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Psychic Abilities And Fear


I've been able to spirits since I was five and I'm also and empath. I have NEVER been afraid of the spirits that come to me, but recently they've been getting aggressive. They've been shoving me into walls, slapping me, scratching me, threatening me, and so many other things. I'm afraid if I do something they don't like then they're going to seriously hurt me. For the past couple months I've lived in fear. They don't let me sleep. I can't got o any of my family members about this because they'll send me to a mental hospital, or to a shrink. I need someone to help me. I don't know what to do anymore. What should I do?

Also, where I'm an empath I can feel everything my friends and family are feeling. I am so very, very miserable. My dad has back problems and I can feel when he's in pain. My mom is almost always upset (my parents are divorced) and I start crying out of the blue. One of my friends are suicidal and I feel that. I'm afraid that if this continues then I'm going to have a break down. Any ideas how I can deal with this? I'll take any suggestions.

I've always been able to tell if someone is lying to me, or if they're hiding something. I can't figure out why though. I don't know if it's just that I've known a while, or what. The only problem with that theory is, I can sense that kind of stuff with people I've never met before. I'll be walking in, let's say, Wal-Mart, and someone will walk by me. Without realizing what I'm doing, I'll stop them and see if they're okay. Anyone know what the reason is? Or what this is?

Please help me. I've been afraid for about 3 months, and I need answers to everything that's happening to me.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Sweet_Psychic_Bri, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

happythoughts23 (1 stories) (32 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-26)
you are in control. The spirits that are bothering you, you need to believe when you say this but tell them to stop. And try to be and think positive. If you are positive positive spirits will come if you are negative negative spirits will come. I was told this by another psychic.
Sweet_Psychic_Bri (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-08)
Thanks Joy. I'll try that. If you ever want to talk and I'm not on here e-mail me at brnngill [at]
joyy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-07)
thanks for the update brianna


One thing that happens is spirits often are upset because of general depression they have.

So when you are all of a sudden dancing, joyous, laughing, loving them, praising them, thanking them and cheering them - they will start loving you and not be as malicious.

It's contagious, like any emotion.

Obama was dancing with the kids on Diwali today in India, the festival of lights.

If you are ultra-happy, you will naturally be able to convert these spirits. So use happy music and dance and be happy and let them know they are loved. Every loner, without a body now, wants love, no matter how low they are. Love is like magnetic rays of light that heals them and makes them happy and calmer.

So we can watch Obama dancing and we can dance with the spirits and turn them into angels of love


Love, Praise and Gratitude!

You can Praise the spirits for helping you become more Loving and Dance with them and have them become your friends and allies in bringing world peace.:)

Earthbounds are easy to influence and turn from upset angry kids into calmer friends...
Sweet_Psychic_Bri (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-07)
Thank you everyone who has given me advice... Its helped me a lot... As for the spirits though, they haven't left me alone, but they're not as malicious... 😁
joyy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-06)
angelic brianna ❤

You may enjoy this angelic music


The website has lots of free mp3 with healing music. If you play this often, it will help heal some of these spirits you deal with.

You are an Infinite creator, you created all universes on some level, if there are infinite variations of the universes. Iasos explains this well in the 2 videos within a few minutes at:


You may be a Universal master, as everyone is, yet not aware of it.

In a few days of listening hours to this music, you can turn your life around; you can even buy a 20$ mp3 player too and listen most of the time. Music creates emotions and health, see this Iasos article on sound healing:


My infinite Love to Thine Glistening Luminous Inner Beauty,

create_inspire_me (5 stories) (146 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-06)
[at] Sweet_Psychic_Bri

I know how it feels to be an empath. Your a pretty strong one to

There are a few things you can do to calm yourself down
1) Being around an animal helps a lot. Unlike humans, they won't experience more than one emotion at any given time... To some it up, there emotions are simple compared to our complex ones.

