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Was Haunted By A Bad Spirit Using By A Pendulum


A weird thing happened to me days ago.

I brought a pendulum and since I was new to it I didn't knew what I was getting myself into.

With time I felt that I was connecting with the outer world as good spirits started to possess my arm whenever I asked questions.

One day I took it to the next level, I started using it with a dowsing board withoutasking for protection. I was speaking with a random spirit, it name was "MAMA" fortunately I couldn't continue the session as I was interrupted.

Later that night something made me take the pendulum and suddenly something started to pull my hand so strong it kind of hurt and the pendulum was swining out of control.

I felt super uneasy and I got goosebumps. I immediately knew that there was an entity inside my house. Btw, I was all on my own. I felt a cold spot and an unpleasant smell in my room. I felt watched. I even had a sensation that it was touching mybody. I began to beg it to leave me alone. This spirit wasn't one of the good ones for sure.

I had luck that I didn't get possessed even though I didn't pray for protection.

Few hours later I felt like it was leaving me then I went to sleep.

I read that I shouldn't use pendulums on new moon because it would attract evil energies and coincidently it was then when I did it without my knowledge.

I read more about the dowsing boards and the ouija boards.

And I found out that I have had actually contacted with the most evil spirit they say. I guess I didn't make it angry because I was being respectful and was taking it seriously. Neither was panicking even though it was my first time experiencing something like this. Since then I have trouble sleeping because I can't stop thinking about it. I feel like since I am more connected with the spririts they would make their precense felt much more often and it makes me feel uneasy...

Do you get your hands possessed?

Can pendulums attract bad spirits?

Are dowsing boards dangerous?

Have you had any similar experiences?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Pami619, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Mo1234 (1 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-23)
Archangel Michael! Please assist me directly in cleansing my energy and reversing any negative energetic patterns, curses or energies of psychic attack. Release any distorted energy from my field, and dissipate any stuck, stagnant or challenging energies. Break any curses that are negatively impacting me now, and release any negative or distorted energy into the light...Amen!
feminin13 (1 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-13)
Dear Santora,

Please consider seeing a shaman. They are the best for extractions of spirits.
Santora (1 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-09)
SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! My wife has had a similar experience but only worse. She has been in contact with and can see Angels from time to time but she arrogantly used the pendulum without protection and now has an evil spirit attached to her. She hears it all the time! We have tried everything spiritual, exorcism, cleansing, prayer. I know that this is real because I have personally witnessed unexplained things in the last year. We are looking into medicine and Dr. S but how can that fix this if it is as we believe a real evIL entity? Please someone help.
PraveenNewman (3 stories) (34 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-13)
I understand that you invited the spirit world by use of a pendulum so you didn't develop natural psychic abilities to meet them but I wonder is everyone successful in meeting spirits by the medium you have mentioned if it is rare then you should be very lucky.

So you meet random spirits and they are completely unknown to you. Many spirits of departed are in heaven and I think some return to our world at will or they are simply destined to stay in our world even after death.

I did see a blurry image of a good looking girl who haunted me in my apartment and she was in love with me. So do you see those spirits the same way I saw and I assume you talk through your mind with them and the spirit voice can be heard clearly inside your head.

There is a spirit I cannot see and he is capable of taking possession of my body and moves my hands and feet at will but I am taking total control of my body but still he manages to shake my hand violently and make me drop things I am holding. He speaks inside my head all the time. I have no idea where he came from and I don't know how to send him away. He is also capable of erasing my memory and makes me lose focus on what I just did. I think he is some kind of wizard for he brought a dead actress to be with him. So she also became part of my everyday life.

I want to say one thing if you meet spirits of younger person and ask questions they will lie a lot and play with you and in the other hand if you go for spirits who are very old and matured they will answer you very well since they are too old to hide anything from you and take pride at it. I think by now you must have asked them many question and got some answers.

