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Real Psychic Experiences

Energy And The Begining Of Everything


I was going to Title this 'Life, The Universe and Everything' but Douglas Adams beat me to it.

This was going to be a long and very detailed version of my personnel beliefs, I even typed it up in Word so I could 'copy and paste' it over, when I realized that I didn't need 'all that'.

However the basics are still the basics and I've been saying I'd post a 'story' that explains stuff from my point of view so here it is.

The Beginning: Empty void, Nothingness pressing in on itself until...


Energy explodes outward with a 'big bang'.

From this Energy an Intelligence is formed. This new intelligence chooses a form for itself and 'realizes' it has the ability to Create things with the unformed energy that it is a part of and that surrounds it. It creates other intelligences and they have the 'power' to use the energy that they are a part of and that surrounds them, but they themselves cannot 'create' anything from this energy, only the first may do this.

The First Intelligence then creates 'Heaven, Earth, Water... The 'whole creation story'... As the energy came together to form this new 'physical realm' lesser intelligences are formed with 'attachments' to the new physical things (Earth, Water, Air, Fire...).

Then the first Intelligence creates 'man' and shapes it into a 'likeness' of the original form it chose for itself. This new creation 'mankind' is a vessel so that the Intelligences that were called forth from the 'Energy' could experience a 'physical' existence.

In so choosing to experience a physical existence they cross a 'veil', which causes them to 'forget' from whence they came. When the physical body they inhabit 'dies' these Intelligences once again cross the 'veil' to return to the presence of the First Intelligence.

All of creation is formed from the energy released by the Great Explosion of Nothingness (As manipulated by the First Intelligence) and as such is a part of us. It influences us and we can influence it. Some Consciously (Psychic's) others Unconsciously, and others nearly not at all. Some 'know' how to control it (Memories from across the veil), others can be taught how, while some could care less nor even believe it's possible. This connection manifests differently from age to age, person to person. Some can Heal, some can 'see the future' and there are those that can speak with 'spirits'.

Ah, there it is...Spirits...these can be those that were formed and are associated with 'nature' (The Fey, Elementals, ect...) or those Intelligences that have come to Earth to experience a Physical body... Which has passed on but haven't crossed the veil to be back with the 'First Intelligence.' (Ghosts for lack of a better word).

I hope this helps people understand where my answers come from. I could go into so much more detail but I'm trying to remain 'Religion Netural' and keep this 'short'. Feel free to ask questions, I'll do my very best to answer them.



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RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)

I am so sorry I did not see this sooner. I shall do my best to keep my answers as 'simple' as possible.

The 'veil' is...well...hummm...It separates the Spiritual Realm from the Physical Realm. It is the reason that Spirits need 'Energy' to communicate (speak) or interact (move objects). Building up or 'gathering' energy from the 'environment/individuals' allows the Spirit to 'cross over' and influence/interact with us in the Physical Realm. It works the other way as well. We need to clear our minds, gather our 'energy' before we 'project' ourselves into the Spiritual Realm (Astral Travel is the most common of these 'projections'.

Your next questions were...

"From what I understood, it was put there so we can learn and make our choice to return to God's side?

By ignoring God's intention for putting that veil there to begin with, are we not committing some sort of sin similar to what Adam and Eve did in Eden?" is there so that as our Heavenly Spirit (Angelic) crosses over and 'inhabits' a physical body (a baby). To help understand how some people can 'remember'...Psychic's, Sensitives, Empaths...ect...One must accept the cycle of reincarnation... The more times a Heavenly Spirit experiences the Physical Realm the more likely 'it' remembers something from the Spiritual Realm. Others are here as Teachers and Guides but not one of them knows the entire Truth... The Whole Truth belongs to Heavenly Father and Lucifer... The Angels that have not taken on a physical body and the Fallen Ones (Demons) who supported Lucifer before being cast out of Heaven. (Hope that helps some)


"My logic tells me that those who 'remember' or can 'see' through the veil would be those who are close to Enlightment or almost there. To be even close, does that not preclude the free will or intention to do harm?"

You must remember it was the use of 'Free Will' that allowed them become 'Enlightened' or close to it and now they are trying to teach others. Then of course there are those that are dissatisfied with Enlightenment who try and lead people the 'other way'.

Hope that answers your questions.


Vanessanda (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-03)
Rook, I'm desperately trying to understand the concept of the "veil" and you know how difficult these concepts are for me to understand. I'm referring to this comment of yours:

"New-borns and those near death can 'see/feel' things across this veil. This is due to how 'close' they are to it or how far they are from crossing it. As a child grows they 'learn physical limitations' and the veil 'thickens' makeing it harder, if not impossible to see across. In some instances however an individual does not have their 'third eye' closed in this manner and in other cases people study and 're-learn'/develope their ability to see across it."

Curiously enough, I've understood forever that babes and people nearing the end of their physical lives are sensitive to the Truth and have certain abilities of different sorts. I've always understood that, from shortly after our birth until the end, we slowly or quickly, start to lose that sensitivity. Thanks to you, I can now relate that to the "veil".

However, here is my very crude and ignorant question: If this veil was created in the first instance by the "First Intelligence/Creator/God", then it was put there for a reason. From what I understood, it was put there so we can learn and make our choice to return to God's side?

By ignoring God's intention for putting that veil there to begin with, are we not committing some sort of sin similar to what Adam and Eve did in Eden?

You also state this:

"Other abilities are also 'dampened/blocked' by the veil...Empathy, Clairvoyance are a couple of these. This happens so that our Spirits (Souls) can learn from a physical experience. There are those who 'remember' things from the 'other side' so that they may help others on this side."

