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Real Psychic Experiences

Weak Whispers


For a while now I have been able to hear soft whispers in my ears. It all started back a year ago when I was experimenting Psychometry. I picked up an old ring out of my mother's jewelry box and started concentrating. What happened to me next was a complete surprise. Something had whispered into my ear my name. I felt a cold shiver down my back and when it was spoken to me it felt close up as if it was directly in my ear.

After this the whispering continued and the whisper would be my name. It would be just when I tried to meditate or concentrate but when I stopped meditating because of the whispering, I would hear the whispering more often outside my meditation. It would be when I would try and go to sleep or just sitting watching TV. Once, I was just washing the dishes and I heard this girl's voice. She was quite young and she just said "hello" but it was gone by the time I looked behind me. I think I did feel a presence because it felt like someone was watching me and in that room. After that encounter I had a dream that night that a young girl dressed in black stood in front of me holding something. I couldn't see her face as she wore a black veil.

After that I would get the odd whisper but I would ignore it and now I hardly get them. But that's when the headaches started. What is wrong with me? Have I made a mistake of blocking out the whispers?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, welshdude90, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-27)
after reading oracle101's post on reaching out to a spirit guide I was meditating in bed. As instructed I asked for a "sign".a little later the computer turned on. My partner said I had +fficially creeped her out" I appologized lol. She left the room. While nearing a sleep state I heard clear as day a female voice in my right side say "hey"...I said "hmm"? Thinking it my spouse... But she wasn't in the room.
balckdragon (18 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-27)
the headaches are from you trying to block them out when you hear a voice just relax and be patient because the spirit may not reveal their selfs right away
RDF1990 (guest)
16 years ago (2009-03-24)
I got a few of those at the age of 13.
I heard a girls voice say "Ouch", when I was cutting something with scissors.
And I felt the breath on my ear of a very soft whisper I could not hear because I ran around in a panic before I could hear it.
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-28)
Welsh...I've been trying to figure that out myself. When I hear a voice, its really brief... 5 or 6 words at the most. I wish they would talk longer.
welshdude90 (2 stories) (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-28)
hey, thanks for the comments, yes I am from Wales lol
These voices used to frighten me to death and I would try to block it out. Lately I've tried to focus and if it happens I haven't been too scared, my hair still stands up on my back but I am not too much afraid that I leave the room or turn my music up. I wait and see if anything else happens. Is there anything I can do to extend my experience?
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-23)
Glenda...That would explain your dad's precognitive comments. Numerology is amazing. I've been working on my chart and typing it up so I can refer to it occasionally. Its scary how accurate it is.

Peace & blessings. 😊
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-23)
If you add 11, 1 and 1, you get 2. If you and 2 and 9 you get 11 and 2. That seems to make sense when I added it. Thanks for the post. Perhaps it's coincidence.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-23)
YVE - my father's birthday was 9-11. I remember my sister's comment, "As if that day wasn't hard enough." My mother's is 9-26, another not great day. So yes, there is an 11. I once remember telling my mom that my dad could say the dumbest stuff and then it happened. It just seemed silly to me at the time. I always thought she was more tuned to the world, but as a kiddie what do we know.
Psy_Psy (4 stories) (13 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-21)
There's similar experiences with me too! Once I heard this small voice saying, "Oh yeah!", and one girl screaming in my head.

It's not like this direct hearing, it's more like a mental hearing...
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-20)
That's been happening to my oldest son for a couple of years. He thinks its me calling his name, but I'm upstairs and he's down in the rec room. He'll come all the way upstairs to ask me what I want. Its funny because it happens at least once a week.

Now my daughter has been seeing "things" in our house and elsewhere since she was 2. I caught her conversation with "it" once. It totally floored me. I did her numerology chart last month and found out that her Life Path is 11. She was even born on the 11th. People with any core numbers of 11 on their numerology chart have psychic/intuitive abilities.

Is there anyone on this board with a birthday number of "11"? This means you were born on the 11th or 29th. If you do, then you are supposed to have psychic abilities.

mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-20)
Sometimes it is difficult to tell or even understand what they are saying. My youngest experiences the same too. Sometimes he will look over at me and say what. I didn't say anything. He tells me someone whispered in his ear while he pulls at it. Have another thing at times hearing my name being yelled behind me and no one is there. This has happened to me all my life and just learned this year not everyone experiences this. The man who yelled in my ear for my son, I know who it was and heard him so clearly I thought someone living was actually yelling in my ear. It startled me as well. He resides with us. Kind of look at him like our little guardian, although he is not really a guardian angel. I don't fear him. Now our new roommate on the other hand is a different story. Sometimes I close my eyes and try to listen as well.
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-20)
mystical2... My voice yells in my ear also. It startles the heck outta me. I still can't tell if its male or female because he/she is not long-winded, 5 or 6 words maximum. 😊
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-19)
I've experienced hearing voices, not often though. Mainly get thoughts or receive thoughts directly of things that will come. Someone had yelled in my ear. Actually helped my son. All are not evil...
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-18)
Hi Welsh - the hubby's family is from Scotland. We're in the USA though. I have had astral voyages and a good part of the experiences that I've managed to find out about in that category come from the Bible. It's old so the descriptions are harder to relate to, but interesting. I don't think anything ended when the Bible history did; God likes new and varied a lot. I don't what of course. This was just what he chose to have written down as very basics for people. I'm not experimenting with odd stuff is the safest way to go. People have run into problems doing that. I think you might want to try being busy, living, and paying attention. If you do that, you might find out stuff. New myself, I hope so anyway.
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-18)
I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, but it is incorrect to assume that anyone on this website is Christian.

But since you are, please go read the following in I Corinthians, Chapter 12, Verses 1, 4-5, 8-11, 27-28; In Chapter 14 please read verses 1,3,5,& 22;

Bear in mind that prophecy is not limited to biblical times and it does comes by way of ALL 5 senses.

This board is here for people to share their experiences with like-minded individuals. Have a blessed day. 😊
matthew (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-18)
I do not believe you made a mistake in Trying to block this spirit out. Your biggest mistake was trying to talk to them to begin with. I am a medium as well because I confronted what I thought to be a spirit and it was the worst mistake of my life speaking with them. I believe that spirits exist in this world in our every day lives yet most people don't recognise them. The bible says you should not consult a spirit and that is what you were trying to do. Your dipping into things that are better off left alone, just trust in Christ and accept that he died for your sins because he loves you and he will forgive your sins if you ask him too. 😁
fibroman (2 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
I have had similar experiences. Usually the whispers come when I am in a state of relaxation or right in that area between sleep and awake. Any time that I hypnotise myself (driving, doing mundane work, etc.) I sometimes can hear them as well. It sounds as if someone is almost pressing their lips right against my ear, almost like I can hear it as well as feel the breath... But not really. It is hard to explain.
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-16)
By blocking out the whisper (and your clairaudient ability!) you MAY have closed down your crown or 3rd eye chakra.

Some people get headaches when those chakras are newly activated or are closed when info is trying to come through.

From your name I assume you're Welsh. My father's people are from southern Wales but they've been in the US for a good while. 😊
dclass (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-16)
I sometimes have the feeling of a presence right next to my ear. I have to listen very carefully to make out the whispers. The only thing I have heard is my mantra, I love you, I bless you, I forgive you. Although, I only hear it when I am not meditating, just calm.

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