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Dead Trying To Contact Me


I can see the dead in my dreams. I can get vibes off of random people on the street. I get strong emotions over nothing and I feel like I am being watched sometimes during the night but I can see what it is that is watching me in my head. I see pictures of people that I don't know in my head when people are talking about them and I get vibes not only off of people but off of places too.

My family doesn't really listen to me they all just pass it off as nothing but I know I'm not normal. A while ago I was sitting on my stone wall just outside of my house with a friend and a man who was walking his dog just walked by me and I got this sick, tingly numb feeling on the side of my body he passed. I even was leaning away without realizing it. Yet my friend did nothing she just asked what was wrong.

sometimes I have dreams of dead people that I don't know and I also have had a dream about an unsolved murder and two months later they found out it was true what had happened in my dream has actually happened in real life.

what am i? Am I just crazy? Please help its like most of the time I have these voices in my head telling me not to do something or not to go near someone. Was born with this or was it possibly my near drowning when I was very little that did this to me? I don't feel normal and I can't be honest with my boyfriend about my dreams or what's going on with me when I get this wierd expression and become sick to my stomach and unresponsive when he is talking to me I usually pass it off as "day dreaming" to keep him from knowing the truth.

I feel like I'm totally different from all my friends because I am and I can't tell them because they will just think I'm crazy. But a couple of weeks ago I almost was kidnapped and in my head durning that whole time it was like someone or something was telling me what to do, how to keep me safe. It was wierd for the time I was in danger I just had this experience where I knew what he was planning to do. And what would make him "tick".

the dead always contact me and I can always tell what someone is feeling or sometimes even thinking when they enter a room. I can even do that with people I don't know. I know this doesn't happen to everyone but I want to know if this is a gift and if it is what gift is it? What's wrong with me what am i? Please, if you have any information what so ever please respond! I'm begging you I need answers I need to know. I want to know what I am gifted with so I can attemt to embrace it and I want to be able to tell people who I feel comfortable with and who ask what I am instead of telling them my experiences I need to know the word or words for what I am... Thank you so much everyone for the help - C

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, leyxxbibye, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

debbie73160 (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-22)
Dear PsychicAngel:

After reading your post of 6-29-2010, I know I've come home.
psychicAngel (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-03)
Hi Rashidah,

Re: 'I believe that you were only trying to help'. That's so sweet - thank you, I will! At the end of the day that's what it's all about... Helping people.

It's important to be positive towards each other, so what you said about 'unimportant posts'... You're absolutely right and you exemplified what I was trying to explain about sharing information by saying 'they make a lot of sense to me'..., because it's not a competition...

Take care

Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-01)
I believe that you were only trying to help.
I totally understand where your coming from.

Do not worry yourself over unimportant posts.

Continue your teachings. They make a lot of sense to me. ❤
psychicAngel (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-01)

So glad this has helped you.

Eric Baal,

It is worth considering that those terms I listed not everyone is familiar with, so while "5 degrees..." may be more concise for you it may not necessarily be helpful to those who, in my experience of teaching psychic development, would like to learn the individual terms so they can research them and learn more in detail. Umbrella terms just make research harder.

Thank you
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-30)
[at] psychicAngel

If I had to write a list of all the abilitys I had it would be two pages. You could have like sortend it by say "5 Degrees of Clairvoyance".

But anyway that's a nice set of abilities you have.
leyxxbibye (3 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-30)
thank you so much for taking the time to write that. It did indeed help ALOT! I'm going to be sure to take your advice and I'm sure it will help me not only with what I'm experiencing but also to better understand everything too 😁
psychicAngel (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-30)
Hi leyxxbibye,

Like Mirrors0 I have too many to list but will try to put down what I can for now:

Physical Empath
Psychic Empath Healer
Out of body experiences, astral travel and
Astral projection
Automatic writing
Et al

You explained about how you thought 'getting vibes off people' was different to being in contact with the dead - I like to call them spirits, if that's okay because they are very much alive!:-) - well, they are influencing what you experience all the time by informing you about the person that walked past that you got the 'vibe' off... They are training you! We can pick so much off other people's auras but your Guides have the experience and the ability to get help from other spirits, either ones that are temporary or permanent, in this life and they will often tell you much more than you would pick up on your own, for example, I had a conversation with my Guide about certain neighbours in my street and which I should share with and which I should stay clear of and it saved me looking suspicious or getting in too deep and it being too late to back out, so I know pretty much from the outset which ones to stay well clear of and which ones are perhaps mostly harmless but eg might be a bit cheeky and like to have a bit of fun making up silly stories that while they will not directly harm me are still untrue! They help tremendously with keeping perspective at all times. With your abilities, this will help you filter out lots of extraneous stuff that might otherwise overwhelm you, so you can focus on the things that matter most of all in your life without people distracting you with nonsense, mind games, etc etc.