Who decides who gets these abilities? For me this is a contradiction to the original intention of the veil. I just can't relate that original intention, for us to learn from an experience, with the abilities of some to go ahead and do what the veil intended for us not to do. That is, to learn and choose Enlightenment all over again. Why should some of us be helped to learn from an experience by those who can "see" through the veil and others have to cope without help.

Then there's this:

"There are also those who 'remember' and yet choose to 'harm'. There are even those who choose to lead us either towards Enlightenment or away from it."

My logic tells me that those who 'remember' or can 'see' through the veil would be those who are close to Enlightment or almost there. To be even close, does that not preclude the free will or intention to do harm? I'm not sure if I'm expressing my thoughts clearly or if they're coming out confused.

Rook, please, in the most basic and simplistic way you possibly can.
truely-unknown (10 stories) (106 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-05)
Yeah, I know. Same here, I was just putting it in the simplest possible explanation. 😁 Sorry if I seem alittle bit like a jerk.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-05)
I never said it was the 'RIGHT' begining... But mearly a possibility of how thngs came about.

I actually still have a 'problem' with the whole idea that the pure nothing of Vacuum suddenly Exploding it all started with that 'singular' event.


truely-unknown (10 stories) (106 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-04)
Basically, a firecracker blew up then legos and a soul came out of the smoke. The simplest of all explanations.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-03)
To all concerned,

I am experiencing some small issues at home... No the are not 'Paranormal, nor have I been 'attacked' in any way shape or form.

It's just that I have some duties to/with Family and Friends I must attend to. I shall address all 'points' on Sunday night as that will be when my obligations are over and I have returned to work.

I must say this however... How many different ways can you say the same thing and still not make a valid point? Just wondering.


Aerial_Sars (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-03)
Scientists have created a small scale version of about a hair of a second after the Big Bang happened, with atom smashers.


Je ne vois qu'infini par toutes les fenetres.
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-03)
That is an interesting thought, what if mankind could recreate the big bang on a small scale how would this affect your theory and do you think that a possibility of another life form being produced?

As for my questions I wanted proof from Brandon which still I have seen none of, Ariel or whoever I wanted a explanation of the creation and basic overview of everything up to know, instead I got all that mess of lies and insults trying to avoid it, thus I have no reason to believe anything from this person, since that cannot prove anything when asked (Like I said all I got was insults and other childish remarks0. The finally question I had was for Anat since if she was Anat she should clearly know Sumerian but instead all I got was Egypt (and what Egypt considered her) 0, not that goddess place of origin. In addition I asked how her ideology spread since if she is that being she should simply know it but once again the only answers I got were insults and other tactics trying to change and hide my questions. Therefore, I must say all of what I heard from them is doubtful if not a lie, which is further explained by parts in their argument were the contradict themselves showing they were lying at one point or the other. But I'm done with this it is clearly pointless since all I will get is childish remarks.
Aerial_Sars (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-03)
No information I've gathered was new and shiny from the internet. All of it was from personal experience, other people's personal experiences, the Archives (no, this is not on the internet, and yes, there is the matter of who is allowed access), Verse (spirit world- a lot of people can tell you about their experiences there, while projecting), and old historical books, such as eastern ones, as they have a better understanding for different types of energy, whether it be elemental or another type.

And with what Sparky said, yes, there are restrictions in place, which is why there are physical consequences when using a high amount of energy (like what Pyra mentioned).

An example would be the kinesis abilities. To get adequate results with the ability, various levels of fatigue are felt, such as overheating, passing out, shortness of breath, muscle burning, and a feeling of sickness. This is why training these abilities up provides better results with less fatigue on the physical body.

And I'm talking about a different kind of awakening dream. Not one about past lives, although those may also be revealed within the dream.

Also, its not "possession", because no previous soul was in the body and the non-human soul is not controlling another soul. Think about reincarnation- different souls can incarnate within beings such as animals. Does it make the soul to that of an animal soul? No. Every being is designated a "task", and where they're placed depends on said task. Some have business on Earth, and others have business elsewhere, or they stay where they originated, unless other circumstances arise.

However, there ARE circumstances where possession happens, or where the new soul makes the host leave. Those don't generally happen often, though.

There are also cases in which the host is consumed to further the new soul's energy.

These situations generally arise only if incarnating has been banned by the Council.

Again, Pyra's comments about energy and whatnot pretty much sum up everything.

Je ne vois qu'infini par toutes les fenetres.
Javelina (67 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-03)
[at] skyrealm,
I'm following along with you, as you seem to be the only one who see it the way I've envisioned it. I think you have a much better grasp on this than you're letting on, either way, I agree.

RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-03)
Aerial Sars,

I must apologize, I completely missed the fact that you did not address this 'question' from myself...

"It seems to me very convenient that you reference a Council that is not physical, information from archives that 'we' do not have access to and / or this "Verse, or anything" you refer to... Is it Possible to get access to any of these sources of information?"

This falls back on my point of it being on 'me' to provide evidence / proof of my claims... It would be very convincing to have access to the things you mentioned... The Council... Verse (poems/song/or rhyme) heck written documentation that supports you and the points you are trying to make... I should clearify here... Historic Documentation... Not something 'New' and 'Shiney' posted on the internet.


RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-03)
Aerial Sars,

Thank you for your reply...let's break this one down a 'section' at a time... (I will quote you and address each point as I did before).

"And you're completely missing most of the point that I'm trying to make...

I'm not talking about possession at all... Which leads me to believe you've never been attacked extensively or threatened by a physical being with a different soul."

