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I'm I Crazy Or Psychic?


I don't really know if I'm crazy or not anymore. I have had weird experiences that I don't know what to make of. I have no one to talk to in real life because no one has experienced things like this, so if you have information please help me.

I don't think anything significant happened until after the lunar eclipse on the day of the winter solstice (I have no clue if that was a coincidence or it had something to do with it.)

I was in class and everyone finished their work, so the teacher decided that we would play a game of 7-up (not the drink). When someone touched my hand I would "see" a picture of them in my head. I had no clue who could of touched my hand so I went with the picture in my head and I was shocked when I guessed right, not just once but five times. I got every guess right and I still don't know how to explain it.

If the images weren't weird enough I also see these "vibrations" around people. I don't have any other word but vibrations to explain what I see. They have color with them; it's hard to explain the colors but there different for each person. The "vibrations" are also different for each person; some seem "stronger" or "weaker" for others. Sometimes I'm able to see them more clearly than other times. I'm not quite sure if the "vibrations" are my imagination or not, but surprisingly they seem real.

I thought with the two things that already happened nothing else weird would occur, but another seemingly psychic thing happened. I understand the emotions of others much more clearly than I did before. When someone is trying to say something difficult to me I tell them I understand and I think they feel comfortable telling me. Somehow I know what people are feeling and I know how to react when they ask me something. Sometimes I understand others feelings more then I understand my own.

Please comment I need help understanding this and I want to know if anyone experienced anything similar to me.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Soul_Break, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
I couldn't imagine hitting shift THAT many times O_O lol but hey I'm glad to see our youth out there with abilities arnt afraid to say something. I wish id found this site a long long time ago believe me...
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-16)
[To jasmine-k]
If you think your mother is hiding something, you should approach her about that. But do so carefully, she may have had a bad experience and that would explain her reaction when you told her of yours. I'm sure she wasn't mad at you, but the memory probably isn't something she wanted to have to return to and then to learn it's happening to you... Well you may want to give her a second chance.
I'm leaving a link to our sister site for you. It's got the same format as this one, but it's geared more to what you've experienced, and there is help there also.

<p>Share your paranormal experience at <a href="">Your Ghost Stories</a></p>

I do hope your mother can open up, if she's had any past experiences she may like the other site too. 😊
jasmine-k (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
I have the exact same problem. Like a week ago, I told my mom I think I can see spirits. She got all mad out of nowhere and said for me to never say that again and that I'm delusional. But I think she's hiding something about it from me. And I've had many experiences with spirits since I was 6, and now I'm 14. I don't know what to believe.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
HI soulbreak, I havent' read the others comments but I did want to say that you are NOT crazy and I think something happened during the lunar eclipse/winter solactise. My own powers have increased dramtically and I'm not sure how to deal with it all. I used to only talk to angels now spirits of the dead have approached me and its unnerving to have them actually talk to me. I'm used to them ignoring me and walking through walls and stuff. I kind of preferred when they ignored me, now I'm unsure of what to do. Lots of them like to lie to me and its so confusing.

Anyway you can click on my name and read my story and comments on others OR click on the stories linked to yours to see that you are not alone and that people are here to help. Good luck and God bless.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
Ok then. I am sending you a mail right now. I have some questions to ask you. I do not want to clog this page up with them.
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
Also I don't see boarders like the United States or Korea or Russia... Its all one planet and we are all equally screwed in our own ways... No one country is better then the next... Now or ever...
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
In a story I will post I will tell you all of a visit from a women who I believe to not be of this world. She came to me in the hospital in the middle of the night. She acted as nurses aid of some sort or something. I'm not sure... Id have to start from the begining and write the story out. Its the only way I hit every detail...

Yeah I'm able to slow donw time I have done it befor. I'm able to move small objects like a towel I'm able to make lift from the ground as if someone pinched it and was now pulling it upward...

Some man a long time ago aswell was parked out front of my house when I was a young child. He was in a green car with black tinted windows. My mother being insanly portective told me to give her the mans licenses plate number so I did...

It was strange to stand in front of this car at like 7 and yell back to my mother on the front porch the mans liecenses as he sat in the car staring and taking pictures of me...

I went to the bus stop my mother went to the car... She said he flashed her some fake badge or something and she told him get lost or shed personally end his life... My mother is quite strange to say the least... I'm sure every woman on this site would love her... I know they would...