You see spirits very clearly standing before you as you said you saw a gypsy woman with blue eyes and you also experienced coldness and unpleasant smell in your room. So they appear and vanish before your eyes just like that.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Pami619 (2 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-23)
I disagree, I know what they tell me sounds too good to be true so I know what they're trying to do.
I have had answers I didn't want to hear also...
Like can I even connect to my spirit guide and get to know him? Many people use pendulums and they are satisfied with them. It seems like I'm the only one that is lied to and misled. It hurts me that nothing ever seems too good to be true... I guess what I can most rely is on my intuition. But it doesn't mean that I can't rely on my pendulum because it answered correctly events that were to occur in the future.
Victoria1893 (20 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-23)
Pendulums, ouija boards and whatever techniques that you summon whatever unknown entity to answer questions is always a bad idea. You can be asking for whoever to answer your session but people don't realize they are opening gateways for ANY being to show up. We attract the vibrations we give out, and let's admit it, we ain't all saints. Dark entities can get to you through the smallest granule of negativity in your soul, let alone if you are literally summoning them.

The question isn't why they would be telling you the truth but why would they even just think about lying to you? Just think about it, if you are an entity that wants to attach to a human and lie to them /give false info the human is obviously going to know something is wrong and try to escape the presence. They tell you what you want to hear so they can keep close to you and use you, feed from you, drain you and do whatever with time.

My advice to anyone - never use pendulums, ouija boards, or anything that channels unknown beings. I really suggest you pray God for protection from these spirits. You can imagine a white bubble of light surround you to protect you from them during daytime or before bed as type of shielding from their energy.
If you need any help or got questions my emails on my profile page.
Pami619 (2 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-23)
What saddens me most is that some of them tell me what I want to hear. And whenever some spirit is giving me an advice I can't trust it fully because they could be pretending to be nice...
But the advices they would tell me are like really good and appropriate for the moment so why should I doubt their responses? Any responses. Help?!?
carri (22 stories) (221 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-23)
I can hear spirits attached to people. And can hear them sometimes.
carri (22 stories) (221 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-23)
be careful. I did something like that with the board. And the spirit guided my hand to spell out letters. It was scary. It was in the room with the board. It guided my hand. So be real careful. Pray for gods protection.
Pami619 (2 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-11)
Hi Gabbie I'm actually an atheist, but also a freethinker. I don't accpet God through any religion I only follow my own beliefs regarding the Universe as I recognize it as my createor.
I believe in dark energies because obviously I attract them or want to attract them subconsciously.
I contacted them briefly and I asked the Universe for protection. I cleansed my pendulum and haven't touched a dowsing board since then. Someone told me here that I attracted the "weak" spirits that guided me, I believe one of them told me what I wanted to hear but as I redirected my energy on a higher level I spoke with two that were I believe giving me advices, could be taken as guides. Now when I use pendulum I concentrate on brining out my own intuition and energy into the pendulum and whenever I feel that my hand is getting possessed I tell them to go away politely. I don't want to believe that I have attracted bad entities and please don't scare me.
Gabbie (55 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-11)
Hello there Pami

In general, when using things like pendulums, crystals, ouija boards etc, the only thing that can come out of such attempt is something unpleasant and dangerous for the one practicing it. Unfortunately, most of those who are using them are unaware of the dangers such practices hold, and many times they end up welcoming demonic spirits or lost souls to mess with them and harm them.

There is a way for you to get rid of the entity that is attached on you, and it would be my pleasure to help you out with it. Know that your attitude towards it plays a huge role. Remember you are a soul of Light, deriving from God, Himself. When it comes to getting rid of demons or lost souls who tend to attach themselves on us, someone else getting rid of them for you, doesn't work. One must train themselves and work hard to rebuke the spirit and get rid of it completely on their own. I am willing to guide you through the process.

If you want help with it, just email me and I will do everything in my power to help you:) my email is up on my profile.

Talk soon
Pami619 (2 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-11)
Thanks for the response, I contacted with a spirit named Apostol a week ago. I've spoke to him for a while and I guess he was a good spirit or at least a peaceful one that left me feeling good and right in my heart. I've asked him a few questions until he told me to stop asking, so the question here is are good or "peaceful" spirits honest with their answers?
lauterb (110 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-10)
Dear Pami619

Let's go through your questions:
Do you get your hands possessed?
Yes in 2 ways, first for a kind of mediumship that is called psicography, there are 3 types of piscography (piscography is when you write messages from spirits); one type is when the spirit literally take your hand (mechanical) and write, the other 2 are semi mechanical (part hand and part intuition) and last one is 100% intuition. There is a different type, a variation of psicography that is piscopictography, you draw paints, portraits etc...
Other way is when you give a permission, because when you are aware of your body and you control it 100% no spirits can control your hand, unless you let them, give your permission to use your hand, then bad things, can happens.
Can pendulums attract bad spirits?
What attracts bad spirits is your motivation, your thoughts, if you are asking silly questions, or just playing around with spiritual stuff, what sort of spirits do you think you will attract?
Are dowsing boards dangerous?
Same answer as above!
Were they honest?