I have had to defend myself from some 'odd' things in my life... Here in our Physical Realm and on the Astral Plane. I have chosen not to tell all my experiences because some of them are deeply personal and I wish to keep them that way, please do not presume you know anything about my personal history /background.

I think I need to define some things before we continue...

Human Body: A body, 'created' by the 'Creator' of this Physical Realm / formed by this physical realm as a shell for a certain type of spirit (soul), for our lives here on 'this earth', a receptacle for 'Souls' (spirits) so that they may experience a Physical Existence.

Physical Body/Form: A solid object that can be seen, felt, smelled and at times...tasted. Can appear 'Human' but may not be...

Having 'said' that I find it quite possible that there may be Non-human 'spirits' that 'take on' a PHYSICAL FORM (see above) so that they may move amongst us undetected. Having stated that... If the Non-Human 'spirit' takes over a Human Body... This is possession because the 'natural spirit (soul) that belongs in the Human Body has been suppressed/displaced by the Non-Human 'spirit'.

"And no, the awakening dreams/visions are not "messages" given by spirits. They're actual dreams that can be received by yourself, through time, or given to you by someone else (in a physical body)."

Let me quote you on this one... That way there is no misunderstanding...

"1. Through visions, dreams, and that sort of thing, or receiving little words, whether they be in different languages or not. You later look these words up, and they have significant meaning to the dreams and visions."

When I addressed your point I was not referring to 'awakening dreams/visions'. I was addressing your above comment, one of 4 points you made in a previous post. Now to address this point...

Awakening.Dreams/Visions are received by an individual during their Spiritual Awakening... This does not indicate that a Non-human 'spirit' is involved. It simply means that they are becoming aware of their 'psychic abilities' or possibly remembering a past life. I do not see how this disproves my point that a Non-Human 'spirit' in a Human Body is a Possession.

"Also, it appears you don't really know how much energy is able to be used in the physical realm, which is quite a bit. And yes, non-humans (in a physical body) can use quite a bit more than regular humans. Its why the energy of humans can be equated to that of a marshmallow."

I perfectly understand 'how much energy' is able to be used in the physical realm. I also understand that Non-Humans in a PHYSICAL BODY (see above) can (to quote you) "use quite a bit more than regular humans." Once again you seem to prove MY POINT... The HUMAN BODY (see above) is only able to use X amount of energy... That amount is dictated by the 'PHYSICAL LAWS of the PHYSICAL REALM we exist in. A Non-Human 'spirit' in HUMAN FORM (see above) has different limitations and therefore can channel more/less energy depending on the 'spirit' and the 'FORM' it is in. Trust me, I may be a bit on the 'heavy side' but I am no marshmallow.

"Also, that is a different form of reading than I'm talking about. The form of reading I'm talking about is having the ability to look into thoughts, memories, and pretty much anything of that person's life, if you're skilled enough. I've seen this done multiple times, and have many people who can attest to it."

I've experienced this as's not proof of a Non-Human 'spirit' in a Human Body. It may indicate that someone is very much in touch with their 'spiritual side' and has the ability to use a psychic gift in that manner.

"And with the amnesia, no, it was not a UFO. It was 2 acquaintances who had their memory wiped by someone (in physical form). Another person (in physical form) had to help reconstruct their memories after it happened. And yes, there are abilities that powerful... So just think about what else there is...".

A case of hypnosis? Sorry there are many different reasons something like this may have happened, and again I say this is not proof of a Non-human 'spirit' in a HUMAN BODY (see above).

"So anyway, I guess according to you, we're all being possessed, lol. I honestly don't see the point in having this "debate", as its not really one..."

Very dismissive aren't you? Perhaps my definitions above will help clarify where I'm coming from / the points I'm trying to make and we can continue this discussion in a civil manner.

"Furthermore, to prove my/our points a bit better, look at it this way. Say you have someone who has never experienced anything psychic/spiritual/religious/ or anything that has to do with spirits. Lets say you tell them your experience. When the person hears this, they tell you you're full of bs, and thus they "debate" why you're wrong and they're right. You could spend quite a while trying to prove your points, but the fact of the matter is that you're moving nowhere. You're both driven to prove each other wrong. This is pretty much what's happening here. If you don't believe it, who cares?"

I do BELIEVE and maybe I'm just being nit-picky, perhaps I'm splitting hairs, but In the above situation I think it would be on 'me' to provide more 'proof' than just my words to convince the person who has never had a 'paranormal' experience in hopes of changing their mind.

Darkstar: You have asked...

"I'm still curious about your thought of multiple big bangs and the possibility of numerous like god-like beings being produced."

I think it's possible. There are theories of 'multiple dimensions / universes' that our separated from ours... If they all started with a 'big bang' then there is chance that there are 'numerous god like beings'... Heck here in our Physical Realm when the Earth was formed there were 'spirits' that 'came into being' that, when compared to Humans (Human Spirits) seem 'god like' in power / abilities. However, I my Belief System there is only One God (Heavenly Father) which is the 'First Intelligence' I refer to in my O/P that this debate is happening on. Truth be told I try and focus of 'this realm' the one we are living in now. There may be some crossover at times... But these are incidents to be 'dealt with' when they happen.

To the rest of the crowd that is SHOUTING SO LOUD at each other... Grow up, step up to the Podium and join the debate in progress... Stop the name calling and 'muck slinging'.


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-02)
THe last comment that mattered was: And you're completely missing most of the point that I'm trying to make...

I'm not talking about possession at all... Which leads me to believe you've never been attacked extensively or threatened by a physical being with a different soul.

