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How Do I Turn It Off?


I am a 47 year old female and from what my dad has told me I was born empathic, I got it from him. He taught me at a very young age how to control it so as not to invade people's privacy. But this past month something is very wrong. I can't turn it off. I feel every one around me for about 5 or 6 miles and I can't make it stop. It hurts and I can't sleep or have my own thoughts and it is ruining my life and I don't know what to do.

I have never had this problem before and it scars me. I am afraid I will go crazy with all the people that I feel. Can you please help me? I have to walk out into the wood to be alone as much as I can not to feel my friends and family. They all know why I do it but they still are hurt by it, trust me I know. The one thing that does save me is that I can't feel the wild animals but they have always come up to me and I feed them from my hand. I think they know I will never hurt them. But I don't want to spend the rest of my life 50 miles away from all my family just to have some peace and to feel my own feelings again.

For some reason "the switch" as I call it is broken and I don't know what to do to fix it, I really need some help here and don't know where else to go. Do you think you can help me? If not, do you know some one that can? PLEASE, this is NO joke and I am NOT crazy (yet) but something has to help me get back my control or I will go crazy! Please help me!

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Timfaraos (426 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-28)
You need to go to the garage for service and tuning! You know, we humans are way more complex than a car... But it has to be done by the manufacturer, God, not some quack. Our manufacturer's manual is the BIBLE! I know many churches of MIRACLE WORKING saints that you can visit in greece, (and go on holiday while you're there)! These saints heal THOUSANDS of people each year, from ANY kind of problem you can think of: physical and mental (even INCURABLE CANCER, M.SCLEROSIS-you name it!), financial, psychological, demon oppression/possession, career, mariage etc! But you'll have to promise the saint something in return, as a token of appreciation, like: start donating time or money to a charity, or fast from meat and dairy once or twice a week, or something else for God. Even if you're not an orthodox christian, you can be healed... Only you must ask Jesus or the saint from your heart. Read my PROPHILE for more info, and email me for the names and adresses of these churches in greece. But if you want, there is a miracle working saint's INCORRUPT body, in a church in America! His name: Archbishop (saint) John Maximovitch, the wonderworker! Adress: holy virgin russian cathedral, 6210 Geary boulevard, san fransisco, california 94121-1822 usa. Tel: 415 2213255. You can also find them on internet. Ask a priest there, to read some prayers over you, and give you advice. You have nothing to lose, exept the plane ticket! Good luck, God bless!
leighmillage95 (2 stories) (13 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-01)
I have the same thing you do, and It freaks me out too. What I do is I shut my door, and sit or lay on my bed and just consentrate on my own thoughts.

Best hopes,
ostara8 (124 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-01)
and... I agree with anne! Definitely take her advice. Empathy is centred from the heart chakra... Of course... May just be a simple and effective solution!
ostara8 (124 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-01)
gosh... Extreme meditation and praying is all I can think of... At least as a starter... I'm empathic too and I experience this kind of thing all the time, not as bad perhaps. I read that the angels have said theat empaths in particular NEED to release by spending time in nature... You intuitively knew what you NEEDED to do to regain at least a little normalcy. I meditate IN nature, and I ask the tree spirits to cleanse me. Ans thy do every time. It does help, its a start. Blessings to you:) I'm sure you will rebalance soon. I think you are letting your fear and ego take over into thinking that you will go crazy and this will never end. Menopause and female hormones have been known to send things haywire... Breathe, and ride it out. I wish you luck
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-27)
We agree with PathR and AnneV. Chakras are the main points of the body which can... Turn on and off empathy, open and close the third eye, as well as make your empathy stronger or weaker among other things. The heart chakra is were the main point of empathy, compassion, is stored. Maybe this one is the one that is giving you problems? If there is anything else we may be of help with, don't hesitate to email us at VendettaSiblings [at]

PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-27)
Hi, when we work empathetically or psychically we have main chakra centers that work synergistically, and some work more in two's, or three's at times. In order to prevent over activity, it is beneficially to open with protection with either white light which holds our vibration as well protects when working psycially. When meditating check your aura and our chakras for any imbalance for maintenance. Tools: meditation/grounding/opening/closing our chakras,balance,clear. Healers,Reiki/crystal healer,Bach's,aura soma,acupuncture,herbs. Flowers,crystals,herbs,teas,chants are some.
Sorry if this is repition!
Set up protection open to meditation check your chakras.
I would recommend stop utilizing your gift of empathy as the body will just work on self healing itself, just practice meditation and pull light through your whole aura when meditating and certain chakras, grounding close all chakras at end, except root chakra visualize protection.
You can find a healer to check and see if your lower chakras are ripped from the over activity + your 3rd eye or if aura has any holes. Healing energy can help with bring you to a normal balance, so can the items listed. If your desperate... Email as I would have lots of questions to check you distantly...blessings
ca701yn (1 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-26)
I understand.

You have to invision this empathy as a switch. You have the ability to turn this switch it off and on at will. It takes some practice, but you'll get it.

AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
16 years ago (2009-05-26)
It sounds as if one of your chakras is too open. You can search google on your heart chakra. I found a site that looks pretty good:

I'd work on closing it down.

Good luck,

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