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Real Psychic Experiences

I Hear Voices All The Time


When I was 9 I saw fairies, ghosts, and heard voices in my head like whispers. When I was 12 I saw a UFO pass over with bright colored lights which almost looked like a comet and ever since, it's been following me and now I am 39.

Before my dad past away, I kept hearing a male person's voice saying, "You better tell your father how you feel about him because he will pass away soon." Sure enough, in '96 he did and I was the only one with him when everyone else in my family was out of town. I get other voices saying words and broken up sentences. I also can do readings but only words and whispers and objects from people who had passed away when I am talking to them on the phone. I get really bad headaches when hearing voices.

Ever since 911, I knew that was going to happen. I even knew the date 911 and knew that Bush was going to Iraq. Ever since that event took place I hear the voice tell me of another events that will happen and it scares me to death. When ever I watch TV, something in my head will tell me to watch this on the news or go watch this movie. It's like a light bulb clicking and I have to solve the puzzle.

I can't sleep at night in fear of what's going to happen on 2012 with planet x and nuclear war. I also feel like I was abducted already and had 2 UFO sightings with a witness and also have night terrors. I have lived with this all my life. I've been to doctors only to find myself in a mental ward for 3 weeks to 9 months saying I need medication. I no longer take medications and still hear the voices. When the movie came out 'Knowing' and the movie 'Demons and Angels' it was like a sign to me telling me what's in store for us. I am also able to make bad things happen to people but only if the do bad things to me like lie cheat or steal. Job loss for x friends death lighting bolt on my neighbors house car wrecks. When I curse someone it doesn't happen right away but within days or sometimes a year only to find out through someone else that I was right.

I also knew the Virginia tech shootings were going to take place around the 19th of April. I would really like to know what's going on with me why me and what am I supposed to do with this? I have a lot of other weird stories and could go on forever about all of this.