And no, the awakening dreams/visions are not "messages" given by spirits. They're actual dreams that can be received by yourself, through time, or given to you by someone else (in a physical body).

Also, it appears you don't really know how much energy is able to be used in the physical realm, which is quite a bit. And yes, non-humans (in a physical body) can use quite a bit more than regular humans. Its why the energy of humans can be equated to that of a marshmallow.

Also, that is a different form of reading than I'm talking about. The form of reading I'm talking about is having the ability to look into thoughts, memories, and pretty much anything of that person's life, if you're skilled enough. I've seen this done multiple times, and have many people who can attest to it.

And with the amnesia, no, it was not a UFO. It was 2 acquaintances who had their memory wiped by someone (in physical form). Another person (in physical form) had to help reconstruct their memories after it happened. And yes, there are abilities that powerful... So just think about what else there is...

So anyway, I guess according to you, we're all being possessed, lol. I honestly don't see the point in having this "debate", as its not really one...

Furthermore, to prove my/our points a bit better, look at it this way. Say you have someone who has never experienced anything psychic/spiritual/religious/ or anything that has to do with spirits. Lets say you tell them your experience. When the person hears this, they tell you you're full of bs, and thus they "debate" why you're wrong and they're right. You could spend quite a while trying to prove your points, but the fact of the matter is that you're moving nowhere. You're both driven to prove each other wrong. This is pretty much what's happening here. If you don't believe it, who cares?

Anyway, most of our lives don't revolve around this site, because honestly, compared to so many other things, proving things to names on a screen is quite unimportant, when there are things such as training to be done.

And btw, don't pay any mind to Jordan/Zen/Darkstar. The only reason he's commenting is because earlier, someone cut off most of his connections to people and he lost control. When he looses control, he feels the need to throw a temper tantrum and act obnoxious. He knows very well about these things, so its really not worth the time to give him the attention he desires.

Well, I'm done here. Have fun with your "debate" that really doesn't matter to anyone much...

Je ne vois qu'infini par toutes les fenetres.

Shall we get back on topic?
Aerial_Sars (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-02)
And you're completely missing most of the point that I'm trying to make...

I'm not talking about possession at all... Which leads me to believe you've never been attacked extensively or threatened by a physical being with a different soul.

And no, the awakening dreams/visions are not "messages" given by spirits. They're actual dreams that can be received by yourself, through time, or given to you by someone else (in a physical body).

Also, it appears you don't really know how much energy is able to be used in the physical realm, which is quite a bit. And yes, non-humans (in a physical body) can use quite a bit more than regular humans. Its why the energy of humans can be equated to that of a marshmallow.

Also, that is a different form of reading than I'm talking about. The form of reading I'm talking about is having the ability to look into thoughts, memories, and pretty much anything of that person's life, if you're skilled enough. I've seen this done multiple times, and have many people who can attest to it.

And with the amnesia, no, it was not a UFO. It was 2 acquaintances who had their memory wiped by someone (in physical form). Another person (in physical form) had to help reconstruct their memories after it happened. And yes, there are abilities that powerful... So just think about what else there is...

So anyway, I guess according to you, we're all being possessed, lol. I honestly don't see the point in having this "debate", as its not really one...

Furthermore, to prove my/our points a bit better, look at it this way. Say you have someone who has never experienced anything psychic/spiritual/religious/ or anything that has to do with spirits. Lets say you tell them your experience. When the person hears this, they tell you you're full of bs, and thus they "debate" why you're wrong and they're right. You could spend quite a while trying to prove your points, but the fact of the matter is that you're moving nowhere. You're both driven to prove each other wrong. This is pretty much what's happening here. If you don't believe it, who cares?

Anyway, most of our lives don't revolve around this site, because honestly, compared to so many other things, proving things to names on a screen is quite unimportant, when there are things such as training to be done.

And btw, don't pay any mind to Jordan/Zen/Darkstar. The only reason he's commenting is because earlier, someone cut off most of his connections to people and he lost control. When he looses control, he feels the need to throw a temper tantrum and act obnoxious. He knows very well about these things, so its really not worth the time to give him the attention he desires.

Well, I'm done here. Have fun with your "debate" that really doesn't matter to anyone much...

Je ne vois qu'infini par toutes les fenetres.
SkyRealm (5 stories) (65 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-02)
[at] RookDygin
Thats true! You are really smart. Mine are just theories, not actually anything else. I just pieced it all together from what little I have heard, seen or experienced. Theories theories! Though I can't prove it, (I doubt anyone can) we can al;ways speculate Though you have answered a lot of questions!
Thanks, youve given me a resl interesting insight... Gotto add it to my thesis! =P
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-02)

Welcome to the discussion. Now on to business...

Aerial Sars,

You say "it won't be believable if its never happened to you. Even when it does, at first its baffling."

Are you referring to a Possession or A Spiritual Awakening? I can assure you that I have suffered 'attacks' before, here in the physical realm and on the Astral Plane and all that has proven to me is that there are 'bad' spirits/entities in either realm... It in no way convinces me that Non-Human's are here in our Physical Realm, in Human Bodies, WITHOUT the Human being Possessed. Am I asking for an attack...NO. I am saying that I refute the claims of people that say they are these ' you say at the end of your comment...

"anyone non-human (as I've witnessed with one particular friend who is unbound) would be an idiot to prove it to any human, physically. Think about it- humans can't keep their mouths shut for anything- they like to gossip, whether it be, because they're jealous or they're excited, it still happens. If a nonhuman attacked you, or showed themselves to you, or in any case, any human, physically, its almost guaranteed that said human would pee their pants in fear, and go tell an authority, or another human who would do the same."

