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Aliens, Ufo's, Abduction?


I know this is not related to any ghosts, spirits, demons. I am 18 years old and I have been psychic since I was a child. I can see ghosts, hear people's thoughts, feel emotions, etc. But I really wanted to share my alien/ufo/possible abduction? I want to see what you guys think and if you had any experiences like this.

Now I have always believed in aliens and ufo's. When I was about 9 or 10, my father had bought me this new TV, and strange things happening to it. My TV started changing a weird yellow color and weird lines going through it, all of a sudden there's a weird voice out the TV it sounds very deep. I do not know what it was saying or what language it was speaking. I was in my room alone when this happened. Ok I been psychic my whole life. This message came to me and said "Aliens". Now as soon as I heard that I ran out to the living room but did not tell anyone what had happen. That is my very first experience.

My second experience, short, but really creepy. One morning I woke up, I woke up scared, saying to myself "WHERE DID I GO?, WHERE DID I GO?" I really felt like when I was sleeping, I was abducted, now I don't know what happened when I was. But I was very aware they took me, I was gone.

My third experience, was a dream about an alien. My dream was I was in Japan. I was in this restaurant in Japan. I was sitting with one of my friends at the table. All of a sudden I look right behind me, the alien maybe like 10 feet away. My friend told the alien to come over by us. The alien was wearing a black robe and wearing a hood. The alien had a real big shaped head with big black eyes. As the alien was coming closer, everything started to go black in my dream, my dream was ending. I woke up and my back was bent and I felt this weird vibration in my back as my back was bending. I hear this weird creepy voice off to the side telling me "Die".

I see UFO's. One's that change colors like bright neon blue and disappear real fast. I see big giant UFO's which is really scary. My mother sees them a lot too around the area where she lives. We are from Stockton, CA. There is a lot of strange weird UFO's. I actually had a couple of visions of real aliens. Some are really thin and pale white with really huge heads. Another vision I had was this alien, it didn't have a really big head like normal size with eyes like a cat and green. I seen these weird tentacle looking object coming out of its mouth and making a hissing sound. Very real, no I am not on drugs or drinking or have a mental disorder.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lexi_so_flyy, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

thewatcherfromzeranus (1 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-27)
First, we know that the Greys are telepathic and they exhibit psychokinesis. Or it's rumored as such. We also hear about abduction cases such as yours where the Greys are drawn to humans who also have psychic abilities. Psychics are naturally attracted to others who have the same or similar abilities. I don't find your story outlandish at all. Others may, but most of them have never experienced anything other than a cold or poison ivy. Lexi, you are among the fortunate who have learned by experience that there really are things greater and bigger than the boredom of everyday life. It's a spice to life and it makes living more tolerable. In the end, you will know more about the depths of human existence. There's more than one faction of Greys, and the smaller one is the benign group.

For those who can't figure out what they're doing here, perhaps they are from our future, from our race, from our planet. Look and see what human kind eventually does to the human race. At every turn you hear stories by abductees about genetic experimentation, hybrids and the like. Perhaps they are us and they're now trying to fix a boat load of mistakes--our mistakes.
Timfaraos (426 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-11)
Read the many stories on internet, that aliens are demons in disguise, to get your trust! Because when you say: "In the name of Jesus Christ, go away!" they panic and flee LOLOL! Demons!
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-24)
I blelive this aliens are like people more advanced or not the have good and bad moods some kill some don't and the government knows qbout them and doesn't want us to know fear might rage on but thier are creating hybrids but we only know so much like what's behind a black hole or if its a gate way to diffrent universis or how many planits tgat are liveable (diffrent organisms)
So much to know 😕 😕 😕
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-24)
I was telepathically talking to my friend when I accidentally picked up on thier frequencies they talk telepathically they were called crystals or something itwas hard to get
mazab84 (2 stories) (71 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-24)
There are so many I wish I could give you the name you are looking for. There's the tall greys? Annunaki? I could list more but it would be like a guessing game lol. Have you had any personal experiences with et's or inter dimensional et's
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-24)
I don't know the bames its tall and and only attacks if feek threatened I broke my thumb and my auto correctchanges and doesnt
mazab84 (2 stories) (71 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-24)
Not all reptilians are bad. The ones that are here are of an oppressive nature absolutely. Your right about the references in the bible. But alas there has been so much change, things added and things taken away that it isn't the most reliable source of information as we know it now. The Mayans had some incredible recordings of ET races. I find the whole subject fascinating. Are you familiar with Bashar? An. ET channeled by Daryl anka?
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-24)
Well the aliens are real and some are good some are bad mostly in the bible they mentioned it o forot the names but this might be a reptile or a tall obe forgot the name but both of those are bad but I'm guesding you are a female and if so post me back
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-08)
Did you see the Alien section on the articles page:
I wrote about them there if you are interested.

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