The people in your head are mostly your guides and others they introduce in to your aura... I used to frequently find myself surrounded by young spirits, because they had had terrible childhoods and were drawn to me because they knew I felt their pain... I once woke up in the morning and found three girls looking at me as I lay on my bed, fully clothed - the way I had fallen asleep - on top of my duvet, and I instantly knew all three of their names.

I have the same problem with you about telling someone that I have this ability, but you have to follow your Guides advice, listen carefully to what they suggest is the best way to deal with this... It might be less about him being able to handle it and more about you being able to cope with knowing he knows or that you're not ready yet. There are allsorts of factors, why maybe you haven't or don't feel able to tell him yet. Although it could just be fear and maybe if you know him well and feel your Guides are encourageing you to be honest, you will find he is very accepting, doesn't judge you and you may even feel relieved. I do hope you work this one out soon...! My prayers are with you and I send healing thoughts your way.

Keep paying close attention to your dreams - they will help you focus and keep things in their proper perspective, by allowing your Guides to show you the truth objectively so you can be clearer in understanding information about you, your feelings, other people and situations you are dealing with and find yourself in.

I hope this helps.
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
No prob. If you ever have a question don't be afraid to ask! We're all here to help. 😊
leyxxbibye (3 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
thank you so much for the reassurance! A lot of things are cleared up now 😁
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
You'll get this far as well. There's many people gifted in here even more than I am and we're all still growing stronger everyday with knowledge on how to work with spirit. ❤
leyxxbibye (3 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
wow... Your very advanced! And you have so many abilities! That's very amazing 😁
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
I stopped listing them after awhile, but I will tell you the ones I mostly employ:

Empathic Healing
Clairaudience (hearing spirits)
Clairvonyance (clear sight. Seeing either spirits or objects)
Clairsentient (clear sensing) feeling emotions and physical pain, pleasure or discomfort of others.
Astral Travel
Automatic writing
I used to work with the wind
And some Premonition (that one is rather sporadic and on rare occasions I can actually focus it. It usually just slams me suddenly.)

