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I Never Realized I Had Psychic Abilities


Wow, were do I start. First of all, I have to say that I am so happy to have found this site. I love, love, love that there is a place where I can come and share my experiences with people and not have to watch them reach for the phone to call the guys with the padded truck. When I was little the most I would every experience out of the norm was hearing my name being called or being touched by something that I couldn't see. I did pick up the emotions of people and places which made me think there was something wrong with me. But it wasn't until I became pregnant with the twins that my abilities amplified 100 fold.

I have so many things going on with me. I didn't know I was an empath until I came here. I thought I was being judgmental... Not to mention a little crazy. Not only can I read people's emotions, I sometimes hear what they are thinking. I can also sense the presence of things I cannot see. I will either feel calm or fear in those situations, depending on the type of spirit. Also, I can feel the temperature in my home suddenly drop and I have the heat going full blast. I have seen spirits on a handful of occasions and I did see an angel once. I can see little flashes of light, whether I am in darkness or light, at work or at home. I have dreams almost every night. I can tell the difference between the ones that are just dreams, and the ones that tell me something is about to happen. I dreamt about my mom's death, the birth of my twins, my move across the country, and so many, many other things. I have seen the end of the world twice, as well as tsunamis, earthquakes, and hurricanes.

I have four children. I know that two out of the four possess abilities for sure. My eldest has been seeing dead people before she could even talk. She used to freak my mother out all of the time. She has dreams that come true and she also tells me that she experiences deja vu... everyday. She can also see spirits. I have to watch were we live because the wrong choice can make for a very unhappy family life which I learned when we moved to Hawaii. (The four years we lived in Hawaii I would wake up scratches all over my body.) The youngest, my female twin, has my gift of empathy. I also think she knows what I am thinking because she will answer questions I don't even get a chance to get out of my mouth. She sees spirits as well, but not to the degree that her older sister does. I'm still waiting to see what will happen with my middle daughter and the boy twin. I do know that my middle daughter does have a strong connection with animals.

There are so many stories that I am ready to share here. I can't do them in this post because it would be way too much, not to mention the different topics that our experiences cover. But I will share them, one at a time. Again, I am happy that I have an audience of willing listeners with similar experiences. I will be bending everyone's ears, a lot.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, hollinor, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

callie (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-13)
it's had for kids with abilities. There very lonly and have no friends because no one believes them. But I resently told one of my friends and shes the only one that knows, and she beleives me. So I'm really happy
callie (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-13)
no one e-mail me, my e-mail address doesn't work. So no one e-mail me. Bye
callie (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-13)
im not on the pity wagon you don't have to be mean. I'm doing much better anyway.
to Callie.message (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-13)
Callie don't be so overburdened with this beautiful gift you have, because you are young you can't do much with it, but in time you will. Right now, Start your prayers with "dear father and mother" and talk to them and let them know your fears, they hear you and take what comes into your mind first as what they are saying. Prayers always work, for they are heard. Due to traditional religions have so much already set beliefs, I encourage you to attend a church like the "Universal Unitarian Church", find a branch and you will find open minded people who may not understand you but will welcome you. Don't be afraid, there is nothing to be afraid. You just have abilities to see, if you don't want to see them, ask father and mother to please take them away and let you sleep comfortable. They cannot hurt you, you are the only one who can hurt your own self by not eating or sleeping. So, get off the pity wagon and do something constructive.
shay (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-13)
There are people with gifts, which you asked for prior to coming into human form. Our Father and mother are aware of your gifts and so is your spirit guide. One needs to communicate with their spirit guide and see how to use their gift in the best way possible so it helps others. Of course, you can make a living out of it, but don't ever forget the generousness of our father and mother who designed our life with love and would want you to use your gift in the best way possible.

