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Seeing And Feeling?


What I experience isn't just in one place, it happens EVERYWHERE. Sometimes out of the corner of my eye I will see a figure, but only a silhouette. Every time I try to look closer, see if it's a real person, it's gone, which shows that it's not really a person, because real people don't just disappear.

On occasion I'll be traveling down the road, like my family and I were on a trip to Boone, NC in February. On the way up there we passed a barn, as soon as I saw the barn my mind went blank. And you know how you can have flashbacks at times? Well this was kind of like that. Only, I had no idea who I was looking at or where I was until I saw the barn. There was an entire family there with me, just looking at me, trying to help me up. Then a man came and told them all to leave, and stabbed me. After that I "came back to reality" if that's what you want to call it, and my mom was looking at me, with a very worried expression on her face. I asked her what was wrong and she had told me that I spaced out for nearly an hour. Is that my own imagination? Or was I actually experiencing something?

The next thing is, that sometimes when I'm in a room, even if it's alone. I'll get overwhelmed with feelings that I can't explain. One evening I was just lying down at a friend's house. She was on her computer talking with her boyfriend. All of a sudden, I felt so sad. It wasn't a normal type of sad, it was the kind of sad that made you want to jump off of a building, and I'm a typically happy person, so there was no explanation. Then came a horrible feeling, I just KNEW something was going to happen. I looked at Makayla (my friend) and told her what I was feeling. She said that she felt fine. The feeling continued throughout the day, then just before we went to bed, my mind thought of my grandpa, and my feelings during that day connected to him. Two days later my grandma called me to tell me that he was in the hospital. Is this something to do with being psychic? I heard once something about empathy.

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IslVoter (257 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)

Yup, don't dismiss what you see out of the corner of your eye, although every time you turn, it will disappear. Try to focus on the image in your peripheral vision--without turning. You may just get a longer glimpse.

The other things seem like psychic visions of past events--like the barn. I don't know if you know the address or location of this barn, but you might find something on the internet about something in past happening there. At this point you don't really know if what you experience is from the past or future.

And empathic sounds right as far as experiencing what other people are feeling. It sounds like your empathic feelings are attuned to those who need you, not just anyone. That can be a problem for those who feel emotions of everyone. Sometimes they just want to escape all the internal noise they hear/feel from other people.

You have skills developing. Perhaps you will find out more about what they are and how to use them. Mostly, don't fear them. Fear attracts fear (and love, love). I know it sounds easier than it is.

Good luck.

IsleWalker - Lora

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