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Real Psychic Experiences

Warned Not To Get My Palm Read


My parents are divorced, the last time I had seen my mother to visit, she read my palm and she warned me to not to get my palm read. By anyone. I was persistent and asked what she seen in my palm and she wouldn't answer me. Must've been bad and disappointing. I remember as a kid her and an elderly would say something in our language, translated to english as a kid/child of God. Because the lines on my thumb. But I don't see anything spectacular about me. So I've moved to Texas, from Cali and one of my friends/coworker had me babysit not and then and she had a friend over, he knew a little bit about palm reading. Very little, and give me a try. One of my friend's roommate palm was read by him and said he was spot on about a lot of things and even cried. So I thought, why not? Well, turns out my hand was very boring to him, but something in my hand that stood out to him was that he seen that something traumatic happened to me when I was young. That was enough to set me off my path, but eventually I got back on it. What shocked him was how young it was, guessing about 2-6 years old. He was leaning towards age 4 though. I don't remember anything, I don't know what could really even be considered as traumatic to me, considering I was abused, physically, mentally, verbally by my mom... But I tried to take consideration that he wasn't an experienced palm reader. Maybe I'm worried over nothing. But I don't know why my mom wouldn't want my hand to be read.:/ I don't know what to think of this.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Lydiahahaha, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Lydiahahaha (2 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-22)
Thank you guys so much, for replying. [at] Show_Me I've heard about that. But I didn't know it could be stolen through palm reading... I just wish she could've told me what she seen in my hands, so that at least, I have a clue why I shouldn't let anyone else seen it. I think she told me it wasn't that good.:/
[at] PatrixieKuchiki But the lines in their hands will gradually develope:) Always hope, anything can change...
[at] zinqa I wish I knew how I could help: (
PatrixieKuchiki (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-20)
I have to agree with [at] Show_Me.
The lines in your palm doesn't really determine the course of your lifetime, you know. It might indicate or symbolize something in your life, but it's just up to that point.Furthermore,we aren't really sure if these "palm readers" are doing it all right. Not that I doubt them or anything, but I just want to point out that just because your palm lines are like THIS doesn't'll be like THIS.
As my older sister who is a nurse once said,"What about those sick children who are born with no lines on their palms? Does that mean they've got NO FUTURE/LIFE to look forward to?"
Light and Looove.😊 ❤
Noorh (2 stories) (168 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-18)
thats weird I have lines on my left thumb horizental is it the same as yours
zinqa (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-18)
I have ready it all. People being raped by demons and lot more but I have never found a case similer to mine. It is horrable. I am being harased by a certain spirit of evel. It reside within my eyes. I am in pains, I would accept any help from any religein as long as I don't have to do anything that is again my religein or should I say the holly bible. Bn5904664 [at]

Please help
zinqa (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-18)
I have ready it all. People being raped by demons and lot more but I have never found a case similer to mine. It is horrable. I am being harased by a certain spirit of evel. It reside within my eyes. I am in pains, I would accept any help from any religein as long as I don't have to do anything that is again my religein or should I say the bible.

Please help
Show_Me (11 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-18)
The reason why your mom said warned you not to get your had read is because 1. Its for your safety. 2. People can steal your wealth, health, power and etc... Many people who have powers or gifted powers can steal other people's power and make your life miserable. They should never touch your hand either. Touching your had can drain your energy and power. It's called black magic. Be careful who you interact with and just be on guard. If you are a gifted person, you should not be telling people what you have and what you are capable of doing.

There is a reason why we as in gifted people come from heaven to earth. We all have a purpose to fulfill.

Hope this helps.

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