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Mindblower (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-28)
I too had the experience of hearing voices when I smoke cannabis. These experiences started happening a couple of years ago. I have smoked weed for about 4 years continuously before I started to hear these voices. At first I thought I was being watched and people were psychically (telepathically) speaking to me and I was very paranoid. These voices fooled me into thinking that they were voices were from my neighborhood and that people did not condone the fact that I was smoking weed. But later as these experiences continue to occur (these voices never ever ceased after they started) I realized that theses voice could not have been the cause of some mental illness like schizophrenia like doctors or other try to diagnose me with. These voices have a negative energy to them and would degrade me, manipulate me, and feed me lies - I will give you examples later on. After living with these voices for some time, I realize the nature of these voices and what they wanted to do to me. I would like to share my experiences with others that are experiencing this occurrence.
I thought for a while that I was the only one experiencing something like this after smoking marijuana but after googling "I hear voices when I smoke week" I notice others experiencing this phenomena. This was totally mind-blowing. The voices I hear are not coming from within, I figured this out early on. I came about this deduction since I can speak Vietnamese, since it's my native tongue, however these voices that are infiltrating my mind could not speak Vietnamese or understand it. Also these voices total about 10 different entities (I can't tell the exact number but this is the approximate number) all with different vocabulary, personality, and logic. This did not make any sense to me, I was hearing all these different voices and they did not seem to be coming from me so where? My family started to notice how I am in constant battle with these voices and so I went to see the doctor to figure out what was going on with me. The doctors honestly did not have a real answer for me, they all said that I have schizophrenia. So I did my research into schizophrenia to see if I did have the right diagnose. After viewing a few YouTube videos on what people experience while having schizophrenia episodes and reading up on schizophrenia online through medical websites it did not compare to my own experiences and to that of others who posted online. I realized what I had was not schizophrenia. So my journey began.
The Cause/Trigger
I often times asked myself why this happening to me. What did I do to deserve this treatment? I figured out what was happening over time and this is what I figured out. The trigger for the voices is because of smoking/consuming Cannabis. Somehow the activity of smoking/consuming cannabis on the regular changes the chemistry of your brain. This allows for your mind to be vulnerable for invaders to attack your mind telepathically. By smoking/consuming cannabis over a long period of time - a period long enough to change the brain chemistry and affect your energy levels (vibrations/aura) for these invaders to attack your mind. So those who smoke for recreation may have not experience hearing these voices and often times dismiss them as paranoia and associate paranoia as cannabis side effect. These voices are a separate phenomenon from what we consider paranoia, I will explain this in more detail later in the next section.
I came to realize this fact by my own experiences, let me explain. I smoked weed for 4+ years, this changed my brain chemistry. I started to hear these voice constantly once they started. These voices did not speak to me right upon their arrival into my mind but laid dormant in the back of my mind in the silent observing my life and seeing how I live. Then these voices set a strategy together before they began any form of communication with me, this was probably 2 weeks upon arrival before they started to communicate with me. These voices will be explained more in the next section as to origin and other background information. After living with these voices for months, my family took me to see a doctor for treatment. As mentioned before the doctor diagnose me with schizophrenia and prescribe me mediation. The doctor prescribed me with Zyprexa. After taking medication for about 2 weeks to a month, my voices disappeared. But if I would smoke marijuana again these voices would return. So based on experimentation, I came to understand it was because of my brain chemistry that these voices came to find me. Zyprexa worked specifically for my brain chemistry but I cannot guarantee that Zyprexa will work for you. I tried other medication and Zyprexa is the only one that work for me. So depending on your brain chemistry, a different medication may work better for you.
But there is also the case that medication will not work. If this is the cause continue to read this entire message for the answers you seek to stop or help keep these voices under control. But what are these voices? That's the true mystery, I will try to lead you a better understanding in the next section. Please continue to read on.
Unknown Forces
So where are these voices coming from? What are these voices? Who are these voices? Hopefully I can shed some light on this matter for you, please read on. One of the first questions I asked when I began hearing voices is are these voices coming from me? Am I a psychic? Here's what I found out. As mentioned in my intro, I am Vietnamese/American so I can speak and understand English and Vietnamese. When speaking to these voices I realize that these voices could not read or understand Vietnamese so by default I knew these voices did not come from me. So the only reasoning left is that these voice from coming from an outside force. The next question I posed was am I psychic? I personally thought I was hearing the voices of neighbors that lived nearby. So I began to communicate with these voices over time trying to understand how all this was happening to me. I was naΓ―ve at this time and I opened up easily to these voices without questioning their origin, since I believe they were my neighbors. This proved to be a mistake. These voices were not my neighbors but impersonated as my neighbors to manipulate me. First thing on their agenda was to make me feel ashamed of my smoking of marijuana and personal flaws to degrade my position as a human being causing me to think lowly of myself and my actions. Also causing me to doubt myself in other ways and overtime reducing confidence in myself altogether until it reached a new low. They will continue to attack all aspects of my life constantly hounding and taunting me throughout the day and the night. This will happen for months non-stop. They will entrap me in situations where it seems like my only options are life and death. I have called cops over to home before because I was suspecting that these voices were going after me to kill me. These voices created elaborate schemes to put in a state of stress and not allow you to rest to weaken your mental state so they can conquer your mind. I figured out that ultimately these voices main objective is to weaken my mind so that I will be subject to their will. This is basically mind-control and after this goal is reached, you will nothing more than a slave to these voices.
So what are these voices and what are their intentions?
