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Can Paranormal Experiences Be Related To A Person You Know?


I've been off these experience for some months but in the past 5 months I've realized something very strange. I used to talk to a guy (he used to be a really nice friend but we had a fight) very frequently but from the day I stopped talking to him all these things that were happening went to a negligible limit. Then one day I talk to him, and we talk very nicely he apologizes for his mistakes and the very same day I saw a black shadow. Its hard to explain. It was just black mass human. No features nothing. It was very negative. I was with my friends and I couldn't help asking them to get away from that place. I couldn't tell'em why but I took them away from it and then later that day I saw the same shadow again. I had a fight with the same friend the very next day and I never saw that shadow again after that.

Another thing that I noticed was all these experiences started when I started talking to him. As I have mentioned in my previous story I talked to ghost. Suzanne warned me once about this guy saying he is not good for me. I didn't pay much attention because he was like my best buddy but now I think her warnings meant something. I haven't talked to Suzanne from the time I didn't listen to her and talked to this guy again. Though the initiation and this black shadow episode was related to this guy but none of my abilities or any other experience is anyhow related.

The time I realized that the experiences had lessened when I stopped talking to him (as now didn't have anybody to tell about anything that was happening) I started paying attention again and all the things are happening again, the dreams, the premonitions and sightings of paranormal beings. What I want to know is if anybody can relate to this and if all this is something that's a coincidence or if this connection actually exists?

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SkyRealm (5 stories) (65 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-20)
Perhaps in his mind there is some lingering bad blood between you'll, and that hate, or anger is manifesting intself as the dark...thing. Whether he's conscious or unconscious about it, I don't know, but you have to give him the benifit of the doubt. He may be the catylist that has awoken your own abilities, simply so you know how to protect youerself. Clense your own aura, build a bit of shield, to keep out negitive energy (not such a heavy one that you isolate yourself) and you should be fine! Also, don't talk to him anymore... Though I'm new at this myself. I'm just telling you what I do when I see dark shadows following me... Not sure. I'm not a professional, just a biginner!
Hope this helps! 😊
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)

This individual may have been a catylist for your abilities... Something about being around him casued your own 'gifts' to manifest.

Suzanne may have been warning you about him due to the fact that he is an 'untrained'/unconsicence (sp) Medium. There is no means of 'Shielding/ Control' of what may 'manifest' around this person and she just wanted to keep you safe.

Sorry if my thoughts seem jumbled, I've been 'aiding' a friend and it's taken a lot more outof me than I first thought it would. I do have permission to post it as an experience (story) I just need some time to 'orginize' my thoughts.


gothic-angel (2 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
[at] Rook: By initiation I mean when I started seeing the dead and having premonitions. It all started when I started talking to him. And Suzanne is a not alive. My previous story was about her. You can read it for the details. And yes all these things are happening again though I don't talk to him anymore. I mean its just once in a while that we talk and its just continuation of the same fight. We're not friends anymore.
[at] Moonshadow: Its not the black color that made me feel its negative. There was something else about it. The color has nothing to do with what I felt.
[at] Lolli: Thnks a lot. I don't trust these happenings much. I'l rather trust my instincts.
[at] Loriel: Thnks for sharing your story.
[at] Moonstryke: That guy is not aware of it at all. Even I think that these activities depend on a person's mental and emotional state. But I don't know if a person's anger or some other repressed emotion can effect you for so long. It would've end when I stopped talking to him. We don't share an emotional bond anymore.
Moonshadow (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Gothic-angel - you said you saw a black shadow "It was just black mass human. No features nothing. It was very negative." Was there more to it that made you think it was negative other than it being black?
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
A person can be a Medium, someone who attracts 'ghosts' or 'Spirits'. Some do this Consciously and some people have no idea that this is happening to them.

Or as MoonStrke suggests, a person can cause 'paramormal activity' to happen around them... Such as politergiest activity... And this happens with out their knowledge, but is usually associated with pre-teens as they go through puberty... Or this can be a manifestation of strong emotions.

So it is possible that things happen around this individual... And they may be completely unaware of it.

Could you please explain this statment in a bit more detail:

"I haven't talked to Suzanne from the time I didn't listen to her and talked to this guy again. Though the initiation and this black shadow episode was related to this guy but none of my abilities or any other experience is anyhow related."

Is Suzanne the ghost you mention?

You say "the initiation and this black shadow episode" May I ask what the initiation was for?

You also say:

"I started paying attention again and all the things are happening again, the dreams, the premonitions and sightings of paranormal beings."

Are you trying to say that these things are now happening even though you do not speak with this person anymore?

Thank you for posting and you do not have to answer my questions if you feel they are too personel, I'm just curious by nature and wish to help in any way I can.


ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-04)
My opinion is that paranormal events can be linked to people. Negative entities are attracted to negative thinking, which can be from a fight with a friend, or simply the own person's thoughts.

I think the black shadow may have been almost an omen, to tell you not to trust this guy. Sometimes the people we think we can trust the most turn out to be the people you can't trust at all.

I've never had an experience like the one you're having, but I do know what it's like to think you should trust somebody. Just go with your instincts, not because you saw a shadow or cause a spirit told you too.

Blessed be
Lolli ❤
Loriel (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-04)
I had a friend in high school who was the same. He was very into the occult. When I had a falling out with him, strange things began happening to me. In fact, I sometimes think that some of my adult experiences all go back to this one odd guy. He supposedly "dabbled" in satanism but that may have just been a rumor and true satanism is worship of self. Supposedly. Don't really know too much about it. I absolutely feel like entities can be attached to people and hitch a ride with you if they want to.
MoonStryke (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-04)
In my opinion, yes a person can cause paranormal activity. They may or may not be aware they are doing it. This is just my opinion, but I believe when things happen in connection with someone that it has a lot to do with that person's mental and emotional state. Repressed emotions, particularly anger, will "lash out" and cause activity. Sadly, the easiest fix seems to be to avoid the person causing the activity. It can be a depressing fix, if the person is someone like a friend or relative. On the other hand, no one wants to deal with manifestations such as you describe.

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