"Don't be afraid of God, he loves everyone very much"
Callie (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-10)
hi, I'm only 12 and I can see the spirit that have died and I'm a little psychic too. I do need help, because I don't know how to control them. I feel very lonly because there is no one who understands me. I talk to my cousin who is 11 and she can sence things and freaky stuff happens to her, but there's no one I can talk to. I can barly eat or sleep anymore, I need help or someone to talk to that has the same abilities as me or is different like me.E-mail me at gypsiejo44 [at]
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-08)
Seagle - I've never had to work or live in a place like that. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will write. I have been woke-up in the middle of the night a few times by things. I'm a grouchy sleeper and let them know, it was not funny then went back to sleep. My advice is to ignore the activity at work. Let them do their thing while you do what you need to do. Also, I've been sensitive awhile. Often it's helpful, sometimes frustrating, but funny now and then. I love the funny times. I try not to take it too seriously. Guess that's just my way of dealing with it.
seagle (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-08)
Okay, this is all new to me and I'm really freaked out by this. I'm 20 years old, and am male. I recently, about 2 months ago, started having really bad deja vu, multiple times daily. I can also feel somebodys emotion when I'm talking to them, to the point where if I know they're sad, I have to hold back my tears because I can feel their hurt. Or if they're angry I get really angry and have to control it because its really strange. I also have started seeing spirits daily now. I remember when I was little I saw two, once when I was about 7 and then once when I was 12. Both times it terrified me. But now its happening every day and I can't explain it. I don't know who to talk to about this and feel really strange. I work at a hotel, the night audit which is from 11pm to 8am. I'm by myself at this hotel and I'm certin its haunted, I hear people talking, things banging, furniture moving, doors opening and closing all the time, and the phone ringing off the hook, and no one is there. I asked the other night audit about it and she has expirenced some things but nothing major like I have. I'm really nervous, and just need to talk to somebody about this and don't knwo what to do. Please e-mail me if you have advice or anything, my e-mail is dominant_eagle_64 [at] or soaringeagle531 [at]
Thank you so much.
jean316 (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-08)
i need someone to help me I do NOT need training in my psychic ability-controlling the weather-but I would like to talk to anyone with this ability also. My yahoo is jeanster999 [at] someone please respond! I am only 14 and feel well I can't describe it. I also know things about people sort of like hunches but more accurate I guess that is a mild telepahy.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-04)
I never mention this to other people, or let them see it if possible. They, for whatever reason, don't accept it. Maybe it's too scary. I just try to mention things. A few times have been outright, probably a lot, but not lately so much. I've found people just find it strange. Took me awhile to reach that conclusion. I suggest you talk to people here, and do what you have to do, and not talk about it with people not open unless it's a dire situation. One train of thought, that I read tonight, is that younger souls just haven't done this a lot and don't understand and find it scary.
kristy39 (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-04)
hey I was reading over what you said. My family is gifted my mom is my sister's and brother's and me and my kids are also. My son he see things a lot he don't know who he see. I think it is very kool that we can do things. But there is a lot of people who dont. They say it wrong but as for me I don't feel like it is. I love coming on here reading what other's have to say. There is a lot of great ones on here. I want to say thanks for telling yours. It always great to read new ones. I have had some experiences with things myself. I have 5 kids but only 2 of them can do things or see things the others can't or don't talk about it if they can. I know I have not said anything to help you out. But if you ever want to talk my e-mail is kristyjohns [at] there are things I would love to know maybe you can help me.
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-02)
I agree Taralynn! Some people tend to think that psychic and evil go hand in hand. I totally disagree with that. Like anything else good things can be used for bad purposes, but that doesn't mean that thing in and of itself is bad. I believe all these gifts came from God for us to use to edify His kingdom. I give Him all the credit because I know I don't do what I do on my own. I've felt a strong pull to go deeper and expand my gifts. I know I have only barely scratched the surface. I think it is time to take it to the next level. I ordered four books and they shipped out today. I can't wait to get them because I have this feeling in my spirit that nothing will ever be the same again once I walk through that door.
taralynn (2 stories) (13 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-02)
