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Real Psychic Experiences

Fire, Wind And Feeling Non-existant Items?


My name is Sophie. I used to always play games with friends as a child about general psychic abilities.

Fire, Wind And Feeling Non-existant Items?

I begun to notice weird things that have happened to me recently. My mother loves candles (lit of course) and I seem to have inherited a love of fire. Does this seem to mean anything? I can play with fire and tease it to blow out, but if I really don't want it to blow out, it wont. This doesn't work when someone else is trying to blow it out, though.

Also, wind seems to help me a lot. I can sense where people are by using the direction of the wind. When I play hide and seek with my younger friends, the wind blows in the direction I should run to avoid them. Does that mean anything? Also, when I get angry or upset the wind blows higher and if I want it to dye down it does. Why is that? Can someone tell me?

Lastly, (sorry if I'm sounding annoying--- I really want to find out about these things.) I can do this really very weird thing where if I imagine an object I can feel it in my hand, and if I set it down I can't feel it, and if I pick it back up I can. I have tried making a ball and bouncing it, and it worked! I could feel it drop out of my hand and hit my hand when it came back up. Could some one, no, anyone tell me anything about these things, could they please comment? I especially want to find out about the non existent item sensing one, I haven't found a single thing about that. Please help!


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sophiepd07, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-18)
Really people grow up stop being a******s and shut up if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all wh let people offend you that you don cry bout evrything I don't mean to be a dick but grow up I feelvlike I was in a second grade classroom "he did this""ge did that" this person asked for help and your going to b***h about people asking for help I mean reall its real why let over-sized umpaloompas hurt you saying its, not but you guys should be ashamed of yourselfs trashing her story asking for help shame on you

Sophiepd07: you could of created dark matter and created an invisable object ask anyone if they feel it and learn to cope with your abilities hope this hrlped
Anonymous76 (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-19)
how about this, rashidah, eric, zen, just leave. You stick to your opinions and we will stick to ours. None of you have any right to say were wrong because you don't know. So stop trolling on other peoples stories. If you don't believe in this then you shouldnt have read it in the first place. Just because people are young does not mean they are dumb.
okami118 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
iv got a power that's something like that, I think. I call it semi-materialisation basucally I can create things that can't affect the world around me but can affect things like chackras auras and spirits. This powe comes in really useful when I'm being bothered by malignant spirits my omly other powers (for now hopefull 😆) are my affinity for animals and the wind lol
phoenix-antrix (41 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
You have a strong aura that's why elements obey your order, it doesn't mean that you are controlling fire or wind, they will obey your until a limit you can't manipulate them like pyrokinetics and aerokinetics, but also there is no doubt that due to your strong aura you can be psychokinetic easily
Youth123 (2 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
I have had the same thing happening to me I would use it to your advantage. When I was younger I used to believe that I could control the wind but now I actually can. 😁
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-02)
Yeah it is so very hot in Trinidad. I need an elementalists really badly right now.

My email is on my profile.


My puny powers cannot make it rain 😭
lindajean (5 stories) (109 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-02)
Does anyone of you "ele mental ists" know how to make it rain! We need it bad here in MA. Maybe if enough of you get "All" your elemental powers going you can cause it to rain? Please point all your waves or where ever your "power" comes out of? And please send us rain! If you cannot, I will understand.
IntoTheBlack (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-02)
[at] Rashidah


Oh the Marauding band of heretics we are! 😜

Seriously guys, this is getting ridiculous... Go start your own church and preach to the choir

That way there will be no dissenting opinion

This on the other hand is a public forum, where everyone is free to comment as they see fit

We are giving our advice in good faith, and if you don't like hearing it, then leave, or skip reading the comments...

Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-02)
We are picking on you huh? Then why don't you send us a wind storm... If you can.

I glad to see when people offer advice we are being rude.

It is sad when people are looking for only support and not advice.
airwindme17 (1 stories) (34 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-02)
This website is a place to come for help, but I have found a few bullies on this website. Zen ecpicially, and Rashidah some to. You both have picked your way around all the other psychics and found us elementalist. If you don't believe us, why read it? Why even comment? If you don't believe it, then its not any of your buisness. If can't help, then you should do us all a favor and leave becuase you are taking advantage of us being kids so you can pick on us and that's not very nice. No one asked for your rude comments. I respect your opinion, but haven't you ever heard if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all? Dont be such a bully. This site should have peace. Not the corruption the rest of the world has. Please don't be rude.
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
It is hard to say honestly. Can I manipulate the elements I am not sure. I feel more alive when the wind is blowing. Beyond that I never seen anyone controlling the element outsided of Cartoons and comic books. It is reason I can never really clam to use elemental powers.
WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
I was talking about everyone like, when everyone comes unbound. I don't really know how that stuff works. I just heard the term from a friend that it means that powers become active or something. Guess I'll just have to wait and see until that day.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
Alirght for sure. Its not just going to be me who gets unbound. Its a global event. As for me though 'what about when you're powers come unbound'...well when I get unbound. I think its time for everyone to stay far away.
WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
What do you mean 'know about you'? Just simply stating 'what about when you're powers come unbound'. And that's your opinion.

