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Cursed Book


It all started when I went to a yard sale at a church 3 years ago. I didn't really go to church often since I was always busy but my parents dragged me here anyways. I was just walking around looking randomly but I stopped dead in my tracks when I found this orange bright book sitting in a pile and covered a bit so I gently picked it up as it seemed very old and in fact it was!

In every page I flipped it was complete blank! Every page! Later on I bought it with a few more books and I soon headed home. As I was in the Car I began to look at the orange book but a little more carefully. I later found out it had a St. George hotel sign on the cover. I continue to look at it and and then I opened the book and started to flip. But than I noticed there was writing on the first page so I went back there and I noticed this was a journal from 1938, October 1-8.But it was a bit hard to read the writing since it was smudge and in cursive.

For some reason I showed my step dad and immediately he told me to get rid of it but I simply said no. And that is when he got mad. I ran into my room and quickly hide my book in a place where he couldn't find it.

But as I keep this book more things happen... I noticed more spirits around me and more demon appearances coming at me.

As I read this book it has a weird feeling and this energy I cannot describe. When I was reading it the other day this pale man entered my room and simply looked at me while I read it and when I set it back down he simply walked away not make eye contact with me.

I later showed my friend this book and he told me it was cursed. At that point I was curious so when I was outside I brought the book with me and looked at the back noticed it was ruined. I grabbed a pencil and quickly draw over it but than I stopped as I saw the same Pale Man just watching me... If he was just waiting for something... I knew by now that pale man was a spirit so I got up and walked around to not make contact with him.

So I asked you this... What should I do with this book? I still have the book and it is currently in my room hiding.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BlackBlood, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

CrazyFighterGurl (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-06)
If I was you, I would grab a friend and try and figure this out. But I am quite adventurous, and stupidly brave, so unless you are up for a great adventure, you probably shouldn't. Yous should probably get rid of the book, but if tit is cursed, then you might have a problem. I would help you get rid of it if I could. I too live in CA. If you need more help, I can give you my email adress, and you can email me. I have quite a lot of information on this topic in books, and can help research it.
Storm2 (2 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
I now think that book might not be such a good thing. You could just put it in a small steal box and throw it in a deap river or lake, even better would be the ocean! You get rid of it without destroying it. And it's not like it will find its way back to you... If it did then I would start panicking, that would be a little creepy...
BlackBlood (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-18)
[at] stevie141 Really?!? Because the person who wrote in it stopped writing in it later on... Thanks for the info though.
Moonbell141498 (7 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-18)
Okay, even though a lot of people say you should keep the book or distroy it you need to understand the consiqunces of both actions. If you distroy the book what ever is attached to the book will attach it's self to you. If you keep it what ever is attatched to that book might harm you. The dead are not to me triffled with. The man in white could be a demon or an angel if he is not doing anything you should keep it that way. Trust me I learned though exprinces that if you mess with something you have no idea what it is it can have DEADLY consinquences. I know I should like some old lady blabing on and on about something but I know a thing or two about spirits and demons, the best thing for you to do with that book is take it back to the church and ask the priest about it maybe they have more infomation about it and you can go on from there. I hoped I helped
stevie141 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-17)
Dunno how helpful I can be, but that name You said means "it's Mulin" in German. Did research on Mulin and turned out that the family with that named died out in 1938 in America. That's all I found out. And not to be creepy and all because I'm kind of new and scared by all this stuff but when I found out a door down stares slammed and we heard a dragging noise up stares when we went to check so maybe a warning or summit I don't know x
lostandfoundsoul (7 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-16)
I can understand things that don't seem to make any sense at all. The book is in fact not German it is Russian. It is a book of the dead if you keep it with you with will have a chance of a good thing or the man in white could possible harm you. The best thing you should do is rip it up and burn the peices. The book is a diary said to be written by the devil but is cursed by demons the man in white is a angle trying to have you understand that he could be worning you. I do hope this helps.
BlackBlood (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-14)
[at] eye24 The thing is that I already have read that book dozens of times or even more

[at] harunotsuki Thank you haru, You are right I should put the Man to rest now
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-13)
Well, if you attempt to talk to the man, at least know how to shield yourself. Ya, sure, destroying the book might not help, but I just keep thinking back to what your stepfather said. I think the book is attached to you now, so you can't get rid of it, even if you wanted to. It is in your possession now, and I guess you have the responsibility of keeping it safe, or putting the man to rest. Good luck with your experiences.
Storm2 (2 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-13)
Cool! I agree with what most people said, don't destroy it. You should try and communicate to the white guy, see if he'll tell you anything. Be careful...
eye24 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-13)
i think you have the book so you can read it he wants you to read that is why he is standing next you and calm. If he didn't he would've done something like break a mirror or something or look mad. But I think you need to finish it and try what he wants you to know then you can destroy it.
BlueButterfly (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-13)
Thats german as far as I can tell.

