As for your anger directed towards people who say things you don't like, grow up. Cursing people who have psychic shields around them will only send your negativity back to YOU to the power of 3 and upset people like ME who have the power to send Divine Spirit energy to you and strip you of whatever powers you might have and leave you as little more than flesh and blood pudding and the world a better place.

Xtjrx- comparing vampires drinking real blood to those people who drink allegorical blood is comparing apples to oranges. Your repsonse came across as uneducated. Think longer next time before you respond.

Love and Light
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-27)
BlindWind: you are describing "divine wrath" -when you get so angry you start shaking, or even consumed with what feels like divine "or perfect" wrath. That's your "reptilian brain" overiding your logical brain. This ancient brain part is really what got us from nothing to present. I am a left handed (or right brained) /reptilian brain subliminal psychic-vampire/illuminiti/lightwalker/undead whatever (undead as in I woke up and connected my ratinal brain to my psychic powerhouse--yuo all have it. Funny, I've always loved tomato juice, I do get cravings for it-always have. I am a tattoo artist by passion, and I'm very very good with symbolsim. Would anyone you be suprised I tattood a koi fish and a dragon on my self? It's Freudian Sublimation of an unacceptable primal brain ritual that superseeds the "moral"/cortex brain reality. It overrides any sense of moral code, because I know what someone really means by what they say- I feel threatened, or I KNOW they took a subliminal cheap shot at me. If someone points a crucifix at me, or douces me with holy water, I'm going to laugh. A crucifix is an instrument of extreme torture-and evolutionally speaking we all came out of the water. For the forst 9 months of your life, we were all amphibians in the womb. It's a scientific fact.

Anyways, when I feel threatened I will "attack"-or protect myself. This is how I survive- I'm not going to get into a physical fight with anyone. Fear and arrousal-as in stimulated- look the same on an EEG of the brain. It's like being an electric eel to me. I can and will send out an electrical charge that someones reptile brain will pick up. The rational cortex "thinking" mind can't correctly inturprit it, so it senses fear, and creates a fearfull image, or sensation. If I was pure evil, why would I be here trying to help? O right, because we have a secret agenda, and are trying to control your minds (frown) . I've grown tied of soaking up everyone's toxic psychic garbage-because it pretty much ruined my life, and I will not take it anymore. Everyone can have it back.
BlindWind (2 stories) (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-27)
XtjrX: thanks, I love what you said!

Jaime2295: Sure I'll tell you. I'll Email you about it, it'll take to long here. 😊
BlindWind (2 stories) (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-27)
Ruth: I know several websites full of real vampires and werewolves that wouldn't be happy to hear that you think they're all freeks. Can you honestly call your self a medium and not believe in beings other than humans? I'm gridding my teeth right now so that I don't start cursing you. It takes a lot to afend me, but you just mannaged to do it! 😠
Jaime2295 (4 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-24)
BlindWind, Could you please tell me how to contact my spirit guides?

Thank you 😊
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-24)
Ruth- I'm a bit sensitive about someone throwing the word "freaks" around. Blood drinking (ritual) is common in most religions. If I'm not mistaken you told someone seeking protection to go to a "catholic" books store didn't you? I find it highly ironic you would label someone who ceremoniously drinks blood a "freak". Do Catholics not practice the symbolic ritual of "communion" The drinking of your savior's blood? How is that not vampire-like? Doesn't that make you a "freak" too? "Sorry to sound harsh, but please be real",as you have so eloquently put it. It's not ok to label anyone a freak, no matter how much their beliefs differ from yours; you aren't in a position to judge. Don't shoot me, I'm just a messenger.

Ruth (4 stories) (156 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-24)
ahh hmmm 2 of your best friends arent human - very interesting. There is no way they are vampire or ware-wolf because there is no such thing. Sorry to sound harsh, but please be real.

If they do drink blood and I don't doubt it - then they must be freaks.

Ruth - medium 3 years
isisevangeline (3 stories) (172 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-14)
I bet those bloodlusts must be a killer when summer hits. I feel bad for them.
BlindWind (2 stories) (35 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-13)
One of my friends is a vampire and the other is a werewolf. I know it sounds crazy, but they really are what they clame to be.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
16 years ago (2009-04-13)
What an interesting read.

What is it your two friends think they are? I'd be interested in hearing about that.

Thanks for sharing.


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