I agree with this... Insomuch as the non-human is in 'human form' and not a Non-human spirit in a Human body. As I said above I will refute claims of people who claim they are non-human spirits in a Human body... And you have given me plenty to base my 'case' on. Let's get started.

I'll quote your points and place my thoughts after each...

"However, these things are proved to the self in a multitude of ways. 1. Through visions, dreams, and that sort of thing, or receiving little words, whether they be in different languages or not. You later look these words up, and they have significant meaning to the dreams and visions."

This is something that can be done by any individual (human) that receives a vision, or dream message that remembers it, writes it down and researches it. They may find that they have received a message of some sort. Are these messages from Non-Human entities (spirits)? Possibly... Does this prove that the Non-Human entity (spirit) exists in a Human Body...No.

"2. Energy levels and the amount you can do with said energy. There's a reason humans can really only do the small psychic stuff, and not advanced things like reading others or energy manipulation. They just don't have the high amount of energy."

This point Is well taken as the 'rules' of this Physical Realm limit things of this nature... However there are Psychic's who can 'read' others, it happens all the time. I myself as an Empath can 'READ' (if I 'open myself') others emotions. Now at this point I must ask what your definition of Energy Manipulation is, I ask because I am unsure what you are referring to when you say that.

As far as not having a High Amount of Energy... Again this Physical Realm has its Physical Laws that all beings that exist in it must 'abide' by. The Physical Human Body can only 'channel' so much energy based on the 'Physics' that exist in this Physical Realm. In another 'Realm' the physics can be/will be/may be different and in those Realms other things are possible, but seeing as we are discussing THIS REALM then we have to apply the Physics of THIS REALM.

"3. You may think otherwise, but different varieties of souls exist beyond this site. Its not a "gang up on people to make them believe us, because we have some sort of want to "rule the site" or "recruit" people". That is definitely not the case. How can I tell? Because completely random people come up and talk to me and others, without prior knowledge of this site. Generally, to those I've talked to, this site merely serves a purpose of ebbing boredom or getting a quick feed on energy, however scant it may be."

Interesting that you make this statement... I do not discount different varieties of souls... In fact I believe in 'multi-dimensions' and as such there will be 'souls' that 'populate' each dimension... Again abilities/powers will be dictated by the Physics of each dimension. As far as cross-over goes... The Spirits/Entities of these dimensions may cross over when conditions allow... This may be where we get some 'Ghost' reports from. Shadow People and other encounters may also come from brief 'cross over's' from these other dimensions. Now before someone 'SCREAMS' that I said I don't believe in 'Non-human' Souls... I never said this... My point is that I DOUBT the claims of some of the posters here that say THEY ARE these Non-Human Entities/Souls...

People come up to me as well... They feel they can talk to me... Something 'draws' them to me and they tell me their 'stories'. I offer advice and or 'words of comfort' whatever seems to be needed to help them at the time. So I do not see how this Proves that there are Non-Human spirits 'in' Human Bodies.

"4. There's the example of other people revealing themselves or attacking someone. You can't really "fake" that, and if you've ever had multiple people get amnesia at once, or some of the other things I've witnessed, as well as others, you'll know what I'm talking about."

I'm not sure what you are referring to with this Point... However multiple people getting amnesia at the same time, well this could be an Alien Encounter (UFO's...yes I believe in them as well...). Or perhaps a Government Cover up... (lol). I'd love to 'hear' about these things you've witnessed... It would really help in understanding what your talking about and just 'where' you are coming from.

"So really, unless the veil completely crashes down, and changes reality to fit the truth being debated here... This debate is kind of a waste of space and an eye sore. It will just loop around to each side as both sides try and "prove their points", and thus its not much of a "debate" at all. The fact of the matter is, no side has a "firm ground", so this debate is null and void. Entertaining, though, but still slightly annoying."

Again you prove MY POINT. Unless the 'veil' comes down the physical beings and spirits of THIS PHYSICAL REALM must conform to the Physics of this REALM. Again I say I do not disbelieve in Non-Human's / Non-Human entities do not exist. My point is that they are not in a 'Human Body' without it being a Possession situation.

"Anyway, yes, some people who claim to be nonhuman are full of bs, but usually its apparent, because what they say doesn't add up to what's been learned, heard, or what others of a higher rank (ei- the Council) have stated. And no, the Council is not physical, in case a question of such a topic arises. Sorry to be blunt, but an example would be Shaolin. Nothing he said matched up to the information from the archives, Verse, or anything."

It seems to me very convenient that you reference a Council that is not physical, information from archives that 'we' do not have access to and / or this "Verse, or anything" you refer to... Is it Possible to get access to any of these sources of information? Perhaps that would convince me... But for now I stand firmly on the things I've stated...

SkyRealm...I hope some of your questions have been answered.


Let's see if we get any answers and or rebuttals to this one... This has been a really good discussion so far, I'd hate to see it just end.

To anybody and everybody... If you have questions, please ask them... If I have to I'll see about getting another story published that explains some of these things I've been talking about. Step up the Podium, let's hear what you have to say... One way or the other.

I can see a rebuttal based on what I've said... So let me say this... I say I believe in Non-Human Spirits... I even believe they may be seen in Human Form... I do not believe in a Non-Human Spirit in a Human Body, without it being a Possession. I'm sure someone will claim they never said they were in a human body... Or if they did they meant to say they are in 'human form' and not actually in a human body... Folks, that is a cheap way out of this debate... Please do not take it. Besides... If you are only in 'human form' why/how did you forget 'who' you were/what your abilities are... Unless of course it has to do with the PHYSICAL LAWS of this particular REALM.