Let's just agree to disagree before this turns into an argument please?
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
What do you know about me to say that? All I can say its not any of those panzy elemental abilities.
WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
You're thinking small. What about when you become unbound?
WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
I can't argue with that. Like I said. MOst likely, a lot of these claims are exaggerated. But still, there are some that actually can do these things, but right now they are on a very small scale. I can honestly say that I don't watch anime shows. I'm more of a comedy central and discovery channel and spike, and mtv kind of person.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
I have to agree with Zen and Rash. Lately there have been a lot of movies dealing with the elements and cartoons. So now kids your age. (their targets for the cartoons and movies) think that every time the wind blows when your thinking and sad. You think your aerokentic. For all these experinces, just think of how many times the wind blows with out you doing shnit.

I don't really care to much about talking to the elements. I mean how boring is that. If you can maintain a conversation with the wind you got problems. I think your really bored if your talking to the wind.

Bottom line is controling elements is useless. One you never be able to do anything usefull. Everyone would eventually use it for battle but all you would be able to do is make a breeze or make it rain.
zen (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
its your age group because in the last few years there has been a mass increase in japanese and japanese like cartoons as well as in the books
WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
I don't think it's fair to lump us all together as being liars just because we're young. Sure, there might be some who are exaggerating. But what about those who are telling the truth? All you're doing is making them feel bad about something they can't control, need help with, and are born with, so they can't exactly decide to not influence an element. Did you ever think that maybe these stories come from a certain age group because that's when most of these types of abilities begin to manifest?

Note: One thing I think that most people get wrong is that you don't control an element. You influence it and work with it. You are respectful, not demanding.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
Zen is right. Most of these claims are exxagerated.

Zack I think you should look at the age groups of these posters you will see what I am getting at.
zackterz (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
spry abouhgt double posting evry one I didn't know I did ignore the 1st one plase thank you
zackterz (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
zen has a point on half his things he says. But his qustion is the most insresting to me if you guys go in the search thing in this website and you look at the diffrent states more of a certain physics are in certain areas. But things like elmental can't controle wheather you kind of can't do that at all I'm prety sure you can do things like draw energy from certain things like me with wind and water.
zackterz (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
wait zen your right. Certain physics are all clumped in one spot like mose empaths are in the north east of the undited states. I have been trying to do some reasserch on this and have no explanation... Now heres ther prob that I don't understand I have all the puzzles picese but don't have the picture beacuse I get my inof from 2 main things that you can't find on the internet.
skywire4929 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
Now now, you don't need to get all worked out. The question you want to know will come to you when the time is right.
zen (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
More and more people who control the elements, I thought you guys were so rare, and you still haven't answered my question
raybabay13 (4 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
ow ow! That's the way its done julie! Say it like it is!

[at] zen nobody claimed to be "godlike" so stop saying that about people who are just trying to get help with their abilities.

I am a learning pyrokinetic, and I won't stop practicing just because some person on the internet says its not real, and I suggest the same to all you elementalists out there! Keep doing what you do!
zackterz (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
i agree with windy. You may be powerful as in your abllites you have but there are people whos are stonger beacuse they know how to use there power in way you can never imagine... Wish I had that all I get is a bunch of jumbled up powers I don't undersatnd.
WindyJuliette (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-01)
Well zen I have a question for you:

What outstanding gifts do you have that give you the right to judge us? Because the last time I checked, this is a website where people share their psychic stories, not trash other peoples thoughts.

I have a bond with the wind no matter what you say. And nothing will change that. And honestly I don't care what you think about me, or other elementalists. I talk to the wind, and he listens to me. I don't control weather, I influence it, and use it as a way to cope with depression.

Buy you wouldn't care about that because you're too busy pegging all psychics like me as liars. And if ou think we get all this stuff from stupid cartoons, you are sadly mistaken. I for one have never in my entire life seen "Avatar" or those other Japanese cartoons.

So next time Zen, know what you're talking about before you start throwing your false opinions all over this website.
zen (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-31)
O and I got a question for you weather controlers, I noticed a lot of you live close so I wonder which one of you real is in control because I'm pretty sure you don't think all the same

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