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Real Psychic Experiences

Do I Have Special Medium Abilities?


My story starts when I was very little (maybe 6 or 7 years old). I used to lay in bed at night and hear voices. At this time, I didn't know they were the voices of spirits. I didn't know what a psychic was, or a medium. Or that I might be one. They would sometimes be in the form of echoes. Other times, they were so muffled I couldn't hear them. But they were always yelling. Trying to get my attention, I guess. They never found me. I wasn't afraid, but I wasn't completely comfortable with it, either. I thought maybe they were my invisible imaginary friends, or something. And they would only come at night when everyone else was asleep.

 After a while, the voices went away. But, just recently, they returned. In fact, they came back last night. I will hear doors slamming from downstairs, feet pounding up the steps, even a shadow following me everywhere. When I went downstairs to get something, it was very dark, and someone--or something--shoved me and I flew smack into the front door. Is this their way of trying to ask for help? Or something? I don't know. I'm just confused. I also hear tapping on my window at night, and a man actually spoke to me last night. He was babbling nonsense, then I asked him what was wrong, and he said he'd kill me. I told him to calm down, then he went away. There was also a woman who said, "No. This isn't right." I guess she was in denial, or something about being on the other side. I told her it was okay, and she left. That's when I started to suspect the possibility of me being a medium. 

Then, the next day, I started SENSING spirits. In every room I went. I could read how they felt: peaceful, happy, angry. They never approached me or spoke to me, so I never did so to them. I'm still afraid and confused and feel crazy, all at once...and...and I just want some answers. Am I a medium or not?

Thanks for the comments and help,


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Medium4ever, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

glowstar15 (3 stories) (24 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-17)
i can hear voices too but not that clear like you do I can sense their aura I can also identified if there angry, or sad, or mad etc but they have never tried to talk to me the last time I heard them was two days ago there was I woman and a man the woman started laughing but after I couldn't hear their conversation all I heard was whispering when I sense evil spirits I usually block them from entering my room with my own energy I usually do it when I finish meditating because that way I have a lot of energy since I started doing that I have not sense any more evil spirits
mystic_enigma (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-17)
[at] Show_me
How can I protect myself? I have been trying to meditate for the last 3 weeks now the first 3 times I became afraid and stopped meditating. I begain hearing noises and felt crowed by creepyness like I wasn't alone anymore. All but once I was meditating at night in the dark and had lit 2 red tea light candles (I thought it would be more relaxing that way) because that's all I had. I didn't relize there were rules. One night when I was meditating it felt as if something was climbing on the bed with me and touched my legs. I freaked and said "away from me" then visioned myself in a white sphere. Any tips or advice would be appriciated. I have already took notes from what you said here.
Medium4ever (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-08)
Okay cool thank you. Not sure what will happen, but I'll try it.
Show_Me (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-06)
I have some of the experience. I am still trying to get use to the floating. It makes me dizzy sometimes. LOL. If you need anything feel free to.
Medium4ever (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-06)
Wow you sound like you have a lot of experience. It did help, once again. Thank you. It's nice to have advice from someone with more experience. I'll try meditation tomorrow and get back to you with what happens.
Show_Me (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-06)
You shouldn't meditate in the dark because that is where most bad/evil spirits linger. They move like shadow like. Darkness I their speed while you are the lighting speed. You will see better in the light. You would need light to help you in case anything happens when you meditate. We would not know what comes through when we meditate. A dim light room will be fine for meditation. You can also light candles and incents for better mediation.

You can mediate by sitting Indian style. Hands together palm to palm like Buddha meditation or Back hand touching your knee. The prayer like position is best. It means that you ask for help from your guides to help guide and protect you vs back hand touching your knee which leaves you open to many things that channels through from the spirit world.

This is how I meditate:

I take a brand new Corelle 6" round White Plate and put 2 6" white skinny candle in the middle top spaces about 2 inches apart. Then I use white flowers to place in the middle bottom of the plate facing me. For the incents, they are places in a medium sized cup filled with white rice to almost the top of the cup.