SkyRealm (5 stories) (65 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
[at] bbdeathspark
[at] RookDygin

Dudes! What an awsome disscussion! U'll are litterally dicusing my fav topic! πŸ˜†
Forgive me if I'm slightly off though, I only read a bit of the discusion and got all exited! I want to write a thesis about this topic someday, see!
Topic name- Are we human if we have human bodies...possessition...souls.
My outlook, just cause we have a human body, don't mean we're human. The soul is still of a different entitie. Like, if a man goes out on haloween dressed in a donkey suite, that doesn't make him a donkey. Inside he's still a man, with a man's brain. Of cource if all his life this man in a donkeys suite is made to act and talk and walk like a donkey, he would think he is one. But certain little quirks or things may reviel his inner! TARZAN! (Wierd I know!) He was brught up by apes, believed he was an ape, acted like an ape, walked and ate and talked like an ape, but he had thoes definate differences that made him seem out of place. The same way, even though they may seem quire or wierd, anyone without a human soul would subconsciously show themselves threw these "differences". But its more difficult to spot that anything else! As for possesstion...well...lets say you don't just wear a donkeys disguise, instead, (like in cartoons) You litterally shrink yourself, go inside its brain and take control of the donkey. That would be possession. In possession, I believe there are 2 souls in one body, the original, and the one vieing for control. Maybe three four, what not. In the case of "non-human humans" they are human bodies functionaing on a different energy than odinary humans souls would have. (oh yeah... I believe the soul has a certain energy that allows the body to run... I know for me its all energy! =P)

Non-human humans, I believe are all over the place. I really don't think its uncommon. Id say the difference between a non-human and a human would be like the difference between a crow and a koyal. The crow and koyal look so similar, that the koyal litterally lays its eggs in a crows nest, and the koyal grows in a crows world, but, when it flies away from its nest, it still retains thoes "koyal-like" properties, like its beautiful voice Is a million times better than a crows, also, it will go ahead and do the exact same thing its real mother did, by laying her eggs in a crows nest.
I know, strange examples! Sorry about that. I just think the examples add a bit of humour to it all... (I bet at one point in time you were thinking..."why'd she use a donkey of all animals! XD)
These are just personal views. Nothing more.
SkyRealm (5 stories) (65 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
[at] RookDygin

Have you heard of "Dark matter" in the universe? Apparently, no one can feel it, or see it and yet its effects are endless. It is lways there. Its what keeps the universe afloat. So let's say God is an energy that we can't see of feel, but keeps us all afloat. When all the energy collapses, Id say God's "energy" wold not just fade out, but would possibly be the catylist to the whold "big bang". God is the creater of all life, right? So when everything is dying, he'd possibly be that energy which when colapseing in with the rest of it, causes that "BANG!" and Voila! A new universe! Not a new God, same god. The creator and destroyer of all life. He starts and finishes the cycle everytime. Only by the unoverse dying can it be relit, and because it is relit, it dies out. Its a cycle that never ends...well...atleaste that's how I see it. Though come on... You gotto agree... GOD IS AWSOME! 😜
Aerial_Sars (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
Well of course it won't be believable if its never happened to you. Even when it does, at first its baffling. However, since the only form of "proof" would be an attack, or something of that sort, there really is no point, and usually attacking someone defenseless results in bad juju.

However, these things are proved to the self in a multitude of ways. 1. Through visions, dreams, and that sort of thing, or receiving little words, whether they be in different languages or not. You later look these words up, and they have significant meaning to the dreams and visions.
2. Energy levels and the amount you can do with said energy. There's a reason humans can really only do the small psychic stuff, and not advanced things like reading others or energy manipulation. They just don't have the high amount of energy.
3. You may think otherwise, but different varieties of souls exist beyond this site. Its not a "gang up on people to make them believe us, because we have some sort of want to "rule the site" or "recruit" people". That is definitely not the case. How can I tell? Because completely random people come up and talk to me and others, without prior knowledge of this site. Generally, to those I've talked to, this site merely serves a purpose of ebbing boredom or getting a quick feed on energy, however scant it may be.
4. There's the example of other people revealing themselves or attacking someone. You can't really "fake" that, and if you've ever had multiple people get amnesia at once, or some of the other things I've witnessed, as well as others, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Furthermore, anyone non-human (as I've witnessed with one particular friend who is unbound) would be an idiot to prove it to any human, physically. Think about it- humans can't keep their mouths shut for anything- they like to gossip, whether it be, because they're jealous or they're excited, it still happens. If a nonhuman attacked you, or showed themselves to you, or in any case, any human, physically, its almost guaranteed that said human would pee their pants in fear, and go tell an authority, or another human who would do the same. And what is that authority? The government. And... Knowing the history of such an establishment, one doesn't have to venture too far to know that they'd use the nonhuman as a weapon, run tests, or lock them up. Hell, its been done before, and its being done now.

So really, unless the veil completely crashes down, and changes reality to fit the truth being debated here... This debate is kind of a waste of space and an eye sore. It will just loop around to each side as both sides try and "prove their points", and thus its not much of a "debate" at all. The fact of the matter is, no side has a "firm ground", so this debate is null and void. Entertaining, though, but still slightly annoying.

Anyway, yes, some people who claim to be nonhuman are full of bs, but usually its apparent, because what they say doesn't add up to what's been learned, heard, or what others of a higher rank (ei- the Council) have stated. And no, the Council is not physical, in case a question of such a topic arises. Sorry to be blunt, but an example would be Shaolin. Nothing he said matched up to the information from the archives, Verse, or anything.