2) Being charged and fired up, it would be a good time to vent out emotions. Do something productive like working out, playing a sport, writing, singing, dancing, drawing, listening to music ETC ETC

3) The best thing for an empath would be to stay alone in a room, outside in nature ETC ETC... You can also do the above suggestions alone to. ETC ETC

Your going to be wide open to emotions everyday so you need to get used to it. If you feel like you can't handle it, go somewhere alone, where it's safe. And just stay there until your calmed down.

4) Try looking for where the emotion your receiving is coming from, it helps you focus on where it's coming from so you can block it out and mainly stay in tune with your emotions. If that's not possibly, look for your own emotion and focus on that feeling and calm down if you have to.

5) Make a shield or bubble deflecting all emotions besides yours or all negative emotions.

Hope this helps:D
create_inspire_me (5 stories) (146 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-06)
[at] Lyro

Would you mind taking your pity story once again to somewhere else?
You can't help a person who does not want to be saved and you do have spirit guides but your to stuck in pain, anger and self pity and every other no good worthless emotion that surrounds your to even see them. You refuse any help that is given to you. That's how pathetic you have gotten at this point. Grow Up... And If you need to stop doing psychic things. BE MY GUESS... JUST GET HELP and straighten your life out.

Life isn't fair, GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD.

This is why everything negative is happening to.
This is why you do not pretend to be something your not
This is why you do NOT mess with Karma

I wouldn't give you answers and still won't give you answers because of your attitude.
Me being a strong empath, your emotions make me want to get rid of you because you feel worthless and you seem pathetic and I don't want that around me. But I have to help no matter what. My True nature won't let me ignore this.

You need professional help or you need to beat it yourself and get your life straighten.
Seeing you post this just made me Break, I'm sorry but this needs to click in your head somewhere and hopefully it hits home. Your stronger than you think so beat this problem... It's not going to happen in a day or 2, might take longer but that's you being strong.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, REMEMBER THAT.

Love and Light Lyro, Love and Light ❤
joyy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-06)
divine Brianna

It is potentially helpful to realize that many saintly people were being mistreated by 'mentally disturbed' spirits. Infinite love in reply to all violence is what stills the 'sick' spirits of petty low iq and mentality. The Infinite Intelligence is always with you and you are re-deeming and educating these spirits by radiating peace and love to them.

If you have benign infinite love for all jerks, you attract the Infinite Help of Infinite intelligence and in the long-run will succeed to overcome these spirits. Thru patient application of mercy, you can move mountains.

Love makes a weak violent ignorant loud spirit into a quiet student of what is.

Love is mercy-compassion-forgiveness-caring-healing and joy and by radiating these, you heal the whole world and associated spirit realms filled with lunatic spirits.

May the Love of Infinite Intelligence be always with Thee.:)

I send my Love so you may Love all too and become free.

❤ ❤
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-06)
May I add, the only reason you haven't killed yourself yet is because of me influencing your thoughts, every now and then? You may not know it, but you were thinking of suicide jumping from a high building 3 days ago.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-06)
Are you really going to let not knowing let you down? What the hell is wrong with you. DO you expect to know everything? Who do you think you are? Your not even a Gaian, and your already expecting everything to work for you. You know what... That's ALL your problem now. I see why everyone gave up on you.
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-06)
My name is Lyro, not Lyra, and I don't care if others want people to know or not. My point was that I'm tired of people going behind my back, wanting me to do things, but not coming to my face about things. Not flat out being honest with me.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-04)
Lyra... I can tell you some things... Regarding your "Save the world thing". But you have to email me. There are certain people that...Don't want others to know.
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-04)
I have too much stress right now, everyone wants so much from me, but tells me nothing. I'm not allowed to know things, and I'm tired of just being their puppet. If they want me to save the world or something, then they have to tell me something, if not, then I'm just going to be me. I already figured out there is some kind of prophecy, but I have no ideas about anything else with it, and I'm just tired of always being in the dark about what I'm supposed to do. And for right now I'm through with it for a while. I think I deserve some time to be normal for a while.
karma (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-04)
hi lyra, don't give up on your gifts. We all have guides, they give us our "gut" feeling, they are always trying to help us. Ask them to protect you from negative spirits. Even if you don't believe in guides, do the bubble of light thing after you ground yourself. The smudging always helps me, you should try it 😁
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-03)
[at] karma I have no guides, I don't have an Angel, I'm just here. I've now decided since nothing happened that can prove things to me, I'm forgetting about most of it, I'm just going to live my life. Sorry Rashidah.
karma (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-03)
get some sage smudge sticks. Burn them and "smoke" all the rooms in your home, don't forget the corners. Burning sage is uplifting, it will remove any negative energies. Also ask your guides for protection, see yourself in a bubble of protective light, and know nothing can harm you or the ones you love.
kyleross (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-02)
sence I was 16 I am now 22 I feel people emontion I can feel spirt's

