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The Spirit that Won't Leave


Almost everyone in my family is a Medium. They all have had their past experiences with ghosts. They keep following us around and wreaking havoc on our lives. These ghosts seem especially interested in me. Recently I have been experiencing someone else's thoughts enter my own. They tell me what's going to happen.

These ghosts also are in the computer room, which of course, I am in now. They give me this odd feeling in my head and often creep me out. They are driving me crazy! Just a few days ago I felt a presence in my grandfather's home. I was watching television and it turned the channel to a cartoon. (I was watching a ghost hunting show)

I was recently laying in bed when I felt the presence again. Immediately after I felt spiders crawling up and down my legs. I couldn't go to sleep the whole night!

This spirit does comfort me at times though. It strokes my hair when I am worried and makes a continuous buzzing sound that is low. Sometimes it puts me to sleep.

There are other spirits in my house too, but they don't bother me. This one though, follows me wherever I go. I have tried to ignore it and not feed it my fear or happiness. This makes me dizzy and sick. I have also tried to tell it to go away, it does for a few weeks, but then it comes back! What should I do though? Is it a good or bad spirit?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, psycat, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
The ones I see don't stay for long. They do really scare me because they wake me up then I find them staring at me which totally scares the life out of me. They show up at bad times. I guess they are good. They try there best to ignore this world but its hard for them.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-08)
The spirits in my house listen to me. They get loud at times. I tell them I want peace and quiet and immediately they settle down. At my relatives house is a different story. Don't go over there too much anymore. Went over there the other day and was having the feeling of a bug crawling up the back of my arm. Probably him dragging his finger up my arm. He touches me all the time. Almost every time I go over there he drains me. I get very light headed as if I've been drinking.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-08)
Hi. I also struggle with pain and have had spiritual/psychic experiences throughout my life. A paranormal investigation place has just begun to help me. They are thinking that I may also have something attached to me and soon are going to try to do the healing and removing of spirits from my house that refuse to leave. Some of these investigations place may know several healers/spiritualists that can help. There is also a good book called, "Reliance on the Light-psychic protection with the Lords of Karma and the Goddess", by Diane Stein. This author has dealt with many attachments, including removing non-living relatives from living relatives bodies. It is worth a try. It is very detailed on what can be done. I wish you well and good luck.
psycat (4 stories) (44 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-30)
I've had thoughts about cutting myself recently. This is odd because I'm an optomist. I will ask my preacher to help me. Now I am mad at this thing. Once at school I heard it's laughter and I threw a eraser at it. It passed right through it. I think this thing followed me home from a graveyard or it was always in my house. (My house might have been built on top of an old civil war cemetary) That's why there's other spirits in my house.
TimeTraveler (3 stories) (30 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-14)
This is a serious topic and should not be taken lightly. One thing that many people do without fully understanding the consequences is to open themselves up psychically. When you sit and meditate or even daydream without protection you are effectively turning on a searchlight and leaving the front door open for anyone to walk in. Good or not so good. The best example of this is when people 'play' with a Ouija board. This is not a game. You might as well invite the senior class over for a kegger party.
There are precautions that can and should be taken. The easiest is don't open up, but then where would that get you.
If you have the problem and want to get rid of it then I suggest finding and using protection. I have used Archangel Michael, he is a hard worker and good protecter and usually very busy. He also sometimes brings help. Don't forget to thank him.
If you believe in Jesus, (my apologies to anyone who doesn't, I'm just offering options) standing in the Christ Light is also a good way to get rid of unwanted entities. Similar to what happens in movies to vampires that stand in sunshine.
Just imagine yourself being showered in light made of pure love where nothing bad can exist. A couple minutes should do the trick.
There are also sayings that can be said similar to prayers to saints. I have heard them referred to as 'Boogie Busts'. I could find one if you like but I don't have any handy right now. Haven't needed them for a while. Once you find out how powerful you really are you may not need them either but its comforting to know they exist.
Good Luck,
Let me know
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-13)

Yes, I do and I can give you some info if you would like... Can you get rid of them... I am not entirely sure I've been dealing with it for a while and it really does cause you mental/physical anguish. Point is to let them not be a part of you, to always fight against it no matter how bad it seems and to never allow their thoughts to become a part of your actions. And if you told a doctor they would think you were crazy, but I know what you mean because it's happened to me... And it's not like a total 'posession' but rather a very very annoying abusive spirit that doesn't know it's boundaries.

