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Guides Or Mind?


I've always been fascinated with the paranormal and have studied everything I could. Anyway, I'll tell the story rather then who I am.

Lately, I've been more intuitive. My guides have been coming in very clear. It's like really strong clairaudience, but it's in my noodle not my ears. One of my guides whom I have never met before decided to speak to me in a bout of depression which I had been in that whole day. I had my journal out and I was writing. I asked if any of my guides wanted to speak with me and they usually are very talkative. Well, I'll admit I do record what they tell me, for reference to re read it. I'm not so sure if it's my guides or my imagination, I get different vibes from each one. This particular guides name is Azaraih, (I still can't get it right but how its spelt the name means "God has helped") and he seems really stubborn, but that's besides the point. What I was going to say is I was going to ask someone to call me and they asked that night coincidence, subconscious, or paranormal?

My main question is, is when you communicate with your guides, does it sound almost as if you're reading it in your noodle? Not the same way they speak, but rather where it speaks, but higher frequency I don't know how to describe it.

I've communicated with my other guides but this one is very different. It seems as though he is capable of telling me where he is, well actually it's more like knowing he just sends that vibe is that normal or is that more like basic spirit communication. What's even more bizarre is that the next night I wasn't capable of remembering the pronunciation of it with out looking at it almost as though I didn't remember it. Yet again I'm going to remind you all I'm am a believer of the Christian faith/spiritualist. I don't know how that works but when I do spirit work or work with guides or totems I only ask for light beings and use the "light" and bubble barrier thing. That's involved with the aura and such. Basically I just want some opinions on the situation? Anyone?

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amireallyokay (guest)
15 years ago (2010-01-02)
Okay, been awhile. He's very helpful. His energy seems to be much brighter less stubborn. And the spelling is indefinate now. He has relaxed a bit more. He helps me out a lot when I get stressed. But besides that, communication with all of them has become a much smoother process. Occasionlly showing up in dreams.
And I used to consistanly have nightmares.
I still hear them as if I am reading in m head. My dreams appear to feel on the same frequency when they are there. I don't know if anyone will read this but it has been awhile. Mayeb someone will. Who knows. But needless to say. I still hear them the same way, but it has become a lot easier. And they don't usually tell me what I want to hear, as questioned as before. On the contrary I usually end up alittle irritated that I'm being told otherwise, but the advice they give is in no way threatening and points to my god, no one else. So I believe they are calm and guides. Just an update.
Ruth (4 stories) (156 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-15)
My guide Robbie and I speak all the time. The voice I hear is different from a spirit speaking to you.
Robbie's voice comes from my mind (you almost think its you, but its not). I know its not me, because of the terminology that she uses. She if far more intelligent than me.
Hopefully this will help you distinguish the difference.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Love & Light always ❤
angleGirl111 (1 stories) (113 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-06)
i do the same thing
But I here wisbering
I recorded it once
Im not sure if its my guides becuase I hear"help me"
But in your mind you can conect becuase there in u
greenblue7311 (9 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-16)
I have been able to tape my guides again. I use a digital recorder. I then review the recording by computer and straight from the recorder. Has anyone been able to do this also?
AlphaMale (77 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-10)
How will you know if it is inside or outside? You mean if you will change the lyrics, they will stop? There was a technique that if you want to remember something exactly the way it is, you must go to your alpha state of mind and listen to it. I don't know if I accidentally put this into my mind while watching TV.
I usually hear the songs while I'm studying or taking an exam. Too bad, it greatly affects my concentration. 😠
greenblue7311 (9 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-08)
Well, the voices you hear maybe entity spirits that love to sing songs, especially one's that are catchy in tune. If you think a word or two, do you hear it in your head or in the voices sound... Is it inside or outside your head? At first I could not tell what these voices were... They love the sing song sound. I then started trying to control what they said... It worked... I used the word "TACO". I realized it was more that just my mind playing tricks. (Try changing the words to the commerical songs as you sing the song in your head... That will usually cause them to say "that's not right".) It took awhile before they talked to me, now we have an understanding and they kept silent during my work.
AlphaMale (77 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-08)
I also hear voices daily, and these are voices I hear from commercials, and songs.Lol. Its really annoying, and I can't concentrate on my studies. Any advice there?

Greenblue7311, I think youre a Nephilim (1/2angel 1/2human),hahaha.
greenblue7311 (9 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-07)
ok, I have would like to hear from others that hear the voices... What is your take on the experience? 😳
greenblue7311 (9 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-05)
I have never had the "power" feeling with my spirit entities, more an emotional feeling. As they put it, a "sound emotional feeling". They only tell me so much, they will not tell me how they are doing their communicating. Has anyone figured out how this "hearing voices" happens?

Another question, does anyone go through getting along with the entities to not wanting to talk with them? They have their bad times, where they say mean things or repeat the same thing over and over, like "your not who you thing you are"...But then there are times they help me with calming down.

I often will ask them "what is it like where they are at? Or what they look like?" They won't tell me. Just wondering if anyone has this happen also.

