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Real Psychic Experiences

Angels, White Ring Beams And Sparkling Blobs


A friend of my mother's, a healer, came to the house. What began as casual conversation about spirits lead to quite an exciting crowd of just sharing personal experiences. We chose a secluded place to further immerse ourselves in our gifts. The instant I walked in the room, I couldn't move. I suddenly felt extremely heavy, my thighs & knees felt as if they were being forced down. I felt like I was being pushed to kneel so much so that I had to push away from my thighs to keep a barely upright pose. I quickly vocalized my concern to the healer & he told me to not allow whatever it was to get inside me & guided me to the other side of the room to sit down. I sat down & swiftly felt calm, almost to the point of being sleepy. I was informed that a couple of angels, wanted to use my body to relay some messages. I was not physically or mentally ready for that.

That same night, before I went to bed, I tossed & turn. I closed my eyes only to see white rings being sent out from my face like laser beams. It was a weird pulsating feeling; I kept my eyes shut to fully understand what I was seeing. When I opened them I felt like the top back of my head was open, wide open! It felt airy, not painful at all! Though, my body freaked out & started to shake, I prayed to calm myself down.

The next night I began reading a book on angels, my mother's friend, the healer, recommended I read it to find out the entities that were trying to get inside me the previous night. As I put the book down to retire for the night, I closed my eyes & called upon angels as a test to see if they really would come & humor me. Skepticism plagued my mind but there it was, two entities of blue & green sparkling blobs hovered over the foot of my bed. There were there for a minute & exited the way they entered, from above. I tried to recreate what I saw with my eyes closed but couldn't.

Hopefully some of you can relieve my little heart of these experiences by providing some information who may these spirits be, what I should expect from physical contact with spirits trying to enter my body or what these beams of white rings mean.

Thank you so much for sharing your stories and reading mine!:-)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, hagu, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Timfaraos (426 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-25)
Well, my opinion and advice is, that Holy Angels NEVER enter or possess a human... Because they serve God. And God would not permit this, because it takes away our free will... Even God respects our free will! (But He sometimes intervenes in our life and actions, transgressing His own law of "free will", out of His love for us, to save us from tragedy, and give us a second chance!) Only demons can enter and possess a human, and God permits this, not to destroy him, but for reasons that He only knows... And it's always for the best. God bless!+
Onyx13 (22 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-12)
well, considering you saw it as a beam that angels seem to be attracted to you, it's the most probable explanation. Maybe it was already activated and you just hadn't had an experience that would make you think so! 😊

I only like certain churches. There's one my grandma took me to last summer and it was amazing! The energy was intoxicating! It was a place of power, good, natural power (kinda like a well). I got sick because of the bright lights and the loudness, though:/ (too many people and giant speakers). Maybe you'll see one sometime soon:D

If you ever feel doubtful about anything you read, remember: things that claim instant power and seem to encourage harming others is most likely not the best material but it might still contain helpful hints. The truly useful, helpful books and such are the ones that focus on being a good or neutral person, ones that say you have to practice before getting results, and the ones who have several sources cited in their work.
hagu (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-12)
[at] Onyx13, Not sure if it's strong in me, in fact, I didn't know how I activated it. It just kinda... Happened. Thanks so much for the info, will definitely try to keep a neutral approach on things.

[at] PathR, Whoa! So a lot of electrolytes? I'll be sure to keep orange juice more handy then!
It's so interesting to hear about your experiences, my thoughts often linger when I go to church. Finding myself always looking up for some weird reason, feeling like I'll see something... But then I don't. 😢 Anyway, that's quite an amazing dream. Haven't really dreamt of any angels yet, but this is probably because I don't remember my dreams that vividly lately. Thank you & I will definitely try to update you if anything else happens. 😳

[at] Sephoni637, I was scared enough in that room I cannot even begin to imagine how it felt like if I get that heavy feeling in public! Glad to know you're ok & hopefully your peers didn't freak out too much! Haha! I always thought you'd have to say stuff like that out loud, good to know you can ward them off mentally! Thanks for sharing your experience. 😊
Sephoni637 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-05-11)
"I suddenly felt extremely heavy, my thighs & knees felt as if they were being forced down. I felt like I was being pushed to kneel so much so that I had to push away from my thighs to keep a barely upright pose."

That happened to me once at school! Everyone started freaking out. It went away after a few minutes but now I'm really sensitive to other people's energies. When I feel something start to try and get in I say in my mind "no get out I can't help you" and normally they go away.
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-11)
hagu, there will be a lot of this happening to a lot of people. The wisdom is to get as much info for knowledge and understanding and most of all our co operation. I'm the same about questioning and I believe this is only right to look a

After any interaction a good rule is to always have pleanty of water. There's a reason for this!