I just want two things right now... Either to end my life and move on or to simply feel love again like I did so long ago as a child... This is where I am and as I get closer to the 25th these feelings grow and grow until something happens that will land me back in the hospital or prison...

10 more days... Just 10 more...
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
I see. I have read documents where The US is searching, researching and observing... Oh well never mind. I asked because you seem to have the ability to slow time down in your mind's eye. It is an extremely important... I will end there.

This account of the ant is very interesting.

I read your profile about the hospital visits. What do you think about the doctors that diagnosed you? You seem quite sane. What were the symptoms of the 'mental illnesses' that made them keep you in the hospital? If I am prying too much please let me know.
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
Army - Aint Ready for Marines Yet, I wouldn't help them if they told me the USA would follow tomorrow...

The ant? I don't know it was during a high peak in my times just coming out of a hospital visit.

I simply placed my hand on the kitchen counter and looked at my friend and asked "you want to see something freaky?"

I was simply messing around with him at first but then I really focused all my energy and being into making this little ant appear... Well it was one of the big black ants not the little ones haha.

Either way I simply wished it would be there and when I lifted my hand my friend and myself both were in totall shock and soon left the room and paid no mind to the strange event we both just witnessed and convineced ourselfs the ant crawled under my hand but we both know it didnt...
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
This is an ability that I rarely hear much of naturally. It usually has to be taught. But I believe you.

Now this maybe off topic, but isn't the US army looking for psychics like you? You do not have to answer that last one. It was out of weird curiosity.

I read that you can create ants from one of your posts. Now please excuse my doubts for I have never seen this. How exactly did you come by doing that?
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
Also the picture that is drawn into my mind when such actions are taken upon myself to move all 3 eyes is what you would consider a period in shape. 3 dots to their respective places pertaining to the head and eye placements we are givin at birth. These are conveyed in a white orb so to speak in the see of darkness that is what one expreciences with their eyes closed...
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
Well you see I have a psyichal ability and I'm able to control my eyes... Even the third... And vibrate them at such a speed that I'm able to see those things that the normal eye would not be able to.

For an example if one was to turn on a ceiling fan to a speed which would blend all the blades to appear as just a circle and thus leaving it impossible for the individual to keep track of each individual blade...

With my ability I am able to slow down the fast moveing objects and pick apart each seperate blade...

By uneasy I mean just that... My minds eye vibrates on its own free will along with my eyes when I do the meditation... Normally I must give the command do have my eyes do this. With the meditation they do it on their own... All 3 eyes and to answer everyones question now. Yes it is scary looking, Yes people have here forth cut all contact with me simply by showing them this ability I have... You can visabley see my 3rd eye shaking within my forhead along with my regulare eyes...
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
That is good. But what do you mean that your mind's eye is uneasy?
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
Thanks Soul_Break my lifes making a turn for the better everyday now. Plus I'm to strong to worry about yesterday and to focused on looking at today and always curiouse and overjoyed to great tomorrow.

Rashidah what do you mean "cant handle"

I think I might understand it a bit seeing as at times my minds eye was how can I put it uneasy during the meditation.

The only reason I even did it was because I liked the background to the chant to begin with. It is of light and love and one of the formost chants of the Vedas or something I just recently downloaded a bunch of meditation music and the chant was on there so I looked it up liked what I read and followed through.
Soul_Break (1 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
Thank you for commenting everyone; your comments are very helpful.

Now I don't feel crazy after reading the comments and other people's stories. After I found this site I don't feel like a freak or outsider anymore.

I'm sorry to hear about your problems Joe and hope things will get better for you.

"It could be helpful or it could harm you dangerously." lostandfoundsoul I don't understand your comment; how can it harm me? Can someone please explain because that comment kind of scared me.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
I recommend doing simple meditation first if you are a beginner.

In my opinion, chants should be incorporated when one reaches and can maintain a trance like state in meditation. And also if you fully understand why you are using chants. You would not want to get into something that you cannot handle.

And yes, meditation increases sensitivity.
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
Just did my first meditation ever...

The Gayatri Mantra 108 times

Truly amazing feeling I am having at this moment. I feel as one center at the moment. Balance as easy as possible and my entire core is filled with a warm sensation.

