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Have I Called The Wrong Type Of Angel?


I've always been interested with angels and my nan always told me stories about Guardian angels when I was younger, so a few weeks ago I searched it and wanted to know how to see and communicate with them I found a trustworthy website and it said to relax and call out for my Guardian angel and that it will come to me, so I done exactly that but when I something started to happen I felt sick, scared and started to panic so I stopped just in case I'd done something wrong, I felt a jolt go through me and I fell off my bed, where I was laying. I tried to forget about it but since then I've felt things touching my back, like resting a hand half way down my back, hands on my neck or the feeling as though something is resting its head on my neck or the feeling of something following me. For the past few weeks I've been having strange and vivid dreams and I've been waking up in the night hearing a crashing or knocking sound and feeling as though my room is shaking like in an earthquake, but as soon as I stand up its gone, I can fall asleep within seconds after but feel as though something is near but it's calming me down and feel like its telling me to sleep. I also hear scratching sounds in the night. I don't know what it is but my next few weeks are going to be really busy with work and exams at school and this is distracting me and people have started to notice somethings wrong and my grades are falling. To start with I thought I was just me imagining it but I'm not so sure now. My friend (who is a Christian) told me some advice to stop it but told me it only worked if I believed in Jesus and God, but I'm not a Christian as I've been introduced to Paganism and starting to follow it as my religion.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SerenaPatch, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Noorh (2 stories) (168 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-18)
try to viseulize a light surrounding you its hot for the evil thing and it can burn them and it warm for the good thing
SerenaPatch (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-17)
Okay thanks I'll try them. I've had no negative thoughts *touch wood* I've been happier its just I'm not concentrating as much and I'm scared I've done something stupid. Its just a bit weird feeling as though something is watching me x
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-17)
anytime.:) well, it can give you negative thoughts, and it can hurt you, but only a bit. I mean there's always that chance that it is your angel, but giving you tests... But as to why it will try to get to you, if its a demon or negative spirit. They will get to you because you are open to it. Since you called out, they came in. They get to you because you are the easiest to, you can sense it, and since you can, it will get to you that way. Think of it this way, say your a ghost, and your trying to talk to somebody, nobody can hear or see you, but then you find someone who can see you, and hear you. Wouldn't you want to take the oppurtunity? That's what this is.
SerenaPatch (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-17)
Thanks vergil117 but can it hurt me in any way? And do you know why would it try to get to me? Thanks again:) x
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-17)
looks like you have opened yourself up to something you can't control, yes you can call on your guardian angel, but it looks like something is imitating him or her to get to you. You need to shield and protect yourself when you do this sort of thing, pretty much you invited in anything that wants to come, I'm not saying this to scare you, but this is what is happening. I suggest meditating to calm yourself, and getting out of your house a bit. And once you are ready, call your angel to you.

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