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The Other Side Is Watching Me, I Can Feel It


I gained a new ability that I been having for a few months. Ever since one of my best friends died (not saying how, that's private only to my knowledge), I could sense when someone or something is in the room. This is also the moment when I became a medium. Recently, I experienced something that I did not know before. Actually, a couple that I want to share now.

Six months from now, my dad bought this beautiful house in my neighborhood. I got a room across from my dad's office (he works from home). My room had a walk-in closet, which I always wanted. When I first walked in there, I did not sense anything bad there. But, around September, I felt something. I sensed that someone was in there, but invisible to sight. I then had a vision of who that spirit might be. It was a girl, about 7 or 8 years old, wearing a white formal dress, like she was at a wedding. Then I knew that she died in the closet, but her family knew about it and cleaned the closet up so nothing could be seen that could be led back to the death. That was the only time I saw her in a human-like form. From then to now, the only communication I can get from her is a flickering light and taps on my arm when I'm in bed. Sometimes, I can walk into my room and feel no presence at all. I can sometimes see where the sprit is located. A way that I tell her that I know she is there is that I say something that her parents might of said, like "Rest in peace", every time I close the door after getting something.

More recently, my mom's house also has some visitors from the "other side", that I could sense. A dog died by old age, and it is the guardian sprit of my little sister. It (I don't know the gender) watches over my sister when she is in our playroom

I would like some advice and help with this new ability. I would also like opinions about the following:

Should I practice this ability enough where I can sense more things? And if yes, what could I sense?

Is this a common ability?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kristina, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-08)
Hopfully tomorrow, I will have a full update of what is happening now and a brief story of Sarah's life. The comment strand is getting a bit long, so it's good to do an update now.

With Sarah, nothing from her yet. I did see some activity when I was taking a shower earlier in the bathroom 😉 It was probably Sarah trying to entertain me:)
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-07)
It's nice that Sarah feels safe enough to show herself to T. Maybe there is a reason for that to happen. I'm sure when Sarah is ready she will go into the light. Especially if she is exposed to your positive energy.
Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-05)
Got news! My dad's girlfriend, (lets call her T, private reasons) saw a shadow running around her bedroom. She said the shadow was about the size of a 7 or 8 year old girl. I told her about Sarah and her life story, and I think Sarah may need more than one person to help her. I am not sure though.
I am shocked and proud of myself that I convinced Sarah to interact with other people and things.

With Sarah and her worries of going to the light, I did not make much progress. She is still scared, but she did know that her mom is gone from Earth, and maybe went to Hell (No offence to anyone not of my religion), but I think too that either after or before Sarah died, her mom warned her about going into the light. I'm also glad that she is more active around me. To me, that's a good sign.

I hope she does not turn bad anytime soon. She is SOO close!
Usagii-chan15 (4 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-02)
The possibility of a (possible) Demon in heaven? That could cause drastic things to happen...
Maybe that's what she's scared of?
Possibly you should ask her if her mom ever said anything to her, like what she would do if she got in the light? If she had ever over heard her mother talk about something strange...
Perhaps they were accidentally leaking information about something, and Sarah was there, and they decided to kill her, skipping from the abusive state.
Okay...My mind is being weird, just ask her more questions, It's possible that her mother won't stay gone for long either (Assuming Heaven can get evil spirits out if she was evil at all)... And there might be the father some where. And it's beneficial to understand the levels of her fear to determine how to get her to heaven.
Sorry for rambling on nonsense...
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-02)
Wow, never expected that to happen. Maybe there is something else that is scaring Sarah now. I wonder what that may be. Let's wait and see if Sarah tells you what it is. Maybe another spirit needs to pass over. Great job in helping the mom pass over. You have a great ability.
Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-02)
Actually, I called an angel to help Sarah pass over. This is where she wanted me to see this too, so I started to see what was going on from her eyes. Sarah almost went in, but, her mom came running in and pulled Sarah away from the light, and instead of Sarah going into the light, the mom went in. The light went away, and Sarah is now more scared then I ever saw her. I;m hoping to get another angel to help her reach the light, and this time, no mean parents are getting in her way.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)

