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People Are Dead, Is This Clairvoyance?


First time psychic experience writer. I think I am going crazy. I have had many visions or feelings come true. The most important one was in Sept 2001. I wanted to change a family vacation to New York because I had never been there and wanted to see it before it was gone. We went to Disneyland instead. Didn't get to go inside Disneyland 9/11/01 because World Trade Center collapsed and Disneyland closed. I knew it as a feeling, like someone standing behind me, I KNEW it was going to fall. Told many people about it before it happened. They still think I'm crazy.

Recently I know things. I know what card I will get when playing with kids, who is calling before I pick up the phone without using caller ID, and I know work environments before I get to work (I'm an RN and work on different units each night).

I felt death coming and told my mom who got angry at me. The next week 2 cousins died on the same day. I knew about the last big earthquake in CA (told people which scared my son), etc.

Last night between sleep and awake, my mind was blank, which is unusual. I only saw black or the back of my closed eyelids. Then an image popped in my head. It was a champagne colored vehicle, square shaped hood and windows, older model, back of car faded, some guy with long tube socks sitting slanted weird on hood (driver side), concerned about socks or feet? My husband was falling asleep-I asked if he was thinking of a gold car & was sending me a message. I told him someone was sending me something, explained what I saw in the vision. He thought it was strange and told me to try and sleep. I fell asleep thinking about cars, many cars.

The next morning the local news had a story about a man killed down the street. He was hit by an older gold/champagne colored 4-door truck. The rear of car faded because there was no end, just a truck bed. The dent on the truck was where I saw the guy sitting. The image from the news camera was the EXACT picture from the vision I had (without the guy)! I have never been so freaked out like this before! Hence writing here.

The man hit was mentally challenged due to the fact he was hit by a car 60 years ago and suffered brain damage from it at the age of 5. He was on his way to work at a car dealership. He made coffee and swept floors at dealership. "Many cars" was his thoughts- I know it! I called my husband at work seriously shaken.

What does this mean, if anything? Why me? I was a skeptic, despite frequent coincidences. I am a Christian, we don't do these things! Need to get a psych evaluation. Think I am going crazy. I took an online psychic test of pictures today, coincidence or not, but I got 8 out of 12 pictures right. My husband only got 1/12.

I don't know what to think, don't want to sleep. Feel sad, very sad.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, thkincrzy, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

WolfReal (1 stories) (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-20)
thkincrzy - I want to add one other thing. Religion regardless of whose or what it is plays no role in "gifts" like these. If their is a "God" it is not the God of the bible. That God is false and was created by man. If you truely have this gift then... Live with it. Enjoy it and try to make use of it.
Im here because I am trying to find answers on some dreams I have been having since two years ago but before that I would dream of things that came to pass. Of all the things I dream of moives and TV shows and then several years later will see something on the screen in a brand new movie or TV show and think " I remember that, I had a dream about that!"
Good luck and try to control it. You never know you may be able to pick the winning numbers.
WolfReal (1 stories) (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-20)
Interesting. Can you controll it? If so win the lottery. Set yourself up for life then worry about the rest later.
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
i am a Mormon, I am a christian, and was educated like one. And still, I am an empath and a soul-reader. My parents are also gifted. My dad has dreams, my mother reads people. Being different does not mean you are evil. Embrace your abilitie, and you will find what you are looking for. God helps His children.

GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-31)
thkin - I always joke with my husband that thinking is dangerous. We pick up stuff. Why? Who knows. We do it. I sometimes see myself as a little radar dish rotating. I've done it since the age of 2 so I can't believe it's wicked since I'm a pretty nice person. My dad said boring. It freaked him a few times though. I think as we age, we just get the feeling of - well I'm too old to care what people think - and pay attention and add up the numbers. I could write a book, all true. My best advice, don't take yourself too seriously. Learn to use what you have to help yourself, family, and patients, and be grateful. I'm telling myself this as I write it because I get freaked out too.
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-31)
Well, I'd have to agree with the one in Deuteronomy. To me, ouija boards fall under the category of necromancy. I think most of the people on this board avoid them like the plague.

If our deceased loved ones come to visit us on their own, that's one thing. But summoning the dead is asking for trouble because you never know who is REALLY coming forward. That's one thing the Old Testament folks got right.

Welcome to the board! 😁
thkincrzy (1 stories) (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-31)
Dear YVE72,

Thank you for your input... I guess my fear is based on Old Testament scriptures...
Deuteronomy 18:10-12
Lev. 19:31,20:6,27
Thanks for sharing a new perspective.
This gives me something to pray about.

thkincrzy (1 stories) (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-31)
Dear Leodowneyjr,
Thank you for your input. You do have some strange occurances! I always thought my experiences do come from the fact that I am Native American. I have seen ALOT where I have been. Honestly... I do not want to admit to more for fear I could be spiritually attacked. It would not be the first time to feel evil oppression and I HATE it. I don't want anything to come into my home, family, or job. I know there is a spiritual warfare going on and I know I can let it bother me if I seek it. I am finding this website helpful and trying to find peace with all of this. Thank you for your advice.
leodowneyjr (1 stories) (71 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-31)
We are energy and energy can't die. Only transmutate. Im not a practicing cristian but I believe in god, but the native americans seem to be the most right about this world and its secrets.
leodowneyjr (1 stories) (71 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-31)
I think you have these abilities as we do for a reason. One day you will need to help someone, or many I use to believe in the "demon of divinity" theory, a psychic symbiat or paracyte giving powers and taking life. But I feel god may have givin us this to be heroes as most of us seem to be realy good people. Now that being psychic is growing in acceptance it is time to get ourselves out there and help others.
leodowneyjr (1 stories) (71 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-31)
Hey if you think your crazy click on my name and read my stuff, you might feel better, and your not the only person with things like this. So weather your psychic or crazy, your not alon. Its safe to say either way TO ALWAYS TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS and never ever go against their warnings. I wouldn't be here either If I had, or if I listened to norms who will never get it. PS keep this info away from fam. And friends that judge.
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-31)
Hi thkincrzy... What do you mean "we don't do these things!"? You'll feel much better after reading the following:

John Chapter 14, verse 12
Acts Chapter 2, verses 17-18
1st Corinthians Chapter 12, verses 1, 8-11, 27-28
1st Corinthians Chapter 14, verses 1,3,5,& 22

Enjoy. Peace & blessings.
thkincrzy (1 stories) (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-31)
Thank you for your input. Hum... God does give a gift of discernment. I guess I was thinking because some of my feelings and visions are so negative I put them in catagory of evil or bad. So happy to hear I am not alone. Thank you.
hardtoremember (37 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-31)
Why you? Why my Wife and I? It doesn't even matter. Christians do do these things. We are no one to put limits on God's gifts to us.
My wife and I are Christians. We are both really gifted and always have been and at times we wonder why too.
Just remember that you are not crazy and though you may not know why you do this you can still accept it.

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