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Demons, Demonic Possession


I've been dealing with demons for about four years now. Two years ago I was possessed by two demons on mothers day. My mother and I been praying a lot, burning sage, and calling priests to bless the house. They went away for a while, but came back. I've got possessed 4 times last week. It gets really bad sometimes, I would get these really bad thoughts. Last week, I talked to this psychic, he is one of my moms friend. It was inside of me, I was falling backwards, and feeling confused, don't know where I'm at, or what's going on. I remember staring at this picture where it had two angels that were babies. They made me talk. They made me say, I'm in hell, you're going to die, I'm going to kill you. Scary.

Something wanted me to go to a field by my moms house. So they took me, I went, just walking thought it, it was weird because it lead to these marks, looking like a car went through there, but I don't really know...? And it was 11:00pm night. Dark, so I couldn't tell. I was standing in the field for about 15 minutes just staring. Then I left. I felt like it went out of me. I went to my moms house after wards. My moms friend had sat me down, and washed my feet. He did it to show love for jesus christ. I felt better for a while.

Right when I got to my house, it started all over again. Possession. My moms friend tells me, don't let them control you, tell them out loud to go away you are not going to come inside me. I do, but then it's hard. They make me not want to pray, and hate god and jesus. I don't know what to do. Can someone help me? What can I do? Should I get an exorcism? First time they possessed me was on mothers day two years ago, by two demons. My mom and her aunt tried everything they could to get it out. It went away for a little bit, then came back couple days later. I don't know what to do. I really don't want to end up back in the hospital again because I'm crazy. I can't bless the house I'm in or do anything because everyone I live with is not a believer in this, they are so negative, and hate when this stuff is being talked about. Only my mom believes me, no one else. Should I get an exorcism?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lexi_so_flyy, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Timfaraos (426 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-11)
Possession by a demon can happen to a person, either as a result of their own sins and occult practices, or of their family's and ancestors (generational curse). My advice is this, take it or leave it, you have nothing to lose! You can break the stronghold that the demon has inside you by: Getting baptised a christian (I suggest orthodox christian). Confessing your and your ancestors' sins. Having holy communion and taking holy water. Praying, and fasting from meat and dairy when you can. Reading the bible, (and psalms aloud- demons hate that), and PRACTICING the bible. It's as simple as that! See my PROFILE for more info. Good luck. God bless+
User_Name (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-15)
My aunt was possessed by a... Something before. And she was Christian. 😨
I believe that if you truly believe in the Lord, then the demons cannot possess you, because they can't control something so pure. Tell them to go away, in the name of our Mother, the Virgin Mary, or in the name of our Lord or in the name of Jesus. I really curious; can you feel it when they possess you? Is it scary? Do you know it's happening to you or is it just blank? Please, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, just asking. Oh, and as for the help, white light shielding technique shall protect you for at least five minutes. Minimum. Unless the demons really, really want to control you for some reason.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-02)
But of course, Kevin. We were never on "bad" terms. πŸ˜‰

Please excuse me, Lexi.
kevinsonicwhat (2 stories) (50 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-01)
Yep, and again I am sorry. Ok I hope we are on good terms now 😊 haha
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-30)
Wow, AnandaHya. Sounds a lot like the guidelines of this site. They actually work, if all abide by them.
Thanks for the "up".
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-30)
kevin don't take it personally, I don't think that was whitebuffalo's intent. The anger and fustration you feel is from many on the site who are also wishing that the fighting would end and that discussion and debate would be respected avenues of idea exchange.

Perhaps some basic guidelines about debate is needed?

I tell my students to first and foremost to respect other people's ideas.

Here are the rules of debate that we set down when we were in the UNCG Religious Studies Club (completely student run for the most part by the way and we discussed religion in a civilized manner)

1. Respect each others opinion even if you don't agree with it

2. NO PERSONAL attacks on character or the person's integrity. Everyone has the right to express themselves freely without censorship of their ideas, except when it is misused to insult a fellow participate.

3. We are here to discuss beliefs, NOT CONVERT people. Focus on what humans and religions have in COMMON not only on the differences

4. If possible build bridges and work on common projects that HELP others, such as the food bank and weekly suppers for the homeless.

Anyway that is what we did in college. Maybe we could do something like that virtually and make this site a community where we help others and discuss ideas without personal attacks and ridicule of ideas as long at they are not hurtful to others.

I have faith in all on the site to use THEIR MINDS to see the difference between lies and truth. Its a personal decision to believe someones words. Please take a few minutes to try to understand what is being SAID and not what you want to be said. Respond to the situation not just react to your thoughts and feelings at the moment, Please.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-30)
No problem at all, Kevin. I was just pointing out the different word.

