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Real Psychic Experiences

Demon Spirit Guide


I have noticed this topic on this site and it is part of what made me decide to come here and tell my own story, it has also made me feel better that I am not the only one with this experience. There are a few things I would love to hear the opinions of others about.

I have known my guardian for about 5 years now and he isn't afraid to hide the fact that he is a demon. I know that they can choose the form that most appeals to you, and I do like the demonic look so that may be part of it. He has long; straight black hair, deep red eyes, looks relatively human besides he sometimes has horns and a tail. The most prominent feature about him are his markings. He has scars that resemble black stitches that extend from the corners of his mouth and one that arches across his forehead and also a black tear beneath his eye.

He has always been helpful and there for me in hard times. I have anxiety and being a water sign astrologically I know I'm prone to psychic encounters or being empathic with people which tends to fuel the anxiety. He always calms me down or gets me through hard times. He first appeared when I was having suicidal thoughts, though I don't think I would have actually acted on them.

He is the one who convinced me that that way out would only further trap a soul in misery. He has been there for me through break-ups and always makes me feel better and protected from other demons or lower astral entities.

I never got a bad feeling from him but reading some things on line a while back made me rethink it in a way. What if he is just using me to eventually come to this plain or will eventually turn on me? But after 5 years of showing no signs of this I don't think that he will. Also, I have read stories where demons are good too and this I strongly believe. Not all angels are good, not all demons are terrible.

He tells me that his name is Belial, I do not know if he is the real Belial or if it is just a name he is using. If you have any thoughts on this do let me know. I have researched the real Belial and from most scriptures he is depicted as a Prince but also very evil. Religion often twists stories so out of focus though, he may not be evil, he may not even be the actual Belial in the first place but I do feel that he has a princely vibe about him and he can be a bit vain and arrogant at times, its cute in a way.

Or he may be a small energy fragment of the actual Belial combined with other energies based off myself. He feels powerful and he has never hurt me or anybody else.

Another odd thing recently is my current boyfriend greatly resembles him or vice versa. It was so odd when we first met, I've told him everything and we still cannot figure out why this is or if its anything at all. There is a bit more but it would make a whole other story.

I should also note that when first meeting this guide it felt like love and we did sort of have a relationship and very strong connection. I only mentally see and hear him unless he comes to me in dreams which he did. Its not really like that anymore, since I met this boyfriend I really love him instead of the demon and he seems okay with that. I'm beginning to wonder if he looks like him because he predicted that I would be with somebody like that and that he is happy for me? He doesn't seem upset and still there to support and protect me.

I know it all sounds very strange and it is. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions so go ahead, anything is welcome.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BlueButterfly, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

TheMoonlitMidnightNightmareKid (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-29)
I might Be Wrong... But I May Have Two Guardians Watching Over me... A Demon One... And An angel One.

I haven't Seen Either of Them But I Can Feel Both Their Precense.
I believe My Angel One Could Be A Little Girl because one night I was going to the bathroom, Brushing my hair & I Heard A Little girl, Saying in An Angelic Voice my Name, And It Echoed... It was coming from the darkness Of My Mothers Room... I was creeped out... My house may be haunted or it's just My Guardian... My mother says she's trying To Get A Hold Of Me.

Anyways That is Somewhat related To Your Topic.,

~Night Moon Kid
RexReaper (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-29)
The definition of the word demon is a being that is evil.
Take it from one who has a demon trapped in his head, all demons are not evil but do NOT I repeat NOT trust them completely.
And be happy you do not have it in your head.
It is the only advice I have to give, demons are weird.
I hope it was helpfull.
Timfaraos (426 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-13)
After 5 years he hasn't turned on you... Well let me tell you, there are people out there that have had demonic spirit guides for 25 and 50 years, who gave them fame, fortune, supernatural powers and all the cars and women they ever wanted... But in the end, these people snapped out of it, because they found out that these demons had taken over their lives, and were leading them to HELL! Find these fascinating mind blowing books on my PROPHILE page..."when you find yourself in a hole, learn to stop digging!", that's what these people did! Halellujah!
taneltaneltanel (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-12)
Damn i'd like to have a demonic entity as a guide, but I have no idea how to find one for myself, I know one way, but it's rather difficult. Anyone know ways to find a demonic spirit guide (guardian)?
PatrixieKuchiki (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
Guys,can you share more of your "I have a D Guardian" stories? Because I also have, and I'm trying to seek at least some light on the matter... ❤
MasamuneX91 (2 stories) (47 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)
I've had experience with the real Belial before and trust me, he's not friendly at all
StrongStar (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-30)
I have a similar experience all my life thus far anyways, since 3. I'm sure some here will think I'm crazy. I know I did sometimes still do, but I haven't been the only one to see this being and the stuff he does family and friends have too, even mediums have picked on him at times with out me telling anything about him. Just be careful while they are sweet I know he's courting you. ❤
Walkdre (18 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-27)
Hi, I know this post is a year old or so but I wanted to know more and share of my own similar daemon spirit guide. I'd thought of posting all about him share and all but didn't want to be all spammy. Do you still talk/dream/interact with Beliel. My own introduced himself as Molok (preferred spelling). He's been a part of my life for about 15 years and has been a guide, teacher and protector to me, first appearing when I was having a really difficult time in my life. Molok also staved off lesser bad critters and taught of hows/whys things were happening. I hope to talk sometime or somehow. (A lot happens in 15 years, this last few months has been a major change in a lot of ways but I'll shut up now.)
spiritlover (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
ok how about this you all just grow up and qiut fighing. Everyone can believe what they want to believe. I have my own belifs. And you should respect others. I know I do. So why don't yall just "kiss and make up" so to speak. From yalls comments on here
Is see yall have some:problems" with each other.
Just let it go okay. 😕
Miss_numen (1 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-08)
My mother before she met my father had a "guardian" who she met when she was a child. Later in life he was still there she use to say that he could take over other mens bodies so to be with her physically. One night in her dorm he appeared to her and said after tonight she'd be with him forever. Well that night she went crazy she wanted to commit suicide she ran out the door at night she was going to jump over a bridge but she said as she ran its as if someone stuck there foot out and tripped her, so after a while she went back to her room where she proceeded to drink so much alcohol that she blacked out from alcohol poisoning, her roomate found her took her to the hospital where she seriously medically died for a few seconds. She says that when she died everything became dark and that she heard voices screaming and it felt like hundereds of hands were trying to grab her, but someone else was there not just in her unconciousness but in her hospital room, some random woman was praying and the presence told her the only reason she was going to live was because that random woman praying at her feet. Years later she's still here, my mother, the most generous kindest woman I have ever known. She told me all this after I started to have insane dreams of things and seeing a shadow when I was just a little girl. She never would tell me its name for years upon years until I started tell her about my experiences than she became angry because she realized that her past "guardian" was attacking her daughter. I didn't have to go through what my mother did because she taught me of the spirtual side of our world and God. I had someone fighting for me right from the moment I was born, these demons want to have control over you but they can't unless you let them don't be fooled.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-29)
Many spirits have been termed demonic by religion.