That is all for now.

Je ne vois qu'infini par toutes les fenetres.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)

My information comes from books I have concerning different Mythologies from around the world AND some internet's not any one 'SITE' I found the information on.

Now I can respect the O/P if they wished to keep certain information private asking for an e-mail exchange... That is different from a quick comment that says...'I know what your going through, e-mail me if you want answers.' These are the type of 'comments' I refer to.

This is part of the above as well, quoting myself:

"I was asked to visit this site because 'certain' posters were misleading innocent people who were looking for real help/advice. They made outrageous claims about who they were and or 'abilities' they have and many people were being deceived by them... All I want to do is keep the conversations open and honest... In the 'public forum' so that many may benefit from the advice offered to people concerning their experiences." And your reply:

"This comment puts restrictions on who you can be and what you can do. >.> Thats rather rude. Everybody has the potential to strive for something more, however, most humans don't. Its sad but true."

If one can not be themselves in the Public Forum then they have placed restrictions on themselves. Open and honest discussion and debate can bring understanding to many people and I fail to see how it is restrictive in ANY MANNER whatsoever.

I also stated "I find it extremely difficult to 'believe' anyone that claims they are a 'Deity' from any Pantheon has problems with any language... Spelling or otherwise... Spell check is built in, all one has to do is look for the red wavy line under the misspelled words, and Translator programs abound... " and your reply was"

"This is a bit insulting. I have recently been having issues with the english language because I have been 'awakening' the ancient languages I spoke in the past. Ex: I dreamed I was speaking ancient egyptian and woke up STILL speaking ancient egyptian. I had to 'call' back the english language. However you were correct on spell check, but it doesn't tell you your mistake <.<. The awakening process is a very difficult and confusing thing to go through. It happens.

Deities are not 'all powerful'. We do not know everything and any god or goddess who claims to is 'pulling your leg' so to speak."

While I can not and do not except the 'idea' you are an ancient 'Goddess', I can except the fact that you are experiencing an awakening... A spiritual awakening and that your Spirit (Soul) is an 'Old Spirit (Old Soul) ' and you are remembering a language from a 'past life' and that you are coming to terms with physic abilities that are attached to these 'memories' and a particular 'spirit (soul) '. This 'I was this goddess' but I'm not anymore sounds a lot like the people who have only been 'Famous/Infamous' people in their past lives... Heaven forefend if they were a commoner from the Dark Ages and not a Prince or Princess or at least someone Famous.


Welcome to the discussion...

I like your views on God being 'energy' and the Big Bang being a matter/anti-matter collision. And yes this universe is dying... Scientific fact... What then happens to the energy that doesn't 'fade'? You may be right... It could collapse in on itself and then...BOOM... Another Big Bang. What happens then to 'God' does he fade... Only to be recreated at the next Big Bang... Hummm maybe, sounds a bit like 'reincarnation' does it not? I'm not sure if you are right or wrong, but this is a very interesting concept.

You ask about 'parallel universes'...Yes I believe in them... I also feel that perhaps there are 'thin spots' between' worlds that allow 'beings' to crossover for short periods of time... I think that falls in line with things like UFO, Fey, Shadow People and even some 'Ghost' sightings.


Hello and welcome to the discussion...I'll address your and Anat's 'exchange' at the same time... I will only refer to this dimension... The world in which we are holding this discussion.

In this universe... On this Earth... During this Physical Existence the our physical bodies are referred to as 'human'. The 'Creator' of the Physical Existence we are going through not only gave them form... But created spirits (souls) to bring the physical 'human' body to life. The physical body has 'no life' without it's spirit (soul).

That being said... If a non-human 'spirit' (soul) /entity inhabits a human body after it has received its 'spirit' (soul) it displaces that 'spirit' (soul) and to me that is possession... It need not be demonic (evil) but the fact remains that the 'spirit' (soul) that gave a given physical body 'the breath of life' has been suppressed and it cannot experience the physical existence that it was created to have. Of course this is my humble opinion and I may be well off base.

And Anat I have to comment on this from you...

"However, just because you look human does not mean you are. There are human souls and nonhuman souls. The soul is what gives you a 'species' so to speak. If we were to show up in a our true forms physically, would you or humans reaction kindly? I think not" ^_^.

I can agree with you on the fact that there are human and non-human 'souls' (spirits). I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say that the soul is what gives us a 'species' could you elaborate on that? As far as your true physical form? You have yet to prove to me you are in fact a 'true' non-human.

I hope I have kept this coherent, please feel free to ask questions and I will try and explain things in more detail.


RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
Ah, I see we have a real discusion going on here. 😲 I have a warm fuzzy just reading it. It seems I have a lot to read and catch up with so bear with me as I attempt to answer all questions that have been posed to me... And work on explinations that may help 'connect all the dots' for folks...

Keep the comments and observations coming folks this is why I posted this in the First Place.


Anat (guest)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
I see where you are coming from. Though your basing it off of social things. "Either the best or nothing at all". Alot of people think this simply because they need extremes in order to believe.

There are varying degrees of power. A lot of the nonhumans out there are lower ranking and can't do much.

However, just because you look human does not mean you are. There are human souls and nonhuman souls. The soul is what gives you a 'species' so to speak. If we were to show up in a our true forms physically, would you or humans reaction kindly? I think not ^_^.

You should definatly try and find your memories...