Sorry that you got mad while reading that comment, I can honestly say that I was not angry, upset, stern, overly serious, or otherwise anything other that pointing out that "discussion" was acceptable here.
No emotion was sent along with either of these two comments.
Thank you.

Lexi_so_flyy? Please excuse the interruption to your page.
kevinsonicwhat (2 stories) (50 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-30)
well sorry! I confuse words. I meant discuss like fighting. I know discuss is good for us, but I meant fighting. I didn't want to say fighting because people may start to hate me. I just want peace. 😨 some people in this world are too hard minded to believe in peace. Sometimes we have to reasort to this saying- Fight fire with fire.

When I read your comment, I felt like your angry or just serious with me. I don't like that feeling. Creeps me out, and makes me mad.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-29)
kevinsonicwhat? Discussion is not a problem. That is part of what this site is for, to DISCUSS the things that we can not safely do in other avenues of our lives.
It is the FIGHTING that needs to end.
Discussion and debate is healthy and can cause SOME people to learn easier than some other forms of teaching.
Thank you.
kevinsonicwhat (2 stories) (50 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-27)
Can you all please stop discussing? Please we are here to help not to fight. If you want to discuss please go to email. Everyone has different opinions and we should respect them.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-27)
Shaolin, wasn't Anandha that said it... It was Shinigami0 that attempted to draw a correlation as to why you used the different terms...

I've moved on from that one and asked two more questions and I'd like to add a third... Let me quote you first and then I'll ask my question...

Some members discussed Christ and the story of the Crucifixion and this was part of one your replies...

"This to me means that some of his accounts of the miracles performed were exaggerated by people. Exaggeration is natural for people who really look up to someone.
However it was not His fault that people made up ludicrous stories about him. He came to do what he had to do and the people rejected him simply because he spoke against the Pharisees and the Sadducees. I am well aware that those posts were not about me, though take a look at them and stop and think, realize I have my reasons for what I do."

It's the last sentence I have a question about... Do you mean to imply you are being persecuted as Jesus Christ was? That is the 'implication' I 'read' from your statement... Is that what you meant?

So now you have 3 questions from me... Could you please answer them? Thank You. (If you wish I will gather them all together in one post to make them easier to find.)


Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-27)
Rook, Ananda didn't have to clarify it for me, but tried to on her own accord. I was answering emails when she posted it. However, Ananda wasn't correct in what I meant. I had just used two terms to name the same thing. Sorry for any misunderstanding.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-26)

I have asked for clarification and or what you mean and either you were distracted from answering or you ignored my question until I brought it over to your 'story'. I was fine with that, I got an answer... One I did not quite understand so I asked for clarification (this is the whole Intelligent Nature /Intelligent Mass discussion) and it was not you who clarified it, another member posted what they thought you may mean and then you said (paraphrasing here) Yes, that's it... Now you begin to see the truth. I'll admit that what they said allowed me to see where you may be coming from, it did not convince me that you were correct. So now I read the following... (and I quote you)

"I don't mince words, and I'm sorry if you perceive what I say in the wrong way. Maybe ask what I mean when something is not clear, or ask why I mention binding or blinding so much. I answer people's questions and present help in one form or another when it's due, and I only mention anything anyone ever sees as something I "have no right to do" or "have no power over you with" when those attitudes show, and most of the time they show when my motives or claims as to what or who I am, not whether what I say is true. Whether or not you agree doesn't mean you're right or wrong, it's just your opinion." There are some things I'd like to either point out and/ or ask about in this quote from you... If I may...

"I don't mince words, and I'm sorry if you perceive what I say in the wrong way."

Many of us here do not mince words, nor do we want to be perceived the wrong way, but in my first paragraph I gave an example in which it took another member 'clarifying the point you were trying to make before you said something like... Yes that's it... You begin to see the truth...

"Maybe ask what I mean when something is not clear, or ask why I mention binding or blinding so much. I answer people's questions and present help in one form or another when it's due,"

I have done so... And to get you to answer the question I had to bring it to you... This may have been due to you be distracted... Or perhaps you were trying to ignore it... Either way when an answer was finally given I had to ask for further clarification because the original term used was changed in your answer... And when I asked about that I believe you said...Tomato//Tamhato... Which is not an answer to me, this situation is the same I mentioned above and it took another member 'guessing' at your meaning to bring any understanding to the concept of why you would use to different terms (Nature vs Mass) to describe the same thing.

Which brings me to this...

"and I only mention anything anyone ever sees as something I "have no right to do" or "have no power over you with" when those attitudes show, and most of the time they show when my motives or claims as to what or who I am, not whether what I say is true."

What does this mean? I started off with a very long quote... That way nothing is out of context... I have broken this down... Given examples of trying to understand where you are coming from or what you mean (at least for myself) and then I read this... And I re-read it... And read it again and I have no Idea what you are trying to say... So please... What are you trying to say here... What do you mean?

