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Real Psychic Experiences

Lady In A Stone


I found this small crystal that looked vary ordinary but something told me to pick it up. And so I did I put it in my pocket and left it there for later. When I got to school Like my forth class. I pulled it out and started to play with it. Things like role it between my fingers. Then I closed my eyes and felt energy flow up my arm and it took over me, I could not let go of it. Then it showed me this lady she was crying someone had died that was close to her. It made me cry just like she was. I felt her sorrow like it was mine.

At this time I was just learning about using my energy with my friend. He was the one that I got me in to this. Ever scenes then all kinds of cool stuff has happen to me the story above was my first experience.

The lady in the stone was an Indian tribes person. My house is on land that was a village for her people. Other then that I don't know any more about her. I can't believe that It made me cry like that it was intense I have never felt any thing quite like that before. After that I have been able to do things that only my friend can see and other Sensitive people.

For example if I close my eye all I have to do is think of someone I know and I can see threw there eyes and feel what they feel It is so cool but they know when I do it so if they know how they can block me.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DavidLightBrother, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

A5 (2 stories) (144 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-18)
I've heard of scrying. That seems to be what your doing, though odd that others know when you do it. As for the lady in the stone, each object has a story and perhaps it once belonged to her. Hard to explain, but if I touch things at the right time, I get their past. Problematic when eating meat. Anyway, point is because it was the object which gave you this vision, you likely saw something in the Past or Present. Or it could've been possessed by a ghost or something. Doesn't sound unfriendly, anything you've said at all.
Try learning to control when you touch other things, if they give you a vision or story.
Good luck
cinnamonwarlock (1 stories) (20 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
David, I think what you're tuning into is more of a balance thing than aura. Mostly males will be surrounded by black and females by white (or it could be the other way around) and a mixture of the two just represents both energies in one person.

This is rarely an aura, as most of the time there will be at least some colour present.

Cinnamonwarlock 😊
ashd9 (44 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Yep David I see the white ones sometimes, I see mostly colored though.
DavidLightBrother (1 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-16)
Does any one see auras as black or white and sometimes both. Because I have never heard of this, some times there is a bit of color but not much. I don't know what is going on.
cinnamonwarlock (1 stories) (20 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-16)
I have to agree with sinfire. Unless you're going to knock your house down and build hers back up in its place, throw it out. I think it came to you because it was something to trigger your "powers".

This is an interesting recount and its all well and good that you can use these powers but before I go on, I think that you should probably ask yourself why you want these powers. If you can answer with complete selflessness and a good reason, then all the best and I hope you become strong in what you strive for.

Okay, so basically you've felt energy through an object, there's a name for it that's slipped my mind, clairvoyants/mediums sometimes use this to tune into loved ones who have passed on. Every touch on an object leaves an imprint that can be interpreted by later generations (unless powerfully cleansed).

So that's one ability you can try developing.

You also seem to have another, empath cross astral projection. You may actually have slightly developed both or just really developed empath as you seem to be feeling somebody's emotions to the point where you are actually looking out from them.

Make sure you only use this power when necessary, never for personal gain.

I sound like an old grandpa when I say this, but being in someone else's body is fidgety business. There's a fine line between helping and invading privacy - don't cross it.

I suggest, however, trying on animals. Their emotions are basic at best and should provide a stepping stone. Start with ants, move on to larger insects, then to birds, then to pets (cats and dogs) then to people, preferably babies at first.

This way you have developed your powers without crossing boundaries and they will be there for when you are ready to use them.

Cinnamonwarlock 😊
sinfire777 (20 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
interesting, well I suggest you rid the stone. No need to carry objects with such negative nergy, the spirit of the woman must be attachted to the stone itself, so her emotional enrgy is with it as well. Such objects are best disposed of it you ask me, they sorta act like filters, or energy drainers in my opinion.
...also, if your to use that ability you mentoned about the eye sight, try and be catious, I feel I should just tell you that, no real particuliar reason why. Best wishes, good luck
DavidLightBrother (1 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
Wake Twin I work with crystals to but I have lost that one so I can't tell you any more than that it was a rose quarts but I have gotten more now. I work with mobius coil crystals now. These are way stronger.
WakeTwin (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
I most warmly recommend you to find precisely what's the type of that crystal, you would gain at least the knowledge of what it's capable of. So'd you know, I work with them, they're not simply gems or "jewells", that's why they're so wanted ultimatively 😉 You just have to look at the background of the minerals formation to realize it, they are heavy nuclear products lol 😆 Yeah, we're speaking diamonds too 🤔...
DavidLightBrother (1 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
Wake Twin Thank you I kind of know about the things you said and they reinforced what I know already. Thank you. Also what can you do.
WakeTwin (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
Not only imprints, they can hold eaven pieces of souls. Like Voldemort Horcrux. But that's high skill "magic", barely existing on the earthplane knowledge nowdays. Still, such artefacts have been traced within the America's (mostly down around Mexico) and the same way you found your too 😕
DavidLightBrother (1 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
acadiannymph I looked it up and crystals can hold on to imprints. Like a spiritual flash drive. Haha
DavidLightBrother (1 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
Caitylin I did not know about psychometry thank you. You seem to have a simmer ability.
WakeTwin (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
Hi David,

You had definitely an amazing experience, or possibly, a cascade of them that are still going on, but I feel the need to advice you to slow down a bit and take things with a grain of common sense first.

It's obvious that you're pretty young and I don't have to put a dump on that, moreover, the issue dosnt level on personal experience only, but on the common knowledge that is delegated en masse on mathers of the stuff from 'beyond', the lack of it, in fact.

The first thing we should be always aware, be it the material or the spiritual plane - the process dosnt change - no thing is for free to put it bluntly, or to put it in a more tactful way, not thing goes without an exchange. It's the momentum through which creation is built and interconnected.

When we speak about gifts of the spirit, in your situation who, didn't have such experiences you're describing after finding the stone, I would take a moment and reflect uppon it. Why? Well, there are all kinds of souls and intent within this world, some of whom, not of the best inclinations. Crytals, for what for sure it is the one that you found, are widely known and from most ancient times used as tools that can be programmed and 'specialized' for delineated purposes, or as storages of energy. Within the range of what you described, there's a pretty high possibility you're dealing with an artefact owned by, some kind of a shaman or someone who knew how to manipulate energy and program crystals. Why? The first experience you had with it, seen the woman and feeling her grief could be easely made by an actual ordinary woman mourning over this crystal, but the other things described as remote viewing, well, that an ordinary woman couldn't have done. The possibility of something malicious involved is pretty slight tough, I assume more sinister scenarios would have allready manifested if so the case. Neverthless, the last you can do is try to find out which type of crystal is it, so you can start to trace it's provenience, potential, historical use of it and actual possibilities of it's usage.

It's obvious that this stone boosts your aura a great deal, but I would be sure to find out, at what cost, just in case.

All the best.
caitylin (2 stories) (38 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
I think you could have the abilities of psychometry and remote viewing. Try and strengthen your abilities and get them under control. I am sure you can make good use of them.

❤ Caitylin
acadiannymph (4 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
Sometimes previous owners can leave a sort imprint on an object, sensitives can usually pick it up. Hope I helped

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