Before I start my mediation, I light both candles and my incents and say a prayer for all my guides/angels/protectors and etc... To help guide and protect me before I AP or wonder off into the spirit world. Why is that? Because when you leave your body, one, two or some of your spirit guides stay back to protect your body while the rest goes with you on the journey. That's why you get the tingling feeling and floating feeling. You will feel your guides come closer to you when you feel floating and tingling like.

Hope this helps.
Medium4ever (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-04)
Thank you, iScorpio. You have been of help, too. But, Show_Me, why shouldn't I meditate in a dark room?
iScorpio (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-04)
Very interesting...
To your question about meditating- Me personally, I just get comfortable, maybe light some incense, relax, and breath slowly through my nose, out my mouth. I'm starting to do chakra meditations. I do this by visualising the first chakra (root chakra, color is red) and visualise it lighting up, becoming bright and healthy, and visualise a flower opening up inside of the Chakra. Once I'm done with this, I work my way up to the Third Eye.
Also- crystals can help. Amethyst is a powerful protective stone, with a high spiritual vibration.
For protection: Visualise bright white light coming from your heart (heart chakra) and surrounding your whole body. You can also call on archangels, angels, and guides. I sometimes call from deceased family members who are in the light.
Always protect yourself!:)
Medium4ever (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-04)
Sorry about the grammar in the last one...btw, I know this sounds childish, but... In your words, HOW exactly should I meditate?
Medium4ever (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-04)
Wow, um thank you very much Show_Me. For everything. It did help. I will meditate tomorrow. I will believe believe in myself. I promise... Why no dark rooms? Just curious.
Show_Me (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-31)
No dark area or room. It could be in your room, living room, family room or etc... But not in dark rooms or isolated rooms. You would need peace and quite rooms to meditate. You will see flashing lights and later on colors. Red, yellow, green, black, orange, blue... And etc... Purple is the highest color. When you see this you are in deep thought and meditation. Recommend to meditate in the morning/ afternoon. You can do it at night but you will be distracted and will not know who comes thought (Spirits/ghosts). If at night, light 2 candles (doesn't matter size. Whatever you feel like what kind and how long but preferred long white 6 inches candles) on a white plate (Corelle white plates. Wal-Mart has them.) that has not been eaten off from. Preferred brand new Corelle white plate.

You are a medium. Believe in yourself and have confidence plus be very patient. Do not tell people what you have since you are new at this. Beware of attacks from bad/evil spirits. You are a bright light to spirits/ghost/evil spirits. In some cases they will challenge you.

You need to have a set and stone authority in your house. You need to set some ground rules. Do not let them take over your house and rules. You need to be firm when need and be strong. You also need to protect yourself in case of attacks. And do not tell a lot of people what you have. Some people can send bad things to you and challenge you or take away some of your powers.

I hope this helps.
Medium4ever (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-31)
It's fine.:) Would I need a quiet and dark area to do it or should I just do it whenever?
KaalaLilee (5 stories) (42 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
It will make you more receptable to outside information, and you should be able to more 'fine-tune' your abilities. Plus it's just over-all relaxing, and gives you the chance to un-winde. (Sorry about the speling)
Medium4ever (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
Thank you very much KaalaLilee! I will try doing meditation to strengthen my abilities. What exactly would meditating do for me? Just out of curiosity, before I try it. Anyway, I really needed the advice. Thank you! Anyone else?
KaalaLilee (5 stories) (42 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
Yes, it sounds like you are a Medium, and defiantly not crazy! I can sense spirits too, though not as strongly as you seem to. This is a gift! If you want to strengthen it, I'd suggest meditation, it works for just about anything.
Good luck!
Medium4ever (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
Can somebody PLEASE comment? I really need some help from you guys! 😭

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