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Real Psychic Experiences

The Lost Boy


A while ago, during meditation, I was taken on a journey to this place I can only describe as horrendously dark and frightening (hell). I am not going to give all details as it really happened to someone and feel I need to protect their privacy. During my journey, I was shown horrible stuff, there were really evil people around, I felt totally disorientated, sick, dizzy, unable to breath, I kept asking to be taken back home because I was scared and didn't understand, whoever was with me (felt nice energy) said I will understand when they get the boy. Seconds later, I was back in my room. I cried so much and prayed so hard for this child, who I thought was a lost spirit, I would sit every night visualizing him coming closer and closer to me, wanting to protect him.

After 2 weeks, he came close enough and I picked him up and held him, was very sad, he was so scared, I can still feel his little arms wrapped round my neck (crying now), I asked god to take him to the light and felt a great peace, I thought I'd done my job and sent this little soul to god, 2 weeks later, to my horror, I saw this child's face in the paper, he had survived an horrendous ordeal.

I would like to think that I was with him at the time of his ordeal, hoping he felt my presence somehow protecting him, but I'm not sure, is it possible my prayers really helped him, I would truly like to think so, I would like to know your opinions on this as I still feel confused.

Have any of you had this type of experience? It still upsets me now as it felt so real at the time.

Love and light angie xx

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Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-14)
I've seen ghosts they come to me that's the closest enough to near your experience
angie (3 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-12)
❤ thanks dreamvision for your comments
i to do voluntary work for the sick. I am currently going thro another experience which I truly don't understand but I keep praying, that is all I can do, one day I may really understand what this stuff is all about, until then I'm just trying to live my life
i am going to do a shamballa course next week, so maybe that will help give me a clearer understanding of all this
love and light angie xx
DreamsNvisions (1 stories) (2 posts)
18 years ago (2007-07-15)
hey angie
I feel I know exactly how you feel. Totally overcome with sickness as if you want to throw up and complete grief as if you could have done something to help this little boy. I dream the stuff you are talking about only your awake. I always feel bad that I misinterpret the dream and cannot help in time. I feel sometimes that I must be getting this as a sign and I am to help those in danger in my dreams and most of them end up dead including little children and babies. It is a sickening feeling. Although I have found that what comforts me is the fact that I am only human even with the abilities that I posess. I am only human and I can only do so much I will make mistakes but can improve my psychic or empathc abilities to help others. I know that these dreams of mine like your visions are most likely me feeling the pain of someone in need not a sign to help them. I can feel thier pain because it is so strong. We are only human and cannot save the world but in the mean time think of how good of a person you are to begin with and how many people that you can help in general life. I try to volunteer and that sort of thing to help me out. I don't feel that I have done anything wrong but still sometimes feel a very great feeling of grief and responcibility. I wish you well my dear and hope that you understand that you comforted him in his time of need which may have saved his life. Feel good about that. You could not possibly know what was really happening or controll the one(s) hurting him. It is definately not your fault! I hope that this has helped you : )
angie (3 stories) (23 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-14)
thanks for your comments athena ,means a lot to me, I do have a lot of fear with this gift as I was brought up quite relegiously, difficult to shake off, I do try very hard becuase I want to help(feel so strongly about this) I have tried hard to push it away but it keeps coming back haha. Any helpful advice would be appreciated
love and light always xxx
Athena (99 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-13)
Dear angie, You are welcome angie. Thank you for responding to my comment.

You and many others may not realize that when in a meditative, day or night dream state or any state where one can cross over the veil to the other side, one can also help those caught in between whether they are alive or dead. Some people think that their physical lives are boring, but they do not remember who they truly and really are, because they are a part of the many who help on the other side in their unwakened state and do not recall the wonderful work they do. You and others are starting to remember as the veil is thinning.

There is a dark side that those of religious based beliefs call hell. Call it what you wish, in my dream travels I have experienced them and have been shown many things and why they exist. It is for each to learn at their own pace and level.

Please keep doing your soul's work as you have. Thank you for sharing your story and being a part of the light.

May your belief and your soul safely guide you in your works and travels. Blessings, Athena
bb (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-13)
i thought the story was lovely teresa, or are you talking about the comments on this page
teresa (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
wow... This really had a religious turn-about... I mean, isn't the messaging supposed to be sorta in-between...and not... So biased sounding?
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
You know the ringing in your ears can also cause from ear infections... That too haha. You can't be so blinded in everything to only think ONE way you must see others way as well. You cannot tell me that I am being brainwashed by "satan" by any means because I happen to see things that is between me and the world I choose to connect to and everything around it. Not because it is evil, it is only evil in what your ignorant in and what you fail to recognize as abuse, and saving people/seeing things you find that sin? Then I will continue to sin a billion more times until I rot to death, because it is what I believe it to be right and that is all that matters.
bb (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
about time to. How about a chat room martin, that would be good what do others think
Martin (129 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
Prophetess, not that I don't appreciate your contributions, but please tone down the christian preaching as this is a site for all faiths, including the non-religious. Check the guidelines at the end:

Otherwise, I may have to start deleting your over the top religious posts.
Prophetess (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
Well the only other way other then through the salvation of Christ and cleaning up is the other way,

"and satan's servants will judged by their deeds"

eek I would rather salvation through Christ, changing my bad habits, and sitting beside the Lord on his Throne, this is why I have angels with me-the thrones, they are protecting me against the spiritual warfare that is aimed at me, because I preach the gospel, and cast out demons, and I pray, those are all things Lucifer is terrified of-hee hee GOOD! YAHOO
sue (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
bless you love, we will. I'm sure do gods work in our own ways
blessings and love xx
Prophetess (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
Here is something that the Good Lord wanted me to prophesy to you...