Around me and I hear other people's thought's. I also think of

Things and they come true it's really scary,. I also can heal I try

To control and under stand. I try not to think of any thing negitive

I have a hard time of controling it can some one please help me
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-02)
Hi Lyro. I have not heard from you in awhile.
Shoot me an email sometime.
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-02)
The first thing you must do is learn to control your emotions, if not, bad things can happen, and I know that for a fact.

To everyone else, sorry I haven't been on in a while...
Lyra (5 stories) (47 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-02)
I'm a empathic in similar ways you describe as well. Some suggestions I've found are helpful is grounding your energy, that's when in a way, you plant yourself into the ground drawing up earth energy and getting rid of the negative stored up energy that can get trapped inside your body.

That looks like a good website to learn more about it as well as attempt to ground your energy. On that website it also mentions shielding which is the other method I've found works well.

It sounds like you have a strong intuition and rely on your gut feelings. Thats Good. It will help you in so many ways when you try to further explore what's going on. Trust your gut feelings. If you think someone is lying or you get the feeling that you know they are, look deeper into it. You may be asking people if they're alright because you sense that they need that at the moment.

I wish you luck.
violetstory (3 stories) (68 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-02)
Okay Sweet Psychic Bri. I have read your story and I'm here to help <3 I have a feeling that the experiences you are having with these entities and the feeling you get with your empathic abilities are closely related. Many times when people are plagued with spirits these entities are attracted to those with lower vibrations. Your vibration is lowered when you have emotions like fear, anger, depression and so on. It is raised when you are laughing, in a state of happiness and lighthearted. With the fact that you are an empath it is easy for you to leave your self open to other's emotions and you will begin to feel how they feel thus lowering your vibration (You CAN close yourself off emphatically so you will not feel others emotions and will not be a victim to this). These entities that threaten you live in low vibrations and like I said before, are attracted to others with a similar vibration. The key thing here to remember is that there is hope. These entities CAN NOT breathe in higher vibrations. Once we are moved into these vibrations they seek others that are in vibrations closer to them. Also to add on to the fact that your vibration is being lowered, you are psychic. And because you are psychic, you are a threat. When we can see these beings. We can set boundaries between us and them. They fear that the living can see them. Because you CAN see them they are trying to keep you afraid thus pushing you into a lower vibration where it may seem that you can do nothing. But you CAN. There is help for those who ask and I and many here on this site will help you. You have the power to stop them ❤

Now, I want you - when you read this - to call upon the help of your spirit guides, your guardian angels, whatever higher power you believe in to help you in this and call upon your higher self, tell your self that you have the power to stop this. I want you to sit down, close your eyes and imagine that there is a little light in the center of your chest. This light is the light of ultimate happiness, love and protection. Imagine that this light protects you from all and gets stronger with every breath that you take. With every breath its getting bigger and bigger until it begins to spread throughout your whole body. Imagine it stretching through to your legs, straight through your feet and deep into the ground, down through your arms and becoming pools of light in your palms - stretching out to every finger. This light is stretching out to your head and sprouting like a fountain out of the top of your head and flowing through your ears. This light is so powerful that it is shimmering through every single pore in your body, nothing can harm you. ❤

Contact me when you have read this. Reply here or email me. My email is on my profile or you can get it here blee64[at]

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