After interacting have orange juice or any type of juice as this brings up your energy levels quickly and not get junk food. This also serves for grounding the body.

When I have felt the energy on one occasion and felt heaviness on body and head, wanting to bow down.
I thought it was an angel for I was in church, but low behold it was 5 deceased family members whom were channeling energy to me. But the experience felt angelic. Angels on the other hand I've felt exactly what you experienced then had a few dreams of 2 particular angels: 1 Raphael and the 2nd Azrael whom showed me about death and vanity, plus saw his outline by a patients bedside. I've been told regarding deliverance to have 4 people by an American Indian Angel. They look quite beautiful, but in a big hurry.
The light seen can be flashes but I find is quite large, but also orbs, or energy moving which is different than deceased peoples energy when forming a ball.

Look forward to hearing your experiences.
Onyx13 (22 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-11)
The hunger you felt after being energized from the trance was your need to replenish energy hehe. It usually happens to me too. Constantly, too. I seem to always be hungry because I'm always playing with energy.

I doubt the angels would try to force themselves into your body but asking them to ask for permission first might help. The crown chakra is the highest one and the one associated with the divine. If it is that strong in you then you're a pretty powerful person. You can learn to do a great many things far faster than many people once you set your mind to it. Just remember, do plenty of research and look at things from an indifferent point of view. Reading up on magick might also prove useful (remember, magick isn't evil. Prayer in itself is a form of spell work)
Also remember that not everything you read about "the light" and "the dark" is black and white. There's good light, evil light, good dark, and evil dark.
hagu (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-10)
"This is a connection with your crown chakra and high chakra that connects to divine and other dimensions. I define this as a spiritual bar, and my 3rd eye starts vibrating when I have a connection. This is an area that is important because it signifies connection with celestial/aka angels. The shaking of your body can vibrate from the interaction, but this will disapate once your body/mind/emotions adjust. But should be taken slowly with understanding."

Saving this bit for future reference, I cannot believe all this was happening to me within 5 minutes & I didn't even know what was going on. 😲
hagu (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-10)
[at] lilylove, Hello and thank you!

[at] PathR, I was reading Archangels & Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue. There seems to be a lot of criticism regarding that book & I sit right between skepticism & believing, I'm a little wishy-washy. 😳 But yeah, that's exactly what I was told, as well! To read up on anything & everything before I go 'opening up'.

I'm really excited to be part of this, with the angels making their presence more known and such. I still get scared from time to time because I do not know what to expect, the extreme heaviness completely took me by surprise, I do recall feeling my face get hot, too.

I went into a trance a few months ago, twice & I saw a beam of light above me & subtle green in front of me. Maybe these were the ones you were referring to. After the session I became so energized only to be hungry a short while after.

Thanks so much for your insight & I'll definitely refer back to you if any questions arise. 😊
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-10)
Regarding top back of my head was open, wide open! It felt airy, not painful at all! Though, my body freaked out. This is a connection with your crown chakra and high chakra that connects to divine and other dimensions. I define this as a spiritual bar, and my 3rd eye starts vibrating when I have a connection. This is an area that is important because it signifies connection with celestial/aka angels. The shaking of your body can vibrate from the interaction, but this will disapate once your body/mind/emotions adjust. But should be taken slowly with understanding.

Sorry for this 2nd post, I was tired and forgot to address this portion.
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-10)
haqu, may I ask what book you are reading?
I would read and study all you can before opening.
There seems to be an awakening about angels this yr.
There are some whom wish to channel, some to heal. If the energy is too strong ask them to pull back.

I've had a few occurances through the yrs.
And my experience is we have to try the spirits.
Question them and ask for proof.

For me I've found that blue to be energy that affliates with nature, and there are angels whom are over this area. The red can be identifed as angels, has to do with shamanic work.
This year there seems to be a lot about channeling info from higher beings and angels.

When they enter your energy field, you will feel hot and you can will feel heavy. But this rule also applies for ancestors, and spirit guides whom can present themself's with a green color. We normally work with a main guide and can have a variety of others that work with us as well.

But inorder to hold this energy for long periods of time our own physical body will go through changes.
This area gets quite lengthy.

If you have specific question list them here or click on my user name if too lengthy.
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-10)
Wow I really don't know but that quite an experience you. Hopefully somebody will give you some answers. Good luck

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