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Real Psychic Experiences

Huge Orb Floating


I'm rather new to this place but I recently had a paranormal experience that I wish to share with you. Yesterday night I decided to start meditating, just so that I can get a better control of my ability to heal, I also wanted to see if I could make contact with the spirit world.

I grabbed some candles and made a comfy spot on the floor, and I also grabbed a picture of my late grandfather. I started to meditate but I constantly got distracted so I started to focus on the candlelight's flame instead and after awhile I took my grandfathers photo and held it in my hands and shut my eyes.

In my head I kept calling for him and asking him to show himself to me (in Swedish though). And after awhile I open my eyes to see this HUGE orb floating in front of me, I mean this was big it was red and a little yellow on the sides.

It drew nearer and that's when I got the shock of my life.

When the orb came closer to my face I saw my grandfathers face and I just started to cry, it is still a little surreal.

To be sure that this was indeed my grandfather I asked it yes or no questions, and saying float in the direction up and down for yes and sideways for no. And when asked, grandpa is that you it instantly jumped up and down and came closer to my face again to make sure I saw him and I did. And after he left a saw more orbs, I saw a big black one and a little dark blue one.

But the really strange thing is it felt like someone was trying to block our connection during some specific questions concerning my late great grandmother (his mother), it was like the whole room went cold and dark. It was very eerie.

I just need someone to tell me that I'm not crazy and imagining this.

Because I feel like I'm losing my mind. Am I psychic?

- Denise

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deniseelisabeth (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-10)
Yeah sure I'll email ya=). Talk to you soon

Be safe
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-10)
Hey there ^^

I'm doing alright thanks, though have been a little busy. I can't really say "new abilities", because I believe they have always been there, I just haven't acknowledged them or have been too afraid! The more I work through these issues, the stronger my "abilities" seem to become. ^^

I have "come out" of the psychic closet to some of my closest friends, and though one or two of them are a bit unsure, I think, they know that I have always been intuitive, and are keeping open minds;)

In terms of my spiritual development, I've had quite a few successive revelations. I prayed to God and asked my guides to lead me to things that would help me along my spiritual journey, and it's been almost non-stop spiritual realisations since then, so that's pretty exciting!

What's news for you? Perhaps you can email me: adaryn7 [at]

Looking forward to hearing from you
deniseelisabeth (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-30)
Hi Adaryn=) I've been great how 'bout you?
Yeah I noticed that the submissions was closed, I've been waiting for it to open up again, got tons of new stuff to share.
I've actually started to develop premonitions which is really cool but yet scary. I'm going to post a new entry really soon so be on the look out.
How but you? Any new abilities on the arise?

Be safe
- Denise =)
deniseelisabeth (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-30)
Hi Adaryn=) I've been great how 'bout you?
Yeah I noticed that the submissions was closed, I've been waiting for it to open up again, got tons of new stuff to share.
I've actually started to develop premonitions which is really cool but yet scary. I'm going to post a new entry really soon so be on the look out.
How but you? Any new abilities on the arise?

Be safe
- Denise =)
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-24)
Hi Denise, how have you been? They haven't allowed for the publication of any stories for a while, so I was wondering how things were going for you? Anything new?
<3 Adaryn7
deniseelisabeth (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-21)

Yeah definitely. I think I might post a new story soon, so keep watch =).
It's a strange world ain't it. I never knew I would find a person who I've never met and yet have so much in common with, it is awesome.

I'll be checking for new stories from you too. It has been really great sharing experiences. Keep me posted

Blessed Be- and have a safe journey

Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-21)
That's great deniseelisabeth! Looks like we're both on journeys of self discovery atm. ^^ Do post another story soon, I'll look forward to reading it!
I think the web is really great because we get the opportunity to meet and share our experiences with people all over the world. I mean, how far is Sweden from Australia? And yet, you can find things that you have in common with people even if they live on the other side of the world.
God bless and stay in touch
deniseelisabeth (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-20)

It sucks that you have the headaches!
We are kind of somewhat alike on the empath thing. I used to get heavy headaches before, absolutely out of the blue, usually when I was in school. And come to think of it my senior year of highschool (i'm now 19) I always got headaches when I was around a big crowd, and for some reason I didn't speak alot, which made people think I was very unsocial (though only those who did not know me) but I wasn't I just didn't know how to react or be around others. But now I realise it was because of the empath ability. I always knew what people were thinking and feeling about me and others around them.