Another Question... You say the site is Bound...Blinded...just what do you mean? Could you please clarify what you have done, so I know what 'effects' I should be looking for to see that it has really happened?


Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
The majority of you who posted in this topic ae nothing more than children wishing to be adults. Learn some respect.

Callie, I'm glad you have such a humble attitude, such goes a long way when learning.
Callie (68 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
Mine? And what of them? I'm human. I claim nothing else. It comes with all the good bad and in-between. I am proud and blessed to be who and what I am. Even when I'm being pissy.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
I am inclined to agree... What a mess. Well, we all know your true colors, so glad I proved my point.
Callie (68 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
At this point I feel bad for the original author of this article.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
I know I said I would stop, but I don't want people assuming ludicrous things about me. The closest thing I said to "shooting lightning" was a massive static discharge of static. Don't bring your foolish assumptions into this. End that right there, and I talk to people over the internet in a way I see fit. And by the way you present yourself I'd be the same in real life if I ever had the misfortune of meeting you.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
To be honest I would not care to know a kid like you who thinks that he can shoot lightning. You are a big joke.

Refrain from addressing me like I do you. Mind your business.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
Rashidah, this is a public website, and as long as anything is stated on the website, its EVERYONE'S business. And naΓ―ve? Do you even know me? Do you know me? You know nOTHING about me so stop with your idiotic assuming, it makes you seem so much more close minded than I hope you are. As your not worth it, and shown by several instances you can't keep your temper in bay over the internet, I'll end this discussion right now. Good day.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
And here we go, my work is done. Everyone, show your true colors.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
And by the way rashidah, I didn't assume it, someone else told me that, I just went with it cause your not worth scanning. Oh well, one mistake that honestly means nothing.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
Rashidah, mind your language. There are children here, and that isn't appropriate for them. Look at me, a 13 year old. Learn to control your temper, as a "big, wise, smart,mature" adult. Please.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
Devilbaby, otherwise known as rashidah...

You are entirely wrong about what I think, which leads me to the fact you can't see past my veils and illusions. I have not once lead anyone astray, all there ever is is DISAGREEMENT. Perception fuels opinion, opinion fuels though patterns, thought patterns fuel actions, see where I'm going? Your THOUGHTS don't change REALITY. If it's all to much fantasy for you all, fine, I'll go against everything I am, everything I ever put forth in keeping my word to never dull down truth, and I'll speak in the terms you all use to make your seemingly, to the unaware, that is, oh so profound knowledge heard. From here on out, I'll just play the human. But I'll tell you, I'm only doing it because I know you guys want to help, even though you can't bear to hear reality as it is, and you don't admit your gods failed you.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
'In the Story (if that makes you accept it better) of Jesus, he performs extraordinary acts. When he is brought before the judges, he does not, or could not, provide proof, for his own reasons. He is therefore crucified.'

This to me means that some of his accounts of the miracles performed were exaggerated by people. Exaggeration is natural for people who really look up to someone.
However it was not His fault that people made up ludicrous stories about him. He came to do what he had to do and the people rejected him simply because he spoke against the Pharisees and the Sadducees

I am well aware that those posts were not about me, though take a look at them and stop and think, realize I have my reasons for what I do. Ananda spoke the highest truth I've yet to see on this site, my resolve to help completely renders my ability to harm useless. My will is to help, even if my claims of who I am or what I can do are right or wrong. Stop focusing on that, focus on the good advice I give. The "wars" against me are started because people overlook my accurate advise and instead gang up on me about what I am or what powers I have. Powers aside, I'm clearly intelligent.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
I agree that that's what works, however that falls into them not wanting to hear the truth exactly as it is. I do not mince words, I do not present anything other than the absolute truth.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
Just to "bump" my thing back to the top... -_-

Shaolin, since your offline, I need to say that your method of talking to these people is horrid, and would NEVER work. To most people, you just randomly come here, say your a void being and anyone who debates with you you end up binding them. Is anyone EVER going to listen to you like that? You could atleast build up respect and everything, but instead you expect them to just fall in line. NOT going to happen. You need to reform your ways of talking to people... No offense, just an opinion...
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
DevilBaby said:
"I have been visiting this site for nearly a year now. I have seen many people come and go. I joined only to comment on this conversation,"
She only joined to comment. Pay attention, read slower, but for heavens sake, don't chase off another "would be" with a torch and pitchfork.

Where you say this:
"Therefore, I repeat can we stop wasting our energy on this and focus on helping people?"
Well, that's very good advice BUT why did it take six paragraphs?

