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Heavenly Voices Can Be Disturbing


As I have stated in the past I am a voice hearer, I constantly and on a daily bases hear spiritual voices and feel a strong emotional pain!. It all started when I had that dream that I was whipped by people that I trusted, ever since then the voices have not stopped and the emotional pain has continued. It feels like I am being afflicted 24/7. I really do believe that god is allowing for me to be afflicted! While he stands by!. The voices are constant and, and remain mostly the same here are a few examples: a masculine voice" you hold the keys to this prison', a female " everything is going to be alright" It almost feels like I am in some kind of spiritual prison and, I am constantly visited by other being and spirits! After paying careful attention to the voices over the years I have summed up a story of what it is" from my understanding and from what I feel there is a deceased women with me I constantly hear her and she comes across as very angry!. It is my understanding that she is with me as a female companion and also as a curse!. Throughout her existence with me she has caused nothing but bad luck, and is constantly attracting more deceased people that cause more pain and bad luck to my person. I have on some occasions found myself hating her with a deep hatred! As well as others around me. I have gone to a spiritualist and she said that she sensed her and that she could have her removed her for xx amount of money! Is this a curse from god? Or is this a trial? I have never found myself hating someone that do-sent exist physically as much as I hate this so called maria villaciencio! If anyone has had the same experience feel free to comment! Any true advice helps if it is genuine and from the heart!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, 2012alexander, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Timfaraos (426 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-06)
I agree with "ravenula". Trust in the Divine! Only God can take away bad spirits and demons in disguise, from you, and surround you whith His powerful and loving Holy Angels! FOR FREE! Because He is the Lord and creator of ALL spirits! But you have to do something for Him too, something very simple... Pray to Jesus, fast from meat and dairy when you can, read the bible (and psalms aloud- demons HATE that!), and PRACTICE the bible as much as you can. Simple as that. And if you need more help, go to a greek or russian orthodox christian priest, TELL him your problem, because HE CAN HELP YOU-even when a catholic priest CAN'T- trust me, I know! You have nothing to lose. Also ask him for holy water to drink and sprinkle around your home. DO NOT go to psychic mediums, and pay them thousands of dollars... Because they have NO SUPERNATURAL AUTHORITY to remove bad spirits, and they might make things worse by making the spirit angry, or by opening you up to UNKNOWN AND UNPROVEN SPIRIT GUIDES, which will open for you another can of worms! You want to keep spirits AWAY, not bring in new ones LOL! Beware! See my PROFILE for more supernatural and spirit info! Stay safe. God bless+
AK_Scorpio (4 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-29)
Hello, I am new to this site. I am hoping I can make friends with people like myself. I read your story about this deceased woman who is very angry. There is more to this story than what you have put in here today but you did a good job describing the situation. If your energy is letting this occurrence in, then you will need to change that energy to help control what comes in and what goes out. I have had experiences communicating with the afterlife and I say protection prayers before and after my experiences. I want to know if you pray because you referenced god as punishing you through these experiences. Whatever your religion maybe you must have faith in yourself. You need to work on your chakra and begin the healing process. Don't let dark energies take over your moods this can be a warning sign and you need to stay strong and work on your spiritual side first. The stronger you become the easier this will get for you.
Please feel free to add me on to Facebook! Looking to make more friends in this area.
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-27)
Dear CHESHIRE, It is vary rare I come across someone that thinks and makes sense. I can see you don't just shoot from the hip but put it into perspective. I truly love your answer and can only hope more become as you and not just say anthing to sound good.