After encounters and encounters and 100s of battles with these voices I began to formulate an ideal of what they are. They are negative entities and energies. This is how I view it, I did not invite these voices into my head, they invaded my mind without asking permission so basically I have evil spirits invading my mind (I count about 10 spirits occupying my mind at any the peak of battle with rotating spirit visitors). For all intents and purposes, I consider these voices to be evil spirits that are invading my personal space (mind). These evil spirits can see what you're doing at all times, hear your surroundings, they can read your thoughts and see images from your thoughts. They use this data collected from you to plot evil schemes against you for their enjoyment. They're agenda is ultimately to weaken your mind with negative thoughts and energy by constantly bombarding you, then they will try control your mind by manipulation to do their bidding or lead you to fatal situations. These evil spirits use any evil/negative tactics available to them in their arsenal from infliction of fear, lies, to fabrications of false realities, to others forms of deceit. Using the infliction of fear is their trump card. They will use fear in any which way to control you and then cement your fear in with layers of lies and false realities to hold in suspense. They cannot speak the truth. They spend all day coming up with new schemes to trick their hosts into putting their trusts into them. This is what they do day in and night out until they finally find something that works on you. Then once they find that angle they will continue to take on a ride with further stories, lies, delusion to keep entrapped in that reality. You have now enter into their world where they are they masters and control all variables of events in this altered reality. They keep you in state of fears and stress, filling you up with negative energy. They do not feel guilty. They grow in false pride making them into a more negative being. They grow by feeding off energy from you. They are taking away your positive energy, this is reason you feel depleted with energy when you deal with them for long periods of time. I call these exchanges between these evil spirits and the host, battles. I will explain how conduct battles later on.
Who are these voices?
This is the grey area. These voices claim that they cannot tell you their identity. This is a moot point for these voices. The truth is they do not want to reveal their identity so that can hide their intentions. Because once you realize they are evil spirits they can realize their goals of dominating your mind. Over time I realized it was really not important to know who they really are but they want to do to you. All the lies and deceit they throw at you is hide the fact they really don't have any power over you. You have all the power in your court from the beginning and they are slowly trying to divert power from you over time to weaken your stance. So how do you keep your control/power them? From the previous paragraph, I explained their intentions and their strategy, so by knowing these simple truths all you really have to keep your sanity and control is not to hand over any once of power to these evil spirits. They will not give up so easily and will continue to haunt you but you must remain strong remember what their real intentions and that they want control over you.
These evil spirit's weapon of choice is the battle. Within these battles they slowly attempt to build dominance over you, that's if you allow them to. In my experience, I found out early on that their intention was to destroy me, and I mean to literally destroy me. They took away everything from me and left me in a state of fear and stress. I even lost my job as a result. But after I realized what was happening to me, I came to the understanding that all this happening to me was because I had put misplaced trust with these evil spirits by believing in their lies and deceit. After this realization, the solution was pretty simple, the solution was to take back my trust from them. Once I did this they did not have any power over me and from that point on. However they continue battle me back and forth with me to try to penetrate my defenses and establish a stronghold on me. Fortunately by knowing the simple truth that this is a battle for my mind, I was able to win many battles and remained undefeated, I now consider these evil spirits as just noise. The secret to winning battles is to use divine logic (divine logic is positive reasoning) or truth. Evil spirits cannot overturn the truth, they must accept the truth if you present it. Once you are able to reveal with the divine logic and truth that is missing from their argument during these battles, they will have to accept that you won that battle. Once their negative logic is overturn by your positive logic, they call this a "Debunk". Be aware, these evil spirits can read your thoughts and know what you're thinking even before you speak. If you are able to imagine a blank canvas in your mind you can withhold your thoughts from these evil spirits. These evil spirits often times use this power to see your thoughts to come up with schemes on the fly based on where your thoughts are headed during these battles or even off the battlefield. However if you attempt battle using negative tactics as these evil spirits do, the evil spirits will know this and will use this against you. This is mind warfare so I would to help prepare your mental state for battle, please read on.
Mindset for Battles
What kind of mindset must you have when you are in battles with these evil spirits? The battlefield is your mind. In your mind you have all the power and all the creativity that you need to defeat these evil spirits in battle. If you still have not taken back your control, then take it back now. In order to take back the control all you have to do is realize you never lost any power to begin with and it all will automatically come back to you, that's the power of realizing the truth of what this battle is for, this is a battle for your mind. Once you do that, the battle will start fresh again.
Over time from battling back and forth, I was able to gain my control back and I repositioned myself as the God of my Mind. I have given myself the powers needed from this God position to overturn any battles into my favor by altering any variables necessary to make my win a sure win. I will give an example of this: As God of my mind, I have imprison these evil spirits in a Hell I created in my mind. These is where I house the evil spirits in my mind. My imagining it this way you have the highest possible position to do the most harm to any threat. How does this work? If I am the God of my mind, and these evil spirits are my captives in my Hell, then you have to ask how can a mere evil spirit do anything to a God. Evil spirits have no body and cannot do you harm so their power to inflict fear upon you has no effect. In this realty you can use any power available to you and alter realty, environment, time, and space to your choosing that will most benefit you to a victory. Most importantly when in battle and your enemy is trying bring any angles to you that you do not want to entertain you can say I am God of my mind and I take out that angle and they have no power to reject. This is because you have 100% control of your mind. They know this and they will desperately play by your rules in order to have chance to win over your mind even if they can't win they will try.
Repeat these words if ever you feel like you given them some of your control:
"I have 100% control of my mind and soul, and I totally believe that is the truth, no force can take control of my mind. I will not allow it. I will not fall for any lies, delusions or any malicious attempts against my mind and soul. If I had lost any power I now want it back. I have 100% control of my mind and soul."
This is just a script, you can alter it however you deem worthy just as long as you keep the key elements intact:
1. I have 100% control of my mind and soul.
2. No attacks against me can hurt me or hold me in their trance.
3. I never lost any power so I take it back
4. I have no fear.
5. The evils spirits have no attachment to me.

