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Real Psychic Experiences

Controlling People


I have noticed that if I try really hard I can make people do little things. Like I can make them turn a certain way or in class make them tap their pencil or bite their nail (Even if it's something that they wouldn't normally do at that time)

Like once I made a guy flip his head like if he had long hair he would be flipping it.

Once I tried my hardest to make some girl sitting a couple seats in front of me in class itch the back of her hand and I could see her hand slowly getting pink then red and then she looked back really quickly and stared at me like she knew I was doing something (this broke my concentration) then when she turned back to sit down her hand was not red anymore.

When I try to do these things I breathe deeply and slowly and drop my worries and stresses of the day and others to come. Then I either imagine or can see, I do not know which, an either light blue or light green kind of stream floating towards the person from me. It moves in surges as it progresses and when it reaches the person I can feel some thing change. That's when instead of an open empty mind I have a narrow mind only on what I want the person to do. I have to keep my breathing relaxed and the same beat the whole time though and depending on how far the person is away from me it takes a wile because the river thing moves slowly.

Please post comments on how to help more on how to control this and make it stronger because I can only do little things and would like to learn on how to do more.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, alisonnnnn, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Procell10 (guest)
15 years ago (2009-05-23)
we might all have a purpose for our abilities like long term goals, saving the world, destroying the world, saving your loved ones, or using your abilities for greed were all connected we all know what its like we are all learning to use it... Make it stronger... We all are searching for a purpose our destiny... But... We will never know until the time is right.
insight (1 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-05)
i don't thnk you are actually controlling them directly. I'm an empath too and along with sensing the emotions of others you can change others emotions. You see if you want to make somone do somthng like for example buy you somthng then all you have to do is thnk about what it feels like and make that feeling pour into them. And they may act on that feeling. I thnk if anybody were to know about what you can do they would resist that urge knowing you are the one who gave them that feeling. 😊
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-01)

Be aware of your state of mind, humans are smart, humans are natural, humans can be creative and spirtual. Not every human can, but overgeneralizing it to no one because you're in a bad mood or had bad expierences is not acceptable.

Plus, who said it was YOUR job to save the world, everything works together and you might want to 'save' the world to feel important, but the small things are just as important. Hence the 'foot-in-the door-phenomenon.

Yes, anything can be an opinon, because new things are discovered all the time. But saying that everyone is close minded, would seem a bit contradictory if you thought you were open minded by condeming others.

You may not always believe what others tell you, doesn't mean you have to practice it, just tolerate others perceptions and see it as a positive thing rather than a negative.

We all still have lots to learn and lots to laugh at.
Seeingkid (52 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-30)
this is my opinion: humans are not inteligent, not sofisticated, and not natural! Humans close they're minds and others minds for no reason. We're rased a sertain way because our parents were raised the same way. It's all nurture. Every rule, every "fact", every... Everything is just an opinion! Any bit of it could be false. Humans cannot comprehend the most amazing things, all because it was how they were taught. What if one day you fond out there was no God (cristian god) or budah, or any god people belived in so far, but a different god, one that hates people not worshiping it, not like a human (as most humans percieve) but more like an alien. Humans would be at aloss. Humans are stupid freaks of nature! Why not toy with them? Why not let them die? No reason at all! The only reason I'm still going to save the world is for everything else, and the few humans that feel the same way I do. Besides, I don't kill or use humans, I just toy with them (showing my abilities and such) but I've never killed or used a human, and I wouldn't for the wrong reasons.
soundofwings (2 stories) (47 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-30)
I have this sort of thing too, but differently. I can say what I want one time and just get it. Some times I feel a bit superheroish as well. But I will it. I don't put the thought into somebody elses head. I will something to happen, but I don't will a certain person to do something. I also think there are exceptions. If someone's a really bad person who is hurting you or hurting your family and you can make it stop that's very different. But irritating a girl's hand just to prove you can control her? If you really feel you should make it stronger than I guess I would say that making a guy flip his head like he's got long hair is okay, but causing someone pain or irritation is totally different. The one thing I've used this ability most of all for is to heal. Willing a person or creature to heal, not feel irritation. And when they are healed I feel really good and I know I've helped. But if someone's getting really emotionally and I can calm them down before they do something totally stupid they'll regret, that's different too I think. So I guess, if I really thought it would help, I might do it, but not for any other reason.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-30)
Seeing kid

IF you want to say your opinion say it, don't stall because other people don't want to hear it. The only reason why you should NOT state your opinion is because the cons outweigh the pros.
Seeingkid (52 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-30)
if you want to hear my opinion, you have to tell me that you won't be offended, cause a lot of people are. I don't know why, I guess it's just cause they can't comprehend it.
girlygirl89 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-04-29)
oh no I never intentionally did it and it was never for anything bad... The thing is I only realize later on what I did... Its not like I do it on purpose it just happens... 😢
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-29)
Emm don't get too cocky, feeling indestructable can lead you down a horror nightmare that seems never ending. Confidence is good, overconfidence...disaster.

