A friend of my mother's, a healer, came to the house. What began as casual conversation about spirits lead to quite an exciting crowd of just sharing personal experiences. We chose a secluded place to further immerse ourselves in our gifts. The instant I walked in the room, I couldn't move. I suddenly felt extremely heavy, my thighs & knees felt as if they were being forced down. I felt like I was being pushed to kneel so much so that I had to push away from my thighs to keep a barely upright pose. I quickly vocalized my concern to the healer & he told me to not allow whatever it was to get inside me & guided me to the other side of the room to sit down. I sat down & swiftly felt calm, almost to the point of being sleepy. I was informed that a couple of angels, wanted to use my body to relay some messages. I was not physically or mentally ready for that.
That same night, before I went to bed, I tossed & turn. I closed my eyes only to see white rings being sent out from my face like laser beams. It was a weird pulsating feeling; I kept my eyes shut to fully understand what I was seeing. When I opened them I felt like the top back of my head was open, wide open! It felt airy, not painful at all! Though, my body freaked out & started to shake, I prayed to calm myself down.
The next night I began reading a book on angels, my mother's friend, the healer, recommended I read it to find out the entities that were trying to get inside me the previous night. As I put the book down to retire for the night, I closed my eyes & called upon angels as a test to see if they really would come & humor me. Skepticism plagued my mind but there it was, two entities of blue & green sparkling blobs hovered over the foot of my bed. There were there for a minute & exited the way they entered, from above. I tried to recreate what I saw with my eyes closed but couldn't.
Hopefully some of you can relieve my little heart of these experiences by providing some information who may these spirits be, what I should expect from physical contact with spirits trying to enter my body or what these beams of white rings mean.
Thank you so much for sharing your stories and reading mine!:-)