And always remember to remain strong.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-09)
Weed if used daily for longer periods can turn its effects to the opposite of what it does if not used regularly.
If it is taken in moderate dose by someone not habitually using it, the effect often is clearly psychedelic, at least creativity-raising, and frequently during the days after the intake the motivation to work, and also the quality of work, is RAISED, not reduced; in sports and physical work it may raise the precision of co-ordination, i.e. You will probably dance better with a small dose of weed inside you; and it will almost always act euphorizing and reducing proneness to rage or violence.
Thus, if used infrequently and in small doses, it really is the "good" drug as which it was lauded by the Hippies.

But ONLY under those circumstances, be aware! If the limit of moderation is trespassed, the weed habit can be as enslaving as any other substance habit, and badly endangers social future.

For the habitual abuse of weed turns it as to its effects into something not much better than alcohol. The liver and other degradation organs in our bodies change their chemical ways of removing the substance from the body if often confronted with it, and this changes its effects on mind and body very much.

Then it does no longer induce any positive or psychedelic effects, rather brings down the mood, and definitely lowers the drive to work and to be creative. It then produces a lazy, morose, disinterested type of behavior. The Cheech and Chong movies Part I and II show it quite truthfully.

Heavy weed addicts - yes, those people who sit behind their pipe every day, and half or all day long, may truthfully be called addicts though weed does not make the body as dependent as alcohol or opiates - can also become prone to offend people for trifling reasons, for example shouting at their wives and throwing things at them if they want them to help in housework. True violence is also possible but much rarer than in alcohol addicts.
Of course they also tend to cheat and lie if their "lifestyle" is threatened, for example by parents wanting them to stop idling around all the time. But they do not become "habitual liars" as is said of opiate addicts. They just lie if the Weed subject is talked about, in order not to be pressurized to "become clean", or to gain, by some cheat, money for their next pipes.
Serious immorality is not produced by weed alone, as a rule; but in persons who abuse alcohol, cocaine, or amphetamines, in combination with weed, criminality rates are much higher than in non-addicts. The negative effects of those other drugs can in some cases be accentuated by the weed.
dgkallday (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-02)
natural science. I like your idea, I do need someone I can talk to other than a shrink but don't know where to go. I was thinking my local priest even tho I'm not catholic, being in religion they are forced to believe in supernatural occurances, so that might be a start. I can believe that I got some sort of telepathy where I can hear peoples thoughts or something. I didn't just quit because of the voices I also quit because it would give me panic attacks which is wierd after smoking for 4 years daily. If I did as this one person told me and took acid he said my voice would get much clearer, but the downside could be a lot worse if I am schzo or psychotic. I don't know what to chose on that. But I'm with you 100% on your view of weed. Peoples minds are corrupted on weed due to hilariously wrong commercials in the 60, and 70s and other media. My step father is a good example he belives weed will make you angry and want to fight anyone that you come in contact with. That is almost the exact opposite of what it does you no, but nothing will change his mind.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
I watch a lot of documentaries on the history channel about U.F.Os

Hey NaturalScience have you ever watch the series called Ancient Aliens? I think you will like them.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
U.F.O.s are real. My guy once saw one, a friend of him who was with him saw it too, and both had neither smoked or drunk. But forget about Aliens as long as you saw none! I suppose U.F.O.s to be rather time-travel machines from the future of Mankind than something extraterrestrial. Future humans, curious as we all are, will surely use time-travel for entertainment by watching the "barbarian past".
"Conspiracy theories" are childish if taken literally, but they do have a true core, which is very simple. There is a rather small group of super-rich who control world finance and thus play a very powerful role in world politics.
As long as the present system of money and banking keeps working, they will keep intriguing in the background and sabotaging all political aims (and also all non-governmental novelties no matter how useful and righteous they are) which tend to reduce their financial gain.
Advertising, T.V. And Press are their main psychological weapons to control people's behavior. T.V. Advertisement, for example, plays a more important part of building up children's world image to-day than what their parents tell them about the world!
Thus, if you want to keep your brain from being "washed", put out the T.V. Whenever they advertise for products, and when you read or watch the news, always remember that journalists tell you what they think people want to hear, and what they think people should know from their stand-point, but not what people really should know for their own sake. It is not the People that they get their payment from, but some Press and T.V. Concern which is financed by those same super-rich I mentioned. And always keep from buying anything "just for fun" or for curiosity of a new product - you must NEED what you consume.