Good start is St. Micheal for these types of spirits... If I can have your e-mail I will be able to better assist you
CVT6702 (15 stories) (111 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-13)
The feeling of spiders crawling on your legs could actually be the spirit doing this to you.

I compared it to feeling like a pipe cleaner or some sort of burr.

I knew who the spirits were and I tried to get rid of them but they were there to terrorize me and have me tell people so people would think I was dillussional.

In the beginning they told me they could cause me to kill others and all sorts of things which were not true.

When I wouldn't do what the spirits wanted who were the spirits of three of my ded realtives and a man I knew before he died they decided to declare themselves satan's followers and take over my body and no matter what I said they would not get out.

I could not find a Priest or Minister to prove whether they could take spirits out of the body of humans and these spirits right now are sitting inside my body causing me all sorts of pain and no one much on earth believes these things can happen and they believe stories like the Exorcist and or Audry Rose are just hollywood hype or the product of a dillussional mind but I know first hand this can happen and when it does no one will believe or help.

I don't believe we have to do anything to attract spirits good or bad I believe they are all around us and I believe they can do good or evil as they choose to do and I see nothing in the Universe at this point in time that can control them but these four are too frightened to come out because one of the Guides has told them he has the power to destroy them if they are still inside my body when it does but a lot of good that will do me if they are allowed to hide inside my body and make my life miserable while I am still here on earth.

If anyone reading this has had such an experience and has had success with exorcising such spirits from a body I would like some feed back because I am out of ideas for eradicating them from my life.