Is it common for one when coming out of a meditation state to be sensitive to the light? Considering I did this chant 108 times in the dark with my eyes closed needless to say it wasn't a 10min. Process's
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)

I am really sorry about your situation. If ever you need to chat you can send me an email.
Hang in there buddy.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
Ugh, the law of one? I HONESTLY really don't think that its plausible. Oh well, my opinion is different.
lostandfoundsoul (7 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
I know what this is. The 'Vibrations' are Auoras. The Weaker ones are negitive, the stornger ones and Positive. I have the same ability. You need to learn to control this.
It could be helpful or it could harm you dangerously.
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
After reading story after story here and just like I said I have been diving into this world since I found this site now.

Ive realized I'm what's called a "Wanderer" that's why I'm always confused about things until I look at them over and over and over again in my minds eye.

This world makes me sick anyway so I wasn't to bent when I lost my friends. Family was gone befor I had anything to do with it haha and now? Now I just enjoy life or try to the best I can with no car and no job currently. So what's a guy to do? Feed that brain son!

All I gotta say is this... The Law of One
AngelObr (4 stories) (41 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
Soul_break, don't worry you are not crazy. You have a wonderful gift! I thought the same exact thing about myself but with the help of others and the great people on this website I am believing in myself more and more everyday. It is a great gift that you and all of us have. Joe, I am sorry that you had to go through what you did, it is very sad that you were treated like that. Just remember to keep your head up and know that things will get better, don't worry. 😁
Billabc3 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Well the first thing is awesome, I like this. The thing is called empathy. Usually you know how people feel when they enter a room, or if they touch you you get a strong emotion that is not yours. I find it really, really hard to classify the person though. The second experience, that is aura vision as well as seeing energy. If you look on a hood of a car on a hot summer day, you can see little waves. That would be the energy of the heat radiating off the car. Now what you see with people is like that without the heat (hopefully). It's pretty much emotional energy or some other form. It could even be psi, who knows. But if you see color or a faint halo it would be the aura. If you ever look a a cut down tree stump, you will see the rings. The thicker rings say that there was a good year with lots of water and nutrition. If it was a narrow ring it was a not-so-good year. Aura vision is like reading "people rings" minus the cutting. It helps if you have empathy to go with it (like you) and it is like a happy meal of helping others. You're not crazy, just different than most. I hope my comment helped.
acolaianni (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
It seems like you are really in tune with the people around you and you can see people's auras. I don't think you're crazy.
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Anytime man I have lost everything to this "gift" friends I have known my whole life who I thought itd never be without... Gone...

A job with a car and halfway to getting my own place... Gone...

Family wants next to nothing to do with me and can't wait until I'm gone... Lol

Lifes a trip man and we are all holden on by a thread to make it to the end whatever it maybe. Ill see you all there in the end dance'n the two step up there with the big guy sometime;)
Soul_Break (1 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Thanks for commenting Joe
Your comment was helpful and I was nice for someone to say I'm not crazy for once.

People are so quick to dub someone as crazy when they experience something "paranormal".

"Disability"? Haha! Thats a weird way of saying "Sixth sense" or whatever people prefer.

Thanks again, I really appreciate any answers because when it comes to psychic things I'm totally clueless.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Try and contain yourself, and put the fishing tackle away please. You're welcome to stay and help others, that is always welcome. But recruiting from the membership pool is frowned upon.
If YOU can't offer any assistance to the author I'm SURE there are others who can. You can always just move on to the next story until you find a situation more suited to your particular assistance.
Thank you 😐 😕
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
First and formost you are not crazy. I myself have these gifts among others as well.

The "vibrations" you see are more of the persons inner psychic abilities ill say, like you said some were stronger then others its simple some are more in tune to our world then others. You sir and myself along with most here are VERY in tune with it. The colors are what are called "auras" everyone has one. Like a mood ring for a person without them having to wear one lol.

Second, the visions I get these too. Ill assume yours are the same, a snapshot if you will fast as if someone took a picture with the old polaroids and its burned into your mind after that. Thats how it is for me at least. The feelings now? Yeah it comes with the territory I think. Hey I'm new here too man but I'm glad I'm here cause I started just like you asking if I was crazy. I tried talking to people family friends what happens? Ten count em ten times to the psych ward... "Joe do you still hear voices?" No "Do you think God speaks to you?" No "Do you see and feel peoples feelings anymore?" No... Yeah ok;)

So don't stress it brother if you want to contact me my AIM is chiccchicc99 feel free to hit me up whenever I go to college online and now I get paid by the government for my "disability" as they put it HAHAHA! Priceless I know;)

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