Before all this started, I has able to talk to my guides and tape them. But now it is more difficult. The entities interupt me during my taping and listening.
jazz (1 stories) (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-25)
okay I'm 15 years old and I have 2 of what you speak of, one he and yes I said he tells me right from worng like when I'm about to go to party he tells me or I guess says "something bad is going to a happend" and then the next day at school I hear the cops where there or something like that. But I also have "power" feeling where well I can make feel some way and make you happy,sad,mad really anything. So the second one is the one that makes me do stuff like is like my other mother. But I have grown but with them so I guess its just stuff that you need to "feel" for your self 🤔
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-25)
Greenblue - When you put it like that, it's really a funny question. I know what you mean though, it feels a little we really don't have privacy, doesn't it? I think it would probably stop if you really asked, but I don't know if you should. They might be hearable because you need them to be.
greenblue7311 (9 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-25)
Thank you for your experience. You are right they are not bad spirits and at times they are helpful. Sometimes they act like my personal health reminders, especially when I want to eat the wrong thing, since I am diabetic. When I reach for a piece of candy at work, I hear "what is in your mouth?" or "don't touch that drawer of candy." Fortunely, my family and close friends have come to except the voices. I am lucky to have them believe me. I often wonder though, will this end one day? I don't mind them, but I miss my privacy.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-25)
amire - I found this really experience really neat. I have been with a few, on trips, and they each seem different to me. One was a young man, preppy, friendly, then a woman, older and stricter, then a man, in his fifties, and kind. I kept wanting to pat him and felt soo happy. I understood the talking thing. I heard the last one tell me something that was a little shocking (the others spoke but I've never asked them to repeat anything), asked him to repeat it, and watched his mouth move to repeat it but I knew that I was listening, really, inside and that he wasn't human, not in the earth sense. He looked that way to help me feel at ease. I knew that, but still felt really peaceful and I'm at ease. I've even laughed at silly stuff and I'm not afraid with them. I guess guides is an okay description for lack of anything else. I've heard the term angels, all that. I don't know who they are really. If I get tired on my trips, they can help. Now, probably bad ones exist, I'm pretty sure they do, but some are good. It's still an odd thing.
greenblue7311 (9 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
I am new to hearing voices, since July 08. I have four different voices that talk to me. I seem to hear the voices from outside my head, behind me. At first they were a lot of trouble. At first I thought it was just my mind, but when I thought in my head it was not in my voice, but these entities (spirits) voices. Over the past 5 months I have come to understand their existance better. At times they seem to be able to give me information from my guides, or it seems to be that way. Does anyone have some advise as to how to live with this? Most of the time their are good, but other times they get wild and crazy. How long does this last? I have been to two psychic's, both of which told me I have seen the "white light". One told me that I was a angel on earth? I'm just not sure how to tune out better from their talking all the time. But that seems to be what they do, is talk, sing and repeat funny words. (And advise me on their opinion of what I am doing. Like now they are re-reading this with me and offering advise on the spelling and grammer.)
amireallyokay (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-20)
This is to everyone thankyou, as for Edmunds comment, I know h name is Azuriah, the only think I couldn't understand from him is name is the fact of whethere it was an E or an A in the begining, but thankyou for your concern. He isn't evil, in general he's very kind other then his extremely stubborn nature. I checked his name out on some other sites and it transtates from hebrew as "God has helped " Thankyou everyone ^_____^
martin_skye (1 stories) (8 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-20)
amireallyok: Wow you explained that very well, that is exactly how I hear/see things too but could never really explain it so people could understand what I meant (I've gotten a lot of?) Shakra: you are a wealth of information, even though I really have no way to help amireallyok, your information was really helpful to me and now I can search for more information and answers with a better description and understanding on how I see/hear things, thank you both!
Shakra (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-20)
oh yeah I wanted to add a couple more things since you look like you want to learn as much as you can (hell yea go for it) so, heres a couple other things that I forgot to add.

For one about telepathic communication. Its waay different than speech, even though it kind of seems like it. But, a whole entire description of information can be sent in at once. Its hard to explain, but pretty much a detailed feeling, like in the morning let's say you have the feeling of having to get up in a minute, possibly fustration or maybe a good mood, a plan of what your going to do this morning, and an overall emotion. Picture all that going on, or that feeling, and then youll get a better idea. You can sum all of it up into one feeling or thought without words. All that information can be communicated instantly.

And I know a good thing you can try with your guides if you want. One thing I learned and I use alot, is another form of telepathic communication and its by brain signals (like a muscle twitch). For example I go by left arm is no, right arm is yes, etc. Etc. Its safe, and all it is is a little signal that's communicated telepathically. You can make as many different signal areas as you want for different meanings, the spirit you communicate with will know which is which, as long as you remember.

Anyway I know this is a lot but hell I felt like you wanted the help and wanted to know more, so there you go. Peace.
Shakra (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-20)
Hey man, I used to wonder the same thing as you. Well, you can tell the difference between a spirit, or yourself talking. Like when you talk to yourself in your mind about everyday things which happens all the time throughout the day (but also lot of the time a spirit or spirit guide comes right in to tell you something). When a spirit talks, if you pay attention, you can usually tell an accent, or tone, or their mood and intentions through thought when you hear their voice. And its not just your imagination.

When you hear a thought in your head its communicated from your brain there is no other way to hear a communication from spirit. Its telepathic communication, a lot different than voice. Also you might have a filter, but its different for everybody.

Lots of people hear what they want to hear, and it blocks out the original message. I used to do that and still working on it now. And about spirit guides, there's tons of them. And a lot of them arent just your usual "angels" they are relatives that died, or friends, or sometimes a pet, or someone from a past life, and they are there to help you and lots of them come visit all the time. Anyway hope that clears it up some.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-19)
amireallyok... Here is where spelling is really important if your spirit guides name is spelled Azazel, Azael, Aziel or Asiel... Then you got yourself a fallen angel and maybe why he sounds like he is more in your head than in your ears his specialty is women and their downfall.
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-19)
When I hear outside my left ear, that's my guide or another spirit. And they yell at me in short phrases.

I've read that angels don't speak to us, but instead communicate with us telepathically, so their probably in the head. Azariah may be your angel. 😕 We all have at least one.

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