The list is too long. But most of this stuff I learned thanks to my totem animal Ameda. If it hadn't been for her I would have still been an empath seeing and hearing spirits (and sometimes smelling spirits).
leyxxbibye (3 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
im sorta curious... So if you don't mind me asking what exactly are your abilities?
leyxxbibye (3 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
ok thank you so much! I'm glad I know more about this now than I ever did 😁
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
The term mostly used for them is spirit guide. I forgot to add that at the last minute. 😳
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
There's many ways to explain a guide: They're spirits that guide us and also protect us. Some people view them as guardian angels. All guides choose who to take as their charges. It's sort of like an agreement they make with the person before birth (since I believe in pre-birth planning). We may have more than one and the number of in our private spirit community may become greater and decrease over the years depending on the situations we go through life. You could say that they know us inside and out and are always looking out for us. They're very good at giving advice as well as warning us of possible dangers in life as well as in spirit. 😊
leyxxbibye (3 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
haha I have just one other question though. What do you mean by guide and I also would like to know if there are terms or words rather, that I could look up to better understand what's going on with me
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
It's all good. Since you're still young, I know that things will only get better and better as long as you fill yourself with knowledge. Believe me, knowledge is power. (gee, I sounded a bit corny there LOL) ❤ 😁 ❤
leyxxbibye (3 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
oh ok 😊 thank you so much! You have made things a lot clearer I thought just at first something was terribly wrong with me but now I understand that its just something I guess I have to embrace. Thanks again! 😁
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
Sometimes talking with a guide helps unlock more gifts as well as strengthen the ones you already have. 😊
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
It's because you have more than one ability. And sometimes, we don't necessarily have to make contact with the dead, they contact us even if we don't look for it. There's a lot of people out there that have abilities that greatly differ one from the others. Like elemental children that can see and hear spirits. Or an empath that has premonitions and natural telepathic abilities. In time, you may see even more gifts rising, especially with the changes in vibrations the world is currently undergoing.
leyxxbibye (3 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
i don't quite understand because I always thought being contacted by the dead was something totally different than getting vibes off of people and things and being able to know what's going to happen before it does. I also thought all those other things I talked about in my story were totally not connected to communicating with the dead. Am I wrong? If so please explain
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
That just means that they have died yet have not someone solve their deaths or know of what really transpired. They tend to do this kind of thing a lot and sadly we cannot do much for them when it comes to this. Usually when they cross over they are content enough to let it go.
leyxxbibye (3 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
and the dead people or spirits in my dreams are usually in movement its kind of like they are dying all over again but with me in the dream watching it
leyxxbibye (3 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
thank you both! You helped me. I wanted to know since you both say this is a gift is there a name for it or names for it if its more than one gift I have, I'm new to this. Ever since I was very young I just passed it off as nothing just so I could keep telling myself I'm normal just like everyone else but now I want to know so I can embrace it and learn more about it
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
You are not the only one. It's just that you're getting it all at one time, which must be making it difficult for you. You clearly can see into the past, have empathy (feeling the emotions of others) but your empathy is strong enough for you to know HOW the person is as well. Perhaps you might have hightened intuition (due to you hearing 'don't do this' or 'don't do that') and might actually already be in direct communication with your higher self. Spirits are also trying to communicate with you... Do you see the dead people in your dreams in movement or immobile? If these intense experiences are much too troublesome, some barrier/shield visualizing tecniques and some meditation might help clean them up a bit so they could be clearer yet at the same time less overwhelming. A way to filter and buff them in unison. You no longer become scared, but you still retain your gift, because it is indeed a gift.
psychicAngel (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-29)
Hey, there is so nothing wrong with you.

I get those exact vibes you described when someone passes you - I get advised, not always in words, often by feelings to stay away from somebody, so I really pay attention now.

I know you describe them as horrible dreams, but these are actually information.

For example, I got the taste of croissants recently - and I knew it was to do with only one French man that I know... I know what it means, but anybody not from this site would think I was making it up or strange. I don't let some people touch me because I pick things up emotionally I don't want to... Sometimes, if it's for my own protection, I have to grin and bear it...
But like you with the dreams... I got told in a dream, as one example, stay away from a guy at my gym who likes to mess with people's heads! I didn't believe what I heard - so the message got stronger in a dream with a theme I recognised instantly, so that I would know it was a message not a random set of images of somebody, because I was trying to block it out and pretend it wasn't real.

A man came today to deliver an item of furniture, but dead people - I now refer to spirits as more alive than we are in many respects!:-) - came to tell me to be on my guard... He saw me as vulnerable and started making inappropriate comments, including cornering me so he was closing off my physical space in the house. So I moved, walked to the door and held it open for him to leave once he'd about finished putting the furniture up in the room, because I was getting strong vibes that he was trying to trap me in to a corner and shut the door on me! Anyone else would think I was just paranoid but the feelings started so strong and minutes before he arrived... And I could see and hear his van, even though to normal hearing there was no van in sight down our street and no sound at all, except the birds tweeting.
The spirits were gathered there and stood in the room and I could feel them saying: 'he's shut the door' & pointing at it! 'Watch him' I kept getting insistently. Then he suddenly started making inappropriate remarks out of the blue and didn't listen to a word I said, so I stayed near the outside door and he kept staying and turning back as if he was going to talk me to death and stay for another two hours, when I kept hinting he needed to leave... It was really odd but I had these weird feelings constantly that wouldn't leave me alone.
He stared at me as well like he was angry about something that had nothing to do with me... I could feel it before he lifted his head to make eye contact and I felt it before he arrived and knocked on the front door... Like he had anger in him.

There is seriously nothing wrong with you...
Look at what I just wrote! Anybody would think I was a strange, paranoid person, but I knew I was in danger... Even in my own home!
You have these abilitie for a reason and this is the best space to share what's happening with you and your ability! Your dreams are really powerful communication channels... If you think it would help - it does me - write stuff down. It helps me deal with it better...,so it's not all floating around inside my mind & I can focus on keeping a clear head - that way the messages come through stronger and stronger with each new or repeated message. You've been given a wonderful ability... Try not to worry too much...!:-)

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