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Does This Seem Like Anything To Worry About?


I've never really liked to be around a lot of people, crowds stress me out and I'm not very good at social things. I would prefer to be alone, but I can't stand being alone. When I'm alone and its quiet I feel like someone is watching me. A few times I have sensed someone sit down next to me or lean down to whisper something in my ear, but every time I look over I don't see anyone. One time I knelt down to pick something up and I felt someone tap my back even though no one was there. Sometimes when I'm in my room reading, or just sitting and thinking, I feel a presence in the corner of my room, and its always the same corner. I wouldn't mind it so much if it didn't make me feel panicked, I feel like I need to get out of the room really fast or something bad will happen. I leave the room quickly, and the moment I get out of my room I feel calm again like nothing is wrong. I'm not sure if that's just my mind wandering, or if its something else.

My room is at one of the corners of the house I live in, and the carpet in my sisters room was pulled up to change the flooring. When they pulled it up they discovered a long crack that ran across her floor and into the hallway that cuts off my room from the rest of the house. It could just be a coincidence, but I'm not sure.

I also have strange dreams, they are extremely realistic and a lot of the time I wish I didn't have the dreams. I can't control what's going on even though I'm aware of the fact that I'm dreaming, and I can't talk when I'm dreaming. A few weeks ago when I woke up I could see a tall dark shadowy figure standing over my bed. Oddly, I didn't feel scared or anything at all, and when I turned to look at it it was gone. I saw it again a few days later out of the corner of my eye when I got home, but haven't seen it since.

My friends say I'm haunted because of my drawings, though I don't see anything wrong with them. I don't really know much about this kind of stuff, and it could be nothing, but I don't want there to be something and not know about it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Lynxshadow, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Tak_the_Unformed (1 stories) (15 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-25)
if you want to get rid of it yourself you can always try absorbing it, most things don't even see it coming so you can slurp it quick or just put the fear of god into it!
west3174 (1 stories) (21 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-22)
I've been trying to think what to do to remove the black entity in your room when I got lucky. I saw an episode of the dead files on the travel channel called never alone. This is where I've heard of this before. It's on again tonight at midnight central time. They said you'd need to use a psychic medium to remove it. Basically they used some type of incense and told it to pass on and were able to remove it. I believe this is the same thing you're dealing with.
Lynxshadow (4 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
Well now I can sense a presence that follows me a lot, I can feel it sitting next to me right now. It doesn't feel like a bad presence, it doesn't feel negative and I kind of like it. I feel a bad presence when I go in my room though.
hydragarde (1 stories) (10 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
Hello Lynxshadow

There is only one thing to stop this negative entity from bugging you, you should banish it by sheer willpower along with the command of God. You see, every being in this world is in a hierarchy depending on its frequency, demons range negative and angels are positive. We humans, being in the middle, have the power over the negative because we are higher than them through the Power of the Lord and his sacrifice. By his life, death and resurrection, our level in the hierarchy was moved above angels and below Christ.

Before you start the banishment, pray first to the Lord for forgiveness and MEAN IT. Power is gained only if you surrender yourself to the will of God.

Now visualize a blue flame with a cross and let it engulf you and your room and your house, this symbolizes the sacred flame of God which is pure and protecting, it also banishes evil and negativity and command the entity to return from whence it came. I shall make an example command ritual.

"In the name of God I hereby banish you from this realm back from whence you came, and with it, all the negativities and psychic intrusions that you have created, I command thee in the name of GOD and I let it be so by the authority of Christ our Lord!"

You need to say this with all your MIGHT and AUTHORITY.

My friends also have the same problems like yours but I teach them how to clean the space of their homes spiritually. Remember, DO NOT SHARE SPACE with EVIL, COMMAND IT, EXPEL IT, BANISH IT. Pray to the Almighty God and he will shield you, use the Name of the Lord because he gave us power through him.

This is all you need, Do not stress yourself with other details.