Anat ❀
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
I'm saying we are "human" while on earth but otherwise we are what our souls are. And no, I don't undermine them but most think all non humans are some super special gods or don't exist, while some really aren't so "super special" as they'd like to believe. Hence phoenixs are a good example, there are lots of them and they're just as sentient as humans, not something super special that shouldn't exist.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
I think I should expand on that more. I mean when one says they aren't human they refer to their soul, which is the "real them" despite the physical body. And your story or philosophy on this is interesting. I can't say much if its right or wrong because I have no past memories and so I'm at a dead end.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
Based on this and how it would probably end up in the future, I'd just like to say from now, Remember people, souls that aren't human in a human body doesn't automatically make you anything. Deities in human bodies doesn't make them deities anymore, and in all technicality, until the "veil" is dropped we're all human, though our souls may not be. SO if someone refers to them being, say, a dragon, they mean they're life before they were human, or what they're soul was. Questions?
Javelina (67 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
I'm impressed with what you are saying, I have thought this same scenario out myself many times. Never ending, shifting, swirling, living, dieing, universal, perpetual motion machine. It is a wondrous and glorious vision of eternity.

SkyRealm (5 stories) (65 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
This is really interesting! My beliefs are slightly different, mainly cause my theories of God is different. I'm a religionless person, who loves God! =P
See, in my view point, God resides in all energy. Also, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So this energy had to be there for...well...ever. Thats why I believe God to be like an energy. He has always been there. Thats my belief. Big Bang happens when Anti energy and Possitive Energy collide. Its kind of like God and the Devil don't you think? Cause the creatures that come out of thoes collisions are us... Both good and bad. I'm not saying they ARE god and the devil! Im saying its like! Thats another reason I have alwasy thought God to be like an energy.
Also, do you know this universe is dying? Apparently, in a few...well...I don't know bazillion (!) years the stars will die out and everything will vanish. Then, (im not really sure how it works) all the energy and stars and matter left of the dying universe may be sucked into a void, causeing thm all to crash together to form massive balls of energy, that once again may cause the big bang. So if that's possible, how many times could our universe have died? Is it like from the flames of a burning pheonix another phionix hatches? I can't say.
Also, do you believe in "parallel" universes? Like perhaps there are thousands of different universes, and ours is simply a thread in the tapesrtry. I mean, Angels, Spirit Realms, Demon realms, like these could there be dimentions with "fearies" or other kinds of creatures?
Honstly, You seem intellegent, so I want to have a friendly discusion and see if we can figure out "How the Heck Are we Got Here!" Then be more famous than Einstine! 😜hee hee!
Anat (guest)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
I must correct myself so that we can avoid misunderstandings.

" I am not the mother of gods, I am (as far as I know) Not that goddess anymore."

I never was the mother of the gods. <.<. When I said "... Not that goddess anymore" I meant that I do not currently hold any Deity positions. The thoughts god 'jumbled' together ^_^
Anat (guest)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
"So are we to believe you are...

Anat: Mother of Gods - The name Anat occurs in several forms in Ugaritic, Hebrew, Akkadian, and Egyptian, and as in such cases, the forms may vary widely. For example, in the Ugarit V Deity List it is spelled da-na-tu to be pronounced 'Anatu'. Otherwise in Phoenician it is 'nt and is pronounced 'Anat', 'Anatu', 'Anath' or 'Anata'. The name is usually translated from Hebrew as 'Anath', but it could also be 'Anat'. The Akkadian form is usually written as 'Anta' or 'Antu'. The Egyptian forms are 'Anant', 'Anit', 'Anti', and 'Antit'. We may also find variations of her name in reference books such as Anthat.

A major goddess of fertility, sexual love, hunting and war, the Goddess Anat was known among the Canaanites in prehistoric times, and was doubtless of considerable importance in that region."- RookDygin

You are this Anat?"

May I ask the site you got this from? I ask because your information is off. I am not the mother of gods, I am (as far as I know) Not that goddess anymore. I was the goddess Anat and was counted in many religions. However I do not recall governing fertility or sexual love. Just Hunting and war.

I have not come to that site to mislead or recruit anybody. I simply asked for emailed questions because the conversation was turning personal.

"I was asked to visit this site because 'certain' posters were misleading innocent people who were looking for real help/advice. They made outrageous claims about who they were and or 'abilities' they have and many people were being deceived by them... All I want to do is keep the conversations open and honest... In the 'public forum' so that many may benefit from the advice offered to people concerning their experiences."- RookDygin

This comment puts restrictions on who you can be and what you can do. >.> Thats rather rude. Everybody has the potential to strive for something more, however, most humans don't. Its sad but true.

"I find it extremely difficult to 'believe' anyone that claims they are a 'Deity' from any Pantheon has problems with any language... Spelling or otherwise... Spell check is built in, all one has to do is look for the red wavy line under the misspelled words, and Translator programs abound... "-RookDygin

This is a bit insulting. I have recently been having issues with the english language because I have been 'awakening' the ancient languages I spoke in the past. Ex: I dreamed I was speaking ancient egyptian and woke up STILL speaking ancient egyptian. I had to 'call' back the english language. However you were correct on spell check, but it doesn't tell you your mistake <.<. The awakening process is a very difficult and confusing thing to go through. It happens.

Deities are not 'all powerful'. We do not know everything and any god or goddess who claims to is 'pulling your leg' so to speak.

Also, I have added more information to my profile. You did have a point about my vagueness.

- Anat <3
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
I have one question what about alternate universes? I say this because of a new theory about the big bang been just some short of matter that was transferred to this universe from another one. Basically it states something on the lines that a star from another universe somehow broke out of its own and traveled into this one and exploded hence the big bang.

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