Hollinor...the thing about seeing your daughter get herself dirty is too funny. My mom used to do the same thing to me, and I catch myself doing it to my son.
Mom would also say, God sees everything.
Also I have to say that I enjoy the fact that going to a church has not stoped people from posting on here and searching for more.
Let me know if any of those books on meditation are any good. I just ordered "how psychic are you". It gives a good over view of everything, but doesn't go into depth. I would recomend it to someone who is new to this (which is me). Thanks!
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-02)
Your kids never outgrow you. Up early - my college son left early today. Very responsible. A little bit ago, was going shopping in the nearest "Big City" about an hour away. As he was about to leave, handed him my credit card and told him to use it if he needed. That chin and nose went up. He told me, "He had his own card and checkbook..." I told him to take it anyway, in case. He got home and had used it - to his disgust. His checks are out of state and he had cancelled his credit card, so they cancelled his debit card or vise versa. Anyway, he called and got the one restarted, but he had to use my credit card at the stores. I just nodded. My hubby smiled. Not as grown-up as he thinks...
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-31)
That is so funny Glenda! I love to do that to my kids. One of my daughter's came home one day with something covering the front of her pants. I asked her what it was, of course she didn't know... Yeah right. Anyway, two seconds after she said that, I had a vision. It was like I was seeing things from her point of view. I was making something with glue and the glue was all over my hands. I didn't have anything to wipe my hands on, so I look down at my pants and then began wiping my hands on them. I immediately yelled out what I had seen to my daughter and all the color drained from her face. LOL! They all now think twice about lying to me. I tell them, if I don't catch you now, I'll catch you later, because God sees everything you do and eventually he'll show it to me. I love it!
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-31)
In college took tennis. The tennis coach didn't like me - don't know why. Maybe because he was known for his hard tests (we had a book) and I did okay on them. Anyway, got to the point where he made fun of me. I never said anything to him. Let it go. One day he went to divide us into teams. One, Two, Three were on little sheets of paper in a box. I went to draw mine, and told him, "I'm a two person..." It popped out, surprising me. Well drew a two. Drew a two for about two weeks straight. Every class. Everyone around me thought it was a hoot. He put the numbers in a football helmet and held it up high so I had to jump to get my number. Got my two. Then, one day went to draw and stopped. Looked at him. He said, "Get your two again..." I said, "That's tough when there isn't one..." He threw down that helmet and marched off. I looked. He had A,B,C's. After that, we just stood in a line and he numbered us. But it was too funny.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-31)
holli - sounds just like what happens to me. I start advicing without consciously knowing what I'm going to say. It pops out. I know then, it needs to be said. In the long term, I have no doubt you helped her. It really can be embarrassing tho - and funny at times. I love the funny times.
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
Oh Glenda, I know what you mean. People run from me all the time. There is this woman at work that I call an "energy vampire". Whenever she comes near me, she sucks all the energy out of me leaving me drained. She'll just stand there and talk and talk and talk about herself and her problems and never let you get a word in edgewise. And if you do manage to get a sentence in, she doesn't listen. Well, one day she came and was complaining about how one of her friends in her volleyball club was giving her the cold shoulder. I immediately knew exactly why the woman was acting that way. I tried to bite my tongue, but I found my mouth moving and I couldn't stop it. I told her point blank that the lady couldn't stand her and she was working to turn all the other members of the club against her. I said they were going along with it, because basically this woman is the Alpha female of the group. My co-workers mouth was just hanging open. Did I stop there? No! I just kept going! I went on to tell her she's a doormat and people use her and are constantly taking advantge of her. I said you need to stand up for yourself and confront this woman and everyone else that uses you. I stressed that she'd been this way all her life and she needed to stop kissing butt and take charge. When I finally was quiet you could've heard a pin drop. She slunk back to her desk and I didn't see her for days. My other co-workers were looking at me out of the corner of their eyes. I felt bad, but I couldn't control what was coming out, and it was so intimate and personal that I know it wasn't coming from me. I know God gave me this gift for a reason, but sometimes it is embarassing.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