Lord knows, I don't want to inflame, but there's wisdom in silence, folks. When you, and this means most everyone, see a disagreement or debate, do not immediately feel you have to jump in and stop anything. More of these debates have turned into wars for that reason alone. So many times I've had it done to me, or heard it done to others.
That is rude, you aren't helping. Sure you'll say "they were being rude first" and "it made the atmosphere so hateful". Well, nobody's holding your face to the screen and forcing you to read are they? NO! If it bothers you so much, don't follow the thread, go on to something else.
THEY ARE WORDS ON A SCREEN, NOT YELLING IN YOU ACTUAL EARS. GET OVER YOUR DELICATE WAYS, pass it on by, it's none of your business. No it's not! You have to stop being so nosey everyone.
And yes it is a public site, but if it upsets you, that's your fault for reading it, so just shut up about it for heavens sake.
Now I'm guilty of the long screed too, and I really hate that most of all.

Try using it as a mantra,

"It's none of my business,
It's none of my business,
It's none of my business."
😐 😐 😐

Don't make me turn this car back around just as I'm driving away, because dammit I will...
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
'In the Story (if that makes you accept it better) of Jesus, he performs extraordinary acts. When he is brought before the judges, he does not, or could not, provide proof, for his own reasons. He is therefore crucified.'

This to me means that some of his accounts of the miracles performed were exaggerated by people. Exaggeration is natural for people who really look up to someone.
However it was not His fault that people made up ludicrous stories about him. He came to do what he had to do and the people rejected him simply because he spoke against the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

But he was not the first light worker nor would he be the last (especially to be scorned and rejected.

I am gathering notes right now on the roles of light workers for my blog. If anyone wants an input they can email. It will be nice to hear other thoughts on this. ❀
Callie (68 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-24)
Well, they (The Romans) crucified lots of prophets, in several countries (including druids in Britian) etc. It was a generalized punishment for the time for criminals, and this criminality applied to any religious figure who went against the religion of the state (worshipping the State Gods and then later, the Emperor).

So, no, you don't need to believe in the particularly well known incident described in the biblical texts, but there are quite a few surviving dry, boring Roman records of other prophets, healers, sages, seers, and etc that also got the same punishment.

It does bring to the surface a rather valid point, and brings into clarity - at least for me - what Ananda meant by that very short sentence.

It is obvious that Shaolin has a far different viewpoint than quite a few people on this site. So far in my VERY brief time here everyone has been very open-minded about accepting viewpoints -- but not so open minded that their brains fall out - as it were. They will offer counterpoints, suggestions, and at times, ask hard questions.

It does not appear to me that people are doing this because they feel the person is necessarily wrong or 'making stuff up'. To think that, in this sort of environment in particular, is a bit ludicrous - especially when you have people here channeling, travelling, calling from the Akasha, etc.

The impression I receive is that, from a group of people who NEED to be skeptical, they are looking for something that fits with their personal lexicon of how they describe the world. Some people define 'meditate' and 'pray' as two different words. Others realize they are mildly connected (in purpose - say 'to find peace or intuit an answer' as opposed to in method - asking a Divine Entity or seeking within yourself). When you're dealing with more than one person besides yourself, there can be a great deal of dialogue back and forth to get to the truth of what someone is trying to express -- especially since language, and written language in particular without the accompanying cadence of voice and expression of face, is so incomplete in transmitting an idea that they guess that you can only get 35% or so of the meaning behind a written sentence versus hearing the person say it to you, face to face.

The particulars of many people's belief systems here are not based wholly on blind faith. Many people here need to be just as hard on themselves and their own perceptions to make sure what they are experiencing is indeed valid. So they are going to ask questions that need proof that they can process.

The feeling I get from the crucifiction reference is this:

In the Story (if that makes you accept it better) of Jesus, he performs extraordinary acts. When he is brought before the judges, he does not, or could not, provide proof, for his own reasons. He is therefore crucified.

Any individual reading any piece of information is going to absorb that knoweldge, ruminate on it, and either make a judgement or withhold judgement. The point which seems to keep being returned to is a lack of proof -- which though one could claim is no one else's bleeping business -- is coupled with what seems to be a very caustic attitude that smacks of a defense mechanism more than anything else. This leads one to wonder what is being defended *against* when all that has initially happened was someone asked a simple question. Things have escalated in a negative manner repeatedly because the questions were responded to in a negative manner, or in a way that was not understood *and* in a negative manner.

Also I see some behaviours (or for the moment I'll say attempts at behaviours) have been shown that do not fit with this sort of a community at large - primarily touching on the violation of other's psychic free will. For some that borders on 'psychic crime', and is looked at as such. I'm sure many of us have had the need to commit one of our own once or twice and have happily shouldered the consequences, but it isn't something you bring to the coffee-table and discuss in the open, as it were. It is a weight normally borne in private because there are negative connotations attached to it (as it is usually an activity engaged in by people who aren't exactly Lightworkers.)

I didn't think I'd ever need to shield my internet connection, I'll put it that way, to make a comment on a psychic website.

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