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Real Psychic Experiences

Since I Last Posted, I Have Learned About My Ability


Hi, I was once Laxlum however I forgot my account's password so there was no other option for me but to create a new account. That isn't important, what is important is that in my other account I published a story with the title "I Feel Changes In The Weather". In that post I mentioned that I could, as the title suggests, feel changes in the weather. Since then I have discovered more about myself, this is what I know so far:

I know it's not just the weather I can feel; I can also sense people within a certain distance. The way I sense people is much different than to the weather. The way that I sense people is there is a rubber band type thing around me, I can push that outwards a good distance (roughly 10 meters), and if I want to find a single person and they are within the 'rubber band' I can locate where they are (whereas, as I mentioned in my last post with my Laxlum account, there is a chill that runs up my spine when the weather is going to change). Also, the better I know the person the further away I can be and still be able to find them.

Another part to this sensing I guess it would be called, is that there is a second life with my own and we share one body, though he doesn't actually talk to me, I can tell what he is saying (assuming it is a he). Another part to him is he is the one with the rubber band, if he wasn't in my body the rubber band wouldn't be around me and sometimes it isn't. I don't have complete control over it, only when it's 'available' I can use it, if it isn't 'available' then the entire ability to sense people is not available to me (I'm not sure whether it affects my weather sensing or not, the weather has been the same here for a while).

So guys, is there anything you can tell me that I could also possibly do? If there is anything you can comment about everything would be appreciated, I have known about this for a while, I just haven't gotten a chance to post it so here it is, thank you in advance for anyone that can post anything that is remotely helpful.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Debrisis, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Debrisis (1 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
it's cool, you fixed up the mistakes, that's all that matters
phoenix-antrix (41 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
I hav some mistake in my first comment, "advice you to clean your *aura* daily..." and "do *meditation* ask white" and "I should *say* do friendship with him" I am extremely sorry for these mistakes
phoenix-antrix (41 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
I also want help, the problem is concerning my dreams so I can't post my story here but if you can help me them please tell me through comment O.K.
Debrisis (1 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
[at] phoenix-antrix

I see, that makes a lot of sense,I'm going to have to try this, thanks 😁
phoenix-antrix (41 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-16)
You have exceptionally very strong aura, those rubber bands are actually the strong field lines of your aura. I shall strongly advice you to clean your daily because whenever you feel any person or weather your strong aura gets contaminated with the weak aura of others. The more you practice this ability the better you will be in sensing. And about that "he", because of your strong aura your inner wise one is active to you, do meditatin ask white energy field to cover you then call that "he" and talk to him nicely or I should do friendship with him and he will clear your every confusion

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