I'm glad to hear that Sarah did not mind about the posting of her life story. Also, feel free to tell her that like you I only want to help her find peace and happiness. And to free her from her tormented bondage. I do not think that Sarah would like another spirit called to help her. And, calling on spirits or entities of any kind can be very dangerous without the knowledge of protection and being in control of the spirit or entity. Remember, it's easy to invite them but it is not easy to rid them from yourself. If you want, you could ask God to send an angel to help her move on. Maybe the mom will follow her into the light too.
Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-27)
I am avoiding the mom any way I can. She only appeared twice so far, and both times scared Sarah away. I can tell that the mom is a demon, and I already tried to erase her from here, but she came back.
Becky666 (124 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-27)
I agree with Geo1990 there are things that have to be done and if they are not done it becomes unnatural... Also I would caution you to beware of the mother
Geo1990 (39 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-26)
taking Sarah to heaven* or where ever else you might believe
Geo1990 (39 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-26)
talk to sarah, see how she feels, but she does need to understand that she can't stay where she is for too long.

As for the Angel, just search his name by any means you feel is right, and the name you come across will be the right name for you to use. If Sarah agrees, ask her to be there with you, out loud call the angels name, with your eyes closed, and imagine him/her taking to heaven
Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-26)
I don't know about that. Also, I never called to the angel of death before. I don't know how, either. 😢 Also, I don't know how Sarah will react to that. She trusts me, and I don't want to give her a wrong impression.
Geo1990 (39 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-26)
if you feel the need too, I'm sure you can call upon the angel of death (this angel has many names according to different sources). It is this angel who will ultimately guide the soul to its destination. I hope you can solve the puzzle! I have faith in you!
Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-26)

I think it's about her mom that's preventing her appearence to me. I keep finding myself with scratches on my arms and "distant yells" from what I believe to be the mom. I could not make out what she was saying, but I could sense negativity. The mom is probobly preventing Sarah from visiting me. Also, she did not mind me posting her life story on here. She even wanted to know about the living here on the website.


I agree with the second part. I found Sarah a few weeks ago, and I hope to ease her into the stage where she can move on without fear. Sarah barely knows that she is dead. All I can do for her is to help her reach Heaven, where God can take care of her. 😊
Geo1990 (39 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-25)
you have a gift, if you can see one, you can see them all as long as they let you. Do not let them play with your head and Only allow them to walk in and out of your presence as you need them. Some are out to help you, others not so much, you can never be sure so always make sure you surround yourself with white light!

To me it seems like the little girl needs help moving on, someone once told me to make someone move on, they need to look up. If a lost spirit stays here too long, they can then turn out to be dangerous. Do what you think you can to help her move on, make her look up, you will know, you will feel something light up inside you as she moves to the next part of her journey.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-25)

You might be right. Or, she may be scared because you told me and everyone reading this post about her. I'd give her some time to herself for now. Also, we don't know what her mothers intentions are.
Lets wait and see.
Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-25)
This is weird. Usually, Sarah comes out during early dawn when my dad and sister are asleep. I have a feeling she's frightened of something bad, so bad thta she does not want to come out or even talk to me.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)

First of all, you did very well. The mist in the living room is Sarah. Your ability to hear and see her and others is getting stronger. You know, at any time that you feel uncomfortable with the spirits, even Sarah, you can just tell them to go away. I would never want to put you in a uncomfortable situation. Always remember to pray when dealing with the spirits. It will keep you safe. I believe the mom comes to Sarah for a reason. Maybe she has something to say to Sarah. The fact that Sarah asked you if you have been to heaven means that she does not truly know that she is dead. I think after some more praying with her maybe Sarah will eventually go into the light.
Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)
I also convinced Sarah to come out of the closet. When I'm home alone, every now and then I see a mist-like figure running around the living room. I also think that she is confused about the light. In the closet that I found her in, there is a light on the ceiling that flickers once in a while, which Sarah used to communicate with me before. I did tell her that there is a difference between the teo, even though I did not see the light to Heaven before, and not for a long time.
Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)
I got to her a few minutes ago, and last night, and got some news.
Good news: Both of us are Christian, but she did not know how to pray until I taught her. She saw the light again while I showed her, but, she still refused to pass on.