That's all folks. Evolve your critical minds, don't feed the rich with one cent more than necessary, and exercise in what makes you independent. Then you can forget about conspiracy ideas.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
I think what happened is that the use of weed awakened psychic senses in your brain for which your personality is not strong enough. You took a chemical shortcut to become psychic - but without knowing that, and without a guide to get reassurance and to ask your questions. Thus you got scared to the degree of paranoia. But the refined sense of hearing remained with you even after quitting marijuana (a common sequel, in Germany there is a proverb for people hearing very finely "He can hear the grass grow"... Which grass, hun?) and the psychic hypersensitivity too. Thus you must learn how to deal with it best - either learn to ignore it, to become a "normal citizen" again, or learn to use your sixth sense for good purposes.
This problem I suppose is quite common today among those who learn to smoke weed as if they just learned to drink whisky.

If there were enough "shaman-like" people to help the weed-users to understand and integrate the results of their waking-dreams the problem would turn into a huge potential. The criminalization of the use of weed adds very much to the problem, and prevents Societies to make use of the potential. Thus: Legalize It!

In a former post I mentioned it could be a goodwilled trick of Nature to let so many people "fall prey to weed" to-day.

For if enough of those users don't get paranoic or dissocial (thus just supporting the prejudice and negative attitude Society has against weed and its users) but manage to integrate themselves into society (as the homosexuals are learning to do during last 40 years in those countries where they are no longer persecuted by law), and their weed experiences into a usable, reasonable image of the world (as has been done in whole Asia by monks and shamen), they will do a big part of the work needed for the mental and spiritual Quantum Jump of Mankind we all are praying for.
dgkallday (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
hah I won't go on a rant about conspiracys but they are not rediculous trust me. Just sit down and watch zietgiest or any movie by alex jones and you will see.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
You need to stop focusing on conspiracy theories. They are ridiculous.

Try saying some prayers. That usually ward off negative spirits that follow us around.
dgkallday (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
have before but I'm going to start now. I still don't see how these voices can say such negetive things, could it be I have picked up some bad spirits I get into conspiracys a bunch expecially famous people who have sold their soul to the devil and I have sort of taunted them saying I would never do that and no matter what I will stick with my belief in God. Not the catcholic or any other church but my belife in God himself. Also I have taunted the governemt and been active in telling everyone I know about what I have learned so maybe it is the chip that the other comment was talking about.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
Ok, then it must be that your senses are becoming stronger each day.

Do you meditate?
dgkallday (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
thanks for your advice but like I said before I have stoped smoking for about 2 years it has to be something else.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
These medications do have harmful effects.
But you need to stop using this herb so consistently. Even if you have to leave home with exact change so that you would not have any spare change to be tempted to buy any.
dgkallday (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
sry, we went all in on the flop not pre but it doesn't really matter hah
dgkallday (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
i went and saw a psychologist and got prescribed a bunch of differnet medication the most recent is this new drug called saphris it just made me weak. I could not lift my arms when I took it. Saw a therapist but could not find a good one. And that's about it xanax is the only thing that makes it go away for some reason. But, like yesterday I got delt pocket 88's on poker and the flop came up A 8 10, and my mom walked in the room and I heard the voice saw great so she can watch you loose. And we went all in pre and somhow I knew that the guy to my right had Pocket 10s. If you don't know anything about poker there is basically no chance that someone can flop a higher set (3 of a kind) this is the kind of crap I'm talking about when I say that there might be something psychic about it. Either that or when I'm trying to deduce what happens someone who is really smart hacked into my computer put my computer on a loop and is talking to me about what's going to happen but I still cannot find that possible seeing as I would have to make the same exact moves that they planned out to begin with.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
Marijuana tend to induce these voices. However, when taken a lot over the years, you will start to hallucinate and you can end up damaging your brain.

