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Real Psychic Experiences

Energy Vampire? Stalker? Or Someting Else?


Since this is my first time writing, I thought I should tell a little bit about myself. My name is Elaina and I am 13 years old. I grew up in the same house all my life and I think (think being the key word) that I'm an empath. My experience though is with something completely different and I didn't understand it until I read one of the experiences here. It was July 10, 2009 five days before my birthday and I was at the mall with my mom. I was in a store called "Spencers Gifts" and was laughing at something when I felt someone watching me, I turned around and saw a boy of about 17 or 18 watching me. I smiled a bit and turned back to what I had been looking at. I noticed that he felt sad about something, but couldn't tell what (my powers aren't that developed yet). About a minute later I still felt the guy looking at me so I turned from the item I was looking at and saw the rest of his friends were watching me too. By now I was a bit scared and thought maybe they're stalking me. Then suddenly I felt really tired and like I was going to faint so I put down what I was looking at and walked out of the store on unsteady legs. After that I saw him alone seemingly following me around the mall. I didn't tell my mom because she would freak out and call security on him-you know how parents are, but anyway I digress. Every time I looked at him I felt very tired, but didn't say anything to my mom.

Since then I've been seeing him EVERYWHERE! In restaurants, in other stores in other malls, even in outlet malls on my vacation! Anyway, if you could give me some advise in the comments or on my e-mail which is pirr1.elainam.1996 -at - that would help me out so much.



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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cuduck, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Blue-Elegence (3 stories) (24 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-10)
Well you know that not all psi vampires are bad just like not everyone on this planet is good. Keep that in mind and you should leave traces of your energy in diffrent places so he might be confused where you are. Just an idea
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-04)
[at] WaterGirl

I've noticed that as well. I too control the wind. I hadn't done it in a couple of years but after someone told me that I should pick it up again, I did so. Now its rather hard to control, probably for spending years without using this ability.

Rarely have I met someone that could control fire (I have at least twice), but I've never met someone who could control earth, though I had a friend in MS that could control spirits to do his bidding (I suppose we could call that the fifth element...)

I think that the elements have something to do with our actual personalities. Like fire, could be someone with a warm, passionate personality. Water could be tranquil. Earth could be grounded and balanced. Air could be outgoing and socialble (I 'hang out' a lot and talk to just about anyone that feels 'right' in vibration). Spirit, I wouldn't know. The friend that could control them and had them come to him like bees to honey was rather withdrawn and secretive (though he was such a great guy).

These elements also work depending our moods, connected to us. If I'm mad, the wind whips too hard. If I'm sad, it doesn't blow at all, so it's really a part of us. I'd like to meet other people that control other elements, but they are very hard to find (and a lot of them are afraid of judgement like one of my old high-school friends who threatened to strangle us if we told anyone what she could do).
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-04)
It's what most willed souls have when they have a Jinn abilitiy. Jinn is the correct word for a person that uses elemental abilities.
Watergirl101 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-04)
I noticed that most people who have elemental abilities deal with wing or air. Anybody know why that is?
Ultimate-X (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-04)
a psychic vampire is someone who leaches your auras, chakras, any type of energy. Maybe he finds your aura delicious in a mental way. I mean don't you think that a psychic vamp would want energy of another psychic. Oh and also he could just be a spirit. He probably isn't though since you said he had friends and around him while you were in the mall. Oh, and if anyone has any tips on how to gain better control over one's wind ability please send me some messages at peanutbuttercrazy13[at]
HaVeN (guest)
14 years ago (2010-03-27)
How do you know your a psychic vampire. I think I am half psychic vampire. I also can see auras. I look at someone who has a bunch of energy and let it flow to me. I feel beter after that.
Starlight22 (11 stories) (166 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-30)
are you sure your not just seeing a spirit without relizing it. If he seems to be everywhere you are maybe he'sa spirit and you just didn't relize it
miniman2008 (5 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-12)
i have had the same experience apart from I had fainted and I awoke to find to bloody fang marks what is that all about?
angleGirl111 (1 stories) (113 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-11)
I dought that's a psychic vampire
Becuase I am one and I don't drian enough to make people dizzy, and I don't stalk people
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2009-11-01)
hey you guys think I'm rare and hard to find well well. Here I am I'm a energy vampire not the one stalking you stalkers are wierd. Well since you are scared of us why don't you try it but heres the thing he is taking to much I just take a sip or a little bit 😆. Please try it on someone it can be fun just don't use it one animals they go crazy! And if you won't to emial me my emial is mr.beck [at] 😆
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-04)
Sometimes they can't cantrol there abilty and they drain people near them and are you sure he is a energy vampire? They are sometimes hard to find. 😕
Taurusgirl10 (8 stories) (113 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-04)
Wait, sorry I'm here again, you're probably mad at me, but he takes your energy away when you're near him?
That same thing happened to me when I was in the waiting room at the doctor's office. Maybe he's really upset about something or he's sick. That's what I thought when I almost passed out in the doctor's office. 😁
Taurusgirl10 (8 stories) (113 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-03)
I never knew what an energy vampire was, can anyone explain to me, but that's empath. Are you sure he's a stalker?
Maybe he likes you, like like, sorry, I say random things. Maybe you should ask him stuff. Like, "why the hell are you stalking me?!", sorry again. Heh.
I don't know. You should talk to your parents and make it all anonymous like say that your friend and someone else so they won't go all full blown protective on you.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-02)
Yes it does help hmm because I have heard stories of a energy vampire in my town I am going to find him and ask him about his abbiltys but yes I am bringing a friend of mine to come with just incase something goes wrong.
Johnathan (1 stories) (29 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-02)
Their are differant ways to make a shield. Make a psi ball let it grow intel it is the size of you picture it a white orb and that it will protect you. Make sure when you are makeing it so that it is growing around you. I haven't realy tried to make one I just cover my body with energy. I hope that it helped.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-02)
I don't know to much about energy vampires but can you tell me about energy sheilds and how to make one I am going to do a investeigation on one. 😁
Johnathan (1 stories) (29 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-02)
You realy need to learn how to make a energy ball with it you could make a shield to protect your self from being drained from others.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-31)
They drain you out they do not hurt people and energy vampires are not to dangrous they might be more scarded of you and tell me his personality and building your shield might help.
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-31)
I don't want to frighten anyone... But there really ARE energy vampires. If you find yourself bothered by one look into building up your shield. Don't tell them anything, don't interact with them. Best wishes. X
cuduck (1 stories) (5 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-30)
cyopathic, do you think maybe that's what's happening? If so do you think maybe he could really hurt me if he keeps taking mine?
cuduck (1 stories) (5 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-30)
Lavenders, the thing is if I try to go near him, he randomly disappears in the crowd and if I ask anyone else (that I know of course) if they see him they don't see him and I still do.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-30)
Laveenders, energey vampires are kind of hard to shack off they want the person with the most enrgey its mostly like a addict who wants your energry and if you want to give the slip to the enery vampire confront him and tell him who you are he might understand ussaly they are resonable. 😳
Lavenders (2 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-30)
Wow, sounds scary... In the real world!

Anyone who you find is stalking you... You normally would go to the police dear. Get a restraining order on him if you have to... But that's only if he is actually really following you without a doubt in your mind that is. Maybe he just...cough* likes to hang out at all the same places you do.

If it was myself. I would work up the courage and ask him "what's up" if I am infront of a lot of people who would take notice to me if something bad happened. That way, I could find out truly what his intent is but still feel somewhat safe and comforted by knowing if he tries to do any harm to'll be witnessed by many others. *unless you're the only one who notices him that is* Do you know if anyone else is seeing what you're seeing?

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