Bad news: She did see the light after she died, but she was scared to go into it. I did explain to her that she will be safer there, and she would not have to be afraid of her parents in Heaven. After a few minutes of questions, like "Have you been there?" (I kind of figured that she will ask me that, but I'm not dead yet.), she calmed down about it...
Until Sarah's mom came into the room, and Sarah fled to the closet. Scary experiance 😨 Luckly, I did not get anytthing bad from the mom, which I have no clue what that was about.

Ghost experiance aside, I did talk to her about the light and everything you suggested, and, I think after a little practice, she can make it to the other side. 😊
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-20)

Since Sarah trusts you there are a few things you need to do for her.
First, Sarah is still afraid to come out of the closet. She still fears her parents. And, I don't blame her. She needs to go onto the next spiritual plain. You can help her with that.
The next time you see her tell her that you know that she had a rough life. Remind her that she has passed on. Ask her of she knows how to pray. If she does than you can pray with her. (I mean no offense if you are one who does not pray) After the both of you are done than tell her that you want her go into the light when she sees it. She will be safe there.
Sometimes spirits just want someone to hear there life story. And, I think you were the first one who heard it and the first to actually care about her. But, Sarah needs to pass over into a higher plain where she will be safe forever. She should not stay in this realm in fear of her parents in a closet.
I hope you understand and are willing to help her. If not maybe you can try to convince her to do it by herself. Let me know what happens.
Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-20)
I did find three of those things earlier this morning, around 6:30:
1) Her name is Sarah.
2) To my understanding, her parents were abusive, and she was forced to stay in the closet in my room. I'll post pictures when I get the chance.
3) I asked her why she was with me. Sarah's response: "I'm scared", and she started to cry.
Now I see that she was scared of everyone else, until she found me. She is stuck here on Earth, and since her parents are dead too, she does not want to pass.

As of typing this, I think her parents are here. 😢
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-20)
Your welcome. I'm glad I was able to help. The little girl trusts you enough now to begin talking to you. Now is the time to find out what her name is and to tell her that she has passed on. Tell her that she can hang around you as long as she behaves herself. Also, ask her if she is your spirit guide. If she says no, ask her why she is there. Take care and say hi to her for me.
Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-19)
Also, my sister and father are in the same room. My sister is into a movie on the TV, and my dad is asleep. I guess this is her opportunity to talk to me while I'm on here.

Eagleclaw, I'm with you all the way.😊 Thank you for the helpful hints.
Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-19)
Big Update! As I am writing this, the girl spirit/ghost is watching. Every now and and then I hear something in my ear, which I think is her talking to me. And, I don't have to speak to talk to her. All I have to do is use telepathy! (An ability where you can talk to others by thinking.)
By the way, she wants me to tell you all that she says "hi" 😊
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-19)
I still stand by my first comment to you. It is true that there are many ghosts and spirits watching us everyday. But, this girl is interacting with you. She is not just watching.
And, after some thought, I do not believe that your ability is as common as others may believe. I'm also proud of you for believing in yourself and your ability. Remember, the only limits you have are those you put on yourself.
Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-19)
Well,my dad is not seeing her, and my little sister does not seem to notice either. I still think it is a uncommon ability. None of my family members have the ability, so I am special tha I have it, being a distant generation child.
Who knows, maybe one of my distant ancestors once had it, then it did not appear until I found it.
Ruth (4 stories) (156 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-18)
Firstly, the other side is watching everyone not just yourself. You are not special.
There are so many ghosts and spirits walking around us during our normal every day life. Our ancestors and guides and strangers are all around us.
About half the population in the world have the ability to be mediums and the other half are psychics. People who are psychics are unable to be mediums. Mediums are both.
Ruth - medium

Kristina (4 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
[at] Eagleclaw
I agree with what you said. This ghost girl has beenc quite active latly, playing with the light and runnning around the room, I guess playing and trying to entertain me. I have some thought that this could be a demon trying to trick me, but, time will tell 😊
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
In my opinion the little girl comes to you because you are the only one who knows that she exists. The tapping on your arm is her because she knows that her family does not want to recognize her death for whatever reasons.
It's totally up to you if you want to see more things. I'm not sure how common this ability is but I know that the spirits/ghosts only come to those that they know are sensitive to them and their energy fields. Sometimes they know who will convey a message to the living too. And, many times that's the reason behind the visit. And, sometimes a spirit/ghost just needs some help from someone who can.

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