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Is There A Spirit Following Me?


I believe I have a spirit that follows me but I'm not sure if its all just strange coincidences. About 7 years ago in the house I grew up in, I lived in a room in our basement when I was a teenager, and things would happen. The TV would turn on by itself, lights would turn on, candles always flicker around me when there is no wind or movement. My stereo system which has been broken for years turned on one day by itself full blast. I figured maybe it was just the room I lived in that had a spirit in it. When I was about 21, my boyfriend and I moved into our own apartment... The same kind of things would happen there, TV's would turn on, I would leave the room for a minute and the channel would have changed to something else. I then moved out of that apartment and into a place with my mother, same things would happen there, only when I started living there, lights would short circuit in and out and flicker, I was also down in the basement there one day moving some things around when a desk that we have down there fell over out of no where, I didn't touch it or anything, and I had just walked away from the desk before it came crashing down. I moved about four months ago into a house with my boyfriend. TV's don't turn on and off, but things go missing all the time! All sorts of random things will be gone, if I say the St. Anthony prayer they will reappear. Some of my friends think I may have a spirit following me, just curious what everyone thinks this could be.

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Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
This seems like an average annoying spirit, no threat to your being, it just gets its "Laughs" by annoying others. It very well may be a human spirit connected to the etheric/physical who was very immature in life.
okami118 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
i think you should just let it be and if it keeps bothering you then ask it to leave, as for not being bothered by most spirits I see myself in the center of a spiked ball and that ususlly keeps spirits of all kinds away...
As long as their not too powerful for you in which case your fuucked 😉
alei1234 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-08)
well, they're probably is a ghost following you. Trying to get you attention. And if I may ask whitebuffalo why are you on here if you don't believe in this kind of stuff?
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-02)
Wow. Someone is persistent, are they not?
First, I HAVE to ask. When you have gone to the doctors office in the past, have you ever had a problem with the machinery not functioning right in your presence?

Ghosts/Spirits can be very persistent. Sometimes when someone shares a home with them and move they come along, or they stay. It is all their choice. To a degree. Bound Ghosts must remain where seen, but that is a different thing all together.
I know that with all the common things happening in separate spaces that it is easy to assume that something FOLLOWED. *Shrug.
You MIGHT simply be feeling the residual energies of the places you visit, and live.
Thank you.
JVALLE24 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-02)
Yea you do have a spirit following you or it may be your angel. Sometimes angels get borred and tent to do a lot of silly things trust me I know. Don't be scared if anything you should meditate and say hallo to them or it! ❤
damona (26 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-26)
as long as it does not threaten you or hurt you, or try to hurt you disregard the advice I give you.

Sleep in a salt circle, burn incense in your room create a salt circle in your room place scented candles in a circle inside of that circle as a second layer meditate in the center of the two circles, and project pure energy throughout your home. Make a dream catcher because it might try to scare you in your dreams. 😐 😊
paranormalguy69 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-26)
Well, Amanda I will tell you in my opinion, there is something following you (more like someone). I'd had these same experiences all of my life.

When my mom passed away recently, her actions were NOT to be ignored, they were too easy to see, she simply would not take no for an answer. Once "the others" saw that I could "see" and understand, the floodgates were (re) -opened.

It really had started long ago, when I was 3yo, we had a ghost in our house. The ghost talked to me all of the time and my parents would ask me who I was talking to, I told them: "the man in the wall". Somewhere along the way, I was told to ignore these feelings or was told this behavior was "weird" or bad. "They" know better, and "know" you can sense them... I went through the better part of my life thinking there was something wrong with me, and something wrong with the constant "way" I was feeling, the moodiness etc... Anyway, the things you are describing, things disappearing, things getting moved, lights flickering, etc... Are all classic signs... You can read about these signs of hauntings on my website, on the M.A.P.S "ANSWERS" Page, on my website. There will be more to come, but there is a ton of info there.

You are in total control of what you want to do about this once you take the reigns, but once you let them know (that you know about them) it's all over. They will really start to bring it on, you'll have to be prepared for constant interaction. I'm not trying to scare you, but it's your choice. You've been chosen for a reason. If you look back, (and it sounds like you have) you can see the signs. I bet if you look back further, you can see even more signs if you know what to look for.