Ses translates to 'its'

Mourinese is a last name as far as I have seen.
BlackBlood (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-13)
[at] Rashidah I wish to send it to you but... Whenever I leave the book somewhere I see this pale man again and he follows me until I get the book back.

[at] HaruNoTsuki Burn the book? But wouldn't the pale man get mad at me again? Well I suppose it would take off some stress but I had this book over three year and all those years I tried to get rid of it.

[at] newlite10 The man has pale skin like anyone else old but yet he has brown hair that is comb back, But his eyes... I can't tell if they are either full black or full red...

[at] PureCheese Your right... I should talk to the man...

[at] sar Unfortunatly I can not read good cursive but I will make it what I can read about his name... Ses Mourinese

And too all you people sorry if I had responded Late
SnowAngel12 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-13)
ah one more thing. Every action has a reaction. Walk your path wisely. You know what I mean. Think of all the things that could happen before you take action, and if you think that action is correct go for it. Because even good intentions have consequences, but evil action do not have good intentions.
PureCheese (4 stories) (79 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
I don't think you should get rid of the book
I believe that stuff like these don't happen because you just randomly decided to pick it up
It's destiny, obviously if it's cursed
You must help the man move on

Try talking to the pale man?

You shouldn't be worried though
Unless you get attacked
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Thank you SnowAngel. That is what I was trying to say. Do not burn the book.

Glad to that there are wise posters like you on this site.
sar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Is it possible for you to tell us what was written in it? Also, Id look through it page by page in detail, to figure it out.
newlite10 (1 stories) (21 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Can you make out features of the pale man? Maybe do a google search on St. George hotel to see if the man resembles anyone. When I first read this, I got the impression that the pale man was the owner of the journal. To me it seems like he is staying with the journal because he has some unfinished business. I feel like if you decide to help him it will be very time consuming and disruptive. I would treat this decision like any other, ask yourself how invested do you want to be in this. If you do not, then get rid of it and live your life. If you do, ask the man how you can help.
SnowAngel12 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
hmmm interesting. For one do not burn the book because you will anger who ever posses it. A cherish item to the person who wrote the book could cause you harm will be angry with you because you destroyed his belonging. Respect it, because would you like it if someone burn or destroyed your belonging? I think not. If your still interested in the book, keep it with caution... Watch your surrounding. If it does harm and your life goes down the drain, get rid of it. Personally I will bury it in a box. Or bury it next to the owner of the book if that is possible, it was his and still his because he comes back for it. Or give it someone who can handle it. It really is your choice on what you want to do.
mcgrimus (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Wow, this reads like bad fiction, which it probably is. I try not to dismiss things out of hand, but...
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Fine then. We both have our own opinions about the occult. Oh well, listen to whoever you wish BlackBlood. I will warn you again though, I do not have a good feeling about the book. By the way, which church did you get this from?
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Well hun, unlike you, I am not ruled by fear. Let us end this argument here. We must respect this page and the author 😐

Good day to you.
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
What I'm saying is that many people has been affected by such things. Back then, they would destroy practically anything they were suspicious of. Now, they're seems to be actual fact that this book is cursed. I do too really want to see this book for myself, but I'd rather stay away from such things. It's best if most do.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Ok haru let us ALL go back to the middle ages and burn everything because it is devil. We are in the 21st century now. Let superstitions stay in the past where it belong. 😐

The author seems to be fine to me, I mean, is he dead because of the book?
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Rashidah, why are you so fascinated in something so dangerous? What worries me is that such things can get attached to a person. Especially to someone who seems to have a slightly psychic background. Although I have to admit it seems interesting, it's best not to meddle with this.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
sigh...oh boy.
Anyways, do you know the exact age of the book? This is very fascinating.
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Get rid of the book. Burn it. The others tell you the same, and so will I. The book is cursed. Keep it with you, and you will be in great danger. If you wish to speak to the entity, do it with caution. But get rid of the book soon. Good luck with the rest
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
If you are really spooked about the book however, and you want it off your hands. You can post it to me.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
I will really love to see this book. Too bad you are way in California 😭

Try talking to the entity for more information.

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