Since the age of 5 I have had many experiences and would like to tell you first off I have had ghosts in my room creeping up to my bed and trying to grab my legs, ghosts have also tried to grab me and pull me away but every time I get a chill were they are touching me.
Other experiences were about entities try to get in the school but I managed to use the wind and rain to keep them at bay. And still manage to have enough energy for football practice.
This is a later experience was when I was trying to sleep but I couldn't. And I felt something in the room and when I opened my eyes I saw nothing, then I felt a sensation go from the back of my eyes to the front and it all turned black and white and my door opened and 4 things went through and started to climb over my bed. I closed my eyes and shoved all of the energy out of me and when I opened my eyes they were gone and the darkness in my room started to lighten up and I felt much better.
I have had many more experiences and hope that you enjoyed reading my story and if you have any questions ask.
Has anyone else had any experiences like these?
And could I have handled the experiences better or, did I make the right decision?
Have a nice day.
If it is a spirit, ask them what you can do to help them.
If you firmly believe it is you controlling the elements (with or without the help of a higher power such as Angels or Guides) then how about using it to help others? Work for the fire dept, clear up pollution, improve unbalance of water levels, floods, etc. Help improve the environment.
Oracle101, Psychic and Medium for 43 years
Always happy to help others
For more advice click on my profile name to read my other posts