And YES I did answer to why I asked those Questions in my story I JUST KNOW.
Warm regards
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-27)
I think you can use some objects such as minerals a a source of control and/or a way of magnifying what you are concentrating on doing. Also you can even store some of your energy in them. They are kind of useful even though your statement is correct too. It's just that some substances are better at doing this than others.
CheshireCat (35 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-27)
Gerry... Sounds interesting... Get it (smiles)... Yes, it's called the uni-verse for a reason, everything has it's own sound and I couldn't agree with you more on that point. Even a crystal has it's own unique frequency of sound depending upon it's molecular configuration and resonance field of activity and experience which can be transmuted and registered with the bearer of such an item. Each of your energy centers also sings a specific tune much like piano keys... The mind only plays one part in the overall symphony. As in, the sexual centers have a certain base beat, the heart center beats to a different rhythm, the mind beats to another and so on to compose a larger orchestra of what you call yourself.
Time is also a fun idea to play with as time can vary both in scientif If you go outside the earths atmoshphere into space, it slows down by a fraction of a second... Or if you move faster you get to where your going in space and time faster. Your conciousness can also alter your orientation to time by how it manifests itself. It's much like a camera, when you record your life in a certain frame of mind, time seems to flow normally, if you speed up the mind frame rates just like a camera, you get more 'pictures' within the frame which will make time seem to pass by more slowly. People have been shown to think time is moving in slow motion when there adrenaline is picked up making them more awake and alert to the situation there in such as bungee jumping. The right side of the brain also has a lot to do with this as it orients itself with spacial relationships, it's the left side that is logical and records time for a person. Thus if you get highly involved with something you love doing such as artistic projects, you'll notice that time seems to fly by without ever noticing it.

Just curious, you never answered my question of why you were asking your questions of 1-4 to people?
777lucky777 (1 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-26)
Both of my ears have been ringing all day today. I also tested my telekinetic power, and it doubled.
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-26)
Dear CheshireCat (keep smiling) I am not sure about your answers?
About your Moldavite Crystal. Let me explain something to which you may refute.
Putting my self into the Godly universe, I have found music, this music is in every planet and stars. When heard it sounds like a humming.
What causes this humming? Every little atomic particle has the electrons go around the nucleus at a fast pace.
In the billions a sound is emitted on it's own you can't hear it. Science, to confirm my story has picked up space sounds.
What has this got to do with Molavite Crystals?
Everything is atomic to which has energy, none more than others. I can pick up a stone and it will do the same as the crystal. I personally don't believe in crystal or anything at all to communicate. The only power we have and is yet to be noticed is, thought power. The universe which is God has given me many experiences, So would your Question be, "what has God done for me?"
I could have died three times, and naturally lived. Avoided many collisions, my foot hitting the brake before I was aware what was happening. I have had many visions and know most of the future (I don't believe in the concept of time)
I hope this satisfies you. 😊
CheshireCat (35 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-26)
Gerry: Hmmm strange questions for a strange fella... Let's see...
1/ Were you adopted? No but I was accidentally dropped on the floor as a kid... Perhaps I should have been adopted.

2/ or fatherless? Yes... The story goes that my mother was applying herbal essences shampoo and I was miraculously conceived! That be some damn good shampoo! Soon afterwards, some guy kept sticking around the house like a lost dog, go fig.

3/ do you suffer from ringing in the left ear? Nope why, do you have ringing in the right ear? I hear that's way more serious.

4/ do you see shadows at night? Well, the light side of my personality naturally shines upon the dark side creating many a shadow people that are always walking hand in hand with me... On the plus side if I form my hands together I can create a duck that goes quack!