Best of luck to you! Alan G.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
i don't have a problem with mediums. I talk to spirits both dead and alive. It trusting them with your life and not thinking for yourself that I have a problem with. I respect people with powers. I believe they are the elohim of this world who are filled with blind and deaf people who refuse to open their spiritual eyes and ears. Check out my profile. Trust me, my life is full of strange and unexplained things. Most people chose not to believe the stories, except when they have lived through them with me.
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-22)

No one knows why ghosts are here, but a common theory is that they have unfinished buisness to talk care of, like a message to pass on.

And being a medium dosen't mean a ghost is going to posses you. I am a medium, so I should know. Mediums simply talk to the dead and try to help them.

It's something we don't want to face, but you will end up just like a ghost: dead. Everyone will. So why treat a ghost like a zombie? They are dead, not a monster.

Blessed be
Lolli ❤
A5 (2 stories) (144 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-20)
If you're open to spirits, they can just come to you. You don't nessicarily need to have met them in life. Or it could be a relative. They're probably messing with you. I've heard it means something if electronics go weird around you, but I'm not sure what. <--try the glossary here
Hoping this helps
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
Actually, I was saying what Tiron told me because he was with his previous guide-ee and the spirit is still around, but only because he loves roaming the Earth, and could pass on anytome he wants.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
don't be fooled by their niceness, kids are nice to their favorite doll or pet until it doesn't do something or isn't as pretty anymore, then they forget about it or toss it in the trash and move on to the next thing.

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying they are evil either, just little kids with more power than is good for them and others. Look at the stories about the greek and roman gods and ask yourself if you want those deities in control of your life.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
I didn't say they were evil, just misguided and most likely don't want to "go into the light" for those reason. WHich is fine as long as they can "go into the light" I don't think all spirits are evil to begin with but when they stay to long, then they start wanting things and doing things so they no longer have an option to "go into the light" their only choice is darkness. People have the misunderstanding that "going into the light" means they can't watch over their loved ones from heaven, travel to farther places then before or many other things. I think you might be listening to the wrong voices, bbdeathspark. I've read the Tibetian book of the dead and many other books about death and near death experiences. Messengers come give their message, save family members and go back home. Being from the lower realms or the jealous god realms play games with humans because they think we are toys.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
oh I forgot: protection Good karma normally protects you, your faith and loyality to God and you mentioned a prayer to St. Anthony so you're probably Catholic, if not you can probably access a Bible. Have you read about the spiritual armorments of God? Let me look at my notes:

Ok we have romans 13 v 12 Ephesian 6 v. 11

"therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light."

"Put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places... Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God..."

If I'm wrong and you are not catholic and would like me to translate it into a different religious terms, just tell me which one you lean towards. Even wicca has the golden rule stated in it.

But if you are Christian you should not forsake that path to chase after shadows in the dark, it will end badly. If you were born into a different religion, then that's another story. "honor your father and mother so that you life on this earth may be long and fruitful" do not forsake the God of your childhood, who resides as wisdom, truth and Love within your heart, otherwise you would be bodiless like the "child" trying to talk to you.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
Amanda, you misunderstand. That's not the only reason spirits stay. They could stay to watch over loved ones, go places they couldn't before and just generally not go into the "light" as they say, until they really want to. Not all spirits are bad, don't think that for a second that all spirits are evil.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
why does everyone tell you to talk to ghost like its a good idea?

Hey I see a murder and child molestor over there, he looks like a nice guy, just doesn't know any better or is lost. I think I'll go talk to him.

Hasn't anyone stopped to wonder why they are stuck in this plane? If it really is a ghost it would have passed naturally. To one realm or another. Some people are stuck here because they refuse to believe they are dead. If that is the case just tell it "your a ghost move on" and it shouldn't bother you anymore. If you want to become a "medium" and be used by the ghost, fine keep talking to it, lower your natural shields and allow the ghost and other demons possess you. Its your choice.

