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Real Psychic Experiences

Earth, Water, Fire, Air



Well, this is a little complicated but when I try to stop or start the wind I can. I am not sure if this just 20,000,000 coincidences or really a power so I need help. If I could control all of the elements this would probably be the one I could develop the most.


I can make trees sway back and forth. Toward me away whatever Again, I don't know if this is a coincidence or not. Of all the elements, this is probably 4th most that I could develop (if all else fails).


This isn't really water so much as waves. It slows down when I want it too or when I am body surfing and I want waves higher it happens. The rain is also something I think I can control. I can make t light but not go away fully though. This is the element that I could develop 2nd most (like if air doesn't work out).


I don't think I could start a fire but depending on how much I can concentrate I could smother it or make it rise and crack for a little.

I am always memorized when I look a fire. It gives me a feeling like I have never experienced. This is probably the 3rd strongest element I could develop (If air and water don't work out).

I am not sure if all of these are coincidences but I do know when I took the ESP Test I got a high score. Is that related? Are these ALL just coincidences? Please help. I know that my parents will probably think I am crazy and I want to use my powers (if they are powers) to help and not hurt.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, acegirl906, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Dragonflybreeze (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-10)
Hello, I know this is an older e-mail, but I was wondering if anyone is still around to talk to? I seem to have come across some of these unusual "symptoms" myself and really feel just nuts. So glad to hear that there are others like me and would sure like to have some friends that I can talk to about this stuff and not think that I am crazy of attack me for feeling how I feel... Pearl, yours sounds very similar to mine. IF anyone is still around reading this my e-mail is dragonflybreeze21 [at] Thank you.:)
lzmii (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-21)
Great, I just sent an email,
If you don't get it for some reason just let me know
lodlelo2 (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-18)
k my e-mail is kayla50201 [at] what's yours 😊 so e-mail me ❤
lzmii (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-14)
Awesome 😁
Please let me know,
I'd love to be able to chat with, or well 😆 email you
lodlelo2 (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-13)
its ok I have an e-mail to if you want to e-mail me just let me know and ill tell you
lzmii (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-12)
Actually, nevermind, I forgot I took me email of my profile page
Sorry, about that 😉
lzmii (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-12)
Shoot me an email,
You can find my email address on my profile
I'd love to "talk" well, email 😆 about aerokinesis and whatnot
lodlelo2 (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
your welcome if you need anything I'm your girl! That goes to everyone else too
lzmii (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
Thank you, very well aware,
Best of luck and safe wishes to you 😉
lodlelo2 (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
oh,yes that may be it but I must warn you that MOST fires are bad, just be aware too 😐
lzmii (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-06)
I don't think that fire is bad as long as you know how to control yourself,
Fire is dangerous, we all know that, but if you're careful I'm not quite sure you have reason to fear,
That voice you heard, may have just been a bad spirit not fire itself,
But refering to the voice, you're the one who heard it so just be careful, whatever you do about it
lodlelo2 (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
well I don't know the exact number of fires I'm estemating. But I do know fires are bad because one day I was just sitting down enjoying my time and suddenly I heard this voice out of nowhere, it said"join us rule with us push your power to the maximum" then it was gone I never found out who exactly sent it but I know its from the fires because right at that moment I felt myself go mad in heat. And qsxcft11 what do you know about wind first.
qsxcft11 (34 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Ledlelo2 could you help me I think I cann control wind but its limited to emotions.
lzmii (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Cool but how do you know all this,
Like the actual number of people with fire and why exactly do you think fire is bad?
Also, with the wind I've been having trouble because what I normally do is clear my mind and "talk" with the wind, and I learn through practice and there are moments when I don't even think about what I am doing and then I learn something new,
Like once I was outside and I was staring at a tree and faded out, like I always do, and then the wind just increased on the spot where I was staring and I asked the wind if that was it, the wind gave me a little "mind nudge" and basically said try it again and I did and it worked after about the tenth time in a row I knew then how increase the wind but the... Actually I'll stop here but I hope you get the general idea of what I mean,
The problem is that my mind feels heavy as though it's loaded with stuff and it feels as though it blocks my way of talking with the wind, sometimes, like earlier today if I focus I could increase the wind but only slightly, it felt like there was a block that prevented me from going further and it was all from my mind not being clear,
I cannot go into full depth with all that's been happening with my "powers", if I'm going to do that then it'll be when I post my story but,
Just from that what do you think?
lodlelo2 (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
well,anyone can control things like this, someone may not even know they can! The test is very simple, for wind you have your own special way. Only you know what to do to control it, I myself do it by peace, when I'm very peaceful or happy the winds listen to you. Thats just me though,you,have to listen to your mind a what does it tell you. Being wind is most common. Water is easy to but not as nearly as easy as wind, my brother is water so I do have much experiance, feel the flow of water if you do the warter might ripple or move or stop or whatever. Water is next common. Earth thest may seem easy but it isnt. You have to feel a trees or plants heart beat the tree is the easyest because its heartbeat is louder if you hear it try healing plants next. Third hardest is earth. Ok there's fire left and before I go on let me warn you. Some people think being fire is cool but the truth is... Its horror. You don't know it but you just have to take over the world. One of my ex-friends is fire, the only reason I'm not friends with her is because shes fire, fires are DANGEROUS. OK fire test is hard, you have too make it warmer in the weather you have to enjoy heat you have to look at fire and not get blind. This is rare in the whole world there's 7,000.
lzmii (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-03)
What is the test?
How do you do it because my abilities have been acting weird for over a year now, partly because I haven't practiced hardly at all and partly because of some other stuff so I've been trying to find out if there are any tests to see if one can control the elements,
But will it work even if you don't know how to control the elements or if your abilities are acting up?
TIGERKING (2 stories) (70 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-30)