It's very funny that you should mention that people may have thought of you cold during sad movies, 'cause I basically get the same reaction from people who watch movies with me too. Even in some "hands on "situations to. For instance our religion teacher one's started to talk about his deceased sister who died of cancer, and he got so sad that he started to cry, and so did the rest of the students. Yet somehow people perceived me as cold 'cause I didn't. But they have no idea how heartbroken I was inside. I felt so sad like I wanted to cry like a little child.

But as you said, it is really great when you absorb positive feelings=).
Nowadays though I never get the headaches like I used to. I rarely have those headaches anymore. Only if someone close to me is experiencing it. I think I used to get them more before just because I didn't really know that I was empathic. So I was naturally struggling with these range of emotions.

But now I'm starting to figure it out. But I still don't like to be around a big crowd, there's to much emotions for me to process. And sometimes I can't make out if there my own or someone elses emotions=)

Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-19)
Yeah definately. I didn't even realise I had it at first, because I'd feel whatever someone else was feeling as my own emotion.
For some reason I have trouble blocking headaches. There were times I'd struggle with headaches, and nothing would get rid of them, not even pain killers. (Not that I take pain killers as a habit, I don't like drugs). My friend or my sister would be like: "Oh, I have the worst headache right here!" and start rubbing that spot on her head. Previously I'd think it was weird that we had a headache in the exact same place. Now I feel like saying "Gee, thanks!" Lol. My sister and I seem to affect each other the most. She's an empath too--perhaps even a stronger one than I am--without realising it. She can't be around people who are shouting or behaving agressively, it upsets her too much. She can't stand to watch violence. And it's not like she's a weak person--she isn't. She's very strong. But like you, she knows what everyone around her is feeling. I don't always realise where my feelings are coming from, I usually just think that it's me and try to figure out what's wrong!
Like you I'd feel hostile towards people without knowing why, or dislike them without knowing why--perhaps it's because they disliked me? But it's not all bad, because you absorb positive emotions as well. I'm so energised by the positive feelings I share between my friends!
I've been blocking it without even realising for a long time, as I explained, so I'm usually caught off guard now only with intense emotion, or if I'm tired or distracted. The rest of the time it doesn't really bother me. ^^ Unfortunately, sometimes you can block it out too much. There have been times where I've been so determined not to cry at a sad movie (even cartoons or happy movies make me want to cry sometimes) for instance, that I've appeared cold to those watching it with me. Ha. They have no idea... ^^

deniseelisabeth (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-19)

Wow, it's cool that you can somewhat control it. I however cannot. When I'm around people whos energy and feelings are really strong I get affected so fast. For instance I was at school and I was in the classroom and it was total chaos around me (people were'nt focusing, they argued). When class was over I felt so ANGRY, like I wanted to lash out at someone. And I'm not that kind of person, and then I started to realise that I was feeling what they were feeling. It was very peculiar.
I also can tell from and instance if someone means you harm, or is not true to you. And I know what people really mean and feel before they have even realised it themself. Which is troublesome sometimes.

It's pretty great that you can control it with your family, I'm the total opposite. I know what they are feeling before I've even talked to them.

I'm definitley going to try what you are doing. Although meditation has never been my strong side =)

Have you ever struggled with it, I mean the empath ability?

Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-17)
Funny you should ask that. I have some, but not full control over my empathy yet. I'd learnt to control it mostly around my family since I was a little girl, because I was too embarrassed to display emotion around them lol! Still, I used to suffer from headaches that would seem to come from nowhere at school or in town, and taking painkillers wouldn't help. I'd spend time with people and come away feeling exactly like they did. I didn't know this was an ability at all because I'd always been that way--I put it down to being sensitive, empathetic and emotional. The only things that seem to help are meditation and getting enough sleep. I'm less guarded against others' emotions in the latter case. When I meditate or wash, I visualise being 'cleansed' of all the negative energy that's built up in my body, and I find that helps. ^^
deniseelisabeth (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-17)