But I still think you have some innate pyshic abilities which is why it might be attracted to you. I believe you can control energy through eletrical means. Electricity is just the movement of elections. This is a science and a talent you can learn to control through discipline. But if you would perfer possession and giving control of your life to another entity...
jakobski (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
it could be a small child. I seem to think if it is then he really wants to tell you something. He is trying to get your attention.
This is a normal way in which spirits do contact us. They find it easier with elctricals; such as lights.
You must be attracting this boy by him sencing your gift to know he is there or that your vibration is high and therefore it is easierto talk or get to you.
I also thought it was your guides trying to tell you that they are here with you. They want you to know they are here and that you are safe. Nothing will hurt you. You must protect yourself as well. You can find books on this. I use a bubble. Just imagine a gold bubble of light that suronds you. Everything in this bubble is yours. And nothing that you don't want will come in. Doing this on a reglar bassis will strengthen it each time. But (your choice) try to find out who it is and what they wont. Simply just ask. Relax your self in a quiet room and relax. And then just ask for the spirit to tell you there name, listen without any thoughts, and what they want from you if it is a ghost. Always protect your self though when working with these energies. My advice is to get a book on protection and healing. Just what ever you find you want to know more on. 😁
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
[at] Darkstar
O_O It's weird that you said the spirit might be a young boy, because when I was reading this story, I thought it might be a young boy. It could be a coincidence, but it's still something to consider.

[at] AmadaH

I think there is a spirit following you, and like DarkStar said, I think it's a little boy. It sounds very playful, so there's not a reason to worry. If you want it to stop taking your things, just ask the spirit nicely to stop taking them.

Child ghosts often like to play with things, so maybe set something like a set of keys on the floor before falling asleep and see if they more at all in the morning.

I aslo agree with what DCinAZ said. You should write down what happens and see if there's a pattern.

Blessed be
Lolli ❤
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-18)
or you sure you're not just manifesting the energy? Were you calm or emotional when the things start happening? I've never heard of spirits trying to get your attention in such a manner: what would the message be: "Look what I can do?"

I've had dreams about people with your abilities. You need to meditate and a shield would be a good idaa. One that keeps things out and you energy closer to your body.

Do an experiment: try projecting your energy and making those things happen conciously.

If it is a spirit, does it scare or bother you? Do you want to get rid of it? Do you want to communicate with it? Be careful if you do chose to use its powers and that it doesn't use and consume you.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
Hi Amanda, it sounds as if it's been doing it's darndest to get your attention so I've got an idea. You say if you left the room it would change the channel on the TV or your switch stereo on full blast, right? Pay attention to what the program is about that it switches to and what it switches from. Write these things down in a journal, and keep this journal for each time you notice these experiences. What type of radio station was the radio on? Was it music? What was the song that was playing? Or, if it was talk radio, what were they discussing? Now, by keeping track of these experiences eventually you may see a pattern begin to form, and from that you should have a better idea of what it wants and maybe even who it is. 😉 One more thing, you might find it beneficial to also make note of the moon phase and that days weather when these things occur. This could help you in the future if you find there is also a pattern involved. And by that pattern you'd may be able to predict when you could expect it to happen again.
AmandaH (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
Im not really sure... I don't know of any young boys who have passed.
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
Yea, basically you can feel the energy feilds of spirits and you attract them. Basically the only difference between you and a medium is the images meduims see in their mind when they get close to a spirit. I think you can try to talk to it or see if any name comes to mind when thinking about it, that would probably be its name. I want to say its a spirit of a kid maybe 7 or 8, leaning more to a boy with dark brown hair. What do you think?
AmandaH (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
thanks darkstar, so you think I am just "open" to spirits? Is there anyway to find out who it is? I think s/he is just kind of a jokester messing with me, lol, but I haven't the slightest clue who would be following me...
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
Oh I mean you feel things from the spirit world, and due to that it sounds like a spirit is following you around.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
Well, you could put up a shield to block it out, or just simply ignore it.
AmandaH (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
Sensitive... How do you mean? What can you do about a spirit that is following you?
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
Well it does sound like something is following you, by the way it sounds is it is just playing with you. Most likely its following since you are slightly sensitive or it likes you.

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