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Real Psychic Experiences

Someone Was Watching Me Sleep


Last night my mother and I were in her room trying to sleep and I know that sounds weird but for some odd reason when someone else is in the room with her the well spirits stay away. But last night was very different from the rest.

My mother was asleep when I heard footsteps in the room I could feel someone there, but instead of thinking it was my brother or sister I pictured an older person for some odd reason. My mom woke up instantly and asked if that was me texting. I told her no and that it was footsteps and that they were too close to be coming from the other rooms.

Not long after that the footsteps started going back and forth from each side of the bed almost like someone was restless or looking for someone. After I heard them they suddenly stopped and instead of footsteps I felt someone staring at me like they were leaning over with their face in my face. It seemed very weird almost like a person trying to find out who was there.

Everything seemed eerily still and I felt almost confused at that point. That's when the whispering started. It was like someone was talking just saying one word each time but I could never understand it.

This morning my mom and I talked about the footsteps and she told me she heard whispering and it surprised me to hear she heard it to. I told her that someone was standing beside my side of the bed and she stood up and leaned in toward my face and tilted her head and she asked me if that's how they were standing. I told her yes it was and now we are both so confused. How do I figure out why they are here or what they want? The words never form into words for me.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, texas_angel, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

texas_angel (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
I have been okay. Just stuck on a dream I had. To me it is pretty weird because I never dream unless I make myself or if I have premonitions. But this one it seemed like it wasn't even my dream. It was really weird. And it seemed so real
FantasticSuperstar (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-10)
i am good and I don't get on this very much either... But how have you been?
texas_angel (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-25)
it has been quite a while since I have been on:) it is nice to hear from you again. How are you?
texas_angel (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-25)
hi I know it has been a while. I am doing doing well. How are you?:)
FantasticSuperstar (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-19)
Hello again? How are you doing? Loooooooooong time no talk 😊
texas_angel (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-27)
Really? I have stuff like that happening all the time I can sense when someone is there and my ears will burn like someone is trying to talk to me
psychicfreak (1 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-26)
Once when I was listeing to music (wearing headphones) it was like someone just whispered in my ear she is going to die 😕
texas_angel (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-25)
I think it is someone else I actually was practicing meditating and I all of a sudden I saw something flash again. This time it was a young girl in a long white nightgown I believe she had a rounded baby face and dark hair. I can't remember the hairstyle though but her eyes were large and not quite sad but curious.
Kayceegirl (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-23)
Dear Texas Angel, since you and your mother both heard the whispering its obvious you have a lingering spirit in the house, the next time you have an encounter try to feel if your getting a good or bad vibe from this entity this could tell you if its just a relative or someone else. Also when you get these visions of people it is VERY important to look for things like Hairstyles and Period Clothing. Its also a good idea to look up the history of your house and the land you live on because you never know what happened or who could've died there before you moved in or even before the house was built.
texas_angel (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-23)
it might be her but I didn't get to know her very well. I do keep pearl necklace with me at all times though:) she gave me my first set of pearls when I was little
FantasticSuperstar (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-22)
she is probably trying to communicate to you so relax, meditate and open your mind and your guardian angels will help you out... It will get to you and try to find the meaning of what blue eyes mean to you maybe like your grandmother is just trying to tell you that she is in peace so your family members that are hurting because of her death will understand... I don't know much tho well that's just an idea
texas_angel (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-22)
you might be right although I have only met her once. The other night though, I was laying down and all of a sudden like pictures flashed for a brief second it was very odd. The one thing that stuck out to me was the bright blue eyes. Do you know that it could be?
FantasticSuperstar (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-22)
texas_angel I think the women who you heard the footsteps from is your grandmother and either shes just trying to protect you and your mom or needs to tell yall something important that is needed to know and her soul can't rest in peace... I may be wrong but am just telling you what I think, hope I helped 😉
LoveWolf (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-22)
No problem Texas_angel! I am sorry about your grandmother, though, but you may see her again. ❤
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-20)
Um Rashidah... You know when I say hatchling I mean it as a figure of speech... Not an insult! And again texas_angel I'm sorry! And LoveWolf has wisen spiritually, I suggest you listen to her for her words are wise.

~One day when the swans fly
texas_angel (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-20)
Actually Lovewolf my grandmother just recently passed on halloween. And I will try meditating. Midnight its ok everyone makes mistakes thank you for helping:)
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-20)
Please refrain from calling people hatchlings... That is if you do not want them to call you names back.
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-20)
Wow... LoveWolf when did you learn so much? Last time I checked you were just a hatchling, yet now you have grown out your feathers and flown...
And you're right Xyna12! I forgot to think about if it was a malicious spirit or not! Thank you for stopping texas_angel from listening to me! There are better ways to deal with spirits then talking to them!
And to texas_angel, I'm sorry for not thinking twice! Everyone makes mistakes once in a while!

~I have taken the advice of My Lord...
LoveWolf (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-20)
Have you lost someone who was elderly? Perhaps the spirit is someone trying to reach you. They may want you to do something for them. For instense, comfort their spouse, bury something in their grave that is dear to them, or they may just want to tell you they are okay. You might want to try meditating. It clears your mind and let's other things from around you to enter your mind. You maybe able to hear them or see them. 🤔
Xyna12 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-20)
I agree with dit_blac. You may want to find out more about this spirit before you try and rid yourself of it. It definatly seems connected to your mom. Ask her, maybe she will be able to tell.
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-19)
i agree with dit_blanc. There may be a clue from your mothers past. And from the sound of it, I think your mother knows this person very well and had a feeling of who it was. I think the spirit may want help.
Good luck with your experiences!
texas_angel (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-19)
that sounds like a good idea my family is actually full of mediums and well I guess you could say witches it what most people say
dit_blanc (16 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-19)
Your mother mimicking the actions of the entity you sensed during the night is the clue here. I suggest you encourage your mother to visit a psychic medium to discover something of her past.
texas_angel (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-19)
How do I get rid of it then? I don't know what it wants or why its here
Xyna12 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-19)
Dont listen to midnight. She lies about things. Talking to it isn't the best idea. It would open yourself to other spirits, most negative ones will reply to opening yourself up.
texas_angel (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-19)
thank you. How do I ask what they are looking for? All I can get is a lot of whispering but I can never make out the words
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-19)
Maybe this is the restless spirit of one of the people who lived in this house before you moved in and they are looking for something that had a lot of sentimental value and they won't leave you alone until they find it. And they may want your help with finding it too. Try to ask them why they are restless...

~My vast library is very limited...

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