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Real Psychic Experiences

Dream Of The Past


Hi, recently I had a very strange but vivid dream. I don't know where to begin exactly but I will begin where I first remember. The setting of the dream seemed to be in the late 1920s to 1930s. I can't really tell. It was in side of a house. The house was older looking and that was one of the ways I could tell what time period it could have been in. The house was wooden from the inside. It resembled the house of Jefferson Davis from the inside. That is the best way I can describe it to you. There was I think, at least four people. The main, (who I think was myself in the past) wore a dust coat and fedora hat. He was at least 5'9. Looked similar to myself. Young, and slim. He looked similar, but not exactly like me. He looked somewhat like a detective or an officer might look like at the time. There was a woman standing next to him. She had light brown hair and was shorter than the man. They were standing side by side. Very close and I think they were engaged. There was an old man. He was average looking. White hair. He was about average size. He was kind looking and seemed to be a loving grandfather. He had a wife, old as he and I can't describe her well. I am going to refer to the first person as myself. There was also a fifth person. Well not a person, more like a spirit. She was a young female child. She was pale. She seemed to float and she was shorter than me so she would float I guess to my level and a head above. The spirit was grey, but not scary. Normal looking girl. Just pale and without much expression. She would always be about a head length above me and she needed my help. The point of me being there was to investigate a missing person case. The old man was a prime suspect. At least I believe. I would sit in a chair right beside his bedroom door at midnight. Just to make sure he didn't go anywhere. The ghost girl would give me hints and clues to the mystery to help prove that the old man was the murderer. There are other parts of the dream that go on, but the longer the story goes, the harder it is to remember. The old man was evil. He knew what he had done, and he knew I knew. One day, I walked by the bathroom door and seen him in the tub. Lying relaxed, and with his head turned. Looking at me. Smiling and giggling to himself. As if he knew there was no way I could find him guilty. I am sorry if I can't put more detail into the story. My spelling is off and the story seems a bit disorganized. I apologies. The story didn't come to an end. I can't remember the rest. I think that young man was me in the past. I know it sounds crazy, but this is what I believe.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ClayMayo, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

whitebuffalo (guest)
13 years ago (2011-02-05)
You know what it really sounds like then (because of the added information- though I am still unclear if you saw the old man in the tub while you were awake)?
It SOUNDS like your subconscious working through solutions for your past. Think about it, you say that the relationship at home was not all that...healthy.
I THINK your deductive reasoning, gave you your OWN answer.
In the PAST you MAY have been (as you were younger) the "little girl" (needing help) and now that you are older (or this may ALSO be "wishful thinking") you are more of a Kick Ask kind of person who would bring justice to the oppressed.
As you VISITED the Jefferson Davis home, maybe THAT was a "grounding" place. Neutral territory, so to speak. And it taking PLACE in the past could be your minds way of saying "IF I could go back in time..."
This, after your added contributions after the posting of the story, sounds like a "Self Healing" dream.
Thank you.
ClayMayo (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-05)
I forgot to give you more info about the fist story. Like extra details. The person who I think was myself had light brown hair. He wore a dust coat like thing and a fedora. The woman standing next to me had brown hair also. The house was mostly wooden. Like floors, walls, etc. I was staying the night at the suspect's house and I guess I was waling down the halway one night and saw the man. Thats all I remember for now.
ClayMayo (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-05)
Thinking back on the dream of the old man, this somewhat reminds me of my situation with my adopted father. I have the same feelings in the dream as I do in real life with him. My father is a horrible man and has broken every spiritual law and personal boundary out there. I have been in bad situations with him a few times and I won't talk about that I wouldn't tell a shrink either. But thinking about what happened between me and him, there was no proof of what he did and he was just like the old man in many ways. Just a thought.
ClayMayo (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-05)
Hey guys. Sorry it took me so long to reply. I didn't think anyone would have been interested in my story. [at] whitebuffalo, the dream is very hard to get a good, clear picture on things. The house itself resembled the Jefferson Davis house. I have been there and it is the only house I can compare it to. As for the people in the dream, I can't make out their faces very well. As the months have gone by, it is even harder. So I couldn't look at an old photo and compare. I have not had any releatives in the past that were detectives in my family. My grandparents were plantation owners and my uncles were in the military. [at] The-Red-Daisy, the house was white. [at] Matrix_Wolf_Spirit, It would be most definetly be cool if it was me, but who knows haha, life can be unpredictable. There is another dream I have had recently. The dream was very grey. Gloomy you could say. There was an old white house. It was either 2 or three stories high. I couldn't see myself but I was looking into a window on the top floor. There was a young girl inside looking outside at me. She was pale and normal looking. Very sad and depressed. She had long hair and her clothes resembled what someone would whear 50 years ago. Her hair was blonde but looked grey becouse of the dullness of the scenario. I could tell that she was asking for help. Thats all I remember of that.
Wolfsong12 (1 stories) (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-30)
Could the ghost be trying to tell you something, possibly? She might have sent you there for a reason.
Could you be related to any of the people you had seen? Maybe it was your ancestor's house.
Look into your family tree, and check back with us. I'd love to hear how this turned out.
Sesshomaru (32 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-26)
I am also having a dream problem, such dreams comes according to a particular state of our life, don't think about dream too much otherwise the chances of this dream of coming again, will get less. Might be this dream is about your past life but the answer of this dream actually exist in your present life. Try to remember what exactly is going in your life when this dream comes. Is it comes when you meet to a particular person? Is it come when you feel very sad? Just try to trace out and co-relate it with your dream, you will surely find some evidence about the dream!
Matrix_Wolf_Spirit (2 stories) (60 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-26)
Trust me Clay. If you thought that person was you it was most likely was you from the past. I believe in past lives and so you found out who you might of been. To me it sound lovely you found your past life. I do hope more comes to you about it. This one is very interesting cause of how long ago it wasnt. I hope when you get it that you write it down asap because knowing this tells you about the past only you know. Hope you make the old man get caught when you "re-live" your past.
The-Red-Daisy (2 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-19)
The young man and woman who appeared to be engaged make me think of John Dillinger and Billie Frechette for some reason. As for the old man and ghost girl... I assume he harmed her in some way, probably killed her too. That also reminds me of a 1930s era murderer I read about once (yeah, I tend to read/remember some strange things, I know). Oh, and another random question: was the house green and/or white in your dream? For some reason, those two colors keep popping up in my mind.

Kay (Clairvoyant Medium)
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
I am sorry, I have to ask as I am not quite sure I have the correct "picture".
Are you saying that you had this lengthy dream, and then SEPERATELY you have seen this man in your tub?
That, in itself is rather interesting, as it makes me wonder why he chose a tub to make himself known.
Can you RECALL this house? Not "dream state" house, but the structure itself? If you got a pretty clear picture of the girl, do you think you might be able to pick her out in photographs of that particular time? Do you have an idea of "location"? Do you know if you have relatives, who have Passed, who MAY have had that particular vocation?
Thank you.

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