Same answer as above

I would say that very few times I saw good things coming out from those methods since the motivation was always not noble!

On top of that even when you call for protection does not meant that you will get it! Also when you try to contact your guardian spirit he will answer to you only in case you deserve, if you are good person, do charity help others you will gain the merit, but even with merit sometimes they don't interfere in day by day decisions, they have other ways to help, than just tell you do this or do that. This is a sort of cheating in your final exams... Cheating in the test you suffer during your school of life time...

I suggest you to read and study below 2 books:


Both will help you understand how spiritual world works and what your relation with spiritual world is.

Good study!
maskedmanx (1 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
im no sure I haven't dealt with spirits much I'm sorry. Mainly guardian angels.
Pami619 (2 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
I mean like through the pendulum when you ask a yes or no question. I've communicated with few and they seemed good and accurate. Also I've read that they communicate through your subconscious to help me find the answer so that's why I'm asking.
maskedmanx (1 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
Depends if they were demons. All demons lie. Depends what you were asking also. Spirits usually only know what's happened to them unless they were angels.
Pami619 (2 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
I want to ask, those spirits that communicated with me through the pendulum by answering questions, were they honest?
maskedmanx (1 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
i just want answers but no one seems to have any and its getting irritating. Because after while everyone says your to advanced for me to help now. It suck adn this site won't even publish what I got going on so I'm just pissed off right now.
Pami619 (2 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
Thinking about it I have also had a random woman coming at me, she was a gypsy and had very blue eyes. She told me to be careful etc and I never ever saw her again since that day.
maskedmanx (1 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
because I can see angels to begin with. And was two different people adn my friend I know doesn't have dementia. I'm like the frankenstein for god or whatever with all the stuff he gave me that I can do. And few years before that incident I dreamed of my girl friend getting killed in an accident by an 18 wheelere. And it was the anniversary of it and wss not in a good place at the time.
Pami619 (2 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
And how do you know that it was an angel and not someone with dementia?
maskedmanx (1 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
was just getting off work. And a guy walked up and started talking to me. Wasn't drunk or anything. He said my names michael. Like the archangel michael. He said it like 3 or 4 times like he wanted to make sure I understood. We talked briefly and saw the same guy 3 days later but he couldn't remember anything of it. That was about 5-6 years ago. He did same thing to a friend of mine the same way. Later my friend didn't remember it
Pami619 (2 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
Can you tell me more about the angel? How did it happen and what happen?
maskedmanx (1 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
all I can say is be careful. I have had to deal with a lot of strong spirits and beings. I have had an almighty angel come visit 3 times that was enough to scare me into being more careful.
Pami619 (2 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
Hmm interesting point to make. And how can I contact with the most powerful ones that are divine and kindred?
I've spoke with one yesterday, it name was Apostol, it was a nice spirit and it bought me internal peace.
And why are those who possess my arm low class? How can I know the ones that are higher class? Will the lights go down, will I hear them speak. I'm all afraid of that and I told them that I didn't want any physical contact because I'm newbie and I could get really scared.
RockShan (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
Seems like a decently weak spirit too me actually, not much too worry about. You should be a bit more careful when involving yourself in the "paranormal, spiritual, or supernatural". If you don't know how to properly defend yourself, or even how to properly what I would call "hunt" evil spirits. You can get very messed up or in a bad situation. I have encountered spirits a lot stronger then the common one you can contact with physical tools such as the Ouija Board, almost all that you can contact with those are fairly weak, or more "peaceful" then the rest.

Now to answer your questions.
1. If a spirit is only able to "possess" your hand, this is a sure sign that you are dealing with a very "low-class" spirit.
2. Yes, anything can attract bad spirits even simply eating a piece of bread, but they are usually drawn to "Newbies" in the Spiritual-sense.
3. Not generally dangerous.
4. I have had a lot of experiences with many different things.

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