I do believe I should tell others this can happen.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-11)
I have always liked the Archangel, Michael, also. Had a deal about dating in my early years either David's or Michael's by accident. It just happened. The first was Michael, the longest was David. Took years for me to see this pattern. Married a neither of these, but it worked. I just think we have to look at patterns.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-11)
Well, had trouble falling asleep a few nights ago. Kept seeing stuff trying to scare ir bother me. I told it to go away; I was tired. It kept trying. Got a little hacked off. Then I made it. Then I saw some stuff dreaming. The hub woke me up abruptly the next morning. He's learned that I mumble stuff in that state and told him a few things. I remember it. I suppose each of us develop our own system. But, fear is not the best system... I worry about my children but not about myself. That seems silly almost. Asking for strong protection might be good.
nattaporn (4 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
psycat - I can felt that you have a good relationship with them too. So how long dose it was? Normally if they are stranger sprits you will not feel comfort with them whatever that sprits are good or bad that why I tell you maybe they are sprits from your past life.
nattaporn (4 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
psycat - You will be confused if you try so hard to find the answer in time. This is not easy to understand too much reason if you being in rush. I spent more than 20 years to find out the answer. I think your own feeling is important! Why don't you start from trying to think nothing when you're alone as long as you can? I would like to know feed back from the sprits around you. If you would like to try?
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
psycat... Follow your instincts... You figured out quite early this entity is no good... Get rid of him through prayer and your determination of mind. And burn marks... Girl... What other proof do you need?
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
psycat... O.K. Now you know... One of the best tools in the old psychic warchest is the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel.
psycat (4 stories) (44 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
Maybe I should just take it slower. I have thought about this for a while, but if it was good why would it mock me in a sing song voice and create power surges in my house? (Way more often than just the regular kind. Even when a lamp is the only thing on in my house, sometimes it will turn all the T.V.s on, full volume). Once I even thought I heard it laughing. It's getting worse. I know I judge things way to quickly, but I don't think a good spirit would do that. Lately, when I wke up from sleep, I have random burn marks on my hands and fingers. But, maybe I should just ask it what it wants. I'm really confused.
psycat (4 stories) (44 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
Well, I do make final judgements before I really know something. I guess I'm just eager to understand what it is.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
psycat - I have raised teens. Trust me. Tell it that it doesn't really know angry. Scare it off. If you can't, figure out how. I once was a soft woman, but grew with my children. Be tough. They appreciate in the long run. Timing is good. Sometimes being soft is good. Being female, it happens.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
psycat - it takes time to know these things. I will think about what you wrote. Thanks.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
Perhaps I see myself as some drum listening, person flying, really old person who no one scares. In reality, I'm 49, starting a new career, and challenging. That's knewl. But I need answers to this side of me. I flew last night.
psycat (4 stories) (44 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
Well, you were right Edmund. I tried that and this thing is definitely evil. I can now see it's silhouette and hear it's mocking voice everywhere! Now, I'm not scared, but just plain angry. I think I know where it came from now. I think it followed me home from a cemetary. 😠
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
TY Mr. Edmund. I know you are right. There are just so many "low" men out there. I deal with them and you don't.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
psycat... One of the tricks to remaining psychic is after you see your first ghosts... Is the ability to discern their intent... In other words are they good, bad or somewhat of a mix... The intent thing is to be able to look at them and open your mind a little... You should get a mental message then open the area by your heart a little for a feeling to see if the message matches what you feel... A low level demonic entity or evil in itself will fool you by trying to gain your trust. Or in your mind surrond them in light while they appear to you... Like if they were in an egg of light and see how they react... If they fire back evil at you you have your answer.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
GlendaSC... At our age and for as long as we both have been married to our spouses we both should have learned a thing or two about the opposite sex and experience. Also I don't have time to be scared I have children and grandchildren what's a few ghosts compared to raising kids?
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
psycat - toss you? Oh no. Not unless you let it. Trust me, you will be as strong as you choose. There are money jobs here, nursing, teaching, that are easy. Go for hard stuff. I came close to both. But as a seeker, it's close but can't go there. I think that there are different ways. My way is mine. Starve or not. Or go easy. Perhaps easy is good. I just hoped to see all my life.
psycat (4 stories) (44 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
I have told it to go away. If it's a demon I wish I could toss it into the abyss. But if it is a good spirit I wouldn't mind it being with me. Sometimes I think I can see its silhouette standing by me. I am now wearing an amethyst everyday to keep it from bothering me. I'd like to thank you for your help.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
lol Edmund. I just fly. This morning I told and warned the hubby. I frighten people so it's nice to find a person my age, and years do matter, that don't shrink away. It can be frustrating. My husband doesn't frighten either. That's how I recognized you. "Real men" don't scare? Or just understand.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
GlendaSC... Thats the last thing I would ever call you... Your the most experienced astral traveller I have ever talked to. M.G.M. Had Glenda pretty dolled up with the chiffon gown, tiara and sparlkle shoes/wand... She looked more like a bride than the character she was supposed to be... But anyway everybody hates to be teased.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
Hello Mr. Edmund. I appreciate your postings to me. We might sometimes disagree, I hate being called Glenda the Good Witch, totally, but advice is always good. Thanks. The young people here are so wise and strong, that I love reading. Mostly people bore me so this is nice.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
I've been to Kentucky, and I love cats too. Your experiences worry me, a lot frankly. There are higher, nice people (spirits). There are lower things. I came here because I was puzzled about voyaging. I called it flying. Still do, but feel a little backwards since there is an official term. I suggest you do research and how to locate protective, higher spirits. I call him God myself. I think he has a few higher ones. Perhaps over ten thousand. I've seen three. I held hands with two. I patted one. I'm now dreaming regular stuff, like my husband's work stuff, but my hands had the skin peel off. Touching might not be great. I suggest you just listen and pat.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
psycat... Good spirits don't mess with you like that. To me it kind of feels like a setup by a low level demonic entity to gain your trust and then take over your thoughts and life so it could live through you... I would tell it to go away and follow that up with some prayers. Your life is your own... His is over and he should be in the light.
nattaporn (4 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-08)
I felt a sprit that is with you and always following you is a good sprit. I think that sprit is not normally at your house but be with you before your born it should be some sprit that love and care for you from your past life that why you felt comfort to be with it.
I have a sprit always be with me too he is my lover from my past life when I was young I was scary because I don't understand and always fighting with them but now I understand why that sprit won't leave me and always protect me from danger. I felt warm when he is with me that a good thing in my life whatever is not normal as many people but this is my life. I like would you to feel free to understand with a sprit that always be with you try to get used to it everything will be better.

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