What steps did you take to help with this problem?
dgkallday (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-16)
i have, like I said I wanted to stop hearing these voices. It ruined my life, I would hear my friends say something about me behind my back and then I would try and call them out even when it wasn't them that said it it was these voices. I reclused for a while until I felt like I had it under controll and then when I would try and go out into the world I would hear it non stop, I didn't no who to trust, who was saying shiat or not. If I heard someone say something if it was real, and I did not want to bring it up and defend myself incase it wasn't real then I would seem crazy. So I started isolating myself from society. That's why I started playing poker it helps me earn money while not having to work well, atleast someday ill win big got to put in my 10000 hours of something to become an expert you know? Anyway also another wierd experince is I have major dejavu. Not just because I play poker everyday but out of the 100, 000 people online I get the same people in the same seats with the same cards, and the same ending it seems like sometimes. Its wierd also things are not where I left them when I wake up, and I have somewhat long shaggy hair and even though I wash it everyday I wake up and some of my hair is curled up into a whatever you call the thing that looks like a bunch of triangles. Almost is if their is a spirit around. Sometimes I wake up with the actuall feeling of someones hands on my back or on my arm or something and it freaks me the hell out.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-16)
Maybe you need to lay off the weed and conserve your brain cells. 😐
dgkallday (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-16)
i am not yanking your chain... I am 19 years old and the wierd thing was I was smoking weed for about 3 years and nothing happened until 2 years ago when I started hearing the voices. How can my subconscious be calling me names and shiat. Why would it be trying to put me down and confuse me. My dad was diagnosed with delusional disorder so I know its in the family and aslong with my aunt and uncle all have problems. I have not smoked since I started hearing the voices and seeing shadows of people outside while smoking a cig. But isn't psychosis temperory. And how can you not acknowledge my experince while playing poker? Also while watching poker on tv for example ill hear someone say all in, or reraise and then the person does it. I have heard of something were your perception of time is delayed by seconds but I don't think my whole life is lived this way. Also when I am really tired I hear the voices non stop constantly keeping me up. I don't know how to describe this but whenever I hear the voices I feel them in my head talking and its always a mumble. I can't just barly hear them and sometimes have to make out what they are saying... It is never something obvious at all or coming from a distinct location
Chetyre (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-16)
I am unsure if whether you have a legitimate concern or if you are just yanking our chain like so many children do but I will grant you the benefit of doubt.

Just because you hear voices doesn't mean you are "psychic". You already told us plenty by telling us about the drugs you have been prescribed and I do not know if you have been taking illegal ones however.

Let us assume the voices are legit, more often than not it is merely your own "subconscious" manifesting itself as a "voice" however this does not mean that your "subconscious" is accurate or that its capacity to assist your conscious mind has been unaffected by whatever it is you are taking.

My intent is not to be coarse or abrasive but I think the answer to your question is in your post... Your mind has already been affected by whatever it is you've taken in the past as well as whatever you've been taking now.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-16)
2012 will be nothing to worry about for now. And I'm not sure about Nuclear War, but I do know the planet X theory, is NOT going to happen. Neither is flooding of the earth, or the Earth blowing up or whatever. It doesn't end this way... Not yet.
dgkallday (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-16)
hey so what the hell is going on with me... It all started when I got drug induced psychoisis and got put on dif meds none of them helped accept xanax calms my anxiety and makes me feel great... I hear voices which I don't know are good or bad... I was playing online poker... Fulltilt if neone wants to play... And the voices were telling me when to bet, when to fold... And even on crazy cards that even loose people wouldn't play and they were right... It was hard to hear them sometimes so when they said don't fold. I heard fold... Anyways this is just today though that the voices helped me for the past year they have been making fun of me, calling me faggot and looser and saying I like little kids, I'm trying to be cool. You get the idea. So I have always ignored them... I start thinking their real so I look for them when I hear them and cannot find them so I start thinking I'm crazy... Then I start thinking someones got a hidden mic in my room or something or this whole world is just a put on like in the movie trueman show you know... I don't know if I'm psychic or crazy... I have had psychic experiences before having countless times grabbed my phone before it rang and other little stuff like that but nothing like they tell me ill win with pocket 2s against QQs and KKs and it turns out 4 dimonds come on the board and I'm the only one with a dimond... Who could guess that their has to be something at work here
Doublemint (3 stories) (261 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-04)
Enjoyed reading your experiences and wondering if this is a higher level of guide coming through too you with respect to the disasters being shown. Have you tried meditation?
Geez Louise what a story on UFO's! I'm no expert here so in looking outside the box I would say that somehow first sighting experienced at 12 years of age traumatized you subconsciously therefore challenging your believe system. Stanton Friedman is a leading expert on UFO's his website also try for info on abductions. My email is posted let me know if Stanton helped you. Down below a 'brief' rundown on my story.

