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Real Psychic Experiences

Learn To Accept


I have been having random precognitive dreams for nearly 34 years now.

My teenage and early adulthood years were very difficult for me because discussions on topics such as psychic abilities or experiences were frowned upon. At that time, if a person claimed to have an ability or an encounter, they were usually ridiculed and ignored by accepted circles. I kept my experiences too myself and felt alone for a very long time.

However, recent years have opened new doors for subjects like this one; making it possible for me and people like me to share their stories and support one another. For me, the internet is a great thing!

My story starts in early Jan. 2010. I had a dream of being handed an old fashioned looking airline ticket and the only thing I could see on it was the number eight. I automatically knew this ticket was meant for California and there was a large earthquake coming. I could not figure out what the number eight meant, but I knew it was connected to the earthquake. I explained this dream to my husband and a few close trusted friends. They told me not to think about too much and wait to see what happens. Things were quiet for about six weeks, but I still had the dream in the back of my mind when the radio announced that a 7.2 earthquake stuck the Baja region of southern California. I was staring at the radio with a frozen look on my face.

The next morning, I searched the internet to see exactly where the quake struck. When the google map popped up, the first thing I saw was an Interstate 8 highway symbol! The highway ran straight across the earthquake path where the worst shaking was felt. The mystery of number eight was solved.

In the two months following the earthquake, I had two more dreams; one of them involving the number 102 and another large quake along the San Andreas fault line in sounthern California. Once again, I could not figure out how the number 102 fit into the puzzle.

The year 2010 came to a close quietly. There were no more dreams, nor did I discover the meaning of my mystery number. That all changed on January 13, 2011 when I came across a news article stating that NASA called a press release on December 16, 2010 in San Francisco, Ca. To present findings on a scientific study done over the summer and fall of the 7.2 Baja California earthquake site.

The article stated that at least six earthquake fault lines 165km, (about 100), miles to the north were activated and slippage was detected on faults; such as the San Andreas, Imperial Valley and Elsinore to name a few. It suddenly dawned on me to use a conversion calculator to get the exact distance in miles. 165km is exactly 102 miles! I believe I found the meaning of my number.

Maybe I'm wrong about this and I'm reading too much into the article.

A large earthquake along the San Andreas is a scary thought. If anyone out there has any thoughts or comments about my story, I would really appreciate it. Listening to different view points can sometimes help your own. Thanks for reading everyone.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Day2Day, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Day2Day (1 stories) (31 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
Shaolin, your right and made a good point. I think I just express myself poorly sometimes. What I was really trying too say; is since I have never had an experience about such a large event and for such a long time before, I'm unsure and confused about this premonition.

To me, this is like being on two sides of a fence at the same time. Your logical side is denying and ignoring these confirmations because I really don't want something this big to happen. At the same time, your instinctive side is saying; everything you saw, felt, and confirmed is right. That's why I thought feedback would be good because outside opinions can sometimes help. Thanks for getting back to me.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
To be honest odds don't mean a thing when you know something even though you never had any indication of the bits of knowledge before your dreams... Just some food for thought:)
Day2Day (1 stories) (31 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
Sorry everyone. I edited a comment and ended up with two responses, please skip one. I'm a little older and not great with computers!
Day2Day (1 stories) (31 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
Thanks Shaolin and lordzero. I really appreciate the feedback.

Shaolin your idea is interesting, I will give it some thought. Your absolutely right about the factors. The mathematical odds of seeing those two numbers, in two separate dreams, connecting these events and confirming these numbers are next to impossible.

When I came across the news article and figured out the number 102, it bothered me to the point that I opened myself up to ridicule and sent an email to the USGS to express my concerns in the most dignified way I knew how.

It was very hard for me to do that because I know people out there will think there is something wrong with you, or you need attention, or maybe your just plain lying. I sent the email because I felt saying something was better than nothing. They probabbly read it and threw it in a trash can.

Lordzero you are right too. If this event does or does not happen it is beyond me. I'm dealing with this whole thing pretty well. I got 34 years behind me with this stuff.

I think what I am feeling is confusion, because I have never dealt with something on a scale as large as this before. I really want to be wrong about this one; problem is it doesn't feel or appear wrong.

That's why getting feedback is so important to me. Thanks again.
Day2Day (1 stories) (31 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
Thanks Shaolin and lordzero. I really appreciate the feedback.

Shaolin your idea is interesting, I will give it some thought. Your absolutely right about the factors. The mathematical odds of seeing those two numbers, in two separate dreams, connecting these events are next to impossible.

When I came across the news article and figured out the number 102, it bothered me to the point that I opened myself up to ridicule and sent an email to the USGS to express my concerns in the most dignified way I knew how.

It was very hard for me to do that because I know people out there will think there is something wrong with you, or you need attention, or maybe your just plain lying. I sent the email because I felt saying something was better than nothing. They probabbly read it and threw it in a trash can.

Lordzero you are right too. If this event does or does not happen it is beyond me. I'm dealing with this whole thing pretty well. I got 34 years behind me with this stuff.

I think what I am feeling is confusion, because I have never dealt with something on a scale as large as this before. I really want to be wrong about this one; problem is it doesn't feel or appear wrong.

That's why getting feedback was so important to me. Thanks again.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
well the very fact it was supported by two undeniable factors proves your actively clairavoyant. I suggest tapping into this to make it an ability you can call on whenever. Of course it's up to you if you do or not, but it's possible you may need it some day to help you solve a problem or do the right thing.
lordzerox333 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
Wow, that is quite extraordinary, all I know is that try not to worry too much about this because it either happens in reality or doesn't, and it really has nothing to do with you foreseeing it.

Just try and think of it as a gift of extraordinary intelligence (:

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