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Real Psychic Experiences

Psychic Detective on O.J. Simpson


Since I began channeling for spirit in 1985 I have meditated on many murders and the information is quite accurate in many cases.

The day that Nicole Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman were found dead, I began to meditate and gather information on the case. Within the hour I knew what happened.

I saw O.J. Simpson dressed in a dark hooded sweat shirt and he was climbing over the gate to Nicole's home. Then I saw him standing over his victim's his face filled with rage, a bloody knife in his hand. As I kept getting information on the case, I saw O.J. Simpson had been thinking about his problems with his wife for a while and some of his business associates were putting pressure on him to bring her under better control and this apparently had to do with the Divorce and Assets.

O.J. thought about hiring a hit man but couldn't find anyone to do the job so he decided to do it himself. After the trial and his acquittal, I predicted in the future he would confess to the crime, because with his being found not guilty, there is no chance of him being tried again because of Double Jeopardy.

I think he wrote the book: "If I had Done It" because like most killers, he had to confess and this was his way of doing it in that book. There are many other stories I have meditated on as a Psychic Detective and I no doubt will be writing about some of them in the future.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, CVT6702, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

leolady89 (1 stories) (2 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
WOAH... That's amazing. CVT6702, If you have the time, could you please tune into the death of Kurt Cobain.
mlkc05 (1 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2007-11-27)
HEY! I love reading your experiences! I feel they same way sometimes that I am just trying to make people believe me! Then other times I buy into what they are telling me and doubt myself! I also left you some questions and comments on my story. I appreciate anything anybody else has to say also!
CVT6702 (15 stories) (111 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-27)
To Kristy:
I tried to E-Mail you and it didn't go through will try again or you can E-Mail me at
Kitty1392 [at]
If you write please flag it Paranormal or something so it doesn't fall into the Spam Folder and get deleted.
kristy39 (3 stories) (34 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-12)
thanks for shareing thiswith us it was very good. Can I please ask you some then? You can e-mail me at kristy_johns [at] was needing to talk to someone for my mother inlaw and I hope you can help
CVT6702 (15 stories) (111 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-11)
I Googled Illuminiti First and read a portion of it and scanned the rest and I say from what I have gathered as a Psychic over the past 21 years what is written is exactly true.
I do have much behind the scenes information that I have gathered as a psychic as to who and why and what and I have many timed and dated pages gathered and written with the Guides over that period of time which I have stored in a safe place and at this time the Guides have not clearned me to write about these things further but I can say much of what is written about the plans for a centralized control of the World is absolutely what I have gathered.
The amazing thng is the things you directed me to is exactly what I have received in Psychic Information and written about here and this is exactly what I believe now that I have analyzed my Psychic Information and I couldn't have done a better job of summing up what I believe and what I have gathered as a psychic than what is written in the site you directed me to.
I will say my information comes to me by my ability to revisit the past and see into the future.
I have not specifically read anything about or know anything about David Icke or Alex Jones at this time but I will Google and read anything about them that I can.
CVT6702 (15 stories) (111 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-11)
I know someone plans or hopes to have one centralized world controller, which has been coming to me for quite some time as a Psychic, but at this time who, why or how it will work I don't at this time have the answer to but I will try to find the page you mention and read what it says.
illuminati (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-10)
I think you should meditate on what the Illuminati is up to. They are planing to make a New World Order dictatorship.

search for David Icke on google video or Alex Jones.

I would love to here your inside about the Elite.
Abby (99 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-08)
Dear CVT6702,

You are welcome. I cannot agree with you more that your feelings are right in regards to being in a place to exchange this type of information. I also agree with you that it is meant to benefit each other, like that old tired, but tried and true saying, each one teach one.

Thank you for teaching myself in your stories, comments and especially your presence here, as I am one who is very sensitive and "feels" all things and all soul's spirit and truth within each one I meet. Thanks for our meeting and your being here. I know what it takes from you too. I am freely out there.
smiling :) --Abby
CVT6702 (15 stories) (111 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-08)
Dear Abby,
Thank you.
Some of my guides almost daily discusses with me something else they would like for me to post here and I want to share these things with others.
I also enjoy reading what other people have posted and I feel this is a good place to exchange ideas and discuss our own experiences hoping that by exchanging this information we will all benefit from each other.
Abby (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-08)
Dear CVT6702,

Another one of your nice shared, informational reads that I also have a connection to (Goldman's).

Thanks, I was more than happy to be of help, and am glad you are working with someone off my suggested and written list. My prayers and thoughts go out to you and for your whole release healing from your possession attachments. :) --Abby

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