Just like when the Virgin Mary accepted the message of the angel and the command of God without question.
Lynxshadow (4 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-11)
I'll send the picture, I just have to take them and figure out how to get it to the computer. Electronics don't like me 😕
Lumie108 (10 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-10)
Sometimes you may come across spirits who are lost and try getting your attention by any means necessary. Not all spirits are bad, most are just misunderstood. The best thing to do is light a candle and ask them to go into the light as there is love on the other side and famly who awaits their return. Tell them not to be afraid and that you are not comfortable with their presence.
Lynxshadow (4 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-09)
That probably explains a lot, I can't stand negative emotions because they are suffocating, yet I see them every day. Those things usually happen when I see a lot of negative emotions.
west3174 (1 stories) (21 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-09)
also we don't charge for anything so don't worry about this being a scam. We're just trying to help if we can. I believe it may be a manifestation of strong negative feeling. Possibly brought on by a ghost in the house. When it gets near or possibly touches you is when you feel it's negative feelings.
west3174 (1 stories) (21 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-09)
My wife is a medium and should hopefully be able to see anything that may be in your room if you can send us a few pictures of it. It sounds like your a sensitive which will allow you to see some things but not as much. If your willing to send them to west3174 [at] and I'll show them to her. I have an idea of what this is. Honestly I'm trying at this point to remember how to get rid of the black blob at this point
GeorgiaMOM (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-09)
You my be seeing interaction between this thing and others that's happened in spirit form. And she's giving you the answer to your situation. Just walk up to your room and tell this entity that it has to stop making you feel frightened and panicked or you will have to make it leave. Ya'll can share the space as long as it follows the rules of what will make you more comfortable... If it doesn't stop put salt in each corner of your room and some over the window seals and door frames. Then pray to God or what ever higher power you trust and ask for all evil to be removed and blessings and comfort to replace it. I open my bible to Psalms 91 as well and leave it laying opened next to my bed. Hope things get better. God Bless.
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-09)
Hmm, the reason I ask is, it seems to be about redemption, that being small, weak, good, person standing against a impossible strong and evil being, simply through the act of kindness, turned that evil to good, even against the impossible odds.

I ask about the girl, because perhaps you know who she is.
Lynxshadow (4 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-08)
Yeah, the monster's tall and it towers over the girl. It also has spikes down its back, I forgot to describe that part.
west3174 (1 stories) (21 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-08)
Is it tall and looking like it's stuck in place but like trying to use it's height to bend over to you?
Lynxshadow (4 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-08)
The monster was large and the shape was like an eel, though it had arms with large claws on it. The bottom of it was curled and faded away. The girl was a girl with a dress and the bottom of the dress tattered and blowing in the wind. She had long hair blowing back in the wind. She was barefoot and I never drew the face.
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-08)
Interesting, what did this monster look like? Also, what did this girl look like?
Lynxshadow (4 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-07)
Well the one they thought was creepy was a girl on a white trail and everything around it was draped in shadows with monsters lurking in it. Then there was a large monster in front of the girl, and she was handing it a flower and the monster was slowly turning light. They said it was an evil picture though it doesn't mean anything evil to me. The other ones were people with their shadows behind them and the shadows were in the shapes of monsters slowly devouring them.
Swordsoflight (6 stories) (90 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-07)
I have almost the same experiences with my dreaming! I CAN talk in some of them but most of the time its just out of my control.
It sounds like you have a spirit or a few that are pinned to the house. I'm not sure about the one in the corner, but I think they don't want to hurt you. They might just be messing with you to have a little "fun". (Think about it: If people couldn't see or hear you wouldn't you try the same thing to see if they react?)
Not sure what the flash of light was, but keep that in mind when you do your research. It might have been a sign from something or something else.
What do you draw, exactly? I draw birds and trees, mostly. I can't draw people unless they have hair over their eyes or if they have their backs turned because i'm so terrible at faces.
The one you saw out of the corner of your eye is probably harmless like the others (Except the one in the actual corner.)
Lynxshadow (4 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-06)
Something also happened last night. I had changed the curtains because the other ones let too much light in my room and I couldn't sleep, and it was dark in my room. I closed my eyes to sleep and suddenly and saw a bright flash of white light and I could hear a high pitched screeching noise. I opened my eyes quickly and didn't see anything. My sister was in the room and didn't hear or see anything. I don't know what it was, but it made me feel terrified when I saw it.

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