I believe if this spirt was of a demonic nature, her story would have been a lot more cryptic.
HalfSoul (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-29)
hello... I had a demon as a guide for three years, be careful for your sake, I think there is a line that can be crossed with guardians demon or otherwise. I crossed it and I paid a horrible price. I don't want to sound negative nor do I doubt your guide, but please understand I don't think a guide has any choice or control... But I am happy that someone else understands that not all demons are bad... If that's the right word...
IndigoGIRL (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-22)
I do hope some people will eventually grow up but, I'm not so sure if they will...
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-22)
I think they have grown up now...hopefully.

Thanks for checking in ❤
IndigoGIRL (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-22)
Hey how are you girl?
I have been dealing with my dumb computer
(it keeps on crashing)
Wow,why are people abusing this site again, someone will probably give me bad karma points now for this.ha.
Wonder why they are doing this? Out of spite?
Who knows!
Anyways I hope all is well for you, I will talk to you later (knowing my computer, much later). 😆
❤ IG
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-04)
WOW some kids really abuse the voting system here. Not surprised though.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-28)
Hey butterfly, I just sent you an important mail. I hope you get it 😐
BlueButterfly (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-28)
Im no longer responding to anyone who cannot be open minded, or who force their own religion upon me as I do not do that to anyone. So if you really want to keep posting here and talking to yourself and showing off or whatever it is that you guys get off on then go right ahead.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
That is great that he is coming around. I wish you all the best. And remember to keep hope ❤
IndigoGIRL (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
Oh and p.s. I made a mistake on a name on my last post. Sorry, I meant to put NaturalScience. Sorry again!
IndigoGIRL (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
Hey Rashidah 😊,
Thanks for the sympathy... Strangely he seems better. Oh and NaturalGirl, I am not old enough to move out. I love my dad, but thanks for an idea! I lost signal AGAIN for a few days. It might happen again. Soooo...
Talk to you guys later! ❤
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
IndigoGirl if you are alreaddy 18 just rent yourself a room of your own, thus leave to your dad his world and keep your own, and avoid talking about psychic things to him. It would overtax him if you keep trying to share your world with him and if a male human feels overtaxed at nerves, even slightly, by some theme or fact he tends to slander the theme or to deny the fact, esp if he talks with a female, that may be a normal part of male domination behavior in humans but misleads badly if one thinks the subject, or the fact, is meant itself. This behavior means nothing about any fact. It is just the same as a dog's growl that says: "Leave me in peace!"
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
Hi Rashidah I read a lot of your posts here and there seems to be no bullying in them; but Mr sar alias Zen, I saw much aggressivity in those of yours. Go and sweep before your own door. The fact that someone writes lots of comments in a forum does not mean him/her to be a burden to others (even if his/her writing style is only as "elaborate" as that of you, Mr Zen 🤔). The fact that Rashidah is getting on your nerves somehow is YOUR issue. If it is just "chemistry not working well" do something for your own nerves. If you have differences with her about matters of fact, or about doctrines on Spirits or something like that, discuss them with her on e-mail as grown-up people would do.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
I am sorry to hear about this hun. Please be patient with him. He will come out of that mentality soon. ❤
IndigoGIRL (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
I want to give him time but it seems like he won't let me. Once I gently bring up the subject he gets jittery and upset. He says that I have nothing special besides the ability to draw. 😢 I can't help myself, this (sometimes unfortunately) is me. I have to deal with myself now...
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Well hun just be yourself and try to make him understand. Parents can be a real drag, especially if they do not know any better. In time he will come to understand. Trust me on this one. I was in the same situation. But as the years went by my dad understood me better. Our relationship has greatly improved 😊
IndigoGIRL (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
I don't know... I feel as though he hides things from me. He is making me not want to be like this anymore! To be "normal".I don't know what to do!
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Why would your dad think that you are possessed? That is odd for a dad to think like that.
IndigoGIRL (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
well I have a way to fix my computer but that involves a hammer! Lol, jk, anyways my dad thinks I have gone totes bonkers and think I am going to get possessed. He just denies my difference... The up side is my mom is the opposite 😁.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Heeeeeeeeeeeeey girl I am doing great. My computer gives trouble at times also. But I hope you can fix yours soon. As a matter of fact, I hope I get to fix mine soon too also.

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