Do you ever hear ringing in your ears?

Guess what? If you do, those are the wings of angels... Apparently their are some in here that do hear that ringing...

You see the beating of the wings makes the sound, they do feel emotions too, those wings move not only when they fly, but also when they feel concern or love for their charges... If you hear this, then you do have angels surrounding you,
sue (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
hi again prophetess, well I know one thing for sure ,we have very different veiws and we could talk all nite on this subject so I will leave it at that, we are all different and have our own veiws about life as such, so as long as we are not hurting anyone else its ok, its good to have discustions so good luck on your misson,blessings
Prophetess (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
I do believe the Lord does forgive, and that we are made righteous through Christ, since he did die on the cross for our sins, however, Jesus even spoke that you should do your best to walk away from your sins, this is how he will know you belong to him, you want to change, holy spirit changes you, I do not swear anymore, nor do I drink, or do drugs, I am with one partner only, and preach the Gospel any chance I am given, first their is justification which is taking Christ as saviour, then the sanctification which is what I am telling you about the cleaning up of your spirit, then the glorification which is heaven, you need to be sanctified first before going to heaven-this way all those little things get left here, and do not go to heaven,

Now in the bible some will not be forgiven-these are the ones that will be left behind-

the ones that do not give up witchcraft ( which I have explained is), lyers, and the sexually immoral, this is why Christ reached out to those that had those issues, which is why God led me here, to preach the truth, since Satan is the king of deceivers and lyers,
sue (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
ok prophetess I take what you say on board, we are all here to learn lessons, glad I didn't offend you, there are good and bad every where, in heaven and here on earth (I call hell), a true gifted person only uses that gift to heal not hurt.
i do believe we make our own heaven or hell once we pass over. I also believe god loves all of us the same, he does not judge us and forgives us everything, its ourselves who struggle because of our own guilt and judgements
blessings to you my love xx
Prophetess (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
And Sue in the bible it does say Heaven or Hell nothing in between, so if you see someone saying " I am a psychic, and talking to your family member..." They are not telling you the truth. But they feel they are, I know I went through this when I read those stupid devil cards the tarot, you feel like that, you feel like you are gifted by God, yet do not know a word of the bible Sue, I am not condemning, I am loving like the way the Lord loves, by shining truth on these people that they richly deserve. So they too can walk with God and know the full truth. They deserve to know the truth
Prophetess (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
If they know scripture and are not using tools then it is God Given Sue, that I will agree with, but otherwise no, it would not be from God, but I do believe their could be some in here that do use tools. A true prophet would not need any because it is spoken to them through Holy Spirit, plus it would not go against anything in the bible, you need to know the bible to be a prophet.

I was led here by God to tell the truth, instead of them believing lies,

No disrespect taken,
sue (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
sorry prophetess but I disagree, these poeple have a god given gift, read course in miracles. And just because we don't understand we should'nt condem them. If you read the storys, most don't use tarot, runes etc. These things just happen
no disrespect love but why come on this site if you don't believe
blessings xx
Prophetess (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
Date: 2007-04-12
You should know their is only heaven and hell You should know about the fallen angels of God and a fallen angel named Lucifer leading those angels to rebellion (Ezekiel 28)-they are now called demons. This is their way of leading rebellion against God's word and truth-this was prophesied about the tenth horn growing in, new age mixing with Christianity -the tenth horn symbolizing the devil-read rev 12 and revert back to luke I believe it's either 17 or ten one or the other, when he saw Lucifer fall from heaven like lightening! He was booted out and chased out by Michael and the rest of the Good Lords Angels.

Peace and Truth to you, may the Good Lord lead you all to see the truth, believe me its very enlightening :)

What everyone is seeing is familiar spirits, DEMONS, familiar because they are familiar with your family because they have been hanging around them-they pretend to be your loved ones so you will not know that their is only heaven and hell like the Good Book says!

DO not feel bad, this is happening to people all over the world, it's satans tactics!

If you read the bible it will tell you the way the Lord feels about false prophets (satans psychics!) they usually feel like they are doing God's will, but do not know the bible whatsoever, they will prophesy outside of the Lords will, outside of the ten commandments, and prophesy outside of God's moralsand ask for money to do so. A real prophet of the Lord does not need aids like Tarot cards, or horoscopes, or ruins or anything like that!

angie (3 stories) (23 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
thanks athena, I was so sure he was a lost soul, I know things always happen for a reason ,but I think as long as I live I will never really understand why it happened like that, I do know he was found very close to death and thankfully he survived and at the end of the day that's all that matters?
we are here to learn and I don't think we have to understand everything
i just try to go with my gut feelings and this is what I did here,
Athena (99 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
Dear angie,

I can relate to your story, but I help others on the other side and in this physical world from my dream state.
angie (3 stories) (23 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-12)
aramasamara,thanks for your imput, glad it does'nt only happen to me,xx
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-11)
I have had a few, only to be so happy to see that they have survived. Sometimes they are not so lucky to surivive the ordeals and I watch them die, and die with them... Each death is different. Though sometimes in a other cases the death is the greatest thing that could have happened, and is a huge sign of relief... Other times it is still relief but more shooken up. I can say through some of my own experiences that people have surivived because of connecting with them. But we musn't forget that I didn't do this on my own, but they also contacted me in return... Some being alert some having really no clue... But in desperation. I understand protecting others is very important and I respect that. Make sure though that you always protect them from the right things. I have been lucky enough myself to have North Korean prisoners escape(as well as other individuals)...and make it out alive, but it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it really does amazing things. :)

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