Background Information: My mother is blind, and while she was able to see fairly well until her adolescent years, she has never seen well enough to obtain her driver's license and now, at forty-five, she is unable to see at all.
Years ago, when she could still manage to see vague outlines of people, she told me that above every person's head she saw their name in cursive handwriting. Additionally, she is open to the concept of spirits, especially to that belonging to her father, whose presence she feels rather often.
Experience: Today I was talking to her about kensho, these temporary glimpses of enlightenment and peace I have experienced for several years now. Being that it is rather a 'unique' discussion, it opened up the conversation to what she has been experiencing.
When my mother lies in bed at night, although absolutely fully awake (she stresses the fact that she is entirely awake, not at all drifting to sleep), she begins to see faces. Sometimes her eyes are open, sometimes they are closed. These faces are vivid and it seems as though she could reach and touch them. She sees the lines in their faces, and she says it seems as if each has a story, an interesting history.
However, she says she does not see any signs of time, such as period clothing, to indicate whether these faces are from the past, present, or future. They usually are turned away from her at first, and then they slowly turn to make direct eye contact. They do not smile nor do they speak. She sees each face for a moment, and then another appears. Most are women, although there have been men and a few children. This happens for a period of approximately three minutes several times a week. Although she is easily frightened because of her blindness, she says it is very calm and not the least scary. Still, she has yet to attempt communication. I suggested that she try to hold one of the faces with her, to see if she could mentally or verbally convince the person to linger. Then, perhaps speak or reach out - to get a reaction.
We are your "average" people with no major prior psychic or supernatural experiences, yet have always felt slightly "connected". My mother, especially, senses her father's presence frequently. So, we would certainly appreciate any information or insight you can provide as we attempt to better understand what is happening.