My first sighting happened in 1993, unexpectedly. Just prior to seeing UFO during a twenty-minute drive from daughter's sitters, house a strong feeling of fear washed over me. My point 'no reason for it' first instinctive thought need to get home quick so I took shortcuts. Strange feeling of presence-worsened streetlights blacked out in driving pass them in making last detour down a short street my truck started to sputter stopping shy of thirty feet to a small intersection, which would lead me home. Just before opening truck door eyes glimpsed a dark shadow very close in exiting truck I felt a push pull sensation feeling is similar to placing magnets at opposite ends. In looking up something appeared to be cloaking against night stars how strange these lights are in walking to the front of my truck in an instant large shadow lit up object humongous no sound. I observed object dip down moving towards my direction at this point there was no doubt in my mind, this object locked in on my presence. I was scared my last thought was please don't hurt me and my child object then elevated straight up turning 45 degrees facing east towards beach area moving slow in an instant hit speed leaving no sound or contrail behind. I reported incident on Mufon website.
StrangerThingsHaveHappened (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-04)
Hmm...That seems very familier to what my best friend has...She's only 14 she hears voices saying that "Stop" and "The future" she hates it, and she hasn't heard them for long where-ever she goes she hears them, but she mostly hear's them in dark places like alleyways. Before the voices started she saw these black things coming towards her at my house... Then on the 4th June 2010 (Today) I had the same thing happening to me, but at my nans house, I'm not sure if it was the heat effecting us but it's strange that it happened to both of us in a matter of months. But now I'm afraid that I'm going to hear the voices. Me and my best friend (Stacey) was talking about her problem the day when she was sleeping round mine and I asked her if she had heard voices in my house yet, she had. But there's many people across the globe that have the same problem, sciencist's were giving medicine to people to help them but still nothing happened. My friend fears that if her parents find out they will put her in a mental home, and trust me they will! It doesn't help that she takes drugs, I know it sounds bad at her age (14) but you've got to try new things!

Another thing before the voices started to affect her there was strange things happening to hear house, the last person who lived there used to play the ouija board in her room. Me and Stacey used to see these things happening in her house, once we got so freaked out we ran out of the house, and also we used to be involved with supernatural stuff like spells ect. And then just the other day weird stuff started to happen to my house. We're afraid that we've upset the spirts, but we don't see how, I think the stuff that happened to Stacey (My best friend) is starting to happen to me and it's freaking me out. Any idea's what's going on here?
MonsieurMystery (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-17)
Wow friend, cold chills going through all over me when reading your bio. In my life last half a year has been different. I've been involved with so called ufos and because doesn't publish stories, I comment it here. All started last fall when I was in a tight life situation. I called the ufos, went to roof took my shirt off and prayed. I didn't call 'the ufos' but I asked in my prayer is there any life up there, can I have some sort of help? And help or something I actually had. Ufophenomenas, hallusinations, which I never had before, were about flying saucers! Electronic changes in my house athmosphere, physical messages... But the reason I tell this is that the great fear is involved in my case. Nights are full of fear and red humanoid texture appears on my skin and somehow I feel my intelligence has grown up. Weird, but the cosmos is.

And to advise you I tell you keep your hands off the drugs, or medicines what so ever. There is so big part spiritual in world no medicine can open it to us. Everything comes inside, sometimes from surroundings. For your help, work for light.
cline1986 (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-12)
Hi Jfcrock39

I don't know how to help you with what you are going through, I really wish I could help. I do believe that you are having phychic moments. I would like to know if the voice that you are hearing sounds like your own? I was just thinking that it's not just you; something else is toying with you. I say that because you sound as if you are tormented by your ability.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-09)
a picture yes that is mostly needed but in this case no a descriton helps a lot instead of trying to look so far what I got was Your cat is happy in your home and sometimes wants to be out and does not like the hummity and wants to be more outdoor instead of indoor and likes the food you are giving him but sujest that you might want to change from time to time.
jbrown9384 (100 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-09)
Okay, thanks alot! 😁 So you need to see a picture or a description to do a reading?
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-09)
I just noticed you allready put the information of your pet ok tell Simba to conentrate and I am ready.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-09)
check it out in the main menu in psychic abbiltys I could also be a remote viewer but I am not to sure on it and thank you very much you are so kind and I was watering the garden but I am ready when you want your reading.
jbrown9384 (100 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-09)
Sorry if I spelled the abilities of yours wrong 😳. So only your friend knows that your a psychic? 😲

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