Sorry I couldn't reply sooner (been working on the final school project).
I'm glad I could help. If it really is astral projection and OBE you are experincing, meditation is a really great tool for you to try an hone it. And it seems to me that you are on the right path towards your psychic abilities. And if it actually is someone who' trying to make contact with you, maybe it's a long lost ancestor or someone who's close to you that recently past on. They might be trying to guide you in the right direction=)

I am happy that you could find some kind of help from my expriences. Although I'd have to say that it's usually the other way around, me taking/searhing for advice from others. But I do feel like you have very strong abilities, but just haven't learned to maybe master them yet. Which you will in time=)

It's very strange that you mentioned that you are an empath (what are the coincidences lol) 'cause I'm just starting to realise that I am an empath. I think that came hand in hand from when I could heal as a child.
Are you able to control your ability as an empath? Cause I have no control over mine.

Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-16)
Thanks again Deniseelisabeth for your reply. Haha people commenting are supposed to be helping you, and you're helping me! But thanks, I appreciate it. ^-^ I'll try not to make this too long!

I don't know much about astral projection. If what I experienced was ap, it's happened numerous times to me in dreams since I was a kid. Sometimes I just float up and up until I burst through the sky--and I'm so afraid I won't be able to get back! There are stars, or colours, or sometimes nothing but darkness/light. I feel disoriented and strange whenever this happens and usually try to wake up. I've had OBEs in dreams too - never in real life.

I've encountered negative spiritual entities on 3 other occasions in my dreams--all of them demons. The orb was actually a welcome change lol. Two of the dreams involved demons that had possessed people I know. One of then I do not believe to have been influenced by such spirits in real life. The other, maybe. In the dream she had attacked me and I woke up with a start.

Another of the dreams I had brings me shivers just recalling it. There were demons in my house manifesting in distorted and frightening forms--vaguely recognisable as children. I don't watch horror movies and I've never seen The Exorcist or anything like that because frankly that stuff scares me. I tend to avoid exposure to horror...^^' Anyway, I kept telling them to leave, but when one left, another took its place. Eventually, I think they all left, but I was frightened for days afterward!

You're right. I don't feel as though I have very strong abilities. I'm moderately empathic (didn't even know that was an ability until I found this site) and sometimes I know things that I shouldn't or sense things that I can't see. If I concentrate I can sometimes see colours around people and objects. I don't have profound pre-cognitive visions or talk to spirits, though.

I'll do what you suggested and write down my experiences. If you're right, I wonder who may be trying to contact me, and what they may want? Sorry for the long post, reply if you wish.

deniseelisabeth (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-15)
Adaryn7, this is very interesting. It seems to me that you more or less astral projected to another state of mind, plane even.

It's been said that the body of someone with psychic abilities that hasn't been properly mastered yet, sometimes proceed at it's own paste. Meaning maybe the impact of the atttack summed up with the transcendens of the astral projection, caused the body, your body to achieve that higher state.

And I think that the orbs you saw and connected to maybe somehow read your feeling towards it. You said that you did not want it there and told the lady the tell it to leave. I think it somehow felt threatened by you, that's why it charged at you.
I've learned from experience that sometimes psychic/magical enteties seek out those who are in a confused state yet are stronger than they really think.

Now I haven't read your posts (hadn't have the time yet). But something tells me that you and your abilities are stronger than you yourself think. I know that it's hard to believe in these things sometimes, but I think it's your body telling you to start trusting in your abilities. And not to fear the unknown as much as you may do. You and your powers may be transcending to a higher state. Meaning you are developing.

Like I said before I do think there's are "bad" orbs since and orb is energy left from a spirit. So if you felt strange and weird when you saw it, maybe it really wasn't supposed to be there. Sometimes an event can trigger a dormant spirit/orb. And maybe this family and house you saw in your dream is someone you are supposed to help.

I don not know if you already do this but, you should write down every psychic event you have, even dreams that seem fishy. It is really good cause then you can go back and sit down and try to remember more about the event that took place at the time.

But I do really think that someone is trying to get a message to you or through you. Always know that you are protected by good light beings. If you have any other questions about orbs or anything else remotely psychic feel free to ask. I'll reply back asap.