Reading people's minds can help you to apperciate life more, it should not be used to manipulate (though we all do) or to embarress or cripple other humans, except those few exceptions.

And I really do not like when others manipulate those that they have a good relationship with to begin with. Manipulating your parents is not going to help you, you need to first understand where they are coming from.

Respect plays a major role in this.
Seeingkid (52 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-29)
that's really cool, I have something like that. I can put a thought into a person's head. It's like a one way telepathy. I've made people do things that I was thinking of. Once I thought of a guy in my class starting a food fight and 3 minutes later he did! I thought that a didn't want to get hit and every time something was heding twords me, it missed or was intercepted! I felt indestructable, like a super hero, but I didn't have to wear idiotic tights.
girlygirl89 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-04-29)
thats soo cool. I think I can do something similar. Like, In school I have always been able to avoid getting picked on when I don't know the answer... Even when I'm right in front of the professor's face. It's like if I think about it hard I sort of will it to happen and it does. Also, If I really want to get picked on I don't even have to raise my hand and the teacher picks on me right away. Also, if I want something badly I don't beg my parents I just give them this look and it works. I don't do it all the time though because I'm not sure when it works and when It doesn't. It happens when I'm not paying attention to it and it's only later on that I realize what happened.
MysticMoon17 (1 stories) (8 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-29)
Wow//// are there any way people can strengthn those abilities?...hmmm
Gaelrid (5 stories) (53 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
I believe that everything happens for a reason, and if some people can control others, they can also do this for a reason. One can do much good as well as much evil with this ability. It's who you are and how you choose to use it that makes it dangerous or not. If I (as well as other people) have this and want to make it stronger (at least in my case), it's so that I'll be ready when the time comes for me to fulfill my destiny.
anonymous (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-09)
I know you obviously have inherited natural psi skills, but it's wrong to use those skills to make people do things. You are infringing on their free will.

We have enough people that manipulate others in this World. It's time for people with these skills to HELP others instead of abusing them by control people... Even in small ways it's still abuse.

You have a gift... And your job is to see how you can use it as a blessing for others.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-08)
I can see your point for places like on the computer, but in general life, I would actually disagree... I don't think it does at all, if anything it makes it respectable because of the understanding it holds in vision rather than a simple word sometimes.
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-08)
I call them orbs. But it seems to me it would be kind of hard to explain or point them out to others if they don't have a name. I think it would lose it's "profoundness" if you have to spend 20 minutes playing charades trying to get someone to figure out what you are trying to say.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-07)
I don't like to think as it as 'orbs' never occured to me that it should be given a name, it exists because for the fact that it is nameless, which makes it so much more profound.

Green is not only the color you see around someone, but a multiple of colors each meaning something different for the indivdual, one person's blue could be another person's orange. If it was only one color I think we'd be pretty boring you think so? Ha-ha
cassie (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-07)
my moms friens are all wicca and practice magick they say those green lights are energy that float around peoples heads and they are called orbs.
LilyRain (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-07)
that green light is their energy. You seem to be able to use their energy to make them do things... That could either be good or bad. However, I think it is pretty cool all the same.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-02)
I use to sell furniture. I did notice this ability. I didn't like it though at all, ever. It made me feel horrible immediately. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should. Remember that. I say it a lot.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-02)
Alison it is nice that you do that, you know why it worked's not only the protection you choose, but the colors you choose as well, next time think about what each color means to you. As lavander is of good and rejuvenating health, as well as green.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-01)
I wouldn't make this stronger either it could get out of control, and hurt or kill some one.
I can stand in a line at the store and read peoples minds, but I can also think like" LOOK ME IN THE EYE" and people will turn around and do just that. However I try not to do this, as there may be things this person knows, that I wished I didn't.
alisonnnnn (2 stories) (3 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-01)
🤔 Gaelrid, I can also do things emotionaly to people. I can protect them from hurtful words. Like once my mom and dad were fitting and my mom alwase crys so I though of helping her and since I wasn't in the room and pictured a wall (it was green) and a bubble arround her (it was purple) then she stoped crying and sounded alright no matter what my dad sayed she was ok
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-01)
Gaelrid in no way do I advise making it stronger, there can be major set backs espeically if you do not know the chemistry of the person, nor their lives, it's like trying to play someone your not. You could make a mistake and kill them or on purpose, which might be for the better, who knows. Point is if your meant to 'control' people then I think you'll find that you can, but controlling people in general is not for the good and usually out of the wrong ideas.
Gaelrid (5 stories) (53 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-29)
I found that I could do that a little too, but it seems to only work on people (emotionally) close to me or that are weak minded.
Don't know how to make it stronger though. Mabey, like everything else, it just takes practise.

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