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I'm Scared I Have Lost My Abilities


hello I'm back with my second story I thank you everyone for their help with my last story. But I have a problem it might just be nothing but I fear for it and at my age (13) I have plenty of things to worry about but it all stated when. I brought this necklace before I was having dreams that came true like in the same week or month. But after I started to wear this necklace I can't remember my dreams or parts of my life from a young age I this this is common thought but now that I can't remember my dreams, I'm feeling as if some one is draining me my strength I know it sounds weird but it's true, and then when I take it off. My dreams there filled with I can't explain horror but sadness but then there's a bright side to the end which I forgot as soon as I put the necklace back on, it might just be me over doing it but I'm scared I have lost my abilities in a way I don't won't to I want to learn but I can't just keep the necklace off because it was a gift from my mum and I think it would upset her if I did also it has become attached to me like I don't want to take it of, but I have a feeling it is bad please help if you now anything.

Also is it possible that before this all happened that last time I said all I could remember from dream was mj. Is it possible that it is my future because my middle name is marie and I would change my last name to j. Okay now I'm over doing it but I not sure in my dream it was as if I knew mj from the bottom of my heart like I have never known a person before. I think she has something to do with water but all I can remember is the name mj help if you can please thank you x

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, chloeemariaa, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

OmegaKishido (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-06)
oh and the reason you lose your power is, you exhaust it, it needs a break every few days. If you played magic games where you use mp to attack with magic like fireballs and things in diablo.

When you use your powers, your spirit is rapidly drainned, that's why it's good to meditate, by doing thast you will be able to use your power for longer periods depending on if your using more power.

Try to make a psi ball for ten minuted for two days, then the third do it again, you won't be able to cause your spiritual energy rwuiment is too slow. THATS WHY SPIRITS DON'T ATTACK 24-7, they'lll kill thm selves.
OmegaKishido (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-06)
there could be many reasons, one something attached to the necklace and is feeding off your spirit eneryg, this can be fixed, if you practiced energy manipulation, or grounding, justput you less dominate hand over it, since it's used to absorb energy, when oyu get enough throw it into the air and tell where you want it sent.

U will know you will do this right, becuase your entire hand will get very static like, another reason is when you wake up, if you wake up too fast, your spirit energy won't be able to reach your vessel, since it can't implant all it's energy, you will lose your dreams and past. So next time just wake up, but don't move and keep your eyes closed for at least twenty minutes and it should help, but while doin don't think of anything, as spirit energy goes where attention goes.

Also try to meditate it will greatly increase your chances of rembering your dreams, they are sent from the spirit world to give you future advice and warn you of trouble sometimes. Best thing to do is experment, if you believe it will work then it will.
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-24)
Some people can lose there powers for reasons the original gift I was burn with where revoicted for the fact they where bad at age of 10, I was born with the sinister grin a smile which no one can turn down it is full of evil and the other one was the eyes of death for you can look on to death and not fear nor fear the death of other and when angerd they bring pain to the week. Some gift most be replace for they can effect the human body my original one gave me night mares hullocnations and poor health. And some time they can be put on hold if you have more importent things in life to take care of where other gifts are needed. Finaly what some people don't realize is some times people don't have gifts and angels will kind of like let you use there's for awhile in life.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-23)
chloeemariaa, Hello. I think you might want to read what whitebuffalo suggested, she makes a suggestion at the bottom of her comment/post about doing a cleansing on your necklace. Have you tried this at all? It seems to make sense it may be the simplest solution. If you do try this will you come back and let us know if it works? There are others that may also benefit from something like this if it works. Thank you.
NTimi (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-23)
yes it does. Till you buy a crystal, a lot people touched it. So I think it must be full with negative energy. You should clean it, I think the best way is to place it into sea salt. Put into a glass 1-2 cm, and place the necklace, and put an other 1-2cm salt to the top. You can try it with running tap water as well, hold it in your hand and let the water clean and recharge it, but if you still feel the negative energies, the best way to clean it is the salt. And an other thing, after you cleaned it, don't let anybody to touch it. It should have only your energies. Crystals are very powerful, but with negative energies they can "harm" you...
Jenny309 (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
I don't think that you have lost your abilities. However, I do believe that this necklace is messing with your abilities. I think you should keep the necklace in a safe place, hold on to it but don't wear it and explain the situation to your mum because if your let her know what's going on maybe she won't be offened. Also, you need to make sure you're alright. If you want to utilize your abilities you shouldn't have a block on them which is what I believe that necklace is.
chloeemariaa (2 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
NTimi yes its a ruby do it mean something?x
If it do can you please answer back:)
umokay (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-20)
You can't lose your ablity. Tune them out? YYes. Completley lose them? No. There has to be at least one person who's told you that they will always be there you just have to tune into them
NTimi (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-20)

Does this necklace contain any crystal or gemstone?

whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-20)
And even if you do NOT, that is OK, too.
Not everyone "progresses" with the abilities.
TheOneZeata (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-20)
Just have patience, in the future you will experience things such as tast sound tocuh smell it will influence memories thoughts and see things such as your past in things like deja vu's >_>
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-20)
Sweetie, teenagers go through a natural process of "weeding through" the memories of their past and "erasing" things that appear to be less than spectacularly important.
MANY people dream nightly, and recall very little, if anything from these dreams. It is just how the human mind processes things.

All that aside... Where did your Mother get this necklace that she gave you? Have you tried cleansing it of any past energies? The energy "drain" may simply be in an energy battle. So to speak.
Thank you.
chloeemariaa (2 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
thankyou for all the advise I will try meditating to help I think they wil come back thankyou 😁
phoenix-antrix (41 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
Do third eye meditation of the site, this will help you in maintaining your ability, clean your aura daily and also do some meditation which enhance your aura and try to feel that necklace and try to make a harmony with the aura of that necklace, ornaments always effect cosmic life very much, my psychic abilities also got lost when I had put my eight skull bracelet, so now I don't use to wear it, how ornaments effect ones cosmic life its proof lies in the mummification
mermaid (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
I know how it feels to think you have lost a power (I am 14) I thought so too. I have the ability to move things with my mind but then a while ago I couldent do it and then weeks later I forgot until one day I woke up and my lamp exploded. (laugh out loud) my powers had increased so do not worry it could be a good thing! 😉 😁
PureCheese (4 stories) (79 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
Items are usually linked towards past pain or something like that. I had that happen to me but don't wear the necklace if it will make you forget the dreams, no one loses their abilities though, it just upgrades into something new
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
Sometimes stress, and other outside factors can influence your abilities. Emotions affect them more then most people realize. The truth is most of the time when people think they "lost" their powers, they've only been suppressed, still there, but not being used like they were before. Thru things such as meditation you can bring them back to how you remember. Does that help at all?:)
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
There are a lot of people who cannot remember their dreams from there younger years.

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