Just curious, why do you want to know these things and of what relevance is this to you? I have a challenge for you if your up for it. Pick up a piece of moldavite crystal... Any size will do the trick, now ask the universe for a unique experience to remember... Only genuine requests be accepted... And post back to me. Cheers mate
Ravenula (3 stories) (115 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-26)
"you have the keys to this prison" - I think it could be a Guardian Angel telling you that you have the keys to the mental prison (hell) you created for yourself... Are you suffering, or in some sort of mental agony, going through a hard time, analyzing past traumatic events? If you are trying to figure out the roots of your pain it is a good sign, it is sign that you want to heal, the "key" is that you CAN DO IT, you will see the Light shine once more, you will see the Sun coming through the clouds AGAIN... You just have to have FAITH and trust in the signs of DIVINE GUIDANCE to show you the way... Everything is going to be alright if you just BELIEVE and don't fear the DIVINE trying to help you.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-26)
[at] riversong, some of them mean good to you, but some also mean harm and want to feed off your fear. Other ones don't even care about you or if you are there. It is the same wih humans. It depends on the spirit.
riversong (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-26)
I'm really not religious or superstitious, but maybe the so called spirits aren't bad. It doesn't really sound like they are. The reason I joined this site was to look for answers myself. When I was young, I was praying, and when I asked for a sign, a plastic bird that I had hanging from my ceiling jerked forward suddenly and then just stopped.
Lately, I have heard a woman's voice outside of the house. Thursday night it was a blood-curdling scream, and last night it was just mumbles and then I heard my name being called in desperation. Each time it was a woman's voice. I thought that I should help answer it or just help it some how or that it was all just in my head. I just turned some music on and lit some sage. After burning the sage last night my room still smells very strongly of it. Since then I haven't heard anything close by. Just distant shouting. My mom had a dream that someone was watching her just a few nights before I came home and heard the voices. Sometimes my cat sits and meows in front of the front door. On my way home Thursday night, I saw what appeared to be balls of light flying around and in front of my car. I'd really like to talk to a psychic, just to try to find answers.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-25)
I used to have the feeling that I had a entity inside me of fire and anger. Later something of darkness and coldness entered me. It felt like they were having a battle inside of me for control and I felt like I could tell that both were about even in their fight. One day it felt like the entity of darkness felt tired and just... Disappeared. I felt sad and sorry for it. I think the other entity, the one of fire might be still inside me and we have just entered a sense of symbiosis.
2012alexander (3 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-25)
Thanks for the advice everybody here are more of the voices that I hear and who I feel they are coming from 1. (from a male voice) " let go of this anger man". 2. (God) " nobody lestins to me anymore". 3. (A female) constantly asking me if I am ok?". 4. (a male voice" its time to go Alexander" 5. (a female voice) " you ended up in prison".6. (son of god what are you doing hear?. The following are passages said to the women that is with me) 1. (from god) " my daughter you don't need to be here anymore". 2. (from a female voice) " honey you look so pretty". It's wired and hard to cope with but I am managing. 😢 😢
777lucky777 (1 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-25)
I really don't like to brind them up, but its really the only advice I can give you from experience, I don't knwo much about my paranormal side, I really don't study it much. Its kind of nice to let it out on these pages though.
777lucky777 (1 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-25)
I suggest if you want to get rid of these spirits, do what I did, I used to be possesed by 3 beings while my own concence was weak, when I'm tired or hurt. They called us "the forth path"? They said I was one of them. "1" was me, "2" was another person, "3" was an angel, and "4" was a demon. Anyhow one day the demon killed "2" and the Angel possesed me and made my write a Seal, she told me that everyone has a different seal, and that thier spirit guide holds it she said if it breaks she wanted me to consult with the wolf. And that it seals most of ones abnormality in it. So, I believe, if you do some meditation and get into contact with your spirit guide and ask it about your seal, it might beable to help, but you won't have much power. You only have to write it once. But try to write it somewhere it won't fade well. Um I gtg for a bit sorry.
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-25)
I forgot to ask, did your mother ever tell you she an encounter?
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-25)
Dear CheshireCat (keep smiling)
I am doing personal research, can I ask you these questions?
1/ Were you adopted?
2/ or fatherless?
3/ do you suffer from ringing in the left ear?
4/ do you see shadows at night?
Look forward to your answers.
CheshireCat (35 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-25)
If anyone has a clue on how to solve this delema please let me know... I heard voices every now and again growing up but for the most part it was like in the back of my mind... Never disturbing. In later years I seemed to acquire an ability to lift up out of the body and think differently... More clear headed and with strange abilities to connect with different energies. About 3 years ago it started to mean I could literally hear other peoples thoughts in my head... However I would only recognize this if they were very emotionaly directed at me as it would come through loud and clear otherwise it was like picking up a thought here and there that was foreign to me... As in I didn't understand why I was thinking about something that was out of context with my life. To complicate matters I know I feel and hear other spirit voices that have a different quality of energy to them. To make a very long story short, some sort of spirit about 2 years ago trapped me in a very tangible way and possessed me. I didn't even believe such things were possible nor ever worry about such a delema. I went through some sort of bizare astral travel from a waking normal day when I had asked on that particular day for all spirits to just leave me alone and be done with it. Whatever it was didn't agree and shot me out of the body and merged into something too strange to describe other than 'hive mind' consciousness. Alien would be the other word that comes to mind. The following years from this range from every imaginable psychic experience that one can imagine in ways I don't like to recall... From non stop voices of living and dead, feeling energy radiating from other peoples energy centers, being 'shapeshifted' to mimic others personality and perception... Enhancement of smells, visual color changes, going from a sleepy mindset to full on alert in the blink of an eye... Missing time or alteration of time modality which appears to record differently depending on the psyche I'm thrown into... Electrical appliances going haywire, missing objects and the's really all too bizare. I know I should be dead and have to have some sort of help as I haven't been sick in 3 years now considering all the stress and torment I've been under from dealing with it. Even chemical reactions within the body are not the same... Like overriding the biology and conscious constructs of the psyche as I'm told not that I understand how this is done or why.