Reply back if you want =)
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-14)
Btw I kind of got a bad feeling about the orb. Not an overtly evil feeling, but a weird feeling nonetheless. 'Like it wasn't supposed to be there' sums it up pretty well ^^
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-14)
Thanks Deniseelisabeth for responding so quickly!

The dream I had occurred a month or so ago. It's the first time I can remember ever dreaming about an orb. In the dream the orb, just a bit larger than a full-size basketball and a greyish-white, was actually in somebody else's house, though I don't know these people in real life. The lighting was dim, like it was evening and no one had turned the lights on inside yet. The orb was just floating above us. It wasn't doing anything, but I felt that it shouldn't be there, either. I told the woman that she should say to it "GET THE F*** OUT OF MY HOUSE!" (Maybe that was a bit rude lol, but for some reason I felt quite angry that it was there when it shouldn't be!) Then the orb rushed down towards me and I felt am impact, like I had been knocked silly; like a spiritual concussion. All my senses were confused--but also I felt like I was floating. I almost felt as if I was somewhere else, like maybe space, I think I remember seeing stars...
After that, I gradually recovered my senses but I was really shaken and scared after my stint at bravado lol ^^" As for my recent experiences, they are in my post--though I don't know if they're related to this dream or not.

Thanks, what do you think?
deniseelisabeth (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-14)
Hi Adaryn7!

As I respond to your post I have to admit that I'm may not be the most qualified person to answer your question. Seeing since I just base my opinions on my expiriences. But I do think that it's possible to find "dark" orbs. I myself have had expriences with various orbs. And have come to find that it actually exists. When I saw my grandpa in an orb there was a black dark orb too that felt very bad. Everytime it got closer to me a chill went right trough.

But after reading about your dream about the orb, it kind off seems to me as though someone is trying to communicate with you or through you. Spirits are known for communicating with us through dreams, maybe this orb (energy left from the spirit) is trying to show you something.

I get scared too when I see orbs, cause it kind of seems so unreal. But back to your question, I do not personally know if they can hurt us. But then again there's this whole good vs evil thing going on. It is said that orbs can carry evil energy left from spirits so I suppose they can hurt us if they are strong enough. Just remember that you are always protected.

I may be way out of line to say this, but I'm going to state my opinion anyway, when you said that it attacked you did it enter you? How did it attack?

Cause it seems to me like someone or something is trying to enter you or take control over you (possession?). I get the feeling that there is more to this story.

Hope this will help you=) tnx for taking the time to read, and I hope my answer isn't way out of line since I don't know you that well.

Reply back

Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-14)
Hi I read your post because I was curious about orbs. I saw one in a dream recently, it was huge and greyish-white, only glowing very dimly. It was floating above me. I yelled at it in very strong language to leave, and then it attacked me. I felt really weird, like I was floating, and I couldn't see for a long time. It scared me. So far people have only said positive things about orbs. Is it possible that they can harm us as well? Or do you think this is just a reflection of my fears?
deniseelisabeth (guest)
15 years ago (2010-01-17)
PathR and Targ_collective, thank you for reading, now I kind of don't feel so insane 😊
Targ_Collective (1 stories) (49 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-13)
The black orb would be the source of the blockage I would fancy. Remember to ask for protection against negative forces whenever you are doing something like this, there are Light Beings on standby to help you. You have to ask though according to the Law of Free Will...
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-13)
deniseelisabeth, unless you have a family history of mental illness. I would say your experience is normal. There are practices in certain groups in Japan/Mexico/Spain of contact their ancestors. Mexico/Spain called the day of the Dead. I do not try to contact mine, but they have come through in orbs, and late last year I was writing and had writers block. I felt an angelic energy pour over my head and I was praying, I turned to leave this building and my mothers:father,mum,3 siblings were standing in a line eyes closed in a prayerful stance. I knew the event was captured on the camera since the minister had gregorian chants running at 7am the next day, which they never do.

To inquire if your grandad is here to work with you? You will have to either pray and meditate and question in what manner is he here to help.

For myself there is an orb that accompanies me when I stand to run healing energy. This orb is combined of my mom and dads ancestors, it has 2 different colors, I have sensed they are very old and ancient and had this verified.

Blessings on your journey, for to knew we are not alone is our greatest gift in this life.

PS you did right by testing the spirits. 😁

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