Hi, I'm just wondering how credible this elemental stuff is. I mean anyone can say that they can control elements, but some of the things people say are similar to what I've experienced. If you can do this... How do you do it?
Bladesk8ter (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-30)
Hey umm I have a question. I get burned with fire sometimes and believe me, it hurts like hell but when I look at the spot that got burned, it looks as if nothing happened. My skin did not get damaged at all. What does that mean?
lodlelo2 (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-30)
your in toatal luck! I'm wind and earth I can control wind by making it stronger on lighter or change directions. For earth I can heal plants a little not very much though. Anyways I tried to talk to my parents about it they just said there's no such thing but I know there is any ways only very few people can be all I only know 2 people anyways you are an elemental a person that can control stuff like that and if you want to test yourself out you can take the wind,water,earth,and fire test let me warn you though, being a fire is a bad thing there planning on taking over the earth.
TIGERKING (2 stories) (70 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-26)
and just for a little advice. Go to the beach. Whenever I go to the beach I feel recharged. You have all four elements there in a display of power. If I feel drained and I go to the beach I get all my enrgy back. Just a suggestion.
TIGERKING (2 stories) (70 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-26)
this strikes a chord with me strangely enough. I too, when upset, experience rain. But who can say for sure that it is me that is the cause (thats a far cry). But it does seem to happen all the time. Very interesting.
To be honest I didn't think there would be more people who had this. "I thought I was the chosen one".<<----thats a joke
Zhabesha (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-26)
It has been about 4 years that I understood it rains when I cry. I also happen to realize the wind has some connection with me. First I thought it war a coincindence. Now I am glad there are others like me. Would you guys email me how to master my gifts. Please I need help because I am out of clues at the moment.
Pearl_ (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-15)
I can sort of control wind air and fire. Like When I get very sad and upset a rain or hail storm starts. Even the creeks near where I live start to fill up with rain. But when I'am raging inside (emotionally) thunder storms start. Or If I'am near a open flame It starts to rises and when I put my hand over it then it follows my hand somewhat.
DianaLunten (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-14)
I really can understand you. Each year I have some new things happen - On my 14th b-day - I discovered that I could control AIR. This summer - fire... I actually feel, that I am getting closer to Earth and lastly - water... But... Maybe these are just some special things God gifted some of us with? 😕
Alastor (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-26)
Aah forgot the s behind the thank ^^
It should be thanks RookDygin and Thanks Bbdeathspark sry.
Alastor (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-26)
I will try to speak to them that way:)
There was so much to read O:
Thank RookDygin for sending me that site
Thank Bbdeathspark for telling me how to talk to them ^^
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-26)
I think the word needed here is Respectfully...

Speak to the Enitities / Elements with Respect and Politness. There are many books that suguest many different forms on how to evoke / speak with / address Mother Earth and the Elements... Take some time, do a bit of research and find a way you are comfortable with. A reading sugestion...


I think one may find this contains some very helpful advice and shows that 'it's not as easy as it seems...


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-26)
Talk to them nice and calmly, don't go irrational/berserk on them, speak normally but don't say insults, and some don't understand certain jokes as some never have been with a human.
Alastor (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-25)
Woah that's good to know:)
If I was going to talk to a spirit of the wind ^^ how should I do it? I don't want to be unrespectful to them.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-24)
Yes, elemental spirits can be in any shape or form, even to take on a boy aspect or girl aspect. A wind spirit near here, named Aurroris, happened to be a "female" as well.

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