After reiki healings and praying I feel stabilized but still get attacked in body and mind constantly... Parts of my body will randomly heat up or cool down, my mind and body will feel like I start resonating with others in close proximity or losing boundry lines between were I am and they are. It's hard to describe but it's always some sort of push and pull... Good voices, bad voices... I'm just tired of it all and have asked for it too stop, I just don't know why it hasn't yet. I have yet to see a light at the end of the tunnel and could honestly care less if it's a train so long as it's over with.
Niteo (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-25)
Regarding the power outage, I think that is due to the amount of energy you were using to try to connect and understand the thoughts you were hearing. I know it sounds odd, but my television screen often freezes at the movie climax, and batteries drain or appliances are fried when I'm very emotional, or eager to understand someone. Who knows how this happens.:)
Niteo (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-25)
If a voice gives you a negative vibe, regardless of what it is saying to you, I think you should trust your intuition and shut them out. Do not hate them like Mubashir explains... I believe that will give you a weakness that widens the door. After a period of static, I heard a voice (a man calling my name) and picked up an evil vibe; he seemed to be instructing me on how to guide my thoughts. The voice provided his name, "Abraham 1 of 100" so once I awoke I googled him and immediately found a cult. I am convinced it (and the entire cult) was trickery because I know, I felt, his true nature. I was weak and afraid at that time, and have since strengthened my faith, let go of my anger and fear, and pray daily for protection. I have not heard an evil voice since... I hope that helps.
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-25)
Hey lucky. If you keep trying to translate their words and power keeps going out. Then don't try anymore. Maybe they don't want you to know what they were talking about. Its more like you heard something that you were not suppose to hear. Well that's how I think and its in case that you can't translate their words.
777lucky777 (1 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-24)
I get voices like that too, but there in another language, latin. Its wierd, I tried to translate what it was saying but my power went off while I was translating.: /
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-24)
I totally agree with Anaelyssa. I have seen many fraud psychics. There was a guy who claimed to be a psychic and able to exorcise the spirits. Well that's what he claimed. People brought a kid to him saying that he was possessed by a spirit (in fact that kid was sick). He took the money from his family and then he beated the kid to death. He said that the spirit is responsible for his death. About the hatred towards spirits, its way too dangerous because it makes them evil and more dangerous. Try to understand them and love them and pray for them. That will cleanse thier souls and give them peace. Hatred will only make things worse. Alexander hope you try to understand them and won't hate them. Take care and bye. 😁 ❤
Anaelyssa (1 stories) (135 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-24)
I have several things I'd like to say.

Firstly, I suggest reading an article on this site called "Differences Between Genuine and Fraud Psychics". Someone offering to lift a curse for money, might be trying to scam you.

Second, try making the ghost go away by telling them to go into the light or pray for them. Hate only leads to more hate. The more you curse the ghost for causing your problems, the worse it'll get.

Hate is a really negative emotion, and it's bound to attract other negative stuff.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-24)
What if these voices are your spiritual guides. I'm sure they don't mean to cause you pain. You said you experienced strong emotional pain which could be what attracts your idea of blaming god. (Which gives you limited options to feel like being in a prison.) As a Empath it would seem only right. (A good reference I was referenced to share is determinism, it might help a bit.)

As for the spirit, have you tried asking why she follows you? I would like to help some more. If that's fine with you. 😁

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