Hi Holli - it is nice to hear others and know there's an informal place just to talk. We moved years ago to this new s tate and had visited a church three or four times we liked. Went to Sunday School, a large class and liked it. Well one Sunday this woman talked about her daughter's terrible rash about a year ago, lasted two weeks, painful, on and on - went to all kinds of docs and specialists and nothing helped. Two med docs were in the class and she said her daughter had woke up, starting to break out again a lot. Feeling sorry for her, I raised my hand. My husband looked over and rolled his eyes. I told the woman to take her, right after church, to a sun lamp and do that a few days. Not sure why, just felt like I had to tell her that. Then we started a discussion about favorite Bible stories. I said mine was Jonah and the Whale, but it slipped out and I had never thought about a favorite one before. Well, on our program was the preacher's sermon topic. We went to the main part of the church, and he announced that he had changed and preached on Jonah and the Whale. My hub rolled his eyes again. For the next two weeks, no one in that Sunday class talked to us much. Finally, I asked the woman how her daughter was doing. She told me that she had taken her to a sun lamp for a few days and it went away. I think people were uncomfortable around us. It was a little hurtful honestly, so I usually keep my mouth shut. But we are who we are.
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
Thanks for sharing that with me Glenda! I have had to corral my oldest. I remember she told one of my co-workers who had just gotten married that she was going to have a little boy. Well that lady freaked! I had to gently explain to my daughter that she could not just tell people things because they don't understand. I told her that she could always come to me and tell me anything she wanted, and she always has. I know that some people can sense that I can read them (whether I am trying to or not) and they get really skittish around me. My dad knows how I am and he has ordered me not to dream anything about him, like I can control it or something. But he does not like it at all. People usually have a hard time dealing with something they can't understand. In the past few months I have felt a real strong pull to start discovering and taking my abilities to another level. I've ordered some books from I'm also interested in learning how to meditate because my mind is always going 100 miles an hour! LOL! I'm excited I can come here and share my experiences with like-minded people. 😆
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
Hello Holli - your story rang a bell with me because in one of my posts, I shared with someone that when I was two, my favorite game was waiting until someone was about to talk - then blurting out what they were going to say. But my family was very Southern Baptists - no cards, alcohol, dancing. My mom finally freaked and shook me and threatened me because she was afraid people would "think I was weird". To my memory, this was the only time that she really got on to me. Ever. I stopped my game, not understanding. Well, we all have to fit in so there is a fine line between being who we are and fitting in and exploring other talents. I'm not consumed with my talents. My biggest problem is probably getting bored easily. I once had a college prof ask me if I had a photographic memory. I said, "No, I just dream your tests..." Then I laughed to make it seem a joke. It was my way of telling the truth and fitting in because no one takes dreaming seriously. Years ago, I starting cateloging my dreams as dreaming or "real" dreaming. For a true psychic, it's tricky. I do know, I love humor to help the situation. But, deep inside, I have anger too because people are afraid of this ability or see it as bad, despite it helping them at times. When I was ten years old, I got in my dad's truck with him to do errands on a Saturday morning. I kept asking him, all day, about wrecks and what to do in one. I had never been in one before or thought about them. This was back when no one wore seat belts. My sister was 1 1/2 years old and stood up beside him when he drove. He told me, every time I asked, to grab her because she would go through the windshield. I asked him probably 6 times, maybe a dozen, before he told me to "shut-up, I was making him nervous..." This was a father who had never said anything like that and never spanked me my whole life. He didn't spank me, but the shut-up part freaked me a little. Anyway, that night, my uncle stopped by in his truck. We went with him. There was my uncle, me, my baby sister standing, and my dad sitting by the door in the cab of my uncle's truck. An elderly man pulled right out in front of us and my uncle turned the wheel. We went off an embankment, steep, and rolled three times. My dad told me that he fell-on my sister in that split second because he had told me so many times that day that she would go through the windshield. It was so fast, I didn't know what was happening. My dad was bruised, had a tiny cut on his ear. No one went to the hospital. The truck was totalled. I was very grateful. No one can tell me this gift is wicked. I love my sister. But, I do keep it hidden as much as possible - because people do find it threatening. Teach your children that fact and to